709 resultados para 13200-074


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Skutzia epleri sp. n. from USA, S. inthanonensis sp. n. from Thailand, and S. quetzali sp. n. from Panama and Mexico are described and figured as male imagines, and S. gaianii Andersen is recorded from Trinidad and Tobago. The genus now consists of 6 species. In addition to the species mentioned above, S. inopinata Reiss from Canada and S. bahiensis Reiss from Brazil are included. Skutzia is placed in the subtribe Zavreliina of the tribe Tanytarsini, but because the immatures are not known, this placement must be regarded as tentative. The distribution of the genus, previously known only from the Nearctic and the Neotropical regions, is expanded to include the Oriental region, indicating a Beringian connection. An emended diagnosis and a key to the males of Skutzia are provided.


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Objectives We sought to determine whether the quantitative assessment of myocardial fibrosis (MF), either by histopathology or by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ce-MRI), could help predict long-term survival after aortic valve replacement. Background Severe aortic valve disease is characterized by progressive accumulation of interstitial MF. Methods Fifty-four patients scheduled to undergo aortic valve replacement were examined by ce-MRI. Delayed-enhanced images were used for the quantitative assessment of MF. In addition, interstitial MF was quantified by histological analysis of myocardial samples obtained during open-heart surgery and stained with picrosirius red. The ce-MRI study was repeated 27 +/- 22 months after surgery to assess left ventricular functional improvement, and all patients were followed for 52 +/- 17 months to evaluate long-term survival. Results There was a good correlation between the amount of MF measured by histopathology and by ce-MRI (r = 0.69, p < 0.001). In addition, the amount of MF demonstrated a significant inverse correlation with the degree of left ventricular functional improvement after surgery (r = -0.42, p = 0.04 for histopathology; r = -0.47, p = 0.02 for ce-MRI). Kaplan-Meier analyses revealed that higher degrees of MF accumulation were associated with worse long-term survival (chi-square = 6.32, p = 0.01 for histopathology; chi-square = 5.85, p = 0.02 for ce-MRI). On multivariate Cox regression analyses, patient age and the amount of MF were found to be independent predictors of all-cause mortality. Conclusions The amount of MF, either by histopathology or by ce-MRI, is associated with the degree of left ventricular functional improvement and all-cause mortality late after aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic valve disease. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56: 278-87) (c) 2010 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation


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Background: Endoscopic sclerotherapy (ES) has been the standard treatment for children with idiopathic extrahepatic portal vein obstruction (EHPVO). Portosystemic shunts are indicated when variceal bleeding cannot be controlled by ES. Recently, mesenteric left portal vein bypass was indicated as a surgical intervention and preventative measure for hepatic dysfunction in children with long-term EHPVO. Nevertheless, there is a lack Of published data confirming the extent of hepatic dysfunction, hypersplenism, and physical development in children with long-term follow-up. Method: We retrospectively verified the long-term outcomes in 82 children with EHPVO treated with ES protocol, focusing on mortality, control of bleeding, hypersplenism, and consequent hepatic dysfunction. Results: Of the children, 56% were free from bleeding after the initiation of ES. The most frequent cause of rebleeding was gastric varices (30%). Four patients had recurrent bleeding from esophageal varices (4.6%). Four patients underwent surgery as a consequence of uncontrolled gastric varices. There were no deaths. Most patients showed good physical development. We observed a mild but statistically significant drop in factor V motion, as well as leukocyte and platelet count. Conclusion: Endoscopic sclerotherapy is an efficient treatment for children with EHPVO. The incidence of rebleeding is low, and there was no mortality. Children develop mild liver dysfunction and hypersplenism with long-term follow-up. Only a few patients manifest symptoms of hypersplenism, portal biliopathy, or liver dysfunction before adolescence. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The link between obesity and endogenous estrogen with coronary artery disease (CAD) in postmenopausal women is uncertain. In this prospective study we analyzed the association of body mass index (BMI) and blood levels of estrone in postmenopausal women with known CAD or with a high risk factor score for CAD. Methods: Participants were 251 female clinic patients aged 50-90 years who were postmenopausal and not using estrogen therapy. Clinical and behavioral characteristics and fasting blood for estrone and heart disease risk factors were collected at baseline, and again at I and 2 years. Women were grouped according to their BMI (kg/m(2)) as normal (18.5 <= BMI < 25), overweight (25 <= BMI < 30) or obese (BMI >= 30), and by low and high estrone levels (< 15 and >= 15 pg/mL, respectively). Fatal and nonfatal events were recorded for 2 years after baseline. Results: Women with a low estrone level were older, thinner, and had less hypertension, diabetes, and lower triglyceride and glucose levels. BMI was positively associated with estrone levels, hypertension, and diabetes and inversely associated with HDL cholesterol. There were 14 deaths, 8 attributed to CAD. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed a nonsignificant trend (p = 0.074) of greater all cause mortality in women with low estrone levels (< 15 mL). In this model, adjusted for BMI, age [OR 1.08; p = 0.03], C-reactive protein [OR = 1.24; p = 0.024] and hypertension [OR = 6.22; p = 0.003] were independent predictors of all cause mortality. Conclusions: Postmenopausal women with low estrone levels (< 15 pg/mL) had a trend for increased mortality over the next 2 years. Larger, longer studies are needed. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To investigate the association of different types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-detected medial meniscal pathology with subregional cartilage loss in the medial tibiofemoral compartment. Methods: A total of 152 women aged >= 40 years, with and without knee osteoarthritis (OA) were included in a longitudinal 24-month observational study. Spoiled gradient recalled acquisitions at steady state (SPGR) and T2-weighted fat-suppressed MRI sequences were acquired. Medial meniscal status of the anterior horn (AH), body, and posterior horn (PH) was graded at baseline: 0 (normal), 1 (intrasubstance meniscal signal changes), 2 (single tears), and 3 (complex tears/maceration). Cartilage segmentation was performed at baseline and 24-month follow-up in various tibiofemoral subregions using computation software. Multiple linear regression models were applied for the analysis with cartilage loss as the outcome. In a first model, the results were adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI). In a second model, the results were adjusted for age, BMI and medial meniscal extrusion. Results: After adjusting for age, BMI, and medial meniscal extrusion, cartilage loss in the total medial tibia (MT) (0.04 mm, P=0.04) and the external medial tibia (eMT) (0.068 mm, P=0.04) increased significantly for compartments with grade 3 lesions. Cartilage loss in the total central medial femoral condyle (cMF) (0.071 mm, P=0.03) also increased significantly for compartments with grade 2 lesions. Cartilage loss at the eMT was significantly related to tears of the PH (0.074 mm; P=0.03). Cartilage loss was not significantly increased for compartments with grade 1 lesions. Conclusion: The protective function of the meniscus appears to be preserved in the presence of intrasubstance meniscal signal changes. Prevalent single tears and meniscal maceration were found to be associated with increased cartilage loss in the same compartment, especially at the PH. (C) 2009 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Constant light (LL) is associated with high incidence of colon cancer. MLT supplementation was related to the significant control of preneoplastic patterns. We sought to analyze preneoplastic patterns in colon tissue from animals exposed to LL environment (14 days; 300 lx), MLT-supplementation (10 mg/kg/day) and DMH-treatment (1,2 dimethylhydrazine; 125 mg/kg). Rodents were sacrificed and MLT serum levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Our results indicated that LL induced ACF development (p < 0.001) with a great potential to increase the number of CD133(+) and CD68(+) cells (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001). LL also increased the proliferative process (PCNA-Li; p < 0.001) as well as decreased caspase-3 protein (p < 0.001), related to higher COX-2 protein expression (p < 0.001) within pericryptal colonic stroma (PCCS). However, MLT-supplementation controlled the development of dysplastic ACF (p < 0.001) diminishing preneoplastic patterns into PCCS as CD133 and CD68 (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001). These events were relative to decreased PCNA-Li index and higher expression of caspase-3 protein. Thus, MLT showed a great potential to control the preneoplastic patterns induced by LL. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Foram relatados os recursos médicos e para-médicos existentes na região do Grande São Paulo, em 1966, último ano em que os dados foram disponíveis. Em relação ao pessoal médico, o número de habitantes encontrados por médico variou de 1008 a 17 732 pessoas, respectivamente para os municípios de São Paulo e Itaquaquecetuba. Para a região do Grande São Paulo, como um todo, constatou-se a existência de 5 290 médicos, contrastados com 5 074 encontrados no município de São Paulo, o que permitiu a relação de 1286 habitantes por médico para esta Região. Adotando-se como satisfatória a proporção de um médico por cada 1000 habitantes, com exceção do município de São Paulo, "todos os outros municípios que compõe a área do Grande São Paulo, apresentaram-se abaixo do número ideal de médicos. Dos 38 municípios componentes da área de estudo, 12 não possuem nenhum médico, o que faz com que 102322 habitantes, teoricamente, estejam descobertos por este tipo de profissional. Quanto ao pessoal para-médico, constatou-se a sua grande concentração nas áreas mais urbanizadas e desenvolvidas economicamente, que é o município de São Paulo, chamando a atenção o reduzido número de enfermeiras diplomadas, nutricionistas, técnicos de laboratório e outros profissionais afins em tôda a área do Grande São Paulo. Cêrca de 50% ou mais dos municípios da área de estudo não apresentaram nas unidades hospitalares e para-hospitalares nenhum dêstes tipos de profissionais.


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Realizou-se estudo de tipo transversal sobre intoxicação por chumbo e cádmio em trabalhadores no setor de reforma de baterias para veículos automotores. Foram estudados 39 trabalhadores procedentes de 19 estabelecimentos de pequeno porte, existentes na zona urbana de Salvador, Ba (Brasil). As condições higiênicas do ambiente de trabalho, características biológicas dos trabalhadores e suas percepções dos riscos ocupacionais foram avaliadas e correlacionadas com níveis hemáticos de cádmio, chumbo, eritroprotoporfirina e hematócrito. As concentrações de chumbo e cádmio no sangue foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica sem chama. Trinta e seis (92,3%) dentre os 39 operários consideraram que a atividade de reformar baterias poderia ser prejudicial à saúde. A legislação brasileira de segurança, higiene e medicina do trabalho considera as intoxicações por chumbo e cádmio como sendo doenças profissionais quando ocorrem em trabalhadores do setor de reforma de baterias. Entretanto, apenas 7 (17,9%) dos 39 operários sabiam que eram potenciais beneficiários desta legislação. Nenhum dos 39 operários sabia que estava exposto ao cádmio nem sobre os riscos ocupacionais decorrentes desta exposição. A média geométrica e o desvio padrão dos níveis de cádmio no sangue estavam extremamente elevados (0,074; 2,3 µmol/l), com 97,4% dos operários excedendo o limite de tolerância de 0,009 µmol/l. Os valores médios dos níveis de chumbo no sangue e de eritroprotoporfirina foram de 2,06 5; 1,4 e 0,86; 3,1 µmol/l, respectivamente. Níveis elevados de chumbo e cádmio no sangue estavam associados a maior idade do operário, maior tempo de serviço na atividade, ventilação insatisfatória do ambiente de trabalho, trabalhar em estabelecimento não incorporado a empresas de ônibus e com o desconhecimento de medidas preventivas contra a intoxicação pelo chumbo.


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Acute physical exercise is associated with increased oxygen consumption, which could result in an increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS can react with several organic structures, namely DNA, causing strand breaks and a variety of modified bases in DNA. Physical exercise training seems to decrease the incidence of oxidative stress-associated diseases, and is considered as a key component of a healthy lifestyle. This is a result of exercise-induced adaptation, which has been associated with the possible increase in antioxidant activity and in oxidative damage repair enzymes, leading to an improved physiological function and enhanced resistance to oxidative stress (Radak et al. 2008). Human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) is involved in the base excision repair (BER) pathway and encodes an enzyme responsible for removing the most common product of oxidative damage in DNA, 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OH-G). The genetic polymorphism of hOGG1 at codon 326 results in a serine (Ser) to cysteine (Cys) amino acid substitution (Ser326Cys). It has been suggested that the carriers of at least one hOGG1Cys variant allele exhibit lower 8-OH-G excision activity than the wild-type (Wilson et al. 2011). The aim of this study was to investigate the possible influence of hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism on DNA damage and repair activity in response to 16 weeks of combined physical exercise training, in thirty healthy Caucasian men. Comet assay was carried out using peripheral blood lymphocytes and enabled the evaluation of DNA damage, both strand breaks and FPG-sensitive sites, and DNA repair activity. Genotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP analysis. The subjects with Ser/Ser genotype were considered as wild-type group (n=20), Ser/Cys and Cys/Cys genotype were analyzed together as mutant group (n=10). Regarding differences between pre and post-training in the wild-type group, the results showed a significant decrease in DNA strand breaks (DNA SBs) (p=0.002) and also in FPG-sensitive sites (p=0.017). No significant differences were observed in weight (p=0.389) and in lipid peroxidation (MDA) (p=0.102). A significant increase in total antioxidant capacity (evaluated by ABTS) was observed (p=0.010). Regarding mutant group, the results showed a significant decrease in DNA SBs (p=0.008) and in weight (p=0.028). No significant differences were observed in FPG-sensitive sites (p=0.916), in ABTS (p=0.074) and in MDA (p=0.086). No significant changes in DNA repair activity were observed in both genotype groups. This preliminary study suggests the possibility of different responses in DNA damage to physical exercise training, considering the hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar se satisfação com aspectos psicossociais no trabalho está associada à saúde dos trabalhadores e verificar se essas associações são influenciadas por características sociodemográficas. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 224 empregados de uma empresa de auto-gestão de planos de previdência privada e de saúde na cidade de São Paulo. Foram administrados quatro questionários auto-aplicados referentes a aspectos sociodemográficos, satisfação no trabalho e saúde (física, mental e capacidade para o trabalho. As associações entre variáveis foram analisadas por meio dos testes t-Student, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e da análise de regressão linear múltipla. RESULTADOS: Satisfação no trabalho apareceu associada ao tempo na empresa (p<0,001) e cargo (p=0,003), onde maiores níveis de satisfação foram observados entre os trabalhadores com menor tempo na empresa e aqueles com cargos de direção. A satisfação no trabalho esteve associada às dimensões da saúde mental e à capacidade para o trabalho (vitalidade: p<0,001; aspectos sociais: p=0,055; aspecto emocional: p=0,074; saúde mental: p<0,001 e capacidade para o trabalho: p=0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Satisfação no trabalho está associada à saúde dos trabalhadores nos seus aspectos "saúde mental" e "capacidade para o trabalho", mostrando a importância dos fatores psicossociais em relação à saúde e bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Sugerem-se diretrizes para mudanças na organização e concepção do trabalho, direcionadas aos aspectos psicossociais. São recomendados estudos longitudinais para investigar a direção causal das associações encontradas.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Proteção Contra Radiações


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a subnotificação de óbitos e internações por tuberculose no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan). MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados os óbitos do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) com tuberculose como causa básica ou associada e as internações do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS) com causa principal ou secundária tuberculose de residentes no município do Rio de Janeiro em 2004. Foi realizada associação probabilística das bases de dados do SIM e SIH-SUS com a do Sinan, referentes aos anos de 2002 a 2004. RESULTADOS: Dos 542 óbitos por tuberculose no período, 234 (43,2%) não foram registrados no Sinan nos dois anos anteriores. Das 1.079 internações, 238 (22,1%) não foram notificadas. Foram relacionados às internações 71 óbitos: 47 ocorreram durante a internação por tuberculose, 24 após a internação. Sete não foram notificados no Sinan. Os idosos tiveram 1,6 vez (IC95% 1,074;2,516) a chance de não notificação dos mais jovens, e pessoas com nível superior ou mais escolaridade tiveram 3,6 vezes a chance (IC95% 1,384;11,022) daqueles com nenhum ano de estudo de não serem notificadas. Os menores de 15 anos tiveram 4,8 vezes a chance (IC95% 2,757;8,452) de não notificação daqueles entre 15 e 59 anos. Algumas divisões regionais de saúde apresentaram percentual de óbitos não notificados acima de 50% e esse percentual variou entre 37,8% e 12,7% para internações. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados sugerem problemas na detecção de casos e apontam barreiras de acesso ao tratamento oportuno e adequado e falhas na qualidade do sistema de informação, com diferenças entre as regiões do município.


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A glutathione-S-transferase (GST)based biosensor was developed to quantify the thiocarbamate herbicide molinate in environmental water.The biosensor construction was based on GST immobilization onto a glassy carbon electrode via aminosilane–glutaraldehyde covalent attachment. The principle supporting the use of this biosensor consists of the GST inhibition process promoted by molinate. Differential pulse voltammetry was used to obtain a calibration curve for molinate concentration, ranging from 0.19 to 7.9 mgL -1 and presenting a detection limit of 0.064 mgL- 1. The developed biosensor is stable,and reusable during 15 days.The GST-based biosensor was successfully applied to quantify molinate in rice paddy field floodwater samples. The results achieved with the developed biosensor were in accordance with those obtained by high performance liquid chromatography. The proposed device is suitable for screening environmental water analysis and, since no sample preparation is required, it can be used in situ and in real-time measurements.


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This study modeled the impact on freshwater ecosystems of pharmaceuticals detected in biosolids following application on agricultural soils. The detected sulfonamides and hydrochlorothiazide displayed comparatively moderate retention in solid matrices and, therefore, higher transfer fractions from biosolids to the freshwater compartment. However, the residence times of these pharmaceuticals in freshwater were estimated to be short due to abiotic degradation processes. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory mefenamic acid had the highest environmental impact on aquatic ecosystems and warrants further investigation. The estimation of the solid-water partitioning coefficient was generally the most influential parameter of the probabilistic comparative impact assessment. These results and the modeling approach used in this study serve to prioritize pharmaceuticals in the research effort to assess the risks and the environmental impacts on aquatic biota of these emerging pollutants.


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Wind resource evaluation in two sites located in Portugal was performed using the mesoscale modelling system Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and the wind resource analysis tool commonly used within the wind power industry, the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) microscale model. Wind measurement campaigns were conducted in the selected sites, allowing for a comparison between in situ measurements and simulated wind, in terms of flow characteristics and energy yields estimates. Three different methodologies were tested, aiming to provide an overview of the benefits and limitations of these methodologies for wind resource estimation. In the first methodology the mesoscale model acts like “virtual” wind measuring stations, where wind data was computed by WRF for both sites and inserted directly as input in WAsP. In the second approach, the same procedure was followed but here the terrain influences induced by the mesoscale model low resolution terrain data were removed from the simulated wind data. In the third methodology, the simulated wind data is extracted at the top of the planetary boundary layer height for both sites, aiming to assess if the use of geostrophic winds (which, by definition, are not influenced by the local terrain) can bring any improvement in the models performance. The obtained results for the abovementioned methodologies were compared with those resulting from in situ measurements, in terms of mean wind speed, Weibull probability density function parameters and production estimates, considering the installation of one wind turbine in each site. Results showed that the second tested approach is the one that produces values closest to the measured ones, and fairly acceptable deviations were found using this coupling technique in terms of estimated annual production. However, mesoscale output should not be used directly in wind farm sitting projects, mainly due to the mesoscale model terrain data poor resolution. Instead, the use of mesoscale output in microscale models should be seen as a valid alternative to in situ data mainly for preliminary wind resource assessments, although the application of mesoscale and microscale coupling in areas with complex topography should be done with extreme caution.