989 resultados para transient methods


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Purpose: Presence of neurophysiological abnormalities in dyslexia has been a conflicting issue. This study was performed to evaluate the role of sensory visual deficits in the pathogenesis of dyslexia. Methods: Pattern visual evoked potentials (PVEP) were recorded in 72 children including 36 children with dyslexia and 36 children without dyslexia (controls) who were matched for age, sex and intelligence. Two check sizes of 15 and 60 min of arc were used with temporal frequencies of 1.5 Hz for transient and 6 Hz for steady‑state methods. Results: Mean latency and amplitude values for 15 min arc and 60 min arc check sizes using steady state and transient methods showed no significant difference between the two study groups (P values: 0.139/0.481/0.356/0.062).Furthermore, no significant difference was observed between two methods of PVEPs in dyslexic and normal children using 60min arc with high contrast(Pvalues: 0.116, 0.402, 0.343 and 0.106). Conclusion: The sensitivity of PVEP has high validity to detect visual deficits in children with dyslexic problem. However, no significant difference was found between dyslexia and normal children using high contrast stimuli.


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The interfacial properties of the steel–concrete system are examined via a new approach for evaluation of galvanostatic pulse data. This methodology allows for rapid determination of the corrosion activity of steel, and readily yields values for parameters related to corrosion such as the polarisation resistance and interfacial capacitance. The method of analysis is based on the iterative fitting of a non-exponential model based on a modified Kohlrausch–Williams–Watt (KWW) formalism. The transient behaviour of steel in concrete is non-exponential in its form and, when analysed this way, an exponent β can be determined characterising the exponential non-ideality of the transient. This non-ideality parameter is found to differ significantly for actively corroding and passive specimens, thereby serving as a useful index to the level of corrosion being experienced. Furthermore, the investigation of the interfacial characteristics of the system, previously unobtainable in a reproducible manner via other electrochemical methods, reveal information regarding the kinetic factors governing corrosion of steel in concrete.


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Los ensayos de bombeo son, sin lugar a dudas, una de las pruebas más fiables y de mayor interés que se hacen en el medio físico. No son pruebas estrictamente puntuales, dado que el bombeo atrae flujo desde distancias lejanas al pozo, la prueba tiene una excelente representatividad espacial. Los métodos de interpretación mediante ensayos de bombeo se empezaron a plantear en la primera mitad del pasado siglo. Con los ensayos de bombeo se puede calcular la transmisividad y coeficiente de almacenamiento de las formaciones acuíferas y suministran información sobre el tipo de acuífero, la calidad constructiva del pozo de extracción, la existencia de barreras impermeable o bordes de recarga próximos, e incluso en algunas circunstancias permiten el cálculo del área de embalse subterráneo. Desde mediados del siglo 20 existe una eficaz y abundante gama de métodos analítico-interpretativos de ensayos de bombeo, tanto en régimen permanente como transitorio. Estos métodos son ampliamente conocidos y están muy experimentados a lo largo de muchos países, sin embargo, hoy día, podrían utilizarse modelos de flujo para la interpretación, logrando la misma fiabilidad e incluso mejores posibilidades de análisis. Muchos ensayos que no pueden interpretarse porque las configuraciones del medio son demasiado complejas y no están disponibles, o no es posible, el desarrollo de métodos analíticos, tienen buena adaptación y en ocasiones muy fácil solución haciendo uso de los métodos numéricos de simulación del flujo. En esta tesis se ha buscado una vía de interpretar ensayos de bombeo haciendo uso de modelos de simulación del flujo. Se utiliza el modelo universal MODFLOW del United States Geological Survey, en el cual se configura una celda de simulación y mallado particularmente adecuados para el problema a tratar, se valida con los métodos analíticos existentes. Con la célula convenientemente validada se simulan otros casos en los que no existen métodos analíticos desarrollados dada la complejidad del medio físico a tratar y se sacan las oportunas conclusiones. Por último se desarrolla un modelo específico y la correspondiente aplicación de uso general para la interpretación numérica de ensayos de bombeo tanto con las configuraciones normales como con configuraciones complejas del medio físico. ABSTRACT Pumping tests are, without doubt, one of the most reliable and most interesting tests done in the physical environment. They are not strictly anecdotal evidence, since pumping flow attracts from far distances to the well, the test has excellent spatial representation. Methods of interpretation by pumping tests began to arise in the first half of last century. With pumping tests, can be calculated transmissivity and storage coefficient of the aquifer formations, and provide information on the type of aquifer, the construction quality of the well, the existence of waterproof barriers or borders next recharge, and even in some circumstances allow calculating the area of underground reservoir. Since the mid-20th century there is effective and abundant range of analytical interpretative pumping tests, both in steady state and transient methods. These methods are very widely known and experienced over many countries, however, nowadays, may flow models used for interpretation, obtaining equally reliable or even better possibilities for analysis. Many trials cannot be interpreted as environmental settings are too complex and are not available, or not possible, the development of analytical methods, have good adaptation and sometimes very easily solved using numerical flow simulation methods. This thesis has sought a way to interpret pumping tests using flow simulation models. MODFLOW universal model of United States Geological Survey, in which a simulation cell and meshing particularly suitable for the problem to be treated, is validated with existing analytical methods used is set. With suitably validated cell other cases where there are no analytical methods developed given the complexity of the physical environment to try and draw appropriate conclusions are simulated. Finally, a specific model and the corresponding application commonly used for numerical interpretation of pumping tests both with normal settings as complex configurations of the physical environment is developed.


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Past studies that have compared LBB stable discontinuous- and continuous-pressure finite element formulations on a variety of problems have concluded that both methods yield Solutions of comparable accuracy, and that the choice of interpolation is dictated by which of the two is more efficient. In this work, we show that using discontinuous-pressure interpolations can yield inaccurate solutions at large times on a class of transient problems, while the continuous-pressure formulation yields solutions that are in good agreement with the analytical Solution.


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We present a survey on different numerical interpolation schemes used for two-phase transient heat conduction problems in the context of interface capturing phase-field methods. Examples are general transport problems in the context of diffuse interface methods with a non-equal heat conductivity in normal and tangential directions to the interface. We extend the tonsorial approach recently published by Nicoli M et al (2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 1-6) to the general three-dimensional (3D) transient evolution equations. Validations for one-dimensional, two-dimensional and 3D transient test cases are provided, and the results are in good agreement with analytical and numerical reference solutions.


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Rapid thermal annealing of arsenic and boron difluoride implants, such as those used for source/drain regions in CMOS, has been carried out using a scanning electron beam annealer, as part of a study of transient diffusion effects. Three types of e-beam anneal have been performed, with peak temperatures in the range 900 -1200 degree C; the normal isothermal e-beam anneals, together with sub-second fast anneals and 'dual-pulse' anneals, in which the sample undergoes an isothermal pre-anneal followed by rapid heating to the required anneal temperature is less than 0. 5s. The diffusion occuring during these anneal cycles has been modelled using SPS-1D, an implant and diffusion modelling program developed by one of the authors. This has been modified to incorporate simulated temperature vs. time cycles for the anneals. Results are presented applying the usual equilibrium clustering model, a transient point-defect enhancement to the diffusivity proposed recently by Fair and a new dynamic clustering model for arsenic. Good agreement with SIMS measurements is obtained using the dynamic clustering model, without recourse to a transient defect model.


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Background Good blood pressure (BP) control reduces the risk of recurrence of stroke/transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Although there is strong evidence that BP telemonitoring helps achieve good control, none of the major trials have considered the effectiveness in stroke/TIA survivors. We therefore conducted a feasibility study for a trial of BP telemonitoring for stroke/ TIA survivors with uncontrolled BP in primary care. Method Phase 1 was a pilot trial involving 55 patients stratified by stroke/TIA randomised 3:1 to BP telemonitoring for 6 months or usual care. Phase 2 was a qualitative evaluation and comprised semi-structured interviews with 16 trial participants who received telemonitoring and 3 focus groups with 23 members of stroke support groups and 7 carers. Results Overall, 125 patients (60 stroke patients, 65 TIA patients) were approached and 55 (44%) patients were randomised including 27 stroke patients and 28 TIA patients. Fifty-two participants (95%) attended the 6-month follow-up appointment, but one declined the second daytime ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) measurement resulting in a 93% completion rate for ABPM − the proposed primary outcome measure for a full trial. Adherence to telemonitoring was good; of the 40 participants who were telemonitoring, 38 continued to provide readings throughout the 6 months. There was a mean reduction of 10.1 mmHg in systolic ABPM in the telemonitoring group compared with 3.8 mmHg in the control group, which suggested the potential for a substantial effect from telemonitoring. Our qualitative analysis found that many stroke patients were concerned about their BP and telemonitoring increased their engagement, was easy, convenient and reassuring Conclusions A full-scale trial is feasible, likely to recruit well and have good rates of compliance and follow-up.


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Picosecond transient absorption (TA) and time-resolved infrared (TRIR) measurements of rac-[Cr(phen)2(dppz)]3+ (1) intercalated into double-stranded guanine-containing DNA reveal that the excited state is very rapidly quenched. As no evidence was found for the transient electron transfer products, it is proposed that the back electron transfer reaction must be even faster (<3 ps).


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Variations in the physical deformation of the plasma membrane play a significant role in the sorting and behavior of the proteins that occupy it. Determining the interplay between membrane curvature and protein behavior required the development and thorough characterization of a model plasma membrane with well defined and localized regions of curvature. This model system consists of a fluid lipid bilayer that is supported by a dye-loaded polystyrene nanoparticle patterned glass substrate. As the physical deformation of the supported lipid bilayer is essential to our understanding of the behavior of the protein occupying the bilayer, extensive characterization of the structure of the model plasma membrane was conducted. Neither the regions of curvature in the vicinity of the polystyrene nanoparticles or the interaction between a lipid bilayer and small patches of curved polystyrene are well understood, so the results of experiments to determine these properties are described. To do so, individual fluorescently labeled proteins and lipids are tracked on this model system and in live cells. New methods for analyzing the resulting tracks and ensemble data are presented and discussed. To validate the model system and analytical methods, fluorescence microscopy was used to image a peripheral membrane protein, cholera toxin subunit B (CTB). These results are compared to results obtained from membrane components that were not expected to show an preference for membrane curvature: an individual fluorescently-labeled lipid, lissamine rhodamine B DHPE, and another protein, streptavidin associated with biotin-labeled DHPE. The observed tendency for cholera toxin subunit B to avoid curved regions of curvature, as determined by new and established analytical methods, is presented and discussed.


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Transient capacitance methods were applied to the depletion region of an abrupt asymmetric n(+) -p junction of silicon and unintentionally doped poly[2-methoxy, 5 ethyl (2' hexyloxy) paraphenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV). Studies in the temperature range 100-300 K show the presence of a majority-carrier trap at 1.0 eV and two minority traps at 0.7 and 1.3 eV, respectively. There is an indication for more levels for which the activation energy could not be determined. Furthermore, admittance data reveal a bulk activation energy for conduction of 0.12 eV, suggesting the presence of an additional shallow acceptor state. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)02308-6].


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Transient capacitance methods were applied to the depletion region of an abrupt asymmetric n(+) -p junction of silicon and unintentionally doped poly[2-methoxy, 5 ethyl (2' hexyloxy) paraphenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV). Studies in the temperature range 100-300 K show the presence of a majority-carrier trap at 1.0 eV and two minority traps at 0.7 and 1.3 eV, respectively. There is an indication for more levels for which the activation energy could not be determined. Furthermore, admittance data reveal a bulk activation energy for conduction of 0.12 eV, suggesting the presence of an additional shallow acceptor state. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)02308-6].


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The uniformization method (also known as randomization) is a numerically stable algorithm for computing transient distributions of a continuous time Markov chain. When the solution is needed after a long run or when the convergence is slow, the uniformization method involves a large number of matrix-vector products. Despite this, the method remains very popular due to its ease of implementation and its reliability in many practical circumstances. Because calculating the matrix-vector product is the most time-consuming part of the method, overall efficiency in solving large-scale problems can be significantly enhanced if the matrix-vector product is made more economical. In this paper, we incorporate a new relaxation strategy into the uniformization method to compute the matrix-vector products only approximately. We analyze the error introduced by these inexact matrix-vector products and discuss strategies for refining the accuracy of the relaxation while reducing the execution cost. Numerical experiments drawn from computer systems and biological systems are given to show that significant computational savings are achieved in practical applications.


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Spreading cell fronts play an essential role in many physiological processes. Classically, models of this process are based on the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation; however, such continuum representations are not always suitable as they do not explicitly represent behaviour at the level of individual cells. Additionally, many models examine only the large time asymptotic behaviour, where a travelling wave front with a constant speed has been established. Many experiments, such as a scratch assay, never display this asymptotic behaviour, and in these cases the transient behaviour must be taken into account. We examine the transient and asymptotic behaviour of moving cell fronts using techniques that go beyond the continuum approximation via a volume-excluding birth-migration process on a regular one-dimensional lattice. We approximate the averaged discrete results using three methods: (i) mean-field, (ii) pair-wise, and (iii) one-hole approximations. We discuss the performace of these methods, in comparison to the averaged discrete results, for a range of parameter space, examining both the transient and asymptotic behaviours. The one-hole approximation, based on techniques from statistical physics, is not capable of predicting transient behaviour but provides excellent agreement with the asymptotic behaviour of the averaged discrete results, provided that cells are proliferating fast enough relative to their rate of migration. The mean-field and pair-wise approximations give indistinguishable asymptotic results, which agree with the averaged discrete results when cells are migrating much more rapidly than they are proliferating. The pair-wise approximation performs better in the transient region than does the mean-field, despite having the same asymptotic behaviour. Our results show that each approximation only works in specific situations, thus we must be careful to use a suitable approximation for a given system, otherwise inaccurate predictions could be made.


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Transient expression is a powerful method for the functional characterization of genes. In this chapter, we outline a protocol for the transient expression of constructs in Medicago truncatula leaves using Agrobacterium tumefaciens infiltration. Using quantitative real-time PCR we demonstrate that the infiltration of a construct containing the LEGUME ANTHOCYANIN PRODUCTION 1 (LAP1) transcription factor results in the strong upregulation of key biosynthetic genes and the accumulation of anthocyanin pigment in the leaves after just 3 days. Thus, this method provides a rapid and powerful way to the discovery of downstream targets of M. truncatula transcription factors.


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Background We describe novel plasmid vectors for transient gene expression using Agrobacterium, infiltrated into Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. We have generated a series of pGreenII cloning vectors that are ideally suited to transient gene expression, by removing elements of conventional binary vectors necessary for stable transformation such as transformation selection genes. Results We give an example of expression of heme-thiolate P450 to demonstrate effectiveness of this system. We have also designed vectors that take advantage of a dual luciferase assay system to analyse promoter sequences or post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. We have demonstrated their utility by co-expression of putative transcription factors and the promoter sequence of potential target genes and show how orthologous promoter sequences respond to these genes. Finally, we have constructed a vector that has allowed us to investigate design features of hairpin constructs related to their ability to initiate RNA silencing, and have used these tools to study cis-regulatory effect of intron-containing gene constructs. Conclusion In developing a series of vectors ideally suited to transient expression analysis we have provided a resource that further advances the application of this technology. These minimal vectors are ideally suited to conventional cloning methods and we have used them to demonstrate their flexibility to investigate enzyme activity, transcription regulation and post-transcriptional regulatory processes in transient assays.