999 resultados para water jet cutting
This paper presents the design of low cost, small autonomous surface vehicle for missions in the coastal waters and specifically for the challenging surf zone. The main objective of the vehicle design described in this paper is to address both the capability of operation at sea in relative challenging conditions and maintain a very low set of operational requirements (ease of deployment). This vehicle provides a first step towards being able to perform general purpose missions (such as data gathering or patrolling) and to at least in a relatively short distances to be able to be used in rescue operations (with very low handling requirements) such as carrying support to humans on the water. The USV is based on a commercially available fiber glass hull, it uses a directional waterjet powered by an electrical brushless motor for propulsion, thus without any protruding propeller reducing danger in rescue operations. Its small dimensions (1.5 m length) and weight allow versatility and ease of deployment. The vehicle design is described in this paper both from a hardware and software point of view. A characterization of the vehicle in terms of energy consumption and performance is provided both from test tank and operational scenario tests. An example application in search and rescue is also presented and discussed with the integration of this vehicle in the European ICARUS (7th framework) research project addressing the development and integration of robotic tools for large scale search and rescue operations.
Laser cutting implementation possibilities into paper making machine was studied as the main objective of the work. Laser cutting technology application was considered as a replacement tool for conventional cutting methods used in paper making machines for longitudinal cutting such as edge trimming at different paper making process and tambour roll slitting. Laser cutting of paper was tested in 70’s for the first time. Since then, laser cutting and processing has been applied for paper materials with different level of success in industry. Laser cutting can be employed for longitudinal cutting of paper web in machine direction. The most common conventional cutting methods include water jet cutting and rotating slitting blades applied in paper making machines. Cutting with CO2 laser fulfils basic requirements for cutting quality, applicability to material and cutting speeds in all locations where longitudinal cutting is needed. Literature review provided description of advantages, disadvantages and challenges of laser technology when it was applied for cutting of paper material with particular attention to cutting of moving paper web. Based on studied laser cutting capabilities and problem definition of conventional cutting technologies, preliminary selection of the most promising application area was carried out. Laser cutting (trimming) of paper web edges in wet end was estimated to be the most promising area where it can be implemented. This assumption was made on the basis of rate of web breaks occurrence. It was found that up to 64 % of total number of web breaks occurred in wet end, particularly in location of so called open draws where paper web was transferred unsupported by wire or felt. Distribution of web breaks in machine cross direction revealed that defects of paper web edge was the main reason of tearing initiation and consequent web break. The assumption was made that laser cutting was capable of improvement of laser cut edge tensile strength due to high cutting quality and sealing effect of the edge after laser cutting. Studies of laser ablation of cellulose supported this claim. Linear energy needed for cutting was calculated with regard to paper web properties in intended laser cutting location. Calculated linear cutting energy was verified with series of laser cutting. Practically obtained laser energy needed for cutting deviated from calculated values. This could be explained by difference in heat transfer via radiation in laser cutting and different absorption characteristics of dry and moist paper material. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist (dry matter content about 25-40%)) were tested for strength properties. It was shown that tensile strength and strain break of laser cut samples are similar to corresponding values of non-laser cut samples. Chosen method, however, did not address tensile strength of laser cut edge in particular. Thus, the assumption of improving strength properties with laser cutting was not fully proved. Laser cutting effect on possible pollution of mill broke (recycling of trimmed edge) was carried out. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist) were tested on the content of dirt particles. The tests revealed that accumulation of dust particles on the surface of moist samples can take place. This has to be taken into account to prevent contamination of pulp suspension when trim waste is recycled. Material loss due to evaporation during laser cutting and amount of solid residues after cutting were evaluated. Edge trimming with laser would result in 0.25 kg/h of solid residues and 2.5 kg/h of lost material due to evaporation. Schemes of laser cutting implementation and needed laser equipment were discussed. Generally, laser cutting system would require two laser sources (one laser source for each cutting zone), set of beam transfer and focusing optics and cutting heads. In order to increase reliability of system, it was suggested that each laser source would have double capacity. That would allow to perform cutting employing one laser source working at full capacity for both cutting zones. Laser technology is in required level at the moment and do not require additional development. Moreover, capacity of speed increase is high due to availability high power laser sources what can support the tendency of speed increase of paper making machines. Laser cutting system would require special roll to maintain cutting. The scheme of such roll was proposed as well as roll integration into paper making machine. Laser cutting can be done in location of central roll in press section, before so-called open draw where many web breaks occur, where it has potential to improve runability of a paper making machine. Economic performance of laser cutting was done as comparison of laser cutting system and water jet cutting working in the same conditions. It was revealed that laser cutting would still be about two times more expensive compared to water jet cutting. This is mainly due to high investment cost of laser equipment and poor energy efficiency of CO2 lasers. Another factor is that laser cutting causes material loss due to evaporation whereas water jet cutting almost does not cause material loss. Despite difficulties of laser cutting implementation in paper making machine, its implementation can be beneficial. The crucial role in that is possibility to improve cut edge strength properties and consequently reduce number of web breaks. Capacity of laser cutting to maintain cutting speeds which exceed current speeds of paper making machines what is another argument to consider laser cutting technology in design of new high speed paper making machines.
Mortar panels painted with three different white acrylic coatings were exposed to the environment in urban (So Paulo) and rural (Pirassununga) sites in Brazil for 7 years. After this time, all panels were almost equally discoloured, and paint detachment was observed to only a small degree. The biofilms were composed mainly of cyanobacteria and filamentous fungi, principal genera being Gloeocapsa and Chroococcidiopsis of the cyanobacteria, and Cladosporium and Alternaria of the fungi. Two of the three paints in Pirassununga became covered by a pink film that contained red-encapsulated Gloeocapsa and clay particles. The third, an 800% elastomeric matt formulation, became discoloured with a grey, only slightly pink, film, although the same cyanobacteria were present. The levels of paint detachments from all films in both locations were low, with rating range of 0-1 of a maximum 5 (100% detachment). After high-pressure water jetting, paint detachments increased at both locations, up to 2 in Pirassununga and 3 in So Paulo. Discoloration decreased; L*A*B* analysis of surface discoloration showed that Delta E (alteration in colour from the original paint film) changed from 28-39 before cleaning to 13-16 afterwards. The pink coloration was not entirely removed from Pirassununga samples, suggesting that cyanobacterial cells are difficult to detach, and microscopic analysis of the biofilms confirmed that Gloeocapsa was still present as the principal contaminant on all surfaces, with Chroococcidiopsis being present as the second most common. Almost no fungi were detected after water jet application.
We analyzed an outbreak of invasive infections with an exotoxin U positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain within a pediatric oncology care unit. Environmental sampling and molecular characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains led to identification of the outbreak source. An errant water jet into the sink within patient rooms was observed. Optimized outbreak management resulted in an abundance of further Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections within the pediatric oncology care unit.
Water jet assisted blasthole drilling stage 2: Cuttings Capture, Sampling and Water Recycling System
Os robots de movimentação de chapa são bastantes úteis para as empresas de metalomecânica. De facto, cada vez mais existem máquinas de corte por jato de água, laser ou outros processos, nos quais os robots apresentam um papel importante na carga e descarga do material. O trabalho realizado apresenta novas soluções aos sistemas de movimentação existentes no mercado, e permite reduzir os custos na movimentação do material. Este projeto serve essencialmente para chapas em trajetória retilínea, e efetuar o seu levantamento do equipamento e deposição em estrutura de suporte (ou viceversa). A vantagem a ter em conta é a diminuição dos custos de movimentação do material. Neste trabalho apresentou-se a metodologia de dimensionamento de um robot automatizado que transporta chapas com um peso máximo de 3500 kg, tendo por base as normas do EC3-P1.8 e o Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF). No decurso do projeto foram abordadas os seguintes temas: Abordagem inicial da geometria através do Solidworks; Dimensionamento da estrutura por software de Elementos Finitos, o Solidworks; Dimensionamento das correntes, carretos/discos ou coroas e rolamentos; Dimensionamento e seleção dos moto-redutores, bomba de vácuo e ventosas; Cálculo das solicitações em cada membro da estrutura por software de análise estrutural, o Multiframe3D, e respetivo dimensionamento das ligações aparafusadas e soldadas; Elaboração dos desenhos de projeto finais, processos de fabrico e custos; Dimensionamento do acionamento, MG e disposição dos dispositivos no quadro elétrico. Como conclusão refere-se que se conseguiu realizar o projeto e obter uma solução final otimizada, com a ajuda de ferramentas importantes, como sejam o MEF, resultando num equipamento cujas solicitações para a estrutura e sistema de movimentação foram otimizadas, resultando num equipamento eficiente, robusto, seguro e de custo reduzido.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutustua ohutlevyjen nykyaikaisiin koneellisiin leikkausmenetelmiin ja tutkia niiden soveltuvuutta yrityksen tarpeisiin. Kohdeyrityksessä investoinnin tarve jakautui tuottavuusinvestoinnin, korvausinvestoinnin ja strategisen investoinnin kesken. Tavoitteena oli luoda investointipolku, jonka avulla poissuljettiin menetelmät, jotka eivät soveltuneet yrityksen tuotantoon. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa tarkastellaan teoriatietoja, jotka liittyvät yleisesti nykyaikaisiin ohutlevyjen leikkausmenetelmiin sekä investointiprojektin suunnitteluun ja toteutuksen teoriaan. Lisäksi käsitellään investointeihin liittyviä kannattavuus- ja kustannuslaskennan perusperiaatteita. Työn empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin yrityksen ohutlevyosien valmistuksen periaatteita nykytila-analyysin avulla. Tämän perusteella määritettiin nykyaikaisista markkinoilla olevista menetelmistä yritykselle soveltuvin. Tutkimuksen perusteella laserleikkaus oli menetelmistä soveltuvin. Perusinvestoinniltaan laser oli vaihtoehtoisista menetelmistä kallein, mutta se soveltui käytettävyyden, tehokkuuden, joustavuuden ja muiden ominaisuuksiensa perusteella parhaiten tuotannon tarpeisiin. Työn merkittävimmät tulokset osoittivat, että investoinnin kannattavuus riippui koneelle saatavasta käyttösuhteesta. Uusien koneiden tehokkuus lyhentäisi tuotannon läpimenoaikoja, mutta ilman riittävää kapasiteetin käyttöastetta kappaleiden omakustannusarvo nousisi. Lopputulokset ja suositukset on esitetty työn lopussa.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt und untersucht, mit welchem Früchte annähernd verlustfrei und unter sehr hygienischen Bedingungen geschnitten werden können. Die Produkte – hier gezeigt am Beispiel von Äpfeln und Melonen – werden mit einem Hochdruckwasserstrahl geschnitten, der durch ein bildverarbeitendes System entsprechend der Anatomie der Frucht geführt werden kann. Die Vorteile dieses Verfahrens sind die individuelle Schnittführung, die Materialverluste minimiert und die Tatsache, dass die Frucht ohne wesentlichen Eingriff von Personal bearbeitet wird. Die Literaturauswertung ergab, dass diese Technologie bislang noch nicht bearbeitet wurde. Der Einsatz des Hochdruckwasserstrahlschneidens im Bereich der Agrartechnik beschränkte sich auf das Schneiden von Zuckerrüben Brüser [2008], Ligocki [2005] bzw. Kartoffeln Becker u. Gray [1992], das Zerteilen von Fleisch Bansal u. Walker [1999] und Fisch Lobash u. a. [1990] sowie die Nutzung von Wasserstrahlen im Zusammenhang mit der Injektion von Flüssigdünger in Ackerböden Niemoeller u. a. [2011]. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Wasserstrahlschneidens zu erfassen und zu bewerten. Dazu wurden in einer Vielzahl von Einzelversuchen die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Prozessparametern wie Wasserdruck, Düsendurchmesser, Vorschubgeschwindigkeit und Düsenabstand auf das Schnittergebnis, also die Rauheit der entstehenden Schnittfläche untersucht. Ein Vergleich mit konventionellen Schneidemethoden erfolgte hinsichtlich der Schnittergebnisse und der Auswirkungen des Wasserstrahlschneidens auf nachfolgende Verfahrensschritte, wie dem Trocknen.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This double-blind crossover in situ study evaluated the effect of rinsing with water immediately after the application of acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) on enamel demineralization. APF application was followed by: no rinsing or consuming of liquids or solids for the next 30 min; immediately washing with water jet or drinking of a glass of water. All treatments showed a statistically significant decrease in enamel mineral loss compared to the control (p < 0.05), but the differences among treatments were not significant (p > 0.05). The data suggest that the recommendation of asking patients to refrain from drinking water following professional APF application does not seem to have an influence on the anticaries effect of fluoride. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
In this study, different methods of cutting fluid application are used in turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8). Initially, a semisynthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method (i.e. overhead flood cooling), minimum quantity of cutting fluid, and pulverization. A lubricant of vegetable oil (minimum quantity of lubricant) was also applied using the minimum quantity method. Thereafter, a cutting fluid jet under high pressure (3.0 MPa) was singly applied in the following regions: chip-tool interface, top surface of the chip (between workpiece and chip) and tool-workpiece contact. Moreover, two other methods were used: an interflow between conventional application and chip-tool interface jet (combined method) and, finally, three jets simultaneously applied. In order to carry out these tests, it was necessary to set up a high-pressure system using a piston pump for generating a cutting fluid jet, a venturi for fluid application (minimum quantity of cutting fluid and minimum quantity of lubricant) and a nozzle for cutting fluid pulverization. The output variables analyzed included tool life, surface roughness, cutting tool temperature, cutting force, chip form, chip compression rate and machined specimen microstructure. Among the results, it can be observed that the tool life increases and the cutting force decreases with the application of cutting fluid jet, mainly when it is directed to the chip-tool interface. Excluding the methods involving jet fluid, the conventional method seems to be more efficient than other methods of low pressure, such as minimum quantity of volume and pulverization, when considering just the cutting tool wear. © 2013 IMechE.
Different methods of cutting fluid application are used on turning of a difficult-tomachine steel (SAE EV-8). A semi-synthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method, minimum quantity of cutting fluid (MQCF), and pulverization. By the minimum quantity method was also applied a lubricant of vegetable oil (MQL). Thereafter, a cutting fluid jet under high pressure (3.0 MPa) was singly applied in the following regions: chip-tool interface; top surface of the chip; and tool-workpiece contact. Two other methods were used: an interflow between conventional application and chip-tool interface jet and, finally, three jets simultaneously applied. In order to carry out these tests, it was necessary to set up a high pressure system using a piston pump for generating a cutting fluid jet, a Venturi for fluid application (MQCF and MQL), and a nozzle for cutting fluid pulverization. The output variables analyzed included tool life, surface roughness, cutting tool temperature, cutting force, chip form, chip compression rate and machined specimen microstructure. It can be observed that the tool life increases and the cutting force decreases with the application of cutting fluid jet, mainly when it is directed to the chip-tool interface. Excluding the methods involving jet fluid, the conventional method seems to be more efficient than other methods of low pressure. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB