831 resultados para yearbook
This book marks the one hundredth anniversary of the formation of the Long Point Company. There are penciled initials R.A.L. [Robert A. Laidlaw], Jan. 12th, 1967 within the front cover. See the full text of this item in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.
Vol. 4; 129 p. b&w, color photographs; Sept. 1984 TOC: Leadership in Profile…10/Yearbook Reception…14/Mr. and Mrs. Fiorello LaGuardia…17/Faculty and Staff…20/College Wide Activities and Events…39/Continuing Education…42/Recreation…46/Student Government…51/Honors Night…56/Activities Events and Trips…65/Graduate Special Section…77/Graduates…83/In Memoriam…124/Yearbook Committee…127/Ads…129 YEARBOOK CREDITS: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Copy/Caption Writers and Editors: UMOJA KWANGUVU and CATHERINE WHAN-ABBATE; Photographers: YVONNE CANNON, YOUNG CHOI, WALTER JACKSON, UMOJA KWANGUVU, RANDY FADER-SMITH, CLASSIC STUDIOS; Production Committee: ARLENE BANREY, ELIZABETH BAUMANN, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, BRIDGET DAVIS, MARGARET FERNANDEZ, FRAN GIBSON, RAMONA H. KENOL, EDDIE LEBRON, REGINA McDONALD, HORACIO OWENS, JOSE PENA, KEVIN RILEY, SHIRLEY SAULSBURY, CORDELIA WHICHARD; Typing: BLANCA ARBITO, ENID RIVERA, CAROLYN TAYLOR, CATHERINE WHAN-ABBATE, ADRIENNE WILLIAMS, AUDREY WILLIAMS.
128 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: LaGuardia the Man…4/Cooperative Education…12/Faculty and Staff…20/College Wide Events and Activities…37/Recreation…45/Nursery Program…51/Student Government…55/Student Activities…59/Dedication to Graduates…71/Graduates…81 YEARBOOK CREDITS: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Committee Chairperson, WALTER JACKSON; Copy /Caption Writer and Editor, UMOJA KWANGUVU; Photographers: ROBERT BROWN, WALTER JACKSON, RANDY FADER-SMITH, MARK SEALY, CLASSIC STUDIOS; Designed by VINCENT BANREY; Layout: VINCENT BANREY, SANDRA BRADLEY, BRIDGET DAVIS, REINALDO DENNY, UMOJA KWANGUVU, KEVIN RILEY; Typesetting, AUDREY WILLIAMS; Typing: SANDRA BRADLEY, TANYA BUSH-CORONA, BRIDGET DAVIS, ROSALIE NIEVES; Graphics: VINCENT BANREY, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, REINALDO DENNY, WALTER JACKSON.
TOC: Life at LaGuardia…3/ LaGuardia At Work…11/College-Wide Activities…20/Mayor LaGuardia…26/Martin Luther King…28/Statue of Liberty…30/Activities and Trips…33/Recreation…52/Student Government and Clubs…56/Faculty and Staff…64/Letters to Graduates…83/Class ’85…87/Class ’86…115/Dedication to the Challenger…156/Boosters and Ads…158 Yearbook Committee: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Asst. Project Director, CATHY WHAN; Editor-in-Chief, MARGARET NEISS; Layout Editor, HORACIO OWENS; Asst. Layout Editor, MARICRUZ SAUNDERS; Copy Editor/Captain Editor, UMOJA KWANGUVU; Typesetter, EDWARD HOLLINS; Cover Artist, DAVID VAZQUEZ; End Sheets Photo, YOUNG BAEK CHOI; Finance Manager, GEORGE BERMUDEZ; Photographers: HORACIO OWENS, MARINA DIAZ, MARGARET NEISS, LORI GEORGE, RANDY FADER SMITH, UMOJA KWANGUVU, JUAN SEGARRA, PETER ABBATE, CLASSIC STUDIO; Production Staff: HORACIO OWENS, MARGARET NEISS, MARINA DIAZ, UMOJA KWANGUVU, MARICRUZ SAUNDERS, IRENE LEBRON, ARLENE BANREY, QUAALAN SAMUELS, MAYRA ALDONADO, CATHY WHAN, RAVI RAMDASS, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, BLANCA ARBITO, EDWARD HOLLINS, BRIDGET DAVIS; Feature Writers: YVONNE CANNON AND HARRIET ASCHOFF ("LaGuardia at Work"); GEORGE BERMUDEZ ("Mayor LaGuardia, A Civil Rights Political Leader"); SCOTT ENGEL ("Statue Of Liberty"); JEFFREY DAVIS ("Tribute to Ron Miller"); MARICRUZ SAUNDERS ("Challengers"); CASSANDRA WILLIAMS ("King: The Vision and the Fulfillment").