1000 resultados para 13200-033


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Raman spectrum of callaghanite, Cu2Mg2(CO3)(OH)6⋅2H2O, was studied and compared with published Raman spectra of azurite, malachite and hydromagnesite. Stretching and bending vibrations of carbonate and hydroxyl units and water molecules were tentatively assigned. Approximate O–H…O hydrogen bond lengths were inferred from the spectra. Because of the high content of hydroxyl ions in the crystal structure in comparison with low content of carbonate units, callaghanite should be better classified as a carbonatohydroxide than a hydroxycarbonate.


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The mineral kovdorskite Mg2PO4(OH)�3H2O was studied by electron microscopy, thermal analysis and vibrational spectroscopy. A comparison of the vibrational spectroscopy of kovdorskite is made with other magnesium bearing phosphate minerals and compounds. Electron probe analysis proves the mineral is very pure. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a band at 965 cm�1 attributed to the PO3� 4 m1 symmetric stretching mode. Raman bands at 1057 and 1089 cm�1 are attributed to the PO3�4 m3 antisymmetric stretching modes. Raman bands at 412, 454 and 485 cm�1 are assigned to the PO3�4 m2 bending modes. Raman bands at 536, 546 and 574 cm�1 are assigned to the PO3�4 m4 bending modes. The Raman spectrum in the OH stretching region is dominated by a very sharp intense band at 3681 cm�1 assigned to the stretching vibration of OH units. Infrared bands observed at 2762, 2977, 3204, 3275 and 3394 cm�1 are attributed to water stretching bands. Vibrational spectroscopy shows that no carbonate bands are observed in the spectra; thus confirming the formula of the mineral as Mg2PO4(OH)�3H2O.


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Migraine is a common neurological disease with a genetic basis affecting approximately 12% of the population. Pain during a migraine attack is associated with activation of the trigeminal nerve system, which carries pain signals from the meninges and the blood vessels infusing the meninges to the trigeminal nucleus in the brain stem. The release of inflammatory mediators following cortical spreading depression (CSD) may further promote and sustain the activation and sensitization of meningeal nociceptors, inducing the persistent throbbing headache characterised in migraine. Lymphotoxin α (LTA) is a cytokine secreted by lymphocytes and is a member of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family. Genetic variation with the TNF and LTA genes may contribute to threshold brain excitability, propagation of neuronal hyperexcitability and thus initiation and maintenance of a migraine attack. Three LTA variants rs2009658, rs2844482 and rs2229094 were identified in a recent pGWAS study conducted in the Norfolk Island population as being potentially implicated in migraine with nominally significant p values of p = 0.0093, p = 0.0088 and p = 0.033 respectively. To determine whether these SNPs played a role in migraine in a general outbred population these SNPs were gentoyped in a large case control Australian Caucasian population and tested for association with migraine. All three SNPs showed no association in our cohort (p > 0.05). Validation of GWAS data in independent case-controls cohorts is essential to establish risk validity within specific population groups. The importance of cytokines in modulating neural inflammation and pain threshold in addition to other studies showing associations between TNF-α and SNPs in the LTA gene with migraine, suggests that LTA could be an important factor contributing to migraine. Although the present study did not support a role for the tested LTA variants in migraine, investigation of other variants within the LTA gene is still warranted.


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Familial hemiplegic migraine is a severe, rare subtype of migraine. Gene mutations on chromosome 19 have been identified in the calcium channel, voltage-dependent, P/Q type, alpha-1A subunit gene (chromosome 19p13) for familial hemiplegic migraine. Recently a gene mutation (Serine-218-Leucine) for a dramatic syndrome associated with familial hemiplegic migraine, commonly named “migraine coma”, has implicated exon 5 of this gene. The occurrence of trivial head trauma, in such familial hemiplegic migraine patients, may also be complicated by severe, sometimes even fatal, cerebral edema and coma occurring after a lucid interval. Sporadic hemiplegic migraine shares a similar spectrum of clinical presentation and genetic heterogeneity. The case report presented in this article implicates the involvement of the Serine-218-Leucine mutation in the extremely rare disorder of minor head trauma–induced migraine coma. We conclude that the Serine-218-Leucine mutation in the calcium channel, voltage-dependent, P/Q type, alpha-1A subunit gene is involved in sporadic hemiplegic migraine, delayed cerebral edema and coma after minor head trauma.


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Solar keratoses (SKs) are induced by exposure to UV radiation and are capable of undergoing transformation to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).1 The two main factors influencing the occurrence of SK are the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and the total duration of solar exposure. These factors are responsible for the high incidence of SK in Australia. Although the influence of genetic factors is not defined, there is evidence that the gene encoding the enzyme, glutathione S-transferase, may be implicated in cancer predisposition and therefore SK. Glutathione S-transferase Mu-1 (GSTM1) is an isoenzyme involved in the detoxification of carcinogens. The GSTM1 protein is completely absent in approximately 50% of white persons. This absence is caused by a homozygous gene deletion on chromosome 1p resulting in a null genotype.2 Katoh3 showed that the frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype was significantly higher in 85 patients with urothelial cancer (61.2%; p < 0.05), suggesting that the null genotype may increase cancer susceptibility. This finding was supported by Lafuente et al.4 who found evidence that persons who lack the GSTM1 gene have approximately twice the chance of experiencing malignant melanoma. Further research in the United Kingdom found that patients with two or more skin tumors of different types, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and SCC, had a significantly higher frequency of GSTM1 null genotypes than controls (71%; p = 0.033). However the GSTM1 genotype in patients with only SCC was not excessive in this population.5 Persons residing in northern Australia have the highest incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancer (SCC and BCC) in the world6 and receive far greater solar exposure than persons residing in the United Kingdom. It is possible that the GSTM1 null genotype may affect susceptibility to SK, which may act as SCC precursors, in Australians exposed to these high levels of solar radiation.


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The galvanic replacement of isolated electrodeposited semiconducting CuTCNQ microstructures on a glassy carbon (GC) substrate with gold is investigated. It is found that anisotropic metal nanoparticles are formed which are not solely confined to the redox active sites on the semiconducting materials but are also observed on the GC substrate which occurs via a lateral charge propagation mechanism. We also demonstrate that this galvanic replacement approach can be used for the formation of isolated AgTCNQ/Au microwire composites which occurs via an analogous mechanism. The resultant MTCNQ/Au (M = Cu, Ag) composite materials are characterized by Raman, spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and investigated for their catalytic properties for the reduction of ferricyanide ions with thiosulphate ions in aqueous solution. Significantly it is demonstrated that gold loading, nanoparticle shape and in particular the MTCNQ–Au interface are important factors that influence the reaction rate. It is shown that there is a synergistic effect at the CuTCNQ/Au composite when compared to AgTCNQ/Au at similar gold loadings.


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The aim of this study was to determine whether declines in knee flexor strength following overground repeat sprints were related to changes in hamstrings myoelectrical activity. Seventeen recreationally active males completed maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric knee flexor strength assessments at 1800.s-1 before and after repeat sprint running. Myoelectrical activity of the biceps femoris (BF) and medial hamstrings (MH) was measured during all isokinetic contractions. Repeated measures mixed model (Fixed factors = time [pre- and post- repeat sprint] and leg [dominant and non-dominant], random factor = participants) design was fitted with the restricted maximal likelihood method. Repeat sprint running resulted in significant declines in eccentric, and concentric, knee flexor strength (eccentric = 25 ± 34 Nm, 15% p<0.001; concentric 11 Nm± 22 Nm, 10% p = 0.001). Eccentric BF myoelectrical activity was significantly reduced (10%; p= 0.033). Concentric BF and all MH myoelectrical activity were not altered. The declines in maximal eccentric torque were associated with the change in eccentric biceps femoris myoelectrical activity (p = 0.013). Following repeat sprint running there were preferential declines in the myoelectrical activity of the BF, which explained declines in eccentric knee flexor strength.


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Finite element frame analysis programs targeted for design office application necessitate algorithms which can deliver reliable numerical convergence in a practical timeframe with comparable degrees of accuracy, and a highly desirable attribute is the use of a single element per member to reduce computational storage, as well as data preparation and the interpretation of the results. To this end, a higher-order finite element method including geometric non-linearity is addressed in the paper for the analysis of elastic frames for which a single element is used to model each member. The geometric non-linearity in the structure is handled using an updated Lagrangian formulation, which takes the effects of the large translations and rotations that occur at the joints into consideration by accumulating their nodal coordinates. Rigid body movements are eliminated from the local member load-displacement relationship for which the total secant stiffness is formulated for evaluating the large member deformations of an element. The influences of the axial force on the member stiffness and the changes in the member chord length are taken into account using a modified bowing function which is formulated in the total secant stiffness relationship, for which the coupling of the axial strain and flexural bowing is included. The accuracy and efficiency of the technique is verified by comparisons with a number of plane and spatial structures, whose structural response has been reported in independent studies.


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Many cell types form clumps or aggregates when cultured in vitro through a variety of mechanisms including rapid cell proliferation, chemotaxis, or direct cell-to-cell contact. In this paper we develop an agent-based model to explore the formation of aggregates in cultures where cells are initially distributed uniformly, at random, on a two-dimensional substrate. Our model includes unbiased random cell motion, together with two mechanisms which can produce cell aggregates: (i) rapid cell proliferation, and (ii) a biased cell motility mechanism where cells can sense other cells within a finite range, and will tend to move towards areas with higher numbers of cells. We then introduce a pair-correlation function which allows us to quantify aspects of the spatial patterns produced by our agent-based model. In particular, these pair-correlation functions are able to detect differences between domains populated uniformly at random (i.e. at the exclusion complete spatial randomness (ECSR) state) and those where the proliferation and biased motion rules have been employed - even when such differences are not obvious to the naked eye. The pair-correlation function can also detect the emergence of a characteristic inter-aggregate distance which occurs when the biased motion mechanism is dominant, and is not observed when cell proliferation is the main mechanism of aggregate formation. This suggests that applying the pair-correlation function to experimental images of cell aggregates may provide information about the mechanism associated with observed aggregates. As a proof of concept, we perform such analysis for images of cancer cell aggregates, which are known to be associated with rapid proliferation. The results of our analysis are consistent with the predictions of the proliferation-based simulations, which supports the potential usefulness of pair correlation functions for providing insight into the mechanisms of aggregate formation.


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Driving is often nominated as problematic by individuals with chronic whiplash associated disorders (WAD), yet driving-related performance has not been evaluated objectively. The purpose of this study was to test driving-related performance in persons with chronic WAD against healthy controls of similar age, gender and driving experience to determine if driving-related performance in the WAD group was sufficiently impaired to recommend fitness to drive assessment. Driving-related performance was assessed using an advanced driving simulator during three driving scenarios; freeway, residential and a central business district (CBD). Total driving duration was approximately 15 min. Five driving tasks which could cause a collision (critical events) were included in the scenarios. In addition, the effect of divided attention (identify red dots projected onto side or rear view mirrors) was assessed three times in each scenario. Driving performance was measured using the simulator performance index (SPI) which is calculated from 12 measures. z-Scores for all SPI measures were calculated for each WAD subject based on mean values of the control subjects. The z-scores were then averaged for the WAD group. A z-score of ≤−2 indicated a driving failing grade in the simulator. The number of collisions over the five critical events was compared between the WAD and control groups as was reaction time and missed response ratio in identifying the red dots. Seventeen WAD and 26 control subjects commenced the driving assessment. Demographic data were comparable between the groups. All subjects completed the freeway scenario but four withdrew during the residential and eight during the CBD scenario because of motion sickness. All scenarios were completed by 14 WAD and 17 control subjects. Mean z-scores for the SPI over the three scenarios was statistically lower in the WAD group (−0.3 ± 0.3; P < 0.05) but the score was not below the cut-off point for safe driving. There were no differences in the reaction time and missed response ratio in divided attention tasks between the groups (All P > 0.05). Assessment of driving in an advanced driving simulator for approximately 15 min revealed that driving-related performance in chronic WAD was not sufficiently impaired to recommend the need for fitness to drive assessment.


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Previous research has shown that early maturing girls at age I I have lower subsequent physical activity at age 13 in comparison to later maturing girls. Possible reasons for this association have not been assessed. This study examines girls' psychological response to puberty and their enjoyment of physical activity as intermediary factors linking pubertal maturation and physical activity. Participants included 178 girls who were assessed at age 11, of whom 168 were reassessed at age 13. All participants were non-Hispanic white and resided in the US. Three measures of pubertal development were obtained at age I I including Tanner breast stage, estradiol levels, and mothers' reports of girls' development on the Pubertal Development Scale (PDS). Measures of psychological well-being at ages I I and 13 included depression, global self-worth, perceived athletic competence, maturation fears, and body esteem. At age 13, girls' enjoyment of physical activity was assessed using the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale and their daily minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were assessed using objective monitoring. Structural Equation Modeling was used to assess direct and indirect pathways between pubertal development at age I I and MVPA at age 13. In addition to a direct effect of pubertal development on MVPA, indirect effects were found for depression, global self-worth and maturity fears controlling for covariates. In each instance, more advanced pubertal development at age I I was associated with lower psychological wellbeing at age 13, which predicted lower enjoyment of physical activity at age 13 and in turn lower MVPA. Results from this study suggest that programs designed to increase physical activity among adolescent girls should address the self-consciousness and discontent that girls' experience with their bodies during puberty, particularly if they mature earlier than their peers, and identify activities or settings that make differences in body shape less conspicuous.


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Current-voltage characteristics of the planar magnetron are studied experimentally and by numerical simulation. Based on the measured current-voltage characteristics, a model of the planar magnetron discharge is developed with the background gas pressure and magnetic field used as parameters. The discharge pressure was varied in a range of 0.7-1.7 Pa, the magnetic field of the magnetron was of 0.033-0.12 T near the cathode surface, the discharge current was from 1 to 25 A, and the magnetic field lines were tangential to the substrate surface in the region of the magnetron discharge ignition. The discharge model describes the motion of energetic secondary electrons that gain energy by passing the cathode sheath across the magnetic field, and the power required to sustain the plasma generation in the bulk. The plasma electrons, in turn, are accelerated in the electric field and ionize effectively the background gas species. The model is based on the assumption about the prevailing Bohm mechanism of electron conductivity across the magnetic field. A criterion of the self-sustained discharge ignition is used to establish the dependence of the discharge voltage on the discharge current. The dependence of the background gas density on the current is also observed from the experiment. The model is consistent with the experimental results. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We aim to examine the miR-1288 expression in cancer cell lines and a large cohort of patients with colorectal cancer. Two colon cancer cell lines (SW480 and SW48) and one normal colonic epithelial cell line (FHC) were recruited. The miRNA expressions of miR-1288 were tested on these cell lines by using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). An exogenous miR-1288 (mimic) was used to detect cell proliferation and cell cycle changes in SW480 using MTT calorimetric assay and flow cytometry, respectively. In addition, tissues from 122 patients with surgical resection of colorectum (82 adenocarcinomas, 20 adenomas, and 20 non-neoplastic tissues) were tested for miR-1288 expression by qRT-PCR. The colon cancer cell lines showed reduced expression of miR-1288 compared to normal colonic epithelial cell line. Over expression of miR-1288 in SW480 cell line showed increased cell proliferation and increased G2-M phase cells. In tissues, reduced miR-1288 expression was noted in majority of colorectal adenocarcinoma compared to colorectal adenoma and non-neoplastic tissues. Reduced or absent expression of miR-1288 was noted in 76% (n = 62/82) of the cancers. The expression levels of miR-1288 were higher in distal colorectal adenocarcinomas (P = 0.013) and in cancers of lower T staging (P = 0.033). To conclude, alternation of miR-1288 expression is important in the progression of colorectal cancer. The differential regulation of miR-1288 was found to be related to cancer location and pathological staging in colorectal cancers.


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Prosperity and environmental sustainability of cities are inextricably linked. Cities can only maintain their prosperity when environmental and social objectives are fully integrated with economic goals for the purpose of a sustainable urban development. Sustainability assessment helps policy-makers decide what actions they should and should not take in an attempt to make our cities more sustainable. There are numerous models available for measuring and evaluating urban sustainability, and they focus their analysis on a specific scale—i.e., micro, mezzo, or macro. In most cases these results are inadequate for the other scales, though generating reliable results for that particular scale. The paper introduces a multiscalar urban sustainability approach by linking two sustainability assessment models evaluate sustainability performances in micro- and mezzo-levels and generate multiscalar results for the macro-level. The paper puts this approach into test in Gold Coast, Australia, and sheds light on the development of a more accurate sustainability analysis that may be interconnected with UN-Habitat’s City Prosperity Index.


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The synthesis of alternating copolymers of tetraalkylindenofluorene with bithiophene and terthiophene using Suzuki polycondensation route is reported. We report on the optical and electrochemical properties of these copolymers. AFM analysis of the microscopic morphology of thin deposits showed that the copolymer with terthiophene units produced the more ordered films, with well-defined fibrillar structures, resulting from highly-regular dense packing due to strong π-π interchain interactions, in contrast to the amorphous bithiophene copolymer. Upon testing these materials in FETs the terthienyl copolymers displayed the higher charge mobilities among the studied compounds, with values of over 10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 being obtained.