995 resultados para 290803 Transport Engineering


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Traffic control at road junctions is one of the major concerns in most metropolitan cities. Controllers of various approaches are available and the required control action is the effective green-time assigned to each traffic stream within a traffic-light cycle. The application of fuzzy logic provides the controller with the capability to handle uncertain natures of the system, such as drivers’ behaviour and random arrivals of vehicles. When turning traffic is allowed at the junction, the number of phases in the traffic-light cycle increases. The additional input variables inevitably complicate the controller and hence slow down the decision-making process, which is critical in this real-time control problem. In this paper, a hierarchical fuzzy logic controller is proposed to tackle this traffic control problem at a 2-way road junction with turning traffic. The two levels of fuzzy logic controllers devise the minimum effective green-time and fine-tune it respectively at each phase of a traffic-light cycle. The complexity of the controller at each level is reduced with smaller rule-set. The performance of this hierarchical controller is examined by comparison with a fixed-time controller under various traffic conditions. Substantial delay reduction has been achieved as a result and the performance and limitation of the controller will be discussed.


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The track allocation problem (TAP) at a multi-track, multi-platform mainline railway station is defined by the station track layout and service timetable, which implies combinations of spatial and temporal conflicts. Feasible solutions are available from either traditional planning or advanced intelligent searching methods and their evaluations with respect to operational requirements are essential for the operators. To facilitate thorough analysis, a timed Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) model is presented here to encapsulate the inter-relationships of the spatial and temporal constraints in the TAP.


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Routing trains within passenger stations in major cities is a common scheduling problem for railway operation. Various studies have been undertaken to derive and formulate solutions to this route allocation problem (RAP) which is particularly evident in mainland China nowadays because of the growing traffic demand and limited station capacity. A reasonable solution must be selected from a set of available RAP solutions attained in the planning stage to facilitate station operation. The selection is however based on the experience of the operators only and objective evaluation of the solutions is rarely addressed. In order to maximise the utilisation of station capacity while maintaining service quality and allowing for service disturbance, quantitative evaluation of RAP solutions is highly desirable. In this study, quantitative evaluation of RAP solutions is proposed and it is enabled by a set of indices covering infrastructure utilisation, buffer times and delay propagation. The proposed evaluation is carried out on a number of RAP solutions at a real-life busy railway station in mainland China and the results highlight the effectiveness of the indices in pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses of the solutions. This study provides the necessary platform to improve the RAP solution in planning and to allow train re-routing upon service disturbances.


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Station track allocation is the critical component in the overall railway timetabling. Because of its intrinsic complexity and lack of modeling on station track layouts and train movement within station, analytical approach to attain optimal solution is not feasible. This study investigates the possibilities of applying a heuristic approach and identifies possible difficulties in practice. It is the first and important step to resolve one of the burning issues in the mainline railway operation in China.


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For decades, the development, construction, track ownership and operation of mainline railways in China have been overseen by the state-owned authorities. From mid-90’s, the mainline railway management has undergone revamps to revitalize the intra-modal competitiveness of railway transportation and to steer it toward the direction of modern business management. With the rapid economic growth; the large-scale expansion of the mainline network; and the increasing expectation on service, the mainline railways in China require further restructuring. Inevitably, a sustainable approach to ensure business viability and service quality in the next few decades is an imminent challenge. This paper reviews the operations and management of mainline railway in China and discusses the possibility of introducing open access market. Drawing the experiences on railway open markets outside China, the discussions include the need and feasibility of railway open market in China; and the suitability and limitations of different models. Particular considerations will be given to the unique characteristics of the mainline railways in China, where the developments across neighbouring regions are unbalanced; freight and passenger services are of similar demands; and the high-speed train operations are operated with low-speed ones in mixed traffic.


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Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have been installed along an existing line for the purposes of train detection and weight measurement. The results show fair accuracy and high resolution on the vertical force acted on track when the train wheels are rolling upon. While the sensors are already in place and data is available, further applications beyond train detection are explored. This study presents the analysis on the unique signatures from the data collected to characterise wheel-rail interaction for rail defect detection. Focus of this first stage of work is placed on the repeatability of signals from the same wheel-rail interactions while the rail is in healthy state. Discussions on the preliminary results and hence the feasibility of this condition monitoring application, as well as technical issues to be addressed in practice, are given.


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A schedule coordination problem involving two train services provided by different operators is modeled as an optimization of revenue intake. The coordination is achieved through the adjustment of commencement times of the train services by negotiation. The problem is subject to constraints regarding to passenger demands and idle costs of rolling-stocks from both operators. This paper models the operators as software agents having the flexibility to incorporate one of the two (and potentially more) proposed negotiation strategies. Empirical results show that agents employing different combination of strategies have significant impact on the quality of solution and negotiation time.


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Fault tree analysis (FTA) is presented to model the reliability of a railway traction power system in this paper. First, the construction of fault tree is introduced to integrate components in traction power systems into a fault tree; then the binary decision diagram (BDD) method is used to evaluate fault trees qualitatively and quantitatively. The components contributing to the reliability of overall system are identified with their relative importance through sensitivity analysis. Finally, an AC traction power system is evaluated by the proposed methods.


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Many infrastructure and necessity systems such as electricity and telecommunication in Europe and the Northern America were used to be operated as monopolies, if not state-owned. However, they have now been disintegrated into a group of smaller companies managed by different stakeholders. Railways are no exceptions. Since the early 1980s, there have been reforms in the shape of restructuring of the national railways in different parts of the world. Continuous refinements are still conducted to allow better utilisation of railway resources and quality of service. There has been a growing interest for the industry to understand the impacts of these reforms on the operation efficiency and constraints. A number of post-evaluations have been conducted by analysing the performance of the stakeholders on their profits (Crompton and Jupe 2003), quality of train service (Shaw 2001) and engineering operations (Watson 2001). Results from these studies are valuable for future improvement in the system, followed by a new cycle of post-evaluations. However, direct implementation of these changes is often costly and the consequences take a long period of time (e.g. years) to surface. With the advance of fast computing technologies, computer simulation is a cost-effective means to evaluate a hypothetical change in a system prior to actual implementation. For example, simulation suites have been developed to study a variety of traffic control strategies according to sophisticated models of train dynamics, traction and power systems (Goodman, Siu and Ho 1998, Ho and Yeung 2001). Unfortunately, under the restructured railway environment, it is by no means easy to model the complex behaviour of the stakeholders and the interactions between them. Multi-agent system (MAS) is a recently developed modelling technique which may be useful in assisting the railway industry to conduct simulations on the restructured railway system. In MAS, a real-world entity is modelled as a software agent that is autonomous, reactive to changes, able to initiate proactive actions and social communicative acts. It has been applied in the areas of supply-chain management processes (García-Flores, Wang and Goltz 2000, Jennings et al. 2000a, b) and e-commerce activities (Au, Ngai and Parameswaran 2003, Liu and You 2003), in which the objectives and behaviour of the buyers and sellers are captured by software agents. It is therefore beneficial to investigate the suitability or feasibility of applying agent modelling in railways and the extent to which it might help in developing better resource management strategies. This paper sets out to examine the benefits of using MAS to model the resource management process in railways. Section 2 first describes the business environment after the railway 2 Modelling issues on the railway resource management process using MAS reforms. Then the problems emerge from the restructuring process are identified in section 3. Section 4 describes the realisation of a MAS for railway resource management under the restructured scheme and the feasible studies expected from the model.


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With the recent regulatory reforms in a number of countries, railways resources are no longer managed by a single party but are distributed among different stakeholders. To facilitate the operation of train services, a train service provider (SP) has to negotiate with the infrastructure provider (IP) for a train schedule and the associated track access charge. This paper models the SP and IP as software agents and the negotiation as a prioritized fuzzy constraint satisfaction (PFCS) problem. Computer simulations have been conducted to demonstrate the effects on the train schedule when the SP has different optimization criteria. The results show that by assigning different priorities on the fuzzy constraints, agents can represent SPs with different operational objectives.


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Purpose of study: Traffic conflicts occur when trains on different routes approach a converging junction in a railway network at the same time. To prevent collisions, a right-of-way assignment is needed to control the order in which the trains should pass the junction. Such control action inevitably requires the braking and/or stopping of trains, which lengthens their travelling times and leads to delays. Train delays cause a loss of punctuality and hence directly affect the quality of service. It is therefore important to minimise the delays by devising a suitable right-of-way assignment. One of the major difficulties in attaining the optimal right-of-way assignment is that the number of feasible assignments increases dramatically with the number of trains. Connected-junctions further complicate the problem. Exhaustive search for the optimal solution is time-consuming and infeasible for area control (multi-junction). Even with the more intelligent deterministic optimisation method revealed in [1], the computation demand is still considerable, which hinders real-time control. In practice, as suggested in [2], the optimality may be traded off by shorter computation time, and heuristic searches provide alternatives for this optimisation problem.


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This paper presents the simulation model development of passenger flow in a metro station. The model allows studies of passenger flow in stations with different layouts and facilities, thus providing valuable information, such as passenger flow and density of passenger at critical locations and passenger-handling facilities within a station, to the operators. The adoption of the concept of Petri nets in the simulation model is discussed. Examples are provided to demonstrate its application to passenger flow analysis, train scheduling and the testing of alternative station layouts.


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To maximise the capacity of the rail lineand provide a reliable service for pas-sengers throughout the day, regulation of train service to maintain steady service headway is es-sential. In most current metro systems, train usually starts coasting at a fixed distance from the departed station to achieve service regulation. However, this approach is only effective with re-spect to a nominal operational condition of train schedule but not necessarily the current service demand. Moreover, it is not simply to identify the necessary starting point for coasting under the run time constraints of current service conditions since train movement is attributed by a large number of factors, most of which are non-linear and inter-dependent. This paper presents an ap-plication of classical measures to search for the appropriate coasting point to meet a specified inter-station run time and they can be integrated in the on-board Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system and have the potential for on-line implementation in making a set of coasting command decisions.


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Railway service is now the major transportation means in most of the countries around the world. With the increasing population and expanding commercial and industrial activities, a high quality of railway service is the most desirable. We present an application of genetic algorithms (GA) to search for the appropriate coasting point(s) and investigate the possible improvement on fitness of genes. Single and multiple coasting point control with simple GA are developed to attain the solutions and their corresponding train movement is examined. The multiple coasting point control with hierarchical genetic algorithm (HGA) is then proposed to integrate the determination of the number of coasting points.


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Probabilistic load flow techniques have been adopted in AC electrified railways to study the load demand under various train service conditions. This paper highlights the differences in probabilistic load flow analysis between the usual power systems and power supply systems in AC railways; discusses the possible difficulties in problem formulation and presents the link between train movement and the corresponding power demand for load flow calculation.