979 resultados para 21-204A
The excited states in 22Mg have been investigated by the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p. A 4.0 MeV/nucleon 21Na beam was separated by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) radioactive ion beam separator (CRIB) and then used to bombard a thick (CH2)n target. The energy spectra of recoiled protons were measured at scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 172◦ , 146◦, and 134◦, respectively. A wide energy-range of excitation function in 22Mg (up to Ex ∼ 8.9 MeV) was obtained simultaneously with a thick-target method, and a state at 7.06 MeV was newly observed. The resonant parameters were deduced from an R-matrix analysis of the center-of-mass (c.m.) differential cross-section data with a SAMMY-M6-BETA code. The astrophysical resonant reaction rate for the 18Ne(α,p)21Na reactionwas recalculated based on the present parameters. Generally speaking, the present rates are much smaller than the previous ones.
The beta-delayed neutron and gamma energy spectra taken from the decay of neutron-rich nucleus N-21 were measured by using the beta - gamma and beta - n coincidence detection method. Thirteen new neutron groups ranging from 0.28MeV to 4.98 MeV and with a total branching ratio of 88.7 +/- 4.2% were observed and presented. One gamma transition with an energy of 1222 keV emitted from the excited state of O-21, and four gamma transitions with energies of 1674, 2397, 2780, and 3175 keV emitted from the excited states of O-20 were identified in the 3 decay chain of N-21. The beta decay half-life for N-21 is determined to be 82.9 +/- 1.9 ms. The uncertainty of half-life is much smaller than the previous result.
The beta-delayed neutron and gamma spectra of neutron-rich nucleus N-21 using beta-gamma and beta-n coincidence measurements were presented in this paper. Thirteen new neutron groups ranging from 0.28 MeV to 4.98 MeV and with a total branching ratio 88.7 +/- 4.2% were observed. One gamma transition among the excited states of O-21 and foury transitions among the excited states of O-20 were identified in the beta decay chain of N-21. The ungated half-life of 83.8 +/- 2.1 ms was also determined for N-21.
农业生态系统健康是指农业生态系统免受发生“失调综合症”、处理胁迫的状态和满足持续生产农产品的能力 .目前 ,农业生态系统健康研究范围主要涉及农业生态系统健康评价方法、土壤质量和水质与农业生态系统健康的联系、农业生态系统健康与人类健康的关系、害虫生态管理对农业生态系统健康的贡献、杂草综合管理在农业生态系统健康中的作用、从生态病理学到农业生态系统健康、线虫群落作为农业生态系统健康指示生物的研究、转基因作物对农业生态系统健康的生态影响评价、农业投入政策对农业生态系统健康的影响、景观生态学在农业生态系统健康评价中的应用、农业生态系统健康与绿色食品开发等 .首先论述了农业生态系统健康研究的现状 ,介绍了农业生态系统健康研究实例———土壤健康的生物指标 ,最后提出了今后农业生态系统健康的研究方向 ,为保障农产品安全和增进人类健康提供依据
为满足 2 1世纪中国对粮食的需求 ,提出“发展东部 ,提高中部 ,开发西部”的粮食生产战略布局 ,就是在东部平原区发展产业化粮食生产 ,使之成为中国优质商品粮食主要生产基地 ;在中部高原区要大力治理水土流失 ,提高粮食生产的环境质量 ,从而提高粮食产量水平 ;在西部高寒及荒漠区要充分开发光能、土、水资源优势 ,进一步开发高寒农业与绿洲农业的粮食生产潜力
分析国内外水资源的现状、中国水资源危机及走向 2 1世纪存在的主要水问题 .说明中国属于世界上贫水的国家之一 ,人均拥有量只占世界平均水平的 2 5% ,在 6 6 8座城市中有 4 0 0余座缺水 .进入 2 1世纪 ,中国的水资源矛盾将进一步加剧 ,洪灾、干旱、断流、水污染、水土流失等问题将继续存在 .中国必须进行大规模国土整治 ,逆转恶化的水生态环境 ,合理开发、利用、保护水资源 .
到1999年底,全国农村贫困人口还有3200万人,贫困人 口在较长一段时间还将存在,贫困人口的分布会越来越分散,剩余贫困人口 越来越集中于自然条件恶劣、经济落后地区,扶持难度进一步加大.21 世纪确定什么样的扶贫战略,采取什么样的扶贫方式是摆在我们面前的一项 十分紧迫的任务,是当前摆在政府决策者面前一个亟待解决的严峻课题。文 章在上述背景下,对贫困人口脱贫致富进行探析,以期为政府的反贫困战略 提供思路和依据。