921 resultados para 3-16


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MC RR抑制大型沉水植物苦草 (Vallisnerianatans (Lour.)Hara .)的生长和发育。在 0 0 0 0 1— 10mg/L的浓度下 ,苦草种子的发芽、子叶生长、真叶的形成和生长、不定根的形成和生长以及根毛的生长都受到了一定的抑制作用。当MC RR浓度≥ 0 .1mg/L时 ,处理第 30d ,MC RR对苦草鲜重和第一片真叶的生长有极显著的抑制作用 ,当MC RR浓度为 10mg/L时 ,根的生长和叶片的发生也受到了极显著的抑制作用


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中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (KZCX1 SW 12 ); 973项目 (2 0 0 2CB412 3 0 0 ); 国家重大环境课题“滇池蓝藻水华污染控制技术研究”(K99 0 5 3 5 0 1); 中国科学院方向性创新课题 (No .2 2 0 3 16)资助


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国家 973项目 (2 0 0 2CB412 3 0 0 ); 863项目 (2 0 0 2AA60 10 2 1); 中国科学院重大项目 (KZCX1 SW 12 ); 国家重大环境课题 (K99 0 5 3 5 0 1); 中国科学院方向性创新课题 (2 2 0 3 16)资助


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中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目(KZCX1 SW 12 ) ; 国家重大环境课题“滇池蓝藻水华污染控制技术研究”(K99 0 5 3 5 0 1); 973项目(2 2 0 2CB412 3 0 0 ); 中国科学院方向性创新课题(2 2 0 3 16)资助


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通过对沙井驿、刘家堡、九州台、白塔山、小牛圈沟等样点采集的生物结皮样的培养和鉴定 ,研究了兰州市北山生物结皮中陆生藻种类组成及其群落结构 .结果发现 ,该地陆生藻共计 5 3种 ,其中蓝藻 34种 ,绿藻 7种 ,硅藻10种 ,裸藻 2种 .蓝藻中以丝状种类占优势 (6 5 % ) ,绿藻中仍以球状种类居多 (5 7% ) ,但也有不少丝状个体(43% ) .黄土结皮以非洲席藻为第一优势种 ,石崖表具鞘微鞘藻占绝对优势 ,人工草丛中小球藻最丰富 ;种类数在砾质黄土中最多 (2 3) ,黄粘土中最少 (16


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中国科学院知识创新工程项目资助 ( 2 2 0 3 16); 国家自然科学基金项目资助 ( 3 0 0 70 15 4)


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目的从胁迫的角度为微重力影响质膜的结构和功能提供直接的证据。方法以回转器模拟微重力 ,根据膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛 (MDA)与硫代巴比妥酸 (TBA)的定量反应测定MDA含量 ,用电导仪检测细胞电解质的外渗率。结果在模拟微重力胁迫下 ,两种蓝藻———鱼腥藻和集球藻的膜脂过氧化产物———丙二醛 (MDA)不断积累 ,同时细胞膜的透性相应增大。结论模拟微重力与其它胁迫因子有着相同的共性 ;对没有特殊重力感受结构的单细胞而言 ,质膜是重力的感受部位


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Goal, Scope and Background. Heavy metal is among one of the pollutants, which cause severe threats to humans and the environment in China. The aim of the present review is to make information on the source of heavy metal pollution, distribution of heavy metals in the environment, and measures of pollution control accessible internationally, which are mostly published in Chinese. Methods. Information from scientific journals, university journals and governmental releases are compiled focusing mainly on Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Partly Al, As, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn and Ni are included also in part as well. Results and Discussion. In soil, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.097, 22.6, 26.0 and 74.2 mg/kg, respectively. In the water of. the Yangtze River Basin, the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.080, 7.91, 15.7 and 18.7 pg/L, respectively. In reference to human activities, the heavy metal pollution comes from three sources: industrial emission, wastewater and solid waste. The environment such as soil, water and air were polluted by heavy metals in some cases. The contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn even reach 3.16, 99.3, 84.1 and 147 mg/kg, respectively, in the soils of a wastewater irrigation zone. These contaminants pollute drinking water and food, and threaten human health. Some diseases resulting from pollution of geological and environmental origin, were observed with long-term and non-reversible effects. Conclusions. In China, the geological background level of heavy metal is low, but with the activity of humans, soil, water, air, and plants are polluted by heavy metals in some cases and even affect human health through the food chain. Recommendations and Outlook. To remediate and improve environmental quality is a long strategy for the polluted area to keep humans and animals healthy. Phytoremediation would be an effective technique to remediate the heavy metal pollutions.


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This paper reports the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of silicon carbide (3C-SiC) thin films grown on silicon substrates. Using bulge testing combined with a refined load-deflection model of long rectangular membranes, which takes into account the bending stiffness and prestress of the membrane material, the Young's modulus, prestress, and fracture strength for the 3C-SiC thin films with thicknesses of 0.40 and 1.42 mu m were extracted. The stress distribution in the membranes under a load was calculated analytically. The prestresses for the two films were 322 +/- 47 and 201 +/- 34 MPa, respectively. The thinner 3C-SiC film with a strong (111) orientation has a plane-gstrain moduli of 415 +/- 61 GPa, whereas the thicker film with a mixture of both (111) and (110) orientations exhibited a plane-strain moduli of 329 +/- 49 GPa. The corresponding fracture strengths for the two kinds of SiC films were 6.49 +/- 0.88 and 3.16 +/- 0.38 GPa, respectively. The reference stresses were computed by integrating the local stress of the membrane at the fracture over edge, surface, and volume of the specimens and were fitted with Weibull distribution function. For the 0.40-mu m-thick membranes, the surface integration has a better agreement between the data and the model, implying that the surface flaws are the dominant fracture origin. For the 1.42-mu m-thick membranes, the surface integration presented only a slightly better fitting quality than the other two, and therefore, it is difficult to rule out unambiguously the effects of the volume and edge flaws.


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In order to design and fabricate a spectrometer for the infrared range widely used in the different applications, Volume Phase Grating (VPG) with. low Polarization Dependence Loss (PDL) and high efficiency has been adopted as the dispersion element. VPG is constructed by coating an optical substrate with a thin film of dichromated. gelatin and exposing the film to two mutually coherent laser beams to form index modulation. The diffraction efficiency for a VPG is governed by Bragg effects. The depth (d) and index modulation contrast of the grating structure control the efficiency at which the light is diffracted when the Bragg condition is satisfied. Gradient index lens with high performance and low aberration are used as collimating system instead of standard lens. The spot diagrams and MTF curve of the collimating lens are shown in the paper. The receive system is InCaAs photodiode (PD) array including 512 pixels with 25 mum pitch. The spectrum resolution of the spectrometer reaches to 0.2nm and wavelength accuracy is 40pm.


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Transmission Volume Phase Holographic Grating (VPHG) is adopted as spectral element in the real-time Optical Channel Performance Monitor (OCPM), which is in dire need in the Dense Wavelength -division-multiplexing(DATDM) system. And the tolerance of incident angle, which can be fully determined by two angles: 6 and (p, is finally inferred in this paper. Commonly, the default setting is that the incident plane is perpendicular to the fringes when the incident angle is mentioned. Now the situation out of the vertical is discussed. By combining the theoretic analysis of VPHG with its use in OCPM and changing 6 and (0 precisely in the computation and experiment, the two physical quantities which can fully specify the performance of VPHG the diffraction efficiency and the resolution, are analyzed. The results show that the diffraction efficiency varies greatly with the change of 6 or (p. But from the view of the whole C-band, only the peak diffraction efficiency drifts to another wavelength. As for the resolution, it deteriorates more rapidly than diffraction efficiency with the change of (p, while more slowly with the change of theta. Only if \phi\less than or equal to+/-1degrees and alpha(B) -0.5 less than or equal to theta less than or equal to alpha(B) + 0.5, the performance of the VPHG would be good enough to be used in OCPM system.


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土壤碳循环过程是目前全球碳源碳汇研究的核心,目前对土壤碳循环过程和机制的研究还十分缺乏。杉木人工林约占我国人工林面积的1/4,由于近几十年经营管理措施不当,土壤有机碳的下降已经成为不争的事实,极大地影响了杉木人工林生产力的可持续发展。本研究通过对杉木人工林土壤有机碳来源、分解和释放动态的区分量化,结合13C标记示踪试验,开展了杉木凋落物分解对土壤有机碳平衡影响的研究,为土壤碳平衡和转化机理及杉木人工林的可持续经营提供了可靠的理论依据。通过系统的研究,得出以下结论: ⑴估算了典型杉木人工林土壤碳的周转状况,研究发现典型杉木人工林土壤碳更新较慢。土壤碳年输入量、形成量、转化量、输出量和贮存量分别为2.79 t hm-2、1.58 t hm-2、2.04 t hm-2、4.57 t hm-2、113.21 t hm-2。其中在土壤碳年排放量中矿质土层呼吸、根呼吸、凋落物层呼吸碳分别占土壤碳总排放量的50.6%、26.0%、23.1%。 ⑵计算了凋落物分解对土壤碳平衡的贡献。不同器官凋落物在土壤中的矿化释放碳量和进入土壤碳库量均随着凋落物易分解性的增大而增大,并且各器官凋落物分解以CO2-C释放最多,以微生物量碳存在的量次之,以可溶性碳存在的量最少。年均温16.5 ℃条件下培养100天,分别来自于叶、枝、细根、粗根有机碳的13.81%、9.26%、5.74%、4.62%被矿化释放,占总CO2-C释放量的比例分别为43.7%、37.2%、31.9%、29.0%。同时不同器官凋落物依次有3.05%、3.26%、2.24%、1.84%存在于土壤微生物碳库,占总微生物量碳的比例分别为12.9%、14.3%、10.5%、8.8%;不同器官凋落物依次有0.62%、0.62%、0.31%、0.24%存在于可溶性有机碳库,占总可溶性有机碳的比例分别为3.99%、4.10%、2.13%、1.73%。 ⑶不同器官凋落物进入土壤对土壤碳排放的激发效应不同,叶、枝、细根、粗根加入土壤产生了正激发效应,激发率依次为6.6%、7.0%、2.2%、2.8%。并且土壤风干-湿润过程影响了凋落物在土壤中的分解和转化过程。土壤风干-湿润使起始矿化底物库增大,培养初期凋落物分解速率上升,同时土壤原有机碳矿化速率降低,微生物对凋落物碳的利用以及凋落物对可溶性有机碳的贡献下降。 ⑷凋落物碳在不同轻组密度组分中的分布不同,但各器官凋落物间无明显差异,均为中等密度自由轻组最多,其次为最小密度自由轻组,最少为闭蓄轻组。室外培养224天,结果表明叶、枝、细根、粗根凋落物在各密度组分中的分配情况为:<1.0 g cm-3自由轻组中16.5~19.1%,1.0~1.8 g cm-3自由轻组中56.8~65.2%,闭蓄轻组中残留5.7~6.9%,其余的9.9~21.0%被矿化损失。研究还表明,凋落物粉碎添加方式能改变其在土壤组分中的分布比例,倾向于向较重的密度组分中分布而被保护起来利于有机碳的积累。