295 resultados para 320207 Autoimmunity


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Objetivo: investigar la agregación de autoinmunidad en familiares en primer grado (FPG) de probandos con Síndrome de Sjogren (SS) con poliautoinmunidad y autoinmunidad familiar. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal en el cual se incluyeron 14 familias de mujeres con SS. Se realizó un análisis genético a través del cálculo de riesgos relativos para cada enfermedad autoinmune (EAI). La agregación familiar se calculó para los FPG, teniendo en cuenta la prevalencia de la enfermedad en cada familia y en la población general. Resultados: Se analizaron un total de 112 individuos, con una media de edad de 51.7 años ± 12.9. Veintidós individuos de los FPG tuvieron al menos una EAI (28.2%). La prevalencia de poliautoinmunidad fue del 93% y 6.4% en probandos y FPG, respectivamente. Se observaron valores que soportaron la agregación familiar para varias EAIs, entre ellas púrpura trombocitopénica idiopática, granulomatosis con poliangeiitis, síndrome antifosfolipídico, lupus eritematoso sistémico y artritis reumatoide. Discusión: estos resultados indican que las EAIs se agregan entre familias con SS, sugiriendo un origen común entre ellas. La elección de fenotipos clínicamente relevantes representa una nueva aproximación a la medicina personalizada en autoinmunidad.


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Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el desarrollo de hipotiroidismo autoinmune (HA) en una cohorte de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), y analizar la información actual en cuanto a la prevalencia e impacto de la enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la autoinmunidad tiroidea en pacientes con LES. Métodos: Este fue un estudio realizado en dos pasos. Primero, un total de 376 pacientes con LES fueron evaluados sistemáticamente por la presencia de: 1) HA confirmado, 2) positividad para anticuerpos tiroperoxidasa/tiroglobulina (TPOAb/TgAb) sin hipotiroidismo, 3) hipotiroidismo no autoinmune, y 4) pacientes con LES sin hipotiroidismo ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb. Se construyeron modelos multivariados y árboles de regresión y clasificación para analizar los datos. Segundo, la información actual fue evaluada a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RLS). Se siguieron las guías PRISMA para la búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, SciELO y Librería Virtual en Salud. Resultados: En nuestra cohorte, la prevalencia de HA confirmado fue de 12% (Grupo 1). Sin embargo, la frecuencia de positividad para TPOAb y TgAb fue de 21% y 10%, respectivamente (Grupo 2). Los pacientes con LES sin HA, hipotiroidismo no autoinmune ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb constituyeron el 40% de la corhorte. Los pacientes con HA confirmada fueron estadísticamente significativo de mayor edad y tuvieron un inicio tardío de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo (ORA 6.93, IC 95% 1.98-28.54, p= 0.004), la presencia de Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) (ORA 23.2, IC 95% 1.89-359.53, p= 0.015) y la positividad para anticuerpos anti-péptido cíclico citrulinado (anti-CCP) (ORA 10.35, IC 95% 1.04-121.26, p= 0.047) se asociaron con la coexistencia de LES-HA, ajustado por género y duración de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo y el SS fueron confirmados como factores predictivos para LES-HA (AUC del modelo CART = 0.72). En la RSL, la prevalencia de ETA en LES varío entre 1% al 60%. Los factores asociados con esta poliautoinmunidad fueron el género femenino, edad avanzada, tabaquismo, positividad para algunos anticuerpos, SS y el compromiso articular y cutáneo. Conclusiones: La ETA es frecuente en pacientes con LES, y no afecta la severidad del LES. Los factores de riesgo identificados ayudarán a los clínicos en la búsqueda de ETA. Nuestros resultados deben estimular políticas para la suspensión del tabaquismo en pacientes con LES.


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Introducción: el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es considerado una enfermedad de alto costo. La expresión clínica de la enfermedad depende de la ubicación geografía y la etnicidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue el calcular los costos ambulatorios relacionado al LES en una cohorte colombiana, identificar los predictores de costos y comparar nuestro resultados con otras poblaciones. Métodos: Se realizó una aproximación de tipo prevalencia en 100 pacientes LES en quienes se evaluaron los costos directos médicos, directos no médicos, indirectos e intangibles. Todos los costos médicos fueron evaluados usando una metodología abajo hacia arriba. Los costos directos fueron valorados desde una perspectiva social usando una metodología de micro-costeo. Los costos indirectos se evaluaron mediante una aproximación de capital humano, y los costos intangibles calculados a partir de los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC). Se analizaron los datos por medio de un análisis multivariado. Para comparaciones con otras poblaciones todos los costos fueron expresados como la razón entre los costos y producto interno bruto nacional per cápita. Resultados: La media de costos totales fue 13.031±9.215 USD (ajustados por el factor de conversión de paridad del poder adquisitivo), lo cual representa el 1,66 del PIB per capita de Colombia. Los costos directos son el 64% de los costos totales. Los costos médicos representan el 80% de los costos directos,. Los costos indirectos fueron el 10% y los costos intangibles el 25% de los costos totales. Los medicamentos representaron el 45% de los costos directos. Mayores costos se relacionaron con el estrato socioeconómico, seguro médico privado, AVAC, alopecia, micofenolato mofetilo, y terapia anticoagulante. Los costos directos ajustados de los pacientes con LES en Colombia fueron mayores que en Norte América y en Europa. Conclusiones: el LES impone una carga económica importante para la sociedad. Los costos relacionados con la atención médica y AVAC fueron los principales contribuyentes al alto costo de la enfermedad. Estos resultados pueden ser referencia para determinar políticas en salud pública así como comparar el gasto en salud de forma internacional.


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Introducción: El tratamiento con antagonistas del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (anti TNF) ha impactado el pronóstico y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR) positivamente, sin embargo, se interroga un incremento en el riesgo de desarrollar melanoma. Objetivo: Conocer la asociación entre el uso de anti TNF y el desarrollo de melanoma maligno en pacientes con AR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE LIBRARY y LILACS para ensayos clínicos, estudios observacionales, revisiones y meta-análisis en pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de AR y manejo con anti TNF (Certolizumab pegol, Adalimumab, Etanercept, Infliximab y Golimumab). Resultados: 37 estudios clínicos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para el meta-análisis, con una población de 16567 pacientes. El análisis de heterogeneidad no fue significativo (p=1), no se encontró diferencia en el riesgo entre los grupos comparados DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.001; -0.001). Un análisis adicional de los estudios en los que se reportó al menos 1 caso de melanoma (4222 pacientes) tampoco mostró diferencia en el riesgo DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.004 ; -0.003). Conclusión: En la evidencia disponible a la fecha no encontramos asociación significativa entre el tratamiento con anti TNF en pacientes con diagnóstico de AR y el desarrollo de melanoma cutáneo.


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Antecedentes: El interés en las enfermedades autoinmunes (EA) y su desenlace en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) han incrementado debido al reto clínico que suponen para el diagnóstico y manejo, debido a que la mortalidad en UCI fluctúa entre el 17 – 55 %. El siguiente trabajo representa la experiencia de un año de nuestro grupo en un hospital de tercer nivel. Objetivo: Identificar factores asociados a mortalidad particulares de los pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes que ingresan a una UCI, de un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: El uso de análisis de componentes principales basado en el método descriptivo multivariado y análisis de múltiple correspondencia fue realizado para agrupar varias variables relacionadas con asociación significativa y contexto clínico común. Resultados: Cincuenta pacientes adultos con EA con una edad promedio de 46,7 ± 17,55 años fueron evaluados. Los dos diagnósticos más comunes fueron lupus eritematoso sistémico y esclerosis sistémica, con una frecuencia de 45% y 20% de los pacientes respectivamente. La principal causa de admisión en la UCI fue la infección seguido de actividad aguda de la EA, 36% y 24% respectivamente. La mortalidad durante la estancia en UCI fue del 24%. El tiempo de hospitalización antes de la admisión a la UCI, el choque, soporte vasopresor, ventilación mecánica, sepsis abdominal, Glasgow bajo y plasmaféresis fueron factores asociados con mortalidad. Dos fenotipos de variables fueron definidos relacionadas con tiempo en la UCI y medidas de soporte en UCI, las cuales fueron asociadas supervivencia y mortalidad. Conclusiones: La identificación de factores individuales y grupos de factores por medio del análisis de componentes principales permitirá la implementación de medidas terapéutica de manera temprana y agresiva en pacientes con EA en la UCI para evitar desenlaces fatales.


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Multicellularity evolved well before 600 million years ago, and all multicellular animals have evolved since then with the need to protect against pathogens. There is no reason to expect their immune systems to be any less sophisticated than ours. The vertebrate system, based on rearranging immunoglobulin-superfamily domains, appears to have evolved partly as a result of chance insertion of RAG genes by horizontal transfer. Remarkably sophisticated systems for expansion of immunological repertoire have evolved in parallel in many groups of organisms. Vaccination of invertebrates against commercially important pathogens has been empirically successful, and suggests that the definition of an adaptive and innate immune system should no longer depend on the presence of memory and specificity, since these terms are hard to define in themselves. The evolution of randomly-created immunological repertoire also carries with it the potential for generating autoreactive specificities and consequent autoimmune damage.While invertebrates may use systems analogous to ours to control autoreactive specificities, they may have evolved alternative mechanisms which operate either at the level of individuals-within-populations rather than cells-within-individuals, by linking self-reactive specificities to regulatory pathways and non-self-reactive to effector pathways.


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The postnatal environment, including factors such as weaning and acquisition of the gut microbiota, has been causally linked to the development of later immunological diseases such as allergy and autoimmunity, and has also been associated with a predisposition to metabolic disorders. We show that the very early-life environment influences the development of both the gut microbiota and host metabolic phenotype in a porcine model of human infants. Farmpiglets were nursed by their mothers for 1 day, before removal to highly controlled, individual isolators where they received formula milk until weaning at 21 days. The experiment was repeated, to create two batches, which differed only in minor environmental fluctuations during the first day. At day 1 after birth, metabolic profiling of serum by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated significant, systemic, inter-batch variation which persisted until weaning. However, the urinary metabolic profiles demonstrated that significant inter-batch effects on 3-hydroxyisovalerate, trimethylamine-N-oxide and mannitol persisted beyond weaning to at least 35 days. Batch effects were linked to significant differences in the composition of colonic microbiota at 35 days, determined by 16 S pyrosequencing. Different weaning diets modulated both the microbiota and metabolic phenotype independently of the persistent batch effects. We demonstrate that the environment during the first day of life influences development of the microbiota and metabolic phenotype and thus should be taken into account when interrogating experimental outcomes. In addition, we suggest that intervention at this early time could provide ‘metabolic rescue’ for at-risk infants who have undergone aberrant patterns of initial intestinal colonisation.


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The intestinal tract is a peculiar environment due to its constant contact with the microbiota agents, food antigens and other molecules. Such exposure requires the establishment of important regulatory mechanisms in order to avoid inflammatory response and self aggression. In this context, the GALT plays a very relevant role due to the presence of several different cellular populations which are the main players in this phenomenon. Moreover, it was described a while ago that the oral ingestion of a given molecule is able to induce systemic tolerance to the same molecule when it is used as an immunogen by parenteral route, known as oral tolerance. This observation led researches to use these mechanisms to induce tolerance against cognate antigens of different autoimmune diseases. In this context, in this review we focused on several tolerance inducing mechanisms which are relevant not only for the maintenance of intestinal tract but also for the suppression of T effector cells, such as Th1, Th2 and the newly described Th17 cells. To name a few, CD103(+) dendritic cells, Tr1 cells derived IL-10 secretion, Foxp3 conversion and CD4(+)LAP(+) regulatory cells induction are among the recently described features of the tolerogenic environment of the intestinal tract. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) plays a role both in the induction of Treg and in the differentiation of the IL-17-secreting T cells (Th17) which drive inflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We investigated the role that thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) dependent activation of TGF-beta played in the generation of an encephalitic Th17 response in EAE. Upon immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG(35-55)), TSP-1 deficient (TSP-1(null)) mice and MOG(35-55) TCR transgenic mice that lack of TSP-1 (2D2.TSP-1(null)) exhibited an attenuated form of EAE, and secreted lower levels of IL-17. Adoptive transfer of in vitro-activated 2D2.TSP-1(null) T cells induced a milder form of EAE, independent of TSP-1 expression in the recipient mice. Furthermore, in vitro studies demonstrated that anti-CD3/anti-CD28 pre-activated CD4+ T cells transiently upregulated latent TGF-beta in a TSP-1 dependent way, and such activation of latent TGF-beta was required for the differentiation of Th17 cells. These results demonstrate that TSP-1 participates in the differentiation of Th17 cells through its ability to activate latent TGF-beta, and enhances the inflammatory response in EAE. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work was to analyse C4 genotypes, C4 protein levels, phenotypes and genotypes in patients with the classical form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Fifty-four patients from 46 families (36 female, 18 male; mean age 10.8 years) with different clinical manifestations (31 salt-wasting; 23 simple-virilizing) were studied. Taq I Southern blotting was used to perform molecular analysis of the C4/CYP21 gene cluster and the genotypes were defined according to gene organization within RCCX modules. Serum C4 isotypes were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results revealed 12 different haplotypes of the C4/CYP21 gene cluster. Total functional activity of the classical pathway (CH50) was reduced in individuals carrying different genotypes because of low C4 concentrations (43% of all patients) to complete or partial C4 allotype deficiency. Thirteen of 54 patients presented recurrent infections affecting the respiratory and/or the urinary tracts, none of them with severe infections. Low C4A or C4B correlated well with RCCX monomodular gene organization, but no association between C4 haplotypes and recurrent infections or autoimmunity was observed. Considering this redundant gene cluster, C4 seems to be a well-protected gene segment along the evolutionary process.


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Leptin is involved in the control of energy storage by the body. Low serum leptin levels, as seen in starvation, are associated with impaired inflammatory T cell responses that can be reversed by exogenous leptin. Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia and recurrent infections. Several defects in T cell function have also been described, and allergy, autoimmune disease, and lymphomas or other malignancies can be present. Previous studies in Brazilian CVID patients have shown that, in contrast with mononuclear cells from healthy controls, CVID cells cultured with phytohemagglutinin and added leptin increased the proliferative response and decreased activation-induced apoptosis. Interleukin (IL)-2 and especially IL-4 production also increased significantly, although the effects of exposure to leptin were not observed uniformly in CVID patients. The majority, however, responded in some degree, and some exhibited completely restored values of the four parameters. These remarkable results indicate leptin could be used to improve immune function in these patients. On the other hand, we found no specific correlation between serum leptin levels and the number of infectious events over a 24-month period, presence of autoimmunity, allergies, or cancer in these patients. The results suggest that the absolute value of serum leptin does not determine the clinical behavior of patients or responses to leptin in vitro. Of note is the divergence between serum leptin, response to leptin in vitro, and the presence of autoimmunity, indicating the need to identify the cellular and molecular players involved in the regulation of the immune response by leptin in CVID.


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P>Dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the clearance of apoptotic cells. The removal of apoptotic cells leads to peripheral tolerance, although their role is still not clear. We show that the uptake of apoptotic thymocytes by DCs converts these cells into tolerogenic DCs resistant to maturation by lipopolysaccharide, modulating the production of interleukin-12 and up-regulating the expression of transforming growth factor-beta(1) latency associated peptide. We also observed that DCs pulsed with apoptotic cells in the allogeneic context were more efficient in the expansion of regulatory T cells (Tregs), and that this expansion requires contact between DCs and the T cell. The Tregs sorted from in vitro culture suppressed the proliferation of splenocytes in vitro in a specific and non-specific manner. In the in vivo model, the transfer of CD4+ CD25- cells to Nude mice induced autoimmunity, with cell infiltrate found in the stomach, colon, liver and kidneys. The co-transfer of CD4+ CD25- and CD4+ CD25+ prevented the presence of cell infiltrates in several organs and increased the total cell count in lymph nodes. Our data indicate that apoptotic cells have an important role in peripheral tolerance via induction of tolerogenic DCs and CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ cells that present regulatory functions.


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Streptococcus pyogenes causes severe invasive infections: the post-streptococcal sequelae of acute rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD), acute glomerulonephritis, and uncomplicated pharyngitis and pyoderma. Efforts to produce a vaccine against S. pyogenes began several decades ago, and different models have been proposed. Here, we describe the methodology used in the development of a new vaccine model, consisting of both T and B protective epitopes constructed as synthetic peptides and recombinant proteins. Two adjuvants were tested in an experimental inbred mouse model: a classical Freund`s adjuvant and a new adjuvant (AFCo1) that induces mucosal immune responses and is obtained by calcium precipitation of a proteoliposome derived from the outer membrane of Neisseria meningitides B. The StreptInCor vaccine epitope co-administrated with AFCo1 adjuvant induced mucosal (IgA) and systemic (IgG) antibodies as preferential Th1-mediated immune responses. No autoimmune reactions were observed, suggesting that the vaccine epitope is safe. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most important antigen-presenting cells of the immune system and have a crucial role in T-lymphocyte activation and adaptive immunity initiation. However, DCs have also been implicated in maintaining immunological tolerance. In this study, we evaluated changes in the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T-cell population after co-culture of lymph node cells from BALB/c mice with syngeneic bone marrow-derived DCs. Our results showed an increase in CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T cells after co-culture which occurred regardless of the activation state of DCs and the presence of allogeneic apoptotic cells; however, it was greater when DCs were immature and were pulsed with the alloantigen. Interestingly, syngeneic apoptotic thymocytes were not as efficient as allogeneic apoptotic cells in expanding the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T-cell population. In all experimental settings, DCs produced high amounts of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta. The presence of allogeneic apoptotic cells induced interleukin (IL)-2 production in immature and mature DC cultures. This cytokine was also detected in the supernatants under all experimental conditions and enhanced when immature DCs were pulsed with the alloantigen. CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T-cell expansion during co-culture of lymph node cells with DCs strongly suggested that the presence of alloantigen enhanced the number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in vitro. Our data also suggest a role for both TGF-beta and IL-2 in the augmentation of the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) population.


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Maternally derived yolk antibodies provide neonates with immune protection in early life at negligible cost to mothers. However, developmental effects on the neonate's future immunity are potentially costly and thus could limit yolk antibody deposition. The benefits to neonatal immunity must be balanced against costs, which may depend on neonate vulnerability to pathogens, developmental trajectories and the immunological strategies best suited to a species' pace of life. We measured yolk antibodies and life-history features of 23 species of small Neotropical birds and assessed the evidence for each of several hypotheses for life history and ecological effects on the evolution of yolk antibody levels. Developmental period and yolk antibodies are negatively related, which possibly reflect the importance of humoral immune priming through antigen exposure, and selection to avoid autoimmunity, in species with a slower pace of life. There is also a strong relationship between body size and yolk antibody concentration, suggesting that larger species are architecturally equipped to produce and transfer higher concentrations of antibodies. These results suggest that developmental effects of maternally derived antibodies, such as imprinting effects on B-cell diversity or autoimmune effects, are important and deserve more consideration in future research.