989 resultados para "middle-range"
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of the intermediary reaction products during reduction of iron ore, when iron ore and carbonaceous material are agglomerated together as a carbon composite iron ore pellet. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and in order to avoid heat transfer constraints small size samples were used. The carbonaceous materials employed were coke breeze and pure graphite. Portland cement was employed as a binder, and the pellets diameter was 5.2 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellets weight loss, as well as interruption of the reaction at different stages in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. It has been observed that above 1523 K there is the formation of liquid slag inside the pellets, which partially dissolves iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ/mol for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ/mol for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
The performance optimisation of overhead conductors depends on the systematic investigation of the fretting fatigue mechanisms in the conductor/clamping system. As a consequence, a fretting fatigue rig was designed and a limited range of fatigue tests was carried out at the middle high cycle fatigue regime in order to access an exploratory S-N curve for a Grosbeak conductor, which was mounted on a mono-articulated aluminium clamping system. Subsequent to these preliminary fatigue tests, the components of the conductor/clamping system, such as ACSR conductor, upper and lower clamps, bolt and nuts, were subjected to a failure analysis procedure in order to investigate the metallurgical free variables interfering on the fatigue test results, aiming at the optimisation of the testing reproducibility. The results indicated that the rupture of the planar fracture surfaces observed in the external At strands of the conductor tested under lower bending amplitude (0.9 mm) occurred by fatigue cracking (I mm deep), followed by shear overload. The V-type fracture surfaces observed in some At strands of the conductor tested under higher bending amplitude (1.3 mm) were also produced by fatigue cracking (approximately 400 mu m deep), followed by shear overload. Shear overload fracture (45 degrees fracture surface) was also observed on the remaining At wires of the conductor tested under higher bending amplitude (1.3 mm). Additionally, the upper and lower Al-cast clamps presented microstructure-sensitive cracking, which was folowed by particle detachment and formation of abrasive debris on the clamp/conductor tribo-interface, promoting even further the fretting mechanism. The detrimental formation of abrasive debris might be inhibited by the selection of a more suitable class of as-cast At alloy for the production of clamps. Finally, the bolt/nut system showed intense degradation of the carbon steel nut (fabricated in ferritic-pearlitic carbon steel, featuring machined threads with 190 HV), with intense plastic deformation and loss of material. Proper selection of both the bolt and nut materials and the finishing processing might prevent the loss in the clamping pressure during the fretting testing. It is important to control the specification of these components (clamps, bolt and nuts) prior to the start of large scale fretting fatigue testing of the overhead conductors in order to increase the reproducibility of this assessment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a comparative study of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and analytical and semiempirical (ASE) methods applied to the prediction of the normal force and moment coefficients of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Both methods are applied to the. bare hull of the vehicle and to the body-hydroplane combination. The results are validated through experiments in a towing tank. It is shown that the CFD approach allows for a good prediction of the coefficients over the range of angles of attack considered. In contrast with the traditional ASE formulations used in naval and aircraft fields, an improved methodology is introduced that takes advantage of the qualitative information obtained from CFD flow visualizations.
Sound source localization (SSL) is an essential task in many applications involving speech capture and enhancement. As such, speaker localization with microphone arrays has received significant research attention. Nevertheless, existing SSL algorithms for small arrays still have two significant limitations: lack of range resolution, and accuracy degradation with increasing reverberation. The latter is natural and expected, given that strong reflections can have amplitudes similar to that of the direct signal, but different directions of arrival. Therefore, correctly modeling the room and compensating for the reflections should reduce the degradation due to reverberation. In this paper, we show a stronger result. If modeled correctly, early reflections can be used to provide more information about the source location than would have been available in an anechoic scenario. The modeling not only compensates for the reverberation, but also significantly increases resolution for range and elevation. Thus, we show that under certain conditions and limitations, reverberation can be used to improve SSL performance. Prior attempts to compensate for reverberation tried to model the room impulse response (RIR). However, RIRs change quickly with speaker position, and are nearly impossible to track accurately. Instead, we build a 3-D model of the room, which we use to predict early reflections, which are then incorporated into the SSL estimation. Simulation results with real and synthetic data show that even a simplistic room model is sufficient to produce significant improvements in range and elevation estimation, tasks which would be very difficult when relying only on direct path signal components.
We report the complete molecular characterization of the DNA-A and DNA-B of a Brazilian tomato isolate of Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) and the experimental host range of the virus determined using white-fly transmission tests. Genome analysis showed that ToSRV has a close evolutionary relationship with Tomato rugose mosaic virus. Of 33 plants species inoculated with viruliferous Bemisia tabaci biotype B, 13 species were susceptible to ToSRV, nine asymptomatically. Therefore, ToSRV disease management strategy should include the control of infected weeds close to tomato fields.
Renal diseases are common in older cats. Decreased renal blood flow may be the first sign of dysfunction and can be evaluated by Doppler ultrasound. But previous studies suggest that the resistive index (RI) has a low sensitivity for detecting renal disease. Doppler waveforms of renal and intrarenal arteries demonstrate decreased blood flow before there are any changes in the RI. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the normal Doppler flowmetrics parameters of renal arteries (RAs), interlobar arteries (IAs) and abdominal aorta (AO) in adult healthy, Persian cats. Twenty-five Persian cats (13 females and 12 males with mean age of 30 months and an age range 12-60 months) with normal clinical examinations and biochemical tests and normal systemic blood pressure were given B-mode ultrasonographies in order to exclude all nephropathies, including polycystic kidney disease. All measurements were performed on both kidneys. Both kidneys (n = 50) were examined by color mapping of the renal vasculature. Pulsed Doppler was used to examine both RAs, the IAs at cranial, middle and caudal sites, and the AO. The RI was calculated for all of the vessels. Early systolic acceleration (ESA) of RA and IA was obtained with Doppler spectral analysis. Furthermore, the ratio indices between RA/AO, and IA/RA velocities were calculated. The mean values of peak systolic velocity (PSV) and the diameter for AO were 53.17 +/- 13.46 cm/s and 0.38 +/- 0.08 cm, respectively. The mean RA diameter for all 50 kidneys was 0.15 +/- 0.02 cm. Considering the velocimetric values in both RAs, the mean PSV and RI that were obtained were 41.17 +/- 9.40 cm/s and 0.54 +/- 0.07. The RA had a mean ESA of 1.12 +/- 1.14 m/s(2) and the calculated upper limit of the reference value was 3.40 m/s(2). The mean renal-aortic ratio was 0.828 +/- 0.296. The IA showed PSV and RI values of 32.16 +/- 9.33 cm/s and 0.52 +/- 0.06, respectively. The mean ESA of all IAs was 0.73 +/- 0.61 m/s(2). The calculated upper limit of the reference value was 2.0 m/s(2). The mean renal-interlobar artery ratio was 1.45 +/- 0.57. The RI values obtained in this study were similar to values reported in the literature. Some conditions that lead to a decrease in compliance and to an increase in vascular resistance can affect the Doppler spectral waveforms without changes in RI. To our knowledge, there are no studies that were directed toward to the normal ESA values of the renal vasculature in Persian cats. This study introduced a new ratio between the PSV of the RA and the IA. This index was developed based on the well-known effects of Doppler on the detection of stenosis, regardless of the cause. Further studies are necessary to verify the hemodynamic behavior of this index under pathological conditions in cats as well as the effect of aging, nephropathies and systemic pressure on Doppler velocimetric parameters. (C) 2010 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Expansion tubes are impulse facilities capable of generating highly energetic hyper-sonic flows. This work surveys a broad range of flow conditions produced in the facility X1 with carbon dioxide test gas, for simulation of spacecraft entry into the Martian atmosphere. Conditions with nominal flow speeds of 7, 9, 11 and 13 km/s were tested. The freestream conditions were calibrated using static/Pitot pressure measurements and advanced optical diagnostics. An extensive set of holographic interferometry experiments was performed on flows over wedges for quantitative study of freestream and post-shock densities, and post-shock ionisation. A one-dimensional code with frozen and equilibrium chemistry capabilities was used to estimate the freestream conditions. An equilibrium chemistry model produced a good match to measured freestream quantities at the high enthalpy conditions which are a major aim of this facility's operation. The freestream in the lower enthalpy conditions was found to be heavily influenced by chemical non-equilibrium. Non-equilibrium in the final unsteady expansion process of flow generation was accounted for by switching from equilibrium to frozen chemistry at a predetermined point. Comparison between the freestream density results of holographic interferometry, pressure measurements and computations shows good agreement.
Researchers within the field of cultural imperialism as well as the more recently developed globalisation paradigm have tended to dwell upon the economic or corporate dimensions of global cultural flows and have been largely indifferent to the domain of the everyday cultural tastes and forms of cultural consumption that exist in particular national contexts. This article seeks to redress this focus through an examination of one particular instance of cultural imperialism, the widely held belief in ?he Americanisation of Australian society. Using data from a major research project inquiring into Australian everyday culture the article focuses on the changes in cultural tastes and preferences that are evident in three generational cohorts: contemporary young adults, a segment of the 'baby-boom' generation now in middle age, and a group of older Australians born in the years following World War I and the 1920s. The article documents a trend in which overseas influences, particularly those originating from America, appear to be increasingly shaping Australians' tastes in a wide range of cultural domains. Nevertheless, despite these changes in cultural taste Australians of ail ages retain a strong sense of a distinctive national identity. Such findings have implications for an understanding of cultural globalisation as a process of hybridisation and intermixing.
Young (18-22 years) and middle-aged (45-49 years) women living in urban and rural areas of New South Wales completed a brief food frequency questionnaire as part of a wider health survey. Urban women in both age groups consumed meat less frequently than women in rural areas; and women in the less populated rural areas were more likely to eat green and yellow vegetables and least likely to eat dried beans. There were few other geographic differences in food habits. Middle-aged women consumed reduced-fat milk, fruit, vegetables, fish, biscuits and cakes significantly more frequently, and rice, pasta, full-cream milk, fried food and take-away food less frequently than younger women. Smokers in both age groups consumed fresh fruit, vegetables and breakfast cereals significantly less frequently than non-smokers, and women with low levels of habitual physical activity consumed fresh fruit and cereals less frequently than more active women. The findings suggest that strategies aimed at changing eating behaviours should be age-group-specific and targeted specifically to smokers and less active women.
The hydrogenation of cyclohexene over palladium supported in a microporous gamma-alumina pellet is studied thermogravimetrically with a view to measuring the extent of partial internal wetting associated with the different steady state branches. As many as three steady state branches having significantly different degrees of internal wetting and reaction rates, with transitions between them, are confirmed from observations of catalyst weight change. It is seen that with reduction in catalyst activity the middle branch, obtained by condensation from a vapor filled pellet, is much more prominent without showing an evaporative transition for the range of hydrogen partial pressures used here. The catalyst activity is therefore an important parameter affecting the structure of the steady state branches. Hysteresis effects are found to occur, and the thermogravimetric results also confirm the importance of history in determining the catalyst state. The measured degree of wetting is in accordance with that estimated from a mathematical model incorporating capillary condensation effects in addition to reaction-diffusion phenomena. The same model also satisfactorily interprets the reaction rate variations and transitions seen in the present work.
A new model for correlated electrons is presented which is integrable in one-dimension. The symmetry algebra of the model is the Lie superalgebra gl(2\1) which depends on a continuous free parameter. This symmetry algebra contains the eta pairing algebra as a subalgebra which is used to show that the model exhibits Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in any number of dimensions.
The study investigated the behaviors and interactions of children in structured and unstructured groups as they worked together on a 6-week social studies activity each term for 3 school terms. Two hundred and twelve children in Grade 1 and 184 children in Grade 3 participated in the study. Stratified random assignment occurred so that each gender-balanced group consisted of 1 high-, 2 medium-, and 1 low-ability student. The results show that the children in the structured groups were consistently more cooperative and they provided more elaborated and nonelaborated help than did their peers in the unstructured groups. The children in the structured groups in Grade 3 obtained higher reading and learning outcome scores than their peers in the unstructured groups.
Purpose. To study epidermal and polyethylene membrane penetration and retention of the sunscreen benzophenone-3 (BP) from a range of single solvent vehicles and evaluate solvent effects on permeability parameters. Methods. The solubility of BP was measured in a number of solvents. Penetration of BP across human epidermis and high density polyethylene (HDPE) membranes was studied from 50% saturated solutions in each solvent. Results. Maximal BP fluxes from the solvents across the two membranes varied widely. Highest fluxes were observed from 90% ethanol (EtOH) for epidermis and from isopropyl myristate (IPM) and C12-15 benzoate alcohols (C12-15 BA) for HDPE membrane. Both the flux and estimated permeability coefficient and skin-vehicle partitioning of BP appeared to be related to the vehicle solubility parameter (delta(v)). The major effects of solvents on BP flux appear to be via changes in BP diffusivity through the membranes. Conclusions. Minimal penetration of sunscreens such as BP is best achieved by choosing vehicles with a delta(v) substantially different to the solubility parameter of the membrane.