1000 resultados para valtatie 12


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Valtatie 12 on yksi Suomen tärkeimmistä poikittaisyhteyksistä sekä henkilöliikenteelle että elinkeinoelämän kuljetuksille. Se toimii merkittävänä raskaan liikenteen kuljetusreittinä Länsi- ja Kaakkois-Suomen välillä sekä myös yhteytenä satamiin ja rajanylityspaikoille. Yhteysväli Lahti–Kouvola on keskeinen osa Salpausselän liikennekäytävää ja kuuluu Euroopan laajuiseen kattavaan liikenneverkkoon (TEN-T). Tien varressa on runsaasti teollisuutta ja tie toimii Lahden ja Kouvolan kaupunkiseutujen työmatkaliikenteen yhteytenä, joka näkyy vilkkaana arkiliikenteenä. Valtatielle 12 on Uudenkylän ja Tillolan välille on laadittu samanaikaisesti ja samassa suunnitteluprosessissa kaksi yleissuunnitelmaa väleille Uusikylä–Mankala ja Mankala–Tillola. Tämän Uusikylä–Mankala yleissuunnitelman suunnittelualue rajautuu lännessä Nastolan Uudenkylän eritasoliittymään ja idässä Mankalaan Iitin kunnan länsirajan tuntumaan. Suunnittelualueen pituus on noin 10 kilometriä ja se sijoittuu Päijät-Hämeen ja Kymenlaakson maakuntien sekä Lahden kaupungin (entinen Nastola) ja Iitin kunnan alueille. Yleissuunnitelmassa on selvitetty ensin valtatieverkon puutteet ja ongelmat sekä palvelutasotavoitteet. Tämän jälkeen on suunniteltu valtateiden ja muiden väylien periaateratkaisut sekä selvitetty niin tilantarve, suhde ympäröivään maankäyttöön ja vaikutukset. Myös mahdollisuudet hankkeen vaiheittain toteuttamiseksi on käsitelty. Yleissuunnitelmassa on tarkennettu ratkaisuja, vaikutusarviota ja liikenteen, maankäytön ja ympäristön lähtötietoja. Päätavoitteena on ollut selvittää pääteiden ja muun tie- ja katuverkon kehittämisen periaatteet niin, että nykyiset palvelutasopuutteet saadaan poistettua ja valtatie 12 vastaa sille asetettuja vaatimuksia liikenteen sujuvuuden ja turvallisuuden kannalta. Osana suunnitelmaa on esitetty toimenpiteet meluhaittojen torjumiseksi ja ympäristövaikutusten lieventämiseksi. Valtatie 12 parannetaan korkealuokkaiseksi ja laatutasoltaan yhtenäiseksi keskikaiteelliseksi ja eritasoliittymin varustetuksi ohituskaistatieksi noin 10 kilometrin matkalla tarvittavine tie-, katu- ja liittymäjärjestelyineen. Valtatien 12 käytävään muodostuu jatkuva rinnakkaistie. Lisäksi tehdään meluntorjuntaa ja pohjavesialueet suojataan.


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Suunnittelualue käsittää noin 15 kilometrin pituisen osuuden valtatien 12 Alasjärven eritasoliittymästä Tampereelta Huutijärven eritasoliittymään Kangasalle. Valtatie parannetaan nykyiselle paikalleen. Valtatie 12 on Suomen tärkeimpiä poikittaisia yhteyksiä, ja sillä on merkittävä rooli Tampereen seudulle niin valtakunnallisella, seudullisella kuin myös paikallisella tasolla. Suunnittelukohteelle laaditaan maantielain mukainen yleissuunnitelma. Siinä määritetään tien likimääräinen sijainti ja tilantarve sekä suhde nykyiseen ja tulevaan maankäyttöön, tekniset ja liikenteelliset perusratkaisut, hankkeen vaikutukset ja ympäristöhaittojen torjumisen periaatteet. Tässä ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnin ohjelmassa tehtävänä on arvioida valtatien 12 välin Alasjärvi – Huutijärvi parantamisen aiheuttamat ympäristövaikutukset YVA-lain ja -asetuksen edellyttämällä tavalla ja tarkkuudella. Alueen asukkailla ja muilla intressiryhmillä on mahdollisuus osallistua suunnitteluun ja vaikutusten arviointiin. Näkemyksiä hankkeesta ja sen vaihtoehdoista kerätään koko suunnittelun ajan. Hankkeesta tiedotetaan asukkaille ja muille sidosryhmille tiedotteiden, postituslistan sekä internetin välityksellä.


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Fatigue in the postnatal period is such a common experience for most mothers that the term ‘postpartum fatigue’ (PPF) has been coined to describe it. When new mothers experience extreme fatigue, it follows that their physical health, mental health, and social-wellbeing is negatively affected. It is interesting to note that there is a distinct lack of empirical investigations focusing on the link between PPF and increased risk of injury; particularly when the links between fatigue and increased risk of road crashes are well documented. The purpose of this investigation was to undertake pilot research to develop an understanding of the duration of PPF and the performance impairments experienced by new mothers when involved in safety-sensitive activities, such as driving a motor vehicle. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with women (N = 24) at 12 weeks postpartum living in South-east Queensland, Australia. Key themes were identified; with a particular emphasis towards understanding the link between the participant’s experience of postpartum fatigue and the impact this has on their overall cognitive and physiological functioning, as well as their experience of the driving task. Further, sleep/wake data was collected and using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) the potential crash risk for this group of mothers is discussed. It is proposed that the findings of this investigation could be used to improve current knowledge among new mothers and practitioners regarding the mechanisms and consequences of fatigue and to inform interventions that lead to a decreased risk of injury associated with postpartum fatigue.


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Raman spectra of brandholzite Mg[Sb(OH)6].6H2O were studied, complemented with infrared spectra, and related to the structure of the mineral. An intense Raman sharp band at 618 cm-1 is attributed to the SbO symmetric stretching mode. The low intensity band at 730 cm-1 is ascribed to the SbO antisymmetric stretching vibration. Low intensity Raman bands were found at 503, 526 and 578 cm-1. Corresponding infrared bands were observed at 527, 600, 637, 693, 741 and 788 cm-1. Four Raman bands observed at 1043, 1092, 1160 and 1189 cm-1 and eight infrared bands at 963, 1027, 1055, 1075, 1108, 1128, 1156 and 1196 cm-1 are assigned to δ SbOH deformation modes. A complex pattern resulting from the overlapping band of the water and hydroxyl units is observed. Raman bands are observed at 3240, 3383, 3466, 3483 and 3552 cm-1, infrared bands at 3248, 3434 and 3565 cm-1. The first two Raman bands and the first infrared band are assigned to water stretching vibrations. The two higher wavenumber Raman bands observed at 3466 and 3552 cm-1 and two infrared bands at 3434 and 3565 cm-1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the hydroxyl units. Observed Raman and infrared bands are connected with O-H…O hydrogen bonds and their lengths 2.72, 2.79, 2.86, 2.88 and 3.0 Å (Raman) and 2.73, 2.83 and 3.07 Å (infrared).


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The selected arsenite minerals leiteite, reinerite and cafarsite have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. DFT calculations enabled the position of AsO22- symmetric stretching mode at 839 cm-1, the antisymmetric stretching mode at 813 cm-1, and the deformation mode at 449 cm-1 to be calculated. The Raman spectrum of leiteite shows bands at 804 and 763 cm-1 assigned to the As2O42- symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes. The most intense Raman band of leiteite is the band at 457 cm-1 and is assigned to the ν2 As2O42- bending mode. A comparison of the Raman spectrum of leiteite is made with the arsenite minerals reinerite and cafarsite.


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Objectives To explore parents' perceptions of the eating behaviors and related feeding practices of their young children. Methods Mothers (N=740) of children aged 12 to 36 months and born in South Australia were randomly selected by birth date in four 6-month age bands from a centralized statewide database and invited to complete a postal questionnaire. Results Valid completed questionnaires were returned for 374 children (51% response rate; 54% female). Although mothers generally reported being confident and happy in feeding their children, 23% often worried that they gave their child the right amount of food. Based on a checklist of 36 specified items, 15% of children consumed no vegetables in the previous 24 hours, 11% no fruit and for a further 8% juice was the only fruit. Of 12 specified high fat/sugar foods and drinks, 11% of children consumed none, 20% one, 26% two, and 43% three or more. Six of eight child-feeding practices that promote healthy eating behaviors were undertaken by 75% parents 'often' or 'all of the time'. However, 8 of 11 practices that do not promote healthy eating were undertaken by a third of mothers at least ‘sometimes’. Conclusions In this representative sample, dietary quality issues emerge early and inappropriate feeding practices are prevalent thus identifying the need for very early interventions that promote healthy food preferences and positive feeding practices. Such programs should focus not just on the 'what', but also the 'how' of early feeding, including the feeding relationship and processes appropriate to developmental stage. Key words: Maternal feeding practices, infants, obesity


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Raman spectra of bottinoite Ni[Sb(OH)6].6H2O were studied, and related to the molecular structure of the mineral. An intense sharp Raman band at 618 cm-1 is attributed to the SbO symmetric stretching mode. The low intensity band at 735 cm-1 is ascribed to the SbO antisymmetric stretching vibration. Low intensity Raman bands were found at 501, 516 and 578 cm-1. Four Raman bands observed at 1045, 1080, 1111 and 1163 cm-1 are assigned to δ SbOH deformation modes. A complex pattern resulting from the overlapping band of the water and hydroxyl units is observed. Raman bands are observed at 3223, 3228, 3368, 3291, 3458 and 3510 cm-1. The first two Raman bands are assigned to water stretching vibrations. The two higher wavenumber Raman bands observed at 3466 and 3552 cm-1 and two infrared bands at 3434 and 3565 cm-1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the hydroxyl units. Observed Raman and infrared bands are connected with O-H…O hydrogen bonds and their lengths 2.72, 2.79, 2.86, 2.88 and 3.0 Å (Raman) and 2.73, 2.83 and 3.07 Å (infrared).


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Following the judgement of the High Court in Tabet v Gett [2010]HCA 12 handed down on 21 April 2010 it appears that in Australia there is now very limited scope for recovery in negligence for the loss of a chance of a better medical outcome.


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For quite some time, debate has raged about what the human race can and should do with its knowledge of genetics. We are now nearly 60 years removed from the work of Watson and Crick who determined the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), yet our opinions as how best to employ scientific knowledge of the human genome, remain as diverse and polarised as ever. Human judgment is often shaped and coloured by popular media and culture, so it should come as no surprise that box office movies such as Gattaca (1997) continue to play a role in informing public opinion on genetics. In order to perform well at the box office, movies such as Gattaca take great liberty in sensationalising (and even distorting) the implications that may result from genetic screening and testing. If the public’s opinion on human genetics is strongly derived from the box office and popular media, then it is no wonder that the discourse on human genetics is couched in the polar parlances of future utopias or future dystopias. When legislating in an area like genetic discrimination in the workforce, we must be mindful of not overplaying the causal link between genetic predisposition towards a disability and an employee’s ability to perform the inherent requirements of their job. Genetic information is ultimately about people, it is not about genes. Genetic discrimination is ultimately about actions, it is not about the intrinsic value of genetic information.


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The 27-item Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS) has become one of the most frequently used measure of Intolerance of Uncertainty. More recently, an abridged, 12-item version of the IUS has been developed. The current research used clinical (n = 50) and non-clinical (n = 56) samples to examine and compare the psychometric properties of both versions of the IUS. The two scales showed good internal consistency at both the total and subscale level and had satisfactory test-retest reliability. Both versions were correlated with worry and trait anxiety and had satisfactory concurrent validity. Significant differences between the scores of the clinical and non-clinical sample supported discriminant validity. Predictive validity was also supported for the two scales. Total scores, in the case of the clinical sample, and a subscale, in the case of the non-clinical sample, significantly predicted pathological worry and trait anxiety. Overall, the clinicians and researchers can use either version of the IUS with confidence, due to their sound psychometric properties.


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This study examines if outcome expectancies (perceived consequences of engaging in certain behavior) and self- efficacy expectancies (confidence in personal capacity to regulate behavior) contribute to treatment outcome for alcohol dependence. Few clinical studies have examined these constructs. The Drinking Expectancy Profile (DEP), a psychometric measure of alcohol expectancy and drinking refusal selfefficacy, was administered to 298 alcohol-dependent patients (207 males) at assessment and on completion of a 12-week cognitive–behavioral therapy alcohol abstinence program. Baseline measures of expectancy and self-efficacy were not strong predictors of outcome. However, for the 164 patients who completed treatment, all alcohol expectancy and self-efficacy factors of the DEP showed change over time. The DEP scores approximated community norms at the end of treatment. Discriminant analysis indicated that change in social pressure drinking refusal self-efficacy, sexual enhancement expectancies, and assertion expectancies successfully discriminated those who successfully completed treatment from those who did not. Future research should examine the basis of expectancies related to social functioning as a possible mechanism of treatment response and a means to enhance treatment outcome.


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Goals of work: The aim of this secondary data analysis was to investigate symptom clusters over time for symptom management of a patient group after commencing adjuvant chemotherapy. Materials and methods: A prospective longitudinal study of 219 cancer outpatients conducted within 1 month of commencing chemotherapy (T1), 6 months (T2), and 12 months (T3) later. Patients' distress levels were assessed for 42 physical symptoms on a clinician-modified Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. Symptom clusters were identified in exploratory factor analyses at each time. Symptom inclusion in clusters was determined from structure coefficients. Symptoms could be associated with multiple clusters. Stability over time was determined from symptom cluster composition and the proportion of symptoms in the initial symptom clusters replicated at later times. Main results Fatigue and daytime sleepiness were the most prevalent distressing symptoms over time. The median number of concurrent distressing symptoms approximated 7, over time. Five consistent clusters were identified at T1, 2, and T3. An additional two clusters were identified at 12 months, possibly due to less variation in distress levels. Weakness and fatigue were each associated with two, four, and five symptom clusters at T1, T2, and T3, respectively, potentially suggesting different causal mechanisms. Conclusion: Stability is a necessary attribute of symptom clusters, but definitional clarification is required. We propose that a core set of concurrent symptoms identifies each symptom cluster, signifying a common cause. Additional related symptoms may be included over time. Further longitudinal investigation is required to identify symptom clusters and the underlying causes.