983 resultados para 2-sigma error


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During the past five million yrs, benthic d18O records indicate a large range of climates, from warmer than today during the Pliocene Warm Period to considerably colder during glacials. Antarctic ice cores have revealed Pleistocene glacial-interglacial CO2 variability of 60-100 ppm, while sea level fluctuations of typically 125 m are documented by proxy data. However, in the pre-ice core period, CO2 and sea level proxy data are scarce and there is disagreement between different proxies and different records of the same proxy. This hampers comprehensive understanding of the long-term relations between CO2, sea level and climate. Here, we drive a coupled climate-ice sheet model over the past five million years, inversely forced by a stacked benthic d18O record. We obtain continuous simulations of benthic d18O, sea level and CO2 that are mutually consistent. Our model shows CO2 concentrations of 300 to 470 ppm during the Early Pliocene. Furthermore, we simulate strong CO2 variability during the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. These features are broadly supported by existing and new d11B-based proxy CO2 data, but less by alkenone-based records. The simulated concentrations and variations therein are larger than expected from global mean temperature changes. Our findings thus suggest a smaller Earth System Sensitivity than previously thought. This is explained by a more restricted role of land ice variability in the Pliocene. The largest uncertainty in our simulation arises from the mass balance formulation of East Antarctica, which governs the variability in sea level, but only modestly affects the modeled CO2 concentrations.


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Understanding changes in ocean circulation during the last deglaciation is crucial to unraveling the dynamics of glacial-interglacial and millennial climate shifts. We used neodymium isotope measurements on postdepositional iron-manganese oxide coatings precipitated on planktonic foraminifera to reconstruct changes in the bottom water source of the deep western North Atlantic at the Bermuda Rise. Comparison of our deep water source record with overturning strength proxies shows that both the deep water mass source and the overturning rate shifted rapidly and synchronously during the last deglacial transition. In contrast, any freshwater perturbation caused by Heinrich event 1 could have only affected shallow overturning. These findings show how changes in upper-ocean overturning associated with millennial-scale events differ from those associated with whole-ocean deglacial climate events.


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Seventeen basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau (KP) were analyzed for the platinum-group elements (PGEs: Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd), and 15 were analyzed for trace elements. Relative concentrations of the PGEs ranged from ~0.1 (Ir, Ru) to ~5 (Pt) times primitive mantle. These relatively high PGE abundances and fractionated patterns are not accounted for by the presence of sulfide minerals; there are only trace sulfides present in thin-section. Sulfur saturation models applied to the KP basalts suggest that the parental magmas may have never reached sulfide saturation, despite large degrees of partial melting (~30%) and fractional crystallization (~45%). First order approximations of the fractionation required to produce the KP basalts from an ~30% partial melt of a spinel peridotite were determined using the PELE program. The model was adapted to better fit the physical and chemical observations from the KP basalts, and requires an initial crystal fractionation stage of at least 30% olivine plus Cr-spinel (49:1), followed by magma replenishment and fractional crystallization (RFC) that included clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite (15:9:1). The low Pd values ([Pd/Pt]_pm < 1.7) for these samples are not predicted by currently available Kd values. These Pd values are lowest in samples with relatively higher degrees of alteration as indicated by petrographic observations. Positive anomalies are a function of the behavior of the PGEs; they can be reproduced by Cr-spinel, and titanomagnetite crystallization, followed by titanomagnetite resorption during the final stages of crystallization. Our modeling shows that it is difficult to reproduce the PGE abundances by either depleted upper or even primitive mantle sources. Crustal contamination, while indicated at certain sites by the isotopic compositions of the basalts, appears to have had a minimal affect on the PGEs. The PGE abundances measured in the Kerguelen Plateau basalts are best modeled by melting a primitive mantle source to which was added up to 1% of outer core material, followed by fractional crystallization of the melt produced. This reproduces both the abundances and patterns of the PGEs in the Kerguelen Plateau basalts. An alternative model for outer core PGE abundances requires only 0.3% of outer core material to be mixed into the primitive mantle source. While our results are clearly model dependent, they indicate that an outer core component may be present in the Kerguelen plume source.


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We present 40 Sm-Nd isotope measurements of the clay-size (<2 µm) fractions of sediments from the Southern Greenland rise (ODP-646) that span the last 365 kyr. These data track changes in the relative supply of fine particles carried into the deep Labrador Sea by the Western Boundary Under Current (WBUC) back to the fourth glacial-interglacial cycles. Earlier studies revealed three general sources of particles to the core site: (i) Precambrian crustal material from Canada, Greenland, and/or Scandinavia (North American Shield - NAS), (ii) Palaeozoic or younger crustal material from East Greenland, NW Europe, and/or western Scandinavia (Young Crust - YC) and (iii) volcanic material from Iceland and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Clay-size fractions from glacial sediments have the lowest Nd isotopic ratios. Supplies of young crustal particles were similar during glacial oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 2, 6, and 10. In contrast the mean volcanic contributions decreased relative to old craton material from OIS 10 to OIS 6 and then from OIS 6 to OIS 2. The glacial OIS 8 interval displays a mean Sm/Nd ratio similar to those of interglacials OIS 1, 5, and 9. Compared with other interglacials, OIS 7 was marked by a higher YC contribution but a similar ~30% MAR supply. The overall NAS contribution dropped by a factor of 2 during each glacial/interglacial transition, with the MAR contribution broadly replacing it during interglacials. To decipher between higher supplies and/or dilution, particle fluxes from each end member were estimated. Glacial NAS fluxes were systematically higher than interglacial fluxes. During the time interval examined, fine particle supplies to the Labrador Sea were strongly controlled by proximal ice-margin erosion and thus echoed the glacial stage intensity. In contrast, the WBUC-carried MAR supplies from the eastern basins did not change significantly throughout the last 365 kyr, except for a marked increase in surface-sediments that suggests unique modern conditions. Distal WBUC-controlled inputs from the Northern and NE North Atlantic seem to have been less variable than proximal supplies linked with glacial erosion rate.


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Legs 106-109 achieved the first basaltic bare-rock drill hole, on a small volcano (Serocki volcano) located on the flanks of the rift valley in the MAR about 70 km south of the Kane fracture zone. Because of severe technical difficulties only 50.5 m of basalt below seafloor was recovered. Geochemical analysis shows that the recovered basalts display typical N-MORB characteristics as expected in this segment of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The lava flows display rather equivalent geochemical characteristics all over the drilled section and show the imprint of a previous magmatic differentiation suffered by the magmas before their emission, indicative of a fractional crystallization of plagioclase-bearing cumulates. The incompatible and alkali element content of these 648B magmas is very low, a feature which resembles those of other N-MORB. The geochemical characteristics of these basalts look closely similar to those of basalts from the same flow line emitted respectively 10 m.y. (Hole 395, Legs 45-46), and 110 m.y. (Hole 417A, Legs 51-53) ago, supporting the persistence in this ridge segment of a mantle source with depleted characteristics over the last 110 m.y., but with some variations in the degree of depletion of the source along this period. Although these rocks appear fresh, the imprint of an incipient low temperature alteration can be noticed in a few samples, as evidenced by slight increases of alkali, U elements, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions.


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Bulk dissolution rates for sediment from ODP Site 984A in the North Atlantic are determined using the 234U/238U activity ratios of pore water, bulk sediment, and leachates. Site 984A is one of only several sites where closely spaced pore water samples were obtained from the upper 60 meters of the core; the sedimentation rate is high (11-15 cm/ka), hence the sediments in the upper 60 meters are less than 500 ka old. The sediment is clayey silt and composed mostly of detritus derived from Iceland with a significant component of biogenic carbonate (up to 30%). The pore water 234U/238U activity ratios are higher than seawater values, in the range of 1.2 to 1.6, while the bulk sediment 234U/238U activity ratios are close to 1.0. The 234U/238U of the pore water reflects a balance between the mineral dissolution rate and the supply rate of excess 234U to the pore fluid by a-recoil injection of 234Th. The fraction of 238U decays that result in a-recoil injection of 234U to pore fluid is estimated to be 0.10 to 0.20 based on the 234U/238U of insoluble residue fractions. The calculated bulk dissolution rates, in units of g/g/yr are in the range of 0.0000004 to 0.000002 1/yr. There is significant down-hole variability in pore water 234U/238U activity ratios (and hence dissolution rates) on a scale of ca. 10 m. The inferred bulk dissolution rate constants are 100 to 1000 times slower than laboratory-determined rates, 100 times faster than rates inferred for older sediments based on Sr isotopes, and similar to weathering rates determined for terrestrial soils of similar age. The results of this study suggest that U isotopes can be used to measure in situ dissolution rates in fine-grained clastic materials. The rate estimates for sediments from ODP Site 984 confirm the strong dependence of reactivity on the age of the solid material: the bulk dissolution rate (R_d) of soils and deep-sea sediments can be approximately described by the expression R_d ~ 0.1 1/age for ages spanning 1000 to 500,000,000 yr. The age of the material, which encompasses the grain size, surface area, and other chemical factors that contribute to the rate of dissolution, appears to be a much stronger determinant of dissolution rate than any single physical or chemical property of the system.


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Results of geological studies at the submarine Vityaz Ridge carried out during cruises 37 and 41 of R/V Akademik Lavrent'ev in 2005 and 2006 are reported. The studied area is located at an near-island trench of the slope in the central part of the Kuril Island arc. Morphologically it consists of two parts: an inner volcanic arc represented by the Great Kuril Range and an outer arc corresponding to the submarine Vityaz Ridge. Diverse rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were recovered by dredging. Based on K-Ar dating and geochemistry, volcanics were divided into Paleocene, Eocene, late Oligocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Each of the complexes reflects a tectonomagmatic stage in the ridge evolution. Geochemical and isotope data on the volcanics indicate contribution of ancient crustal material in the magma source and, correspondingly, formation of this structure on the continental basement. Two-stage model ages (TDM2) vary in a wide range from zero values in mafic rocks to 0.77 Ga in felsic varieties, pointing to presence of Precambrian protolith in the source of the felsic rocks of the Vityaz Ridge. The Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanics are classed with tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and subalkaline series, which differ in alkali contents and REE fractionation. Values of (La/Sm)_n and (La/Yb)_n ratios vary from 0.74 and 0.84 in the tholeiitic varieties to 1.19 and 1.44 in the calc-alkaline and 2.32 and 3.73 in the subalkaline rocks. All three varieties occur within the same volcanic edifices and formed during differentiation of magmatic melts that were channeled along fault zones from the mantle source slightly enriched in crustal component.


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The strontium-isotope dating method, based on the strontium-isotope seawater curve, was used to date stratigraphic events recognized in carbonate sediments drilled during Leg 133 on the Queensland and Marion plateaus. The strontium isotope ages of these events are used to correlate paleoceanographic changes, delineated from oxygen isotope signals, and paleoenvironmental or facies changes recorded in the lithostratigraphy. Results indicate that a strong connection exists between prevailing paleoenvironmental conditions and the developmental style of a carbonate platform. Also, the strontium-isotope ages of discrete dolomite intervals within the sequences were determined, indicating that multiple dolomitization events took place and that a hydrodynamically driven process may be currently active within the modern carbonate platform.


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The large-diameter piston core LL44-GPC3 from the central North Pacific Ocean records continuous sedimentation of eolian dust since the Late Cretaceous. Two intervals resolved by Nd and Pb isotopic data relate to dust coming from America (prior to ~40 Ma) and dust coming from Asia (since ~40 Ma). The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) separates these depositional regimes today and may have been at a paleolatitude of ~23°N prior to 40 Ma. Such a northerly location of the ITCZ is consistent with sluggish atmospheric circulation and warm climate for the Northern Hemisphere of the early to middle Eocene. Since ~40 Ma, correlations between Nd (~7.55 > epsilon-Nd(t) > ~10.81) and Pb (18.625 < 206/4Pb < 18.879; 15.624 < 207/4Pb < 15.666; 38.611 < 208/4Pb < 38.960; 0.8294 < 207/6Pb < 0.8389; 2.0539 < 208/6Pb < 2.0743) isotopes reflect the progressive drying of central Asia triggered by the westward retreat of the paleo-Tethys. Comparisons between the changes with time in the isotopically well-defined dust flux and Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of Pacific deep water allow one to draw two major conclusions: (1) dust-bound Nd became a resolvable contribution to Pacific seawater only after the one order of magnitude increase in dust flux starting at ~3.5 Ma. Therefore eolian Nd was unimportant for Pacific seawater Nd prior to 3.5 Ma. (2) The lack of a response of Pacific deep water Pb to this huge flux increase suggests that dust-bound Pb has never been important. Instead, mobile Pb associated with island arc volcanic exhalatives probably consists of a significant contribution to Pacific deep water Pb and possibly to seawater elsewhere far away from landmasses.


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We report U-Pb and 39Ar-40Ar measurements on plutonic rocks recovered from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 173 and 210. Drilling revealed continental crust (Sites 1067 and 1069) and exhumed mantle (Sites 1070 and 1068) along the Iberia margin and exhumed mantle (Site 1277) on the conjugate Newfoundland margin. Our data record a complex igneous and thermal history related to the transition from rifting to seafloor spreading. The results show that the rift-to-drift transition is marked by a stuttering start of MORB-type magmatic activity. Subsequent to initial alkaline magmatism, localized mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) magmatism was again replaced by basin-wide alkaline events, caused by a low degree of decompression melting due to tectonic delocalization of deformation. Such "off-axis" magmatism might be a common process in (ultra-) slow oceanic spreading systems, where "magmatic" and "tectonic" spreading varies in both space and time.


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The Lost City hydrothermal system at the southern Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) provides a natural laboratory for studying serpentinization processes, the temporal evolution of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems, and alteration conditions during formation and emplacement of an oceanic core complex. Here we present B, O, and Sr isotope data to investigate fluid/rock interaction and mass transfer during detachment faulting and exhumation of lithospheric sequences within the Atlantis Massif. Our data indicate that extensive serpentinization was a seawater-dominated process that occurred predominately at temperatures of 150-250 °C and at high integrated W/R ratios that led to a marked boron enrichment (34-91 ppm). Boron removal from seawater during serpentinization is positively correlated with changes in d11B (11-16 per mil) but shows no correlation with O-isotope composition. Modeling indicates that B concentrations and isotope values of the serpentinites are controlled by transient temperature-pH conditions. In contrast to prior studies, we conclude that low-temperature marine weathering processes are insignificant for boron geochemistry of the Atlantis Massif serpentinites. Talc- and amphibole-rich fault rocks formed within a zone of detachment faulting at temperatures of approximately 270-350 °C and at low W/R ratios. Talc formation in ultramafic domains in the massif was subsequent to an early stage of serpentinization and was controlled by the access of Si-rich fluids derived through seawater-gabbro interactions. Replacement of serpentine by talc resulted in boron loss and significant lowering of d11B values (9-10 per mil), which we model as the product of progressive extraction of boron. Our study provides new constraints on the boron geochemical cycle at oceanic spreading ridges and suggests that serpentinization associated with ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems may have important implications for the behavior of boron in subduction zone settings.


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Although the presence of extensive gas hydrate on the Cascadia margin, offshore from the western U.S. and Canada, has been inferred from marine seismic records and pore water chemistry, solid gas hydrate has only been found at one location. At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 892, offshore from central Oregon, gas hydrate was recovered close to the sediment-water interface at 2-19 m below the seafloor (mbsf) at 670 m water depth. The gas hydrate occurs as elongated platy crystals or crystal aggregates, mostly disseminated irregularly, with higher concentrations occurring in discrete zones, thin layers, and/or veinlets parallel or oblique to the bedding. A 2- to 3-cm thick massive gas hydrate layer, parallel to bedding, was recovered at ~17 mbsf. Gas from a sample of this layer was composed of both CH4 and H2S. This sample is the first mixed-gas hydrate of CH4-H2S documented in ODP; it also contains ethane and minor amounts of CO2. Measured temperatures of the recovered core ranged from 2 to -1.8°C and are 6 to 8 degrees lower than in-situ temperatures. These temperature anomalies were caused by the partial dissociation of the CH4-H2S hydrate during recovery without a pressure core sampler. During this dissociation, toxic levels of H2S (delta34S, +27.4?) were released. The delta13C values of the CH4 in the gas hydrate, -64.5 to -67.5? (PDB), together with deltaD values of -197 to -199? (SMOW) indicate a primarily microbial source for the CH4. The delta18O value of the hydrate H2O is +2.9? (SMOW), comparable with the experimental fractionation factor for sea-ice. The unusual composition (CH4-H2S) and depth distribution (2-19 mbsf) of this gas hydrate indicate mixing between a methane-rich fluid with a pore fluid enriched in sulfide; at this site the former is advecting along an inclined fault into the active sulfate reduction zone. The facts that the CH4-H2S hydrate is primarily confined to the present day active sulfate reduction zone (2-19 mbsf), and that from here down to the BSR depth (19-68 mbsf) the gas hydrate inferred to exist is a >=99% CH4 hydrate, suggest that the mixing of CH4 and H2S is a geologically young process. Because the existence of a mixed CH4-H2S hydrate is indicative of moderate to intense advection of a methane-rich fluid into a near surface active sulfate reduction zone, tectonically active (faulted) margins with organic-rich sediments and moderate to high sedimentation rates are the most likely regions of occurrence. The extension of such a mixed hydrate below the sulfate reduction zone should reflect the time-span of methane advection into the sulfate reduction zone.


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Zircons from the oldest magmatic and metasedimentary rocks in the Podolia domain of the Ukrainian shield were studied and dated by the U-Pb method on a NORDSIM secondary-ion mass spectrometer. Age of zircon cores in enderbite gneisses sampled in the Kazachii Yar and Odessa quarries on the opposite banks of the Yuzhnyi Bug River reaches 3790 Ma. Cores of terrigenous zircons in quartzites from the Odessa quarry as well as in garnet gneisses from the Zaval'e graphite quarry have age within 3650-3750 Ma. Zircon rims record two metamorphic events around 2750-2850 Ma and 1900-2000 Ma. Extremely low U content in zircons of the second age group indicates conditions of the granulite facies metamorphism in Paleoproterozoic within the Podolia domain. Measured data on orthorocks (enderbite-gneiss) and metasedimentary rocks unambiguously suggest existence of the ancient Paleoarchean crust in the Podolia (Dniester-Bug) domain of the Ukrainian shield. They contribute in our knowledge of scales of formation and geochemical features of the primordial crust.


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Boron and Pb isotopic compositions together with B-U-Th-Pb concentrations were determined for Pacific and Indian mantle-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) obtained from shallow drill holes near the Australian Antarctic Discordance (AAD). Boron contents in the altered samples range from 29.7 to 69.6 ppm and are extremely enriched relative to fresh MORB glass with 0.4-0.6 ppm B. Similarly the d11B values range from 5.5? to 15.9? in the altered basalts and require interaction with a d11B enriched fluid similar to seawater ~39.5? and/or boron isotope fractionation during the formation of secondary clays. Positive correlations between B concentrations and other chemical indices of alteration such as H2O CO2, K2O, P2O5, U and 87Sr/86Sr indicate that B is progressively enriched in the basalts as they become more altered. Interestingly, d11B shows the largest isotopic shift to +16? in the least altered basalts, followed by a continual decrease to +5-6? in the most altered basalts. These observations may indicate a change from an early seawater dominated fluid towards a sediment-dominated fluid as a result of an increase in sediment cover with increasing age of the seafloor. The progression from heavy d11B towards lighter values with increasing degrees of alteration may also reflect increased formation of clay minerals (e.g., saponite). A comparison of 238U/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb in fresh glass and variably altered basalt from Site 1160B shows extreme variations that are caused by secondary U enrichment during low temperature alteration. Modeling of the U-Pb isotope system confirms that some alteration events occurred early in the 21.5 Ma history of these rocks, even though a significant second pulse of alteration happened at ~12 Ma after formation of the crust. The U-Pb systematics of co-genetic basaltic glass and variably low temperature altered basaltic whole rocks are thus a potential tool to place age constraints on the timing of alteration and fluid flow in the ocean crust.


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Studies from the subtropical western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, using the 231Pa/230Th ratio as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of meridional overturning circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. In this study, we present a compilation of existing and new sedimentary 231Pa/230Th records from North Atlantic cores between 1710 and 4550 m water depth. Comparing sedimentary 231Pa/230Th from different depths provides new insights into the evolution of the geometry and rate of deep water formation in the North Atlantic during the last 20,000 years. The 231Pa/230Th ratio measured in upper Holocene sediments indicates slow water renewal above ?2500 m and rapid flushing below, consistent with our understanding of modern circulation. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) drove a rapid overturning circulation to a depth of at least ?3000 m depth. Below ~4000 m, water renewal was much slower than today. At the onset of Heinrich event 1, transport by the overturning circulation declined at all depths. GNAIW shoaled above 3000 m and significantly weakened but did not totally shut down. During the Bølling-Allerød (BA) that followed, water renewal rates further decreased above 2000 m but increased below. Our results suggest for the first time that ocean circulation during that period was quite distinct from the modern circulation mode, with a comparatively higher renewal rate above 3000 m and a lower renewal rate below in a pattern similar to the LGM but less accentuated. MOC during the Younger Dryas appears very similar to BA down to 2000 m and slightly slower below.