994 resultados para tecnologia CAD


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the passivity and strain induced in infrastructures screwed on abutments, made by CAD/CAM technology, and to compare these samples with parts manufactured by conventional casting. Using CAD/CAM technology, 4 samples were made from zirconia (Zircad) and 4 samples were manufactured from cobaltchrome (CoCrcad). The control groups were 4 specimens of cobalt-chrome, made by onepiece casting (CoCrci), for a total of 12 infrastructures. To evaluate the passivity, the infraestructures were installed on the abutments. One end was tightened and the vertical gap between the infrastructure and the prosthetic abutment was measured with scanning electron microscopy (250×). The mean strain in these infrastructures was analyzed via the photoelasticity test. A significant difference (p = 0.000) in passivity was observed between the control (CoCrci) and sample groups (CoCrcad and CoCrci). CoCrcad exhibited the best value of passivity (48.76 ± 13.45 μm) and CoCrci the worst (187.55 ± 103.63 μm), Zircad presented an intermediate value (103.81 ± 43.15 μm). When compared to the other groups, CoCrci showed the highest mean strain around the implants (17.19 ± 7.22 kPa). It was concluded that the zirconia infrastructure made by CAD / CAM showed a higher vertical marginal misfit than those made in cobalt-chromium alloy with the same methodology, however, the tension generated in the implants was similar. The CAD/CAM technology is more accurate for passivity and mean strain of infrastructure screwed on abutments than conventional manufacturing techniques


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The high competitiveness and the search for newtechnologies that differentiate the product from the project,require the use of new digital tools. The computer aideddesign - Computed Aided Design (CAD), with electronicmodeling, simulation, structural analysis and production,performed in a virtual environment through the applicationof specific software, are available but their use is stilllimited. There are various software available in languagesand extensions to industrial production which, from 3Dmodeling, they can manage through Computer NumericalControl - Computed Numerical Control (CNC) machiningcenters, laminating, stamping, mold making and otherprocesses productive. This project aims to encouragecreativity and entrepreneurship in the community throughthe provision of technology computer aided design - CAD,with a view to implementation of machining technology.


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L’obbiettivo di una ricostruzione micro vascolare di mandibola è quello di assicurare al paziente il miglior risultato estetico e funzionale auspicabile. Ciò può essere conseguito utilizzando il lembo microvascolare di perone/cresta iliaca e una placca ricostruttiva in titanio che funga da guida nella fase di modellamento del lembo per ricreare un contorno parabolico il più possibile simile al profilo mandibolare originario del paziente. Il modellamento manuale ed artigianale intraoperatorio di una placca ricostruttiva è operatore dipendente ed anche in mani molto abili o ricorrendo a modelli anatomici stereolitografici non sempre risulta preciso quanto voluto e spesso non porta ai risultati postoperatori attesi e desiderati. Obbiettivo del nostro studio è stato pertanto, sfruttando le moderne tecnologie CAD-CAM, la produzione di placche ricostruttive “custom -made” progettate direttamente al computer ricreanti il profilo osseo originale del paziente.


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The past few decades have brought many changes to the dental practice and the technology has become ready available. The result of a satisfactory rehabilitation treatment basically depends on the balance between biological and mechanical factors. The marginal adaptation of crowns and prosthetic structures is vital factor for long-term success. The development of CAD / CAM technology in the manufacture of dental prostheses revolutionized dentistry, this technology is capable of generating a virtual model from the direct digital scanning from the mouth, casts or impressions. It allows the planning and design of the structure in a computered software. The virtual projects are obtained with high precision and a significant reduction in clinical and laboratory time. Thus, the present study (Chapters 1, 2 and 3) computed microtomography was used to evaluate, different materials, different CAD/CAM systems, different ways of obtaining virtual model (with direct or indirect scanning), and in addition, also aims to evaluate the influence of cementing agent in the final adaptation of crowns and copings obtained by CAD / CAM. Furthermore, this study (Chapter 4, 5 and 6) also aims to evaluate significant differences in vertical and horizontal misfits in abutment-free frameworks on external hexagon implants (HE) using full castable UCLAs, castable UCLAs with cobalt-chromium pre-machined bases and obtained by CAD / CAM with CoCr or Zirconia by different scanning and milling systems. For this, the scanning electron microscopy and interferometry were used. It was concluded that the CAD / CAM technology is capable to produce restorations, copings and screw-retained implant-supported frameworks in different materials and systems offering satisfactory results of marginal accuracy, with significative reduction in clinical and laboratory time.


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On this research we investigated how new technologies can help the process of design and manufacturing of furniture in such small manufacturers in Rio Grande do Norte state. Google SketchUp, a 3D software tool, was developed in such a way that its internal structures are opened and can be accessed using SketchUp s API for Ruby and programs written in Ruby language (plugins). Using the concepts of the so-called Group Technology and the flexibility that enables adding new functionalities to this software, it was created a Methodology for Modeling of Furniture, a Coding System and a plugin for Google s tool in order to implement the Methodology developed. As resulted, the following facilities are available: the user may create and reuse the library s models over-and-over; reports of the materials manufacturing process costs are provided and, finally, detailed drawings, getting a better integration between the furniture design and manufacturing process


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The aim of this study was to compare the misfit vertical, horizontal and passivity of zirconia and cobalt-chromium frameworks fabricated for CAD / CAM technology and conventional method of casting. Sixteen frameworks in one-piece, were obtained from a metallic matrix containing three Brånemark compatible implants with regular platform (Titamax Cortical Ti, Neodent). Eight frameworks were fabricated by CAD / CAM system (NeoShape, Neodent): four in zirconia (ZirCAD) and four cobalt-chromium (CoCrcad). Eight other frameworks were obtained by conventional casting method: four cobalt-chromium with UCLA abutment premachined Co-Cr (CoCrUCci) and four cobalt-chromium with UCLA abutment castable (CoCrUCc). The fit vertical, horizontal and passivity by one-screw test were measured using scanning electron microscopy with magnification of 250x. Initially evaluated the passivity by one-screw test and subsequently to assess the vertical and horizontal misfit, tightened all the screws with a torque of 20 Ncm. Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were calculated for each group. Measurements of horizontal misfit were transformed into cumulative frequency for categorization of the variable and the group later comparison groups. To evaluate the existence of quantitative differences between the groups tested for vertical misfit and passivity, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare group to group statistical differences (p <0.05). Were observed the respective mean and standard deviation for vertical misfit and passivity in micrometers: ZirCAD (5.9 ± 3.6, 107.2 ± 36), CoCrcad (1.2 ± 2.2, 107.5 ± 26 ), CoCrUCci (11.8 ± 9.8, 124.7 ± 74), CoCrUCc (12.9 ± 11.0, 108.8 ± 85). There were statistical differences in measures of vertical misfit (p = 0.000). The Mann-Whitney test revealed statistical differences (p <0.05) between all groups except between CoCrUCci and CoCrUCc (p = 0.619). No statistical difference was observed for the passivity. In relation to the horizontal misfit groups ZirCAD and CoCrcad did not show best values in relation to CoCrUCci and CoCrUCc. Based on the results it can be concluded that frameworks fabricated by CAD / CAM technology had better values of vertical fit than those manufactured by the casting method, nevertheless, the passivity was not influenced by manufacturing technique and material used. The horizontal fit obtained by frameworks manufactured by CAD / CAM was not superior to those manufactured by casting. A lower variability in vertical adjustment and passivity was observed when frameworks were fabricated by CAD / CAM technology


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Introduction: The orthodontic treatment using lingual brackets has been desired by adult patients for esthetic factors. In this paper it is described the clinical steps of an orthodontic treatment using Incognito™ system, individualized lingual brackets and archwires designed by CAD/CAM technology. Methods: The presented case describes the treatment of a patient with mesofacial growth pattern,Class I malocclusion, with mandibular crowding and diastema between the upper central incisors, treated using 100% individualized lingual brackets. Results: After treatment, the molar relation of Class I was kept, the spaces between upper central incisors were closed and mandibular crowding corrected. Conclusion: This case report demonstrated the efficiency of the new method for lingual orthodontic treatment.


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Questo studio ha valutato l'efficacia di un approccio rigenerativo utilizzando cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) e uno scaffold di idrossiapatite pura e porosa (HA) progettata con tecnologia CAD-CAM per sostituire il condilo dell'articolazione temporomandibolare (ATM). Metodi.Uno scaffolds di HA con porosità totale del 70% è stato prototipato per sostituire i due condili temporomandibolari (sinistro e destro) dello stesso animale. MSC sono state ottenute dalla cresta iliaca ed espanse in coltura. Guide chirurgiche su misura sono state create e utilizzate per esportare la pianificazione virtuale delle linee di taglio dell'osso nell'ambiente chirurgico. Sei pecore sono state sacrificate a 4 mesi dopo l'intervento.Gli scaffold sono stati espiantati, campioni istologici sono stati preparati, ed è stata eseguota l'analisi istomorfometrica. Risultati.L'analisi della riduzione di porosità per apposizione di osso neoformato mostrata una differenza statisticamente significativa tra la formazione ossea nei condili carichi di MSC rispetto ai condili senza (


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In questa tesi è stato realizzato un sistema web-based, per la configurazione di modelli meccanici tridimensionali. L’intero software è basato su architettura multi-tier. Il back-end espone servizi RESTful che permettono l’interrogazione di una base di dati contenente l’anagrafica dei modelli e l’interazione con il CAD 3D SolidWorks. Il front-end è rappresentato da due pagine HTML ideate come SPA (Single Page Application), una per l’amministratore e l’altra per l’utente finale; esse sono responsabili delle chiamate asincrone verso i servizi, dell’aggiornamento automatico dell’interfaccia e dell’interazione con immagini tridimensionali.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Imagem Digital por Radiação X.


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Os sistemas Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) auxiliam a deteção e diferenciação de lesões benignas e malignas, aumentando a performance no diagnóstico do cancro da mama. As lesões da mama estão fortemente correlacionadas com a forma do contorno: lesões benignas apresentam contornos regulares, enquanto as lesões malignas tendem a apresentar contornos irregulares. Desta forma, a utilização de medidas quantitativas, como a dimensão fractal (DF), pode ajudar na caracterização dos contornos regulares ou irregulares de uma lesão. O principal objetivo deste estudo é verificar se a utilização concomitante de 2 (ou mais) medidas de DF – uma tradicionalmente utilizada, a qual foi designada por “DF de contorno”; outra proposta por nós, designada por “DF de área” – e ainda 3 medidas obtidas a partir destas, por operações de dilatação/erosão e por normalização de uma das medidas anteriores, melhoram a capacidade de caracterização de acordo com a escala BIRADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) e o tipo de lesão. As medidas de DF (DF contorno e DF área) foram calculadas através da aplicação do método box-counting, diretamente em imagens de lesões segmentadas e após a aplicação de um algoritmo de dilatação/erosão. A última medida baseia-se na diferença normalizada entre as duas medidas DF de área antes e após a aplicação do algoritmo de dilatação/erosão. Os resultados demonstram que a medida DF de contorno é uma ferramenta útil na diferenciação de lesões, de acordo com a escala BIRADS e o tipo de lesão; no entanto, em algumas situações, ocorrem alguns erros. O uso combinado desta medida com as quatro medidas propostas pode melhorar a classificação das lesões.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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A mamografia representa o melhor método de detecção precoce do câncer de mama, porém cerca de 10% a 30% das lesões mamárias são perdidas no rastreamento, devido a limitações próprias dos observadores humanos. A detecção auxiliada por computador (computer-aided detection - CAD) é uma tecnologia relativamente nova que tem sido implementada em alguns serviços de mamografia, com o intuito de prover uma dupla leitura. Estudos clínicos têm demonstrado que o CAD aumenta a sensibilidade de detecção do câncer da mama, por radiologistas, em até 21%. Um sistema CAD é útil em situações em que exista alta variabilidade interobservador, falta de observadores treinados, ou na impossibilidade de se realizar a dupla leitura com dois ou mais radiologistas. O objetivo desta revisão está baseado na necessidade de atualizar a comunidade médica acerca desta ferramenta, como um método auxiliar, quantitativo, não operador-dependente, e que visa a melhorar a qualidade do diagnóstico do câncer de mama.


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El departament de GREP de la UdG disposa d’un sistema de tecnologia additiva, laFab@home model 1, una impressora 3D o també anomenada de prototipat ràpid. Ésuna màquina de dimensions reduïdes, versàtil i de cost reduït, que a partir d’un modelgenerat a CAD, es capaç de fabricar objectes sòlids tridimensionals mitjançant lasuperposició de capes horitzontals.Les impressores 3D neixen de la necessitat de realitzar, en un temps relativament curt,proves de geometries complexes, que executades en un procés de manofacturaciónormal pot ser llarg i d’elevat cost.Gran part de les màquines de característiques similars a la Fab@home, tenen modelspreparats fabricar / extrudir peces a partir de silicones, aliments o polímers. Ara bé, laconformació per extrusió de plàstic és a partir de polímer verge en forma de fil.El present projecte té l’objectiu de dissenyar un sistema de conformació que permetimanufacturar polímer en forma de gra i s’adapti al funcionament de la Fab@home, amb l’argot corresponent, es tracta d’adaptar la Fab@home al fused depositionmodeling (FDM)