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Attempts to estimate photosynthetic rate or gross primary productivity from remotely sensed absorbed solar radiation depend on knowledge of the light use efficiency (LUE). Early models assumed LUE to be constant, but now most researchers try to adjust it for variations in temperature and moisture stress. However, more exact methods are now required. Hyperspectral remote sensing offers the possibility of sensing the changes in the xanthophyll cycle, which is closely coupled to photosynthesis. Several studies have shown that an index (the photochemical reflectance index) based on the reflectance at 531 nm is strongly correlated with the LUE over hours, days and months. A second hyperspectral approach relies on the remote detection of fluorescence, which is a directly related to the efficiency of photosynthesis. We discuss the state of the art of the two approaches. Both have been demonstrated to be effective, but we specify seven conditions required before the methods can become operational.
Among the more striking episodes in the Middle English poem Of Arthour and of Merlin is an invasion of England by, amongst others, an army of gigantic Irish pagans. Adapted from the French Estoire de Merlin, the English poem’s depiction of the Irish represents one of the more intriguing points of divergence between the two versions. Of Arthour and of Merlin paints the Irish in a highly negative light and repeatedly refers to them as ‘Saracens’. The French text, by contrast, depicts the Irish as gigantic, but it does not suggest that they are ignoble or pagan. Although, the term ‘Saracen’ was sometimes applied to non-Islamic enemies of England, such as the Vikings, this appears to be its only application to a historically Christian people dwelling west of England. This paper argues that the depiction of the Irish in the poem reflects a complex of ideas about Ireland in circulation in England in the period. In particular, the influential writings of Gerald of Wales lay great emphasis on supposed Irish heterodoxy and repeatedly link the Irish Occident with the Orient as the furthest extremities of the world, abounding in marvels but rendered barbaric by their isolation
The Great Sanctuary pavement at Westminster Abbey, on which the kings of England were crowned, features a design of rotated squares, around a central roundel of unusual Egyptian alabaster, set within a circle of bright blue glass. The roundel’s visual resemblance to the world and the firmament is underlined by a surrounding inscription, identifying it as the world, the macrocosm. This paper proposes that the design and meaning of the Great Sanctuary pavement reflect the square macrocosmic mantle in which the English king was wrapped during the coronation ceremony. This paper underlines the special nature of the English coronation mantle within the context of other royal and imperial cosmic mantles. Its square form was unique, and it featured in the English coronation liturgies in a way that European mantles did not. The English liturgies stressed its role as a representation of the world or macrocosm
This article investigates a body of early Tudor poetry associated with the Stanley Earls of Derby, preserved in the Percy Folio (British Library, Additional MS 27879). It argues that the Lancashire and Cheshire authors of these poems modified strategies of national address, rooted in a historical and prophetic tradition we can trace back to Geoffrey of Monmouth, to construct a clear regional identity centred on the dynastic mythology of the Stanley family. The Galfridian Stanley-ite mythology of this period presents a significant counterpart to contemporary political historical and prophetic treatments of the Tudor accession. This provides an important new literary-historical context for our understanding of the Percy Folio romance "The Turke and Sir Gawain".
Cerium doped yttrium aluminate perovskite YAlO(3) (YAP) powders are pursued as interesting alternatives to bulk crystals for application in scintillating devices. The emissions of these materials in the near-UV and visible spectral regions originate from electric dipole transitions between 4f and 5d energy levels of Ce(3+) and largely depend on the environment occupied by the ion. In search for improved synthesis conditions that can lead to phase pure powders with optimized structural and spectroscopic characteristics, in this work we have employed the polymeric precursor (Pechini) method to prepare crystalline and amorphous YAP:Ce powders doped with 1-10 mol% Ce(3+). Interesting composite materials were also obtained by dispersing some of the YAP:Ce powders in silica xerogels. A comparative structural and spectroscopic study of all the samples was done by XRD, FT-IR, emission, excitation and excited state lifetime measurements. In agreement with previous reports, excitation at 296 nm results in intense emission in the range 315-425 nm with an average decay time of 30 ns. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Denna uppsats dokumenterar uppkomst, frontpersoner och verksamhet för Dalarnes sjuksköterskeförening (DSF) mellan åren 1920-1933, vilket är en lokal sjuksköterskeförening som senare blev underavdelning till riksföreningen Svensk sjuksköterskeförening (SSF). DSF var den första lokala sjuksköterskeföreningen och startades 1920 av sjuksköterskor kring området Falun/Borlänge. Det var inte en elitförening likt SSF som i sin professionalisering enbart ville avskärma sig från de underordnade som biträden och kämpa för status och kalltanken. DSF var en förening som ville stärka kårandan men även arbeta för löne- och arbetsförhållandefrågor, vilket på den tiden egentligen hörde samman med socialistiska föreningar. I sin verksamhet ville de även få till stånd en platsbyrå för föreningens medlemmar. Det var en politiskt oberoende förening som arbetade fackligt. År 1933 blev Dalarnes sjuksköterskeförening en underavdelning till SSF som från och med det året började arbeta fackligt på lokalföreningars begäran.
O presente estudo, discute a proposição de um modelo construtivista de intervenção pedagógica referenciado ao treinamento de rendimento aplicado ao tênis de competição para escalões infanto-juvenil. Para tanto, realizamos uma investigação teórico-especulativa tendo como objetivo: 1°) Apresentar as principais vertentes filosóficas no âmbito da expressão da corporalidade. Como tal, discorremos sobre a concepção clássica do dualismo axiológico expresso na filosofia platônica; o dualismo metodológico cartesiano; o modelo não dualista das concepções existencialista e a concepção pós-marxista expressa na perspectiva do materialismo histórico dialético. 2°) Delimitar as principais vertentes que configuram formas diferenciadas sobre a compreensão da natureza lúdica do jogo, da competição e o papel do desporto na configuração de um a forma de vida essencialmente de valor educativo. Discutimos nessa perspectiva as principais correntes sobre a natureza do jogo e do desporto expressas principalmente em Huizinga e Caillois, e concluímos por delimitar o desporto enquanto um jogo de âgon, ou seja, configurando-o como uma forma de jogo. O jogo desportivo. 3°) Delimitar as principais concepções de intervenção pedagógica no âmbito do treino desportivo de competição. Apresentamos duas categorias principais, as quais denominamos de Reprodutivista-tradicional e Construtivista. Discorremos sobre ambas de forma comparativa com o intuito de expressar suas mais relevantes diferenças axiológicas. 4°) Finalmente, descrevemos como essas duas concepções pedagógicas, filosoficamente de orientações diferenciadas, orientam os programas elaborados pelos pedagogos do desporto. Desta forma, concluímos, assumindo como pressuposto central que a concepção construtivista de intervenção pedagógica sugerida nessa investigação, que adotou como referência o tênis de competição, configura-se como plenamente compatível com uma postura verdadeiramente educativa e formativa de crianças e Jovens. Portanto, esperamos que esse estudo possa oferecer contribuições no sentido de que se possa conhecer melhor alguns aspectos do desporto de competição e seus reflexos positivos no processo de educação e formação de crianças e jovens. Enfim, que as informações obtidas neste trabalho, possam ser utilizadas como indícios, antes de conclusões, e que atinjam os indivíduos e as instituições ligadas as práticas desportivas de competição.
The search for better performance in the structural systems has been taken to more refined models, involving the analysis of a growing number of details, which should be correctly formulated aiming at defining a representative model of the real system. Representative models demand a great detailing of the project and search for new techniques of evaluation and analysis. Model updating is one of this technologies, it can be used to improve the predictive capabilities of computer-based models. This paper presents a FRF-based finite element model updating procedure whose the updating variables are physical parameters of the model. It includes the damping effects in the updating procedure assuming proportional and none proportional damping mechanism. The updating parameters are defined at an element level or macro regions of the model. So, the parameters are adjusted locally, facilitating the physical interpretation of the adjusting of the model. Different tests for simulated and experimental data are discussed aiming at defining the characteristics and potentialities of the methodology.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)