135 resultados para underweight


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Obese persons (those with a body mass index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m2) tend to underestimate their weight, leading to an underestimation of their true (measured) BMI and obesity prevalence.1,2 In contrast, underweight people (BMI <18.5 kg/m2) tend to report themselves heavier, resulting in a higher BMI compared with measured BMI and an underestimation of underweight prevalence.


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Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often develop weight loss, which is associated with increased mortality. Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) treatment has been proposed to improve nitrogen balance and to increase muscle strength in these patients. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of rhGH administration on the nutritional status, resting metabolism, muscle strength, exercise tolerance, dyspnea, and subjective well-being of underweight patients with stable COPD. Sixteen patients attending a pulmonary rehabilitation program (age: 66 +/- 9 yr; weight: 77 +/- 7% of ideal body weight; FEV1: 39 +/- 13% of predicted) were randomly treated daily with either 0.15 IU/kg rhGH or placebo during 3 wk in a double-blind fashion. Measurements were made at the beginning (DO) and at the end (D21) of treatment and 2 mo later (D81). Body weight was similar in the two groups during the study, but lean body mass was significantly higher in the rhGH group at D21 (p < 0.01) and D81 (p < 0.05). The increase in lean body mass was 2.3 +/- 1.6 kg in the rhGH group and 1.1 +/- 0.9 kg in the control group at D21 and 1.9 +/- 1.6 kg in the rhGH group and 0.7 +/- 2.1 kg in the control group at D81. At D21, the resting energy expenditure was increased in the rhGH group (107.8% of DO, p < 0.001 compared with the control group). At D21 and D81, the changes in maximal respiratory pressures, handgrip strength, maximal exercise capacity, and subjective well-being were similar in the two groups. At D21, the 6-min walking distance decreased in the rhGH group (-13 +/- 31%) and increased in the control group (+10 +/- 14%; p < 0.01). We conclude that the daily administration of 0.15 IU/kg rhGH during 3 wk increases lean body mass but does not improve muscle strength or exercise tolerance in underweight patients with COPD.


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Abstract Objective. We compared the prevalence of body weight categories between public and private schools in the Seychelles, a rapidly developing small island state in the African region. Methods. In 2004-2006, weight and height were measured and self-reported information on physical activity collected in children of three selected grades in all schools in the country. Overweight, obesity and thinness were defined according to standard criteria. Results. Based on 8 462 students (377 in private schools), the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was markedly higher in private than public schools (boys: 37% [95% CI: 31-44] vs. 15% [14-16]; girls: 33% [26-41] vs. 20% [19-22]). The prevalence of thinness grade 1 was lower in private than public schools (boys: 9% [5-13] vs. 20% [19-21]; girls: 13% [8-18] vs. 19% [18-20]). Students in private schools reported more physical activity at leisure time while students in public schools reported larger weekly walking time. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that school type may be a useful indicator for assessing the association between socio-economic status and overweight in children, and that overweight affects wealthy children more often than others in developing countries.


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BACKGROUND: In contrast to obesity, information on the health risks of underweight is sparse. We examined the long-term association between underweight and mortality by considering factors possibly influencing this relationship. METHODS: We included 31,578 individuals aged 25-74 years, who participated in population based health studies between 1977 and 1993 and were followed-up for survival until 2008 by record linkage with the Swiss National Cohort (SNC). Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from measured (53% of study population) or self-reported height and weight. Underweight was defined as BMI < 18.5 kg/m2. Cox regression models were used to determine mortality Hazard Ratios (HR) of underweight vs. normal weight (BMI 18.5- < 25.0 kg/m2). Covariates were study, sex, smoking, healthy eating proxy, sports frequency, and educational level. RESULTS: Underweight individuals represented 3.0% of the total study population (n = 945), and were mostly women (89.9%). Compared to normal weight, underweight was associated with increased all-cause mortality (HR: 1.37; 95% CI: 1.14-1.65). Increased risk was apparent in both sexes, regardless of smoking status, and mainly driven by excess death from external causes (HR: 3.18; 1.96-5.17), but not cancer, cardiovascular or respiratory diseases. The HR were 1.16 (0.88-1.53) in studies with measured BMI and 1.59 (1.24-2.05) with self-reported BMI. CONCLUSIONS: The increased risk of dying of underweight people was mainly due to an increased mortality risk from external causes. Using self-reported BMI may lead to an overestimation of mortality risk associated with underweight.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJECTIVES: to produce evidence of the validity and reliability of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) - a tool for measuring an individual's attitude towards his or her body image. METHODS: the study covered 386 young people of both sexes aged between 10 and 18 from a private school and used self-applied questionnaires and anthropometric evaluation. It evaluated the internal consistency, the discriminant validity for differences from the means, according to nutritional status (underweight, eutrophic, overweight and obese), the concurrent validity by way of Spearman's correlation coefficient between the scale and the Body Mass Index (BMI), the waist-hip circumference ratio (WHR) and the waist circumference (WC). Reliability was tested using Wilcoxon's Test, the intraclass correlation coefficient and the Bland-Altman figures. RESULTS: the BSQ displayed good internal consistency (±=0.96) and was capable of discriminating among the total population, boys and girls, according to nutritional status (p<0.001). It correlated with the BMI (r=0.41; p<0.001), WHR (r=-0.10; p=0.043) and WC (r=0.24; p<0.001) and its reliability was confirmed by intraclass correlation (r=0.91; p<0.001) for the total population. The questionnaire was easy to understand and could be completed quickly. CONCLUSIONS: the BSQ presented good results, thereby providing evidence of its validity and reliability. It is therefore recommended for evaluation of body image attitudes among adolescents.


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OBJETIVOS: comparar o crescimento alcançado e a prevalência de baixa estatura na idade pré-escolar entre recém-nascidos de peso insuficiente (PNI) e de peso adequado (PNA). MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 323 crianças com PNI e 886 com PNA de famílias de baixa renda de quinze creches filantrópicas de Santo André, São Paulo, Brasil, em 2001 e 2002. As variáveis foram o escore Z de peso e de estatura para a idade, pelo referencial Center for Disease Control (CDC) and National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2000, comparando-se as médias dos dois grupos. Calculou-se a razão de prevalência (RP) de baixa estatura na idade pré-escolar em decorrência do peso insuficiente ao nascer. RESULTADOS: o escore z médio de peso foi -0,09 e 0,39 e o escore z médio de estatura foi de -0,06 e de 0,24 para as crianças de PNI e de PNA, respectivamente. A prevalência de baixa estatura foi de 2,78% para as crianças com PNI e de 0,79% para aquelas com PNA. A RP de baixa estatura na idade pré-escolar para as crianças de PNI foi de 3,5 (IC95% 1,3-9,4). CONCLUSÕES: as crianças com PNI apresentaram crescimento inferior e maior risco de falhas de crescimento até a idade pré-escolar, sugerindo um efeito negativo do peso insuficiente ao nascer sobre o crescimento infantil.


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OBJETIVOS: verificar a associação entre o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) de escolares de 7 a 14 anos e dos respectivos pais. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal com 886 escolares de quatro escolas de Florianópolis, SC. Diagnóstico antropométrico dos escolares e dos pais definido, respectivamente, a partir do IMC para idade de acordo com Centers for Disease Control and Prevention e dos pontos de corte da Organização Mundial da Saúde. A associação entre o IMC dos pais e dos escolares foi estimada por meio da razão de prevalência (RP) com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% e teste qui-quadrado com valor de significância de p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: identificou-se prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade mais elevada em meninos (29,9%) quando comparada a de meninas (17,7%) (p<0,001). Observou-se relação estatisticamente significante entre o IMC de escolares do sexo feminino com o IMC das mães (RP=1,63; IC95%=1,1-3,0; p=0,02) e dos pais (RP=1,78; IC95%= 1,1-3,5; p=0,01). Nos escolares do sexo masculino a associação observada não foi estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSÕES: identificou-se que a prevalência do sobrepeso ou obesidade é 1,63 vezes maior, entre as meninas, quando a mãe também apresenta esse distúrbio e 1,78 vezes maior quando o pai o apresenta, em comparação a mães e pais eutróficos ou de baixo peso.


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O objetivo deste artigo é descrever a concordância entre imagem corporal (IC) e estado nutricional (EN) e verificar a associação de IC e de EN com comportamentos relacionados ao peso corporal (CRPC) entre adolescentes brasileiros. Estudou-se, em 2009, amostra representativa de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas e privadas das 26 capitais brasileiras e do Distrito Federal. Utilizou-se questionário autoaplicável sobre IC, CRPC e dados sociodemográficos e foram aferidos peso e altura. Utilizou-se o teste Kappa ponderado (KP) para exame da concordância entre EN e IC. Análises de regressão logística foram realizadas para exame da associação entre as variáveis. Do total de adolescentes, 24% apresentavam excesso de peso (EP), quase 2/3 deles tinham alguma atitude para controlar o peso e 7% realizavam práticas extremas para redução do peso (PECP). Foi baixa a concordância entre EN e IC (KP=0,33). Quase metade dos alunos com EP considerava-se com peso adequado e 27%, magros. Maior proporção de adolescentes com EP fazia uso de PECP, quando comparados àqueles de peso adequado e baixo peso. O mesmo foi observado em relação à IC. Conclusão: foi baixa a concordância entre EN e IC. Atitudes de controle de peso e PECP foram frequentes mesmo entre indivíduos com EN adequado.


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Background: Few cohort studies have been conducted in low and middle-income countries to investigate non-communicable diseases among school-aged children. This article aims to describe the methodology of two birth cohorts, started in 1994 in Ribeirao Preto (RP), a more developed city, and in 1997/98 in Sao Luis (SL), a less developed town. Methods: Prevalences of some non-communicable diseases during the first follow-up of these cohorts were estimated and compared. Data on singleton live births were obtained at birth (2858 in RP and 2443 in SL). The follow-up at school age was conducted in RP in 2004/05, when the children were 9-11 years old and in SL in 2005/06, when the children were 7-9 years old. Follow-up rates were 68.7% in RP (790 included) and 72.7% in SL (673 participants). The groups of low (<2500 g) and high (>= 4250 g) birthweight were oversampled and estimates were corrected by weighting. Results: In the more developed city there was a higher percentage of non-nutritive sucking habits (69.1% vs 47.9%), lifetime bottle use (89.6% vs 68.3%), higher prevalence of primary headache in the last 15 days (27.9% vs 13.0%), higher positive skin tests for allergens (44.3% vs 25.3%) and higher prevalence of overweight (18.2% vs 3.6%), obesity (9.5% vs 1.8%) and hypertension (10.9% vs 4.6%). In the less developed city there was a larger percentage of children with below average cognitive function (28.9% vs 12.2%), mental health problems (47.4% vs 38.4%), depression (21.6% vs 6.0%) and underweight (5.8% vs 3.6%). There was no difference in the prevalence of bruxism, recurrent abdominal pain, asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness between cities. Conclusions: Some non-communicable diseases were highly prevalent, especially in the more developed city. Some high rates suggest that the burden of non-communicable diseases will be high in the future, especially mental health problems.


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More than 41,000 women aged 18-23, 45-50, and 70-75 years in 1996 are participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (Women's Health Australia). Baseline surveys were conducted for all three cohorts in 1996, and the first follow-up survey of the mid-age group in 1998 has achieved a response rate exceeding 90%. The main findings so far reflect the large differences in the life experiences of the three cohorts. The young women report high levels of stress. The physical and mental health of those with young children is worse than for those without children, but confounding by sociodemographic characteristics may account for the differences. Two thirds of young women in the healthy weight or underweight range would like to weigh less, and early onset of dieting is associated with poorer physical and mental health. Most of the women in the mid-age group have multiple roles-in paid work, home duties, and caring for children and other dependents. The potential of the study to investigate the long-term impact of such busy lives on health outcomes is considerable. At this stage, the main health issues for these women relate to tiredness, weight gain, and menopause. The older cohort presents a picture of positive aging. These women are heavier users of health services than the mid-age and younger women, and they are also more satisfied with these services. Although their physical health is poorer, their mental health is better, and they report less stress than women in the other two cohorts. The follow-up survey of this group, planned for 1999, will focus on the coping strategies used by these women. An overall goal of the project is to understand the interactions among social roles, life events, and women's health in order to provide a basis for improved health policies and services. Analysis of these interactions, which relies on both quantitative and qualitative data, poses many challenges that will be addressed as the longitudinal data become available.


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The importance of overweight as a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) remains unsettled. We estimated the relative risk (RR) for CHD associated with underweight (body mass index, BMI < 20 kg/m2), overweight (25 – 30 kg/m2) and obesity (= 30 kg/m2), compared with normal weight (20 – 25 kg/m2) in a random effects meta-analysis of 30 prospective studies, including 389,239 healthy, predominantly Caucasian persons. We also explored sources of heterogeneity between studies and examined effects of systematic adjustment for confounding and intermediary variables. Pooled age-, sex- and smoking-adjusted RRs (95% confidence interval) for overweight, obesity and underweight compared with normal weight were 1.33 (1.24 – 1.43), 1.69 (1.44 – 1.99) and 1.01 (0.85 – 1.20), respectively. Stratified analyses showed that pooled RRs for BMI were higher for studies with longer follow-up (= vs. < 15 years) and younger populations (< vs. = 60 years). Additional adjustment for blood pressure, cholesterol levels and physical activity decreased the RR per 5 BMI units from 1.28 (1.21 – 1.34) to 1.16 (1.11 – 1.21). We conclude that overweight and obesity are associated with a substantially increased CHD risk in Caucasians, whereas underweight is not. Prevention and reduction of overweight and obesity, therefore, remain of importance for preventing CHD.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in a large cohort of Brazilian men who were screened for prostate cancer, and to determine risk factors in this population, as there are large cultural differences among countries in reporting the frequency of ED, and it is likely that the prevalence of ED among men screened for prostate cancer cannot be generally applied across countries. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The analysis focused on the baseline characteristics of 1008 consecutive South American men from Brazil with no known prostate disease who had routine screening for prostate cancer by urologists. The variables analysed were patient age, urinary symptoms, patient health-related quality of life (HRQL), prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, prostate volume and erectile function. To assess lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and HRQL, we used the American Urological Association symptom score and its appended eighth question, respectively. Benign prostatic hyperplasia was defined as a prostate volume of > 30 g. Sexual function was assessed using the five-item version of the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire. Thus, ED was considered to absent for scores of 22-25, mild for 17-21, mild to moderate for 12-16, moderate for 8-11, or severe for 5-7. Obesity was defined by calculating the body mass index (BMI), and categorized as underweight (< 18.5 kg/munderweight and greater BMI groups had severe ED, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Of men screened for prostate cancer in Brazil, approximate to 40% have moderate or severe ED. Severe LUTS, higher HRQL scores, a large prostate volume, a low BMI and higher PSA levels might be associated with higher rates of ED. These variables should be considered when analysing the erectile function of patients screened for prostate cancer.


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Greater tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption and lower body mass index (BMI) increase odds ratios (OR) for oral cavity, oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers; however, there are no comprehensive sex-specific comparisons of ORs for these factors. We analyzed 2,441 oral cavity (925 women and 1,516 men), 2,297 oropharynx (564 women and 1,733 men), 508 hypopharynx (96 women and 412 men), and 1,740 larynx (237 women and 1,503 men) cases from the INHANCE consortium of 15 head and neck cancer case-control studies. Controls numbered from 7,604 to 13,829 subjects, depending on analysis. Analyses fitted linear-exponential excess ORs models. ORs were increased in underweight (< 18.5 BMI) relative to normal weight (18.5-24.9) and reduced in overweight and obese categories (a parts per thousand yen25 BMI) for all sites and were homogeneous by sex. ORs by smoking and drinking in women compared with men were significantly greater for oropharyngeal cancer (p < 0.01 for both factors), suggestive for hypopharyngeal cancer (p = 0.05 and p = 0.06, respectively), but homogeneous for oral cavity (p = 0.56 and p = 0.64) and laryngeal (p = 0.18 and p = 0.72) cancers. The extent that OR modifications of smoking and drinking by sex for oropharyngeal and, possibly, hypopharyngeal cancers represent true associations, or derive from unmeasured confounders or unobserved sex-related disease subtypes (e.g., human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal cancer) remains to be clarified.