983 resultados para 1994


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This report describes the results of the research project investigating the use of advanced field data acquisition technologies for lowa transponation agencies. The objectives of the research project were to (1) research and evaluate current data acquisition technologies for field data collection, manipulation, and reporting; (2) identify the current field data collection approach and the interest level in applying current technologies within Iowa transportation agencies; and (3) summarize findings, prioritize technology needs, and provide recommendations regarding suitable applications for future development. A steering committee consisting oretate, city, and county transportation officials provided guidance during this project. Technologies considered in this study included (1) data storage (bar coding, radio frequency identification, touch buttons, magnetic stripes, and video logging); (2) data recognition (voice recognition and optical character recognition); (3) field referencing systems (global positioning systems [GPS] and geographic information systems [GIs]); (4) data transmission (radio frequency data communications and electronic data interchange); and (5) portable computers (pen-based computers). The literature review revealed that many of these technologies could have useful applications in the transponation industry. A survey was developed to explain current data collection methods and identify the interest in using advanced field data collection technologies. Surveys were sent out to county and city engineers and state representatives responsible for certain programs (e.g., maintenance management and construction management). Results showed that almost all field data are collected using manual approaches and are hand-carried to the office where they are either entered into a computer or manually stored. A lack of standardization was apparent for the type of software applications used by each agency--even the types of forms used to manually collect data differed by agency. Furthermore, interest in using advanced field data collection technologies depended upon the technology, program (e.g.. pavement or sign management), and agency type (e.g., state, city, or county). The state and larger cities and counties seemed to be interested in using several of the technologies, whereas smaller agencies appeared to have very little interest in using advanced techniques to capture data. A more thorough analysis of the survey results is provided in the report. Recommendations are made to enhance the use of advanced field data acquisition technologies in Iowa transportation agencies: (1) Appoint a statewide task group to coordinate the effort to automate field data collection and reporting within the Iowa transportation agencies. Subgroups representing the cities, counties, and state should be formed with oversight provided by the statewide task group. (2) Educate employees so that they become familiar with the various field data acquisition technologies.


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Special investigation of the Iowa Department of Transportation for the period January 29, 1994 through July 7, 2011


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Parte de análise de dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado defendidas, de 1990 a 1994, nos cursos de pós-graduação em saúde pública da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (ENSP/Fiocruz), Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP) e Instituto de Medicina Social da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (IMS/UERJ), visando a detectar aspectos referentes às características dos documentos citados, como subsídios para estabelecimento de indicadores necessários à avaliação da produção científica brasileira no campo da saúde pública. O conjunto das citações amostradas (6 019) de 266 dissertações de mestrado e 84 teses de doutorado revelou que os artigos de periódicos contribuíram com maior número de citações (46,7%); o percentual de livros foi mais representativo para as teses de doutorado; a maior concentração dos documentos citados encontra-se no conjunto publicado de 6 a 10 anos da defesa da dissertação/tese; o idioma português predominou nas citações (49,3%) e o inglês para os artigos de periódicos; os alunos valeram-se mais de dissertações/teses de outras instituições do que das escolas que freqüentaram.


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Addendum to a report on a special investigation of the Iowa Department of Transportation for the period January 29, 1994 through June 30, 2013


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Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.


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Includes maps and lists with contact information of Iowa's recreation trails including ones for canoeing, hiking, snowmobiling, equestrian, atv, cross county skiing and bicycling.


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En este trabajo se presenta el análisis de los datos de temperatura, radiación global, radiación difusa y humedad relativa, simultáneos, registrados en la isla Livingston durante las campañas de verano de 1994-95 y 1995-96. Los datos corresponden a dos estaciones, una instalada en la Base Antártica Española Juan Carlos I y otra instalada sobre el Glaciar Johnsons. Se ha establecido la correlación de las variables medidas en la Base con las obtenidas en el glaciar. A su vez, los resultados obtenidos permiten calcular por regresión los correspondientes al glaciar, en las campañas donde no se obtuvieron datos in situ. También, se caracterizan las evoluciones medias diarias de la temperatura, radiación y humedad mediante modelos periódicos. Por último se estudian la relación de la temperatura y nubosidad con respecto a la velocidad y dirección del viento. Algunos de los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con éxito con los obtenidos a partir de los registros de la base antrática de Bellingshausen.


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En primer lugar se hace un recuento sucinto del concierto internacional en materia de políticas de información, luego se reseña la situación de algunos países de América Latina y enseguida se revisa la situación en México con el fin de: a) revisar si el discurso oficial en materia de políticas de información en el campo científico y técnico es considerado en los planes nacionales de desarrollo; b) identificar los tópicos de políticas de información en materia de ciencia y tecnología a partir del análisis de algunas publicaciones oficiales mexicanas y c) profundizar en el periodo 1989 1994 que comprende el sexenio del entonces presidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari. La metodología utilizada se refiere al análisis documental de las obras y a la aplicación de una propuesta en particular en torno al estudio de las políticas de información.


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A significant amount of waste limestone screenings is produced during aggregate production. This waste material cannot be used in highway construction because it does not meet current highway specifications. The purpose of this research was to determine if a waste limestone screenings/emulsion mix could be used to construct a base capable of supporting local traffic. A 1.27 mile (2.04 km) section of roadway in Linn County was selected for this research. The road was divided into seven sections. Six of the sections were used to test 4 in. (100 mm) and 6 in. (150 mm) compacted base thicknesses containing 2.5%, 3.5%, and 4.5% residual asphalt contents. The seventh section was a control section containing untreated waste limestone screenings. This research on emulsion stabilized limestone screenings supports the following conclusions: (1) A low maintenance roadway can be produced using a seal coat surface on 6 in. (150 mm) of stabilized limestone screenings with 4.5% asphalt cement; (2) A 6 in. (150 mm) emulsion stabilized base with less than 3.5% asphalt cement does not produce a satisfactory low cost maintenance roadway; (3) A 4 in. (100 mm) emulsion stabilized base does not produce a satisfactory low cost maintenance roadway; and (4) A 2 in. (50 mm) asphalt concrete surface would be necessary on many roads to provide a low maintenance roadway using emulsion stabilized limestone screenings.


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Concretes with service lives of less than 15 years and those with lives greater than 40 years were studied with petrographic microscope, scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe to determine why these two groups of concrete exhibit such different degrees of durability under highway conditions. Coarse aggregate used in both types of concrete were from dolomite rock, but investigation revealed that dolomite aggregate in the two groups of concretes were much different in several respects. The poorly-performing aggregate is fine-grained, has numerous euhedral and subhedral dolomite rhombohedra, and has relatively high porosity. Aggregate from durable concrete is coarse-grained, with tightly interlocked crystal fabric, anhedral dolomite boundaries, and low porosity. Aggregate in short service life concrete was found to have undergone pervasive chemical reactions with the cement which produced reaction rims on the boundaries of coarse aggregate particles and in the cement region adjacent to aggregate boundaries. Textural and porosity differences are believed to be chiefly responsible for different service lives of the two groups of concrete. The basic reaction that has occurred in the short service life concretes between coarse aggregate and cement is an alkali-dolomite reaction. In the reaction dolomite from the aggregate reacts with hydroxide ions from the cement to free magnesium ions and carbonate ions, and the magnesium ions precipitate as brucite, Mg(OH)2. Simultaneously with this reaction, a second reaction occurs in which product carbonate ions react with portlandite from the cement to form calcite and hydroxide ions. Crystal growth pressures of newly formed brucite and calcite together with other processes, e.g. hydration state changes of magnesium chloride hydrates, lead to expansion of the concretes with resultant rapid deterioration. According to this model, magnesium from any source, either from reacting dolomite or from magnesium road deicers, has a major role in highway concrete deterioration. Consequently, magnesium deicers should be used with caution, and long-term testing of the effects of magnesium deicers on highway concrete should be implemented to determine their effects on durability.


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Left-turning traffic is a major source of conflicts at intersections. Though an average of only 10% to 15% of all approach traffic turns left, these vehicles are involved in approximately 45% of all accidents. This report presents the results of research conducted to develop models which estimate approach accident rates at high speed signalized intersections. The objective of the research was to quantify the relationship between traffic and intersection characteristics, and accident potential of different left turn treatments. Geometric, turning movement counts, and traffic signal phasing data were collected at 100 intersections in Iowa using a questionnaire sent to municipalities. Not all questionnaires resulted in complete data and ultimately complete data were derived for 63 intersections providing a database of 248 approaches. Accident data for the same approaches were obtained from the Iowa Department of Transportation Accident Location and Analysis System (ALAS). Regression models were developed for two different dependent variables: 1) the ratio of the number of left turn accidents per approach to million left turning vehicles per approach, and 2) the ratio of accidents per approach to million traffic movements per approach. A number of regression models were developed for both dependent variables. One model using each dependent variable was developed for intersections with low, medium, and high left turning traffic volumes. As expected, the research indicates that protected left turn phasing has a lower accident potential than protected/permitted or permitted phasing. Left turn lanes and multiple lane approaches are beneficial for reducing accident rates, while raised medians increase the likelihood of accidents. Signals that are part of a signal system tend to have lower accident rates than isolated signals. The resulting regression models may be used to determine the likely impact of various left turn treatments on intersection accident rates. When designing an intersection approach, a traffic engineer may use the models to estimate the accident rate reduction as a result of improved lane configurations and left turn treatments. The safety benefits may then be compared to any costs associated with operational effects to the intersection (i.e., increased delay) to determine the benefits and costs of making intersection safety improvements.


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Most pavement contraction joint seals in Iowa, in general, have been performing in less than a satisfactory manner. The effective life of the seals, in maintaining a watertight joint, has been only from two to five years. In search of improvements, research was proposed to evaluate preformed neoprene joint seals. The performance of those seals was to be compared mainly with the hot poured rubberized asphalt sealants and cold applied silicone sealants or other sealants commonly used at the time this research began. Joint designs and methods of sawing were also investigated. All evaluations were done in new portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Three projects were initially selected and each included a research section of joint sealing. Some additional sites were later added for evaluation. Several joint sealants were evaluated at each research site. The various sites included high, medium and low levels of traffic. Evaluations were done over a five-year period. Neoprene joint seals provided better performance than hot or cold field formed joints.