967 resultados para 3-R-concept
Syftet med detta arbete är att studera vad som händer med förskolebarns kommunikation, samspel och lärande i mötet med det digitala verktyget ipad. I denna undersökning har jag även tittat närmare på hur pedagogen förhåller sig och påverkar situationen. Jag har närmat mig undersökningsområdet med en kvalitativ ansats där jag använt mig av observation som metod. Mina observationer har utförts på en förskola där jag studerat barn och pedagoger på två av förskolans avdelningar, en avdelning med barn i åldern 1-3 år och en avdelning med barn i åldern 3-5 år.Resultatet påvisar att barnen blir språkligt aktiv och engagerade i mötet med ipaden. De kommunicerar och samspelar med varandra på många olika sätt. Studien visar även att barn möter ipaden under tystnad med koncentration och förundran. Pedagogen, kamraterna och ipadens olika applikationer har betydelse för kommunikationen och lärandet. Ipaden är ett lustfyllt verktyg som barnen möter med total orädsla och nyfikenhet. Barnen uppvisar en stor vilja att vara aktiva och interagera med det digitala verktyget och ipaden kan anses vara ett stöd för barns lärande. Förskolan har gett barnen möjligheter att möta och bli språkliga med det digitala verktyget ipad men undersökningen visar också att miljön och pedagogerna begränsar barnen på olika sätt. Slutsatsen av studien är att ipaden kan användas som ett verktyg för att stärka barns kommunikation, samspel och lärande om den används på ett genomtänkt och medvetet sätt i förskolans verksamhet.
Este estudo de natureza qualitativa busca por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva analisar se as divulgações nas notas explicativas de Combinação de Negócios, transações de aquisições e vendas de empresas, estão em conformidade com os requisitos normativos de divulgação de informações do CPC 15 (R1) – Combinação de Negócios, inspirado nas normas contábeis internacionais, notadamente o IFRS 3 (R) - Business Combinations. Utilizaram-se informações sobre transações ocorridas nos anos de 2010 e 2011, envolvendo empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, cujas informações financeiras são divulgadas trimestralmente ou anualmente. O primeiro fator que torna a pesquisa relevante é que o tema Combinação de Negócios tem se tornado cada vez relevante devido ao aumento do número de transações de aquisição entre empresas no Brasil e do aumento do valor das transações globalmente. O segundo fator é que com o advento da lei 11.638/07, alterada pela lei 11.941/08, determinou-se que o Brasil deve ter suas normas contábeis convergidas para os padrões do International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) até o final de 2010.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
FUNDAMENTO: O polimorfismo T-786C do gene da sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial (eNOS) e a produção de ânion superóxido podem diminuir a produção e biodisponibilidade do óxido nítrico, comprometendo o grau de vasodilatação, podendo este efeito ser revertido pelo exercício físico. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência do treinamento aeróbico e do polimorfismo T-786C nas concentrações dos metabólitos do óxido nítrico (NOx), no fluxo sanguíneo (FS) e na pressão arterial (PA). MÉTODOS: Trinta e duas idosas pré-hipertensas (59 ± 6 anos) foram separadas em dois grupos de acordo com o polimorfismo T-786C (TT e TC+CC). Foram analisadas as concentrações de NOx (plasma) e fluxo sanguíneo por pletismografia de oclusão venosa em repouso, 1, 2 e 3 minutos pós-oclusão (FS-0, FS-1, FS-2, FS-3, respectivamente). As avaliações foram realizadas antes e após 6 meses de um programa de exercício aeróbico. RESULTADOS: Nas avaliações pré-treinamento, os níveis de NOx foram menores no grupo TC+CC em relação ao grupo TT. O grupo TT apresentou correlações entre NOx e FS-0 (r = 0,6) e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e FS-0 (r = -0,7), porém nenhuma correlação foi encontrada no grupo TC+CC. Nas avaliações pós-treinamento, ocorreram correlações entre NOx e FS-0 (r = 0,6) e nas mudanças do NOx e PAD (r = -0,6) no grupo TT. Também foram obtidas correlações entre PAD e FS-1 (r = -0,8), PAD e FS-2 (r = -0,6), PAD e FS-3 (r = -0,6), nas mudanças entre NOx e FS-1 (r = 0,8) e mudanças do NOx e PAD (r = -0,7) no grupo TC+CC. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que 6 meses de exercício aeróbico podem contribuir para aumentar as relações existentes entre NO, PA e FS em idosas portadores do alelo C.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A sample series of silica sonogels was prepared using different water-tetraethoxysilane molar ratio (r(w)) in the gelation step of the process in order to obtain aerogels with different bulk densities after the supercritical drying. The samples were analyzed by means of small-angle x-ray-scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen-adsorption techniques. Wet sonogels exhibit mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D increasing from similar to2.1 to similar to2.4 and mass-fractal correlation length xi diminishing from similar to13 nm to similar to2 nm, as r(w) is changed in the nominal range from 66 to 6. The process of obtaining aerogels from sonogels and heat treatment at 500degreesC, in general, increases the mass-fractal dimension D, diminishes the characteristic length xi of the fractal structure, and shortens the fractal range at the micropore side for the formation of a secondary structured particle, apparently evolved from the original wet structure at a high resolution level. The overall mass-fractal dimension D of aerogels was evaluated as similar to2.4 and similar to2.5, as determined from SAXS and from pore-size distribution by nitrogen adsorption, respectively. The fine structure of the secondary particle developed in the obtaining of aerogels could be described as a surface-mass fractal, with the correlated surface and mass-fractal dimensions decreasing from similar to2.4 to similar to2.0 and from similar to2.7 to similar to2.5, respectively, as the aerogel bulk density increases from 0.25 (r(w)=66) up to 0.91 g/cm(3) (r(w)=6).
Three new compounds-3,4-dihydro-10-hydroxy-7-methoxy-3-(R)-methyl-1H-3,4-dihydronaphtho-]2,3c]pyran-1-one-9-O-beta-D-glucopy ranoside (1), 3,4-dihydro-10-hydroxy-7-methoxy-3-(R)-methyl-1H-3,4-dihydronaphtho-[2,3c]-pyran-1-one-9-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-glucopyranoside (2), and 3,4-dihydro-10-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-3-(R)-methyl-1H-3,4-dihydronaphtho-[2,3c]-pyran-1-one-9-O-beta-D-allopyranosyl (1-->6)-glucopyranoside (3)-were isolated from the leaves of Paepalanthus vellozioides and Paepalanthus latipes and characterized by spectrometric methods, mainly electrospray mass spectrometry and 1D and 2D NMR experiments. These unusual glycosylated dihydronaphthopyranones may serve as taxonomic markers of the genus Paepalanthus, since these compounds were not detected in other genera belonging to the Eriocaulaceae family.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil produced rhamnolipids (RLLBI) when cultivated on soapstock as the sole carbon source. HPLC-MS analysis of the purified culture supernatant identified 6 RL homologues (%): R-2 C-10 C-10 28.9; R-2 C-10 C-12:1 23.0; R-1 C-10 C-10 23.4; R-2 C-10 C-12 11.3; R-2 C-10 C-12 7.9; R-2 C-10 C-12 C-12 5.5. To assess the potential antimicrobial activity of the new rhamnolipid product, RLLBI, its physicochemical properties were studied. RLLBI had a surface tension of 24 mN m(-1) and an interfacial tension 1.31 mN m(-1); the cmc was 120 mg l(-1). RLLBI produced stable emulsions with hydrocarbons and vegetable oils. This product showed good antimicrobial behaviour against bacteria: MIC for Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus vulgaris was 8 mg l(-1), for Streptococcus faecalis 4 mg l(-1), and for Pseudomonas aeruginosa 32 mg l(-1). RLLBI was active against phytopathogenic fungal species, MIC values of 32 mg l(-1) being found against Penicillium, Alternaria, Gliocadium virens and Chaetonium globosum. Due to its physicochemical properties and antimicrobial behaviour, RLLBI could be used in bioremediation treatment and in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
The complexes MeHgL and PhHgL (HL = 2-mercaptobenzothiazole) have been obtained from the reaction of the ligand with methylmercury hydroxide and phenylmercury acetate, respectively, in methanol. MeHgL, which has been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis (crystal data: triclinic, space group P1, with a = 8.009 (4) Å, b = 10.042 (4) Å, c = 13.074 (3) Å, α = 101.25 (2)°, β = 102.61(3)°, γ = 101.42 (3)°, R = 0.067), crystallizes with two independent molecules, I and I′, contained in each asymmetric unit with a coordination geometry based on the almost linear C-Hg-S group (Hg-S = 2.369 (6) Å, Hg-C = 2.06 (2) Å, and C-Hg-S = 177.7 (7)° for I; Hg-S = 2.375 (6) Å, Hg-C = 2.10 (3) Å, and C-Hg-S = 178.8 (6)° for I′). A secondary intramolecular interaction between the mercury atom and the C=N group of the ring and some weak intermolecular interactions between the metal and sulfur atoms were also found. The vibrational spectra of this compound and the phenylmercury(II) compound are discussed in light of the crystal structure. Diagnostic criteria of the bonding modes for the ligand are assessed. © 1985 American Chemical Society.
This study proposes a pH-cycling model for verifying the dose-response relationship in fluoride-releasing materials on remineralization in vitro. Sixty bovine enamel blocks were selected for the surface microhardness test (SMH 1). Artificial caries lesions were induced and surface microhardness test (SMH 2) was performed. Forty-eight specimens were prepared with Z 100, Fluroshield, Vitremer and Vitremer 1/4 diluted - powder/liquid, and subjected to a pH-cycling model to promote remineralization. After pH-cycling, final surface microhardness (SMH 3) was assessed to calculate percent recovery of surface microhardness (%SMH R). Fluoride present in enamel (μg F/mm 3) and in the pH-cycling solutions (μg F) was measured. Cross-sectional microhardness was used to calculate mineral content (ΔZ). There was no significant difference between Z 100 and control groups on analysis performed on - %SMH R, ΔZ, μ F and μ F/mm 3 (p>0.05). Results showed a positive correlation between %SMH R and μg F/mm 3 (r=0.9770; p=0.004), %SMH R and μg F (r=0.9939; p=0.0000001), DZ and μg F/mm 3 (r=0.9853; p=0.0002), ΔZ and μg F (r=0.9975; p=0.0000001) and between μg F/mm 3 and μg F (r=0.9819; p=0.001). The pH-cycling model proposed was able to verify in vitro dose-response relationship of fluoride-releasing materials on remineralization.
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