931 resultados para systems of quantities
Systems of Systems (SoS) present challenging features and existing tools result often inadequate for their analysis, especially for heteregeneous networked infrastructures. Most accident scenarios in networked systems cannot be addressed by a simplistic black or white (i.e. functioning or failed) approach. Slow deviations from nominal operation conditions may cause degraded behaviours that suddenly end up into unexpected malfunctioning, with large portions of the network affected. In this paper,we present a language for modelling networked SoS. The language makes it possible to represent interdependencies of various natures, e.g. technical, organizational and human. The representation of interdependencies is based on control relationships that exchange physical quantities and related information. The language also makes it possible the identification of accident scenarios, by representing the propagation of failure events throughout the network. The results can be used for assessing the effectiveness of those mechanisms and measures that contribute to the overall resilience, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. The presented modelling methodology is general enough to be applied in combination with already existing system analysis techniques, such as risk assessment, dependability and performance evaluation
Critical infrastructures support everyday activities in modern societies, facilitating the exchange of services and quantities of various nature. Their functioning is the result of the integration of diverse technologies, systems and organizations into a complex network of interconnections. Benefits from networking are accompanied by new threats and risks. In particular, because of the increased interdependency, disturbances and failures may propagate and render unstable the whole infrastructure network. This paper presents a methodology of resilience analysis of networked systems of systems. Resilience generalizes the concept of stability of a system around a state of equilibrium, with respect to a disturbance and its ability of preventing, resisting and recovery. The methodology provides a tool for the analysis of off-equilibrium conditions that may occur in a single system and propagate through the network of dependencies. The analysis is conducted in two stages. The first stage of the analysis is qualitative. It identifies the resilience scenarios, i.e. the sequence of events, triggered by an initial disturbance, which include failures and the system response. The second stage is quantitative. The most critical scenarios can be simulated, for the desired parameter settings, in order to check if they are successfully handled, i.e recovered to nominal conditions, or they end into the network failure. The proposed methodology aims at providing an effective support to resilience-informed design.
We study the existence of positive solutions of Hamiltonian-type systems of second-order elliptic PDE in the whole space. The systems depend on a small parameter and involve a potential having a global well structure. We use dual variational methods, a mountain-pass type approach and Fourier analysis to prove positive solutions exist for sufficiently small values of the parameter.
Silicon carbide ceramics (SiC) are used in different applications in the engineering area due to the excellent properties, mainly in high temperatures. They are usually obtained by liquid-phase sintering enabling to form volatile products and, consequently, defects. The present work aims at studying the obtention of SiC ceramics by spontaneous infiltration using a eutectic composition of the Al(2)O(3)/Y(2)O(3), AIN/Y(2)O(3), Al(2)O(3)/Sm(2)O(3), AlN/Sm(2)O(3), Al(2)O(3)/RE(2)O(3) and AlN/RE(2)O(3) Systems. RE(2)O(3) is the concentrate of the rare-earth oxide obtained from Xenotime ore. Infiltration tests were carried out in argon atmosphere, graphite crucibles, in several temperatures near the melting point of each system, varying from 2.5 to 60 min. It was observed that Al(2)O(3)/Y(2)O(3), Al(2)O(3)/SM(2)O(3), AlN/SM(2)O(3) and Al(2)O(3)/RE(2)O(3) systems do not infiltrate appropriately and the AlN/Y(2)O(3) and AlN/RE(2)O(3) systems infiltrated spontaneously more than 20 mm; however, the first one presented a higher degree of infiltration, approximately 97%. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
In contrast with the abundance of anatomical studies of secretory structures on aerial vegetative organs of Asteraceae species, the information about secretory structures on thickened subterranean organs is sparse. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of secretory structures on thickened and nonthickened subterranean organs of seven Asteraceae species from three tribes: Eupatorieae (Chromolaena squalida and Gyptis lanigera), Vernonieae (Chresta sphaerocephala, Lessingianthus bardanoides, L. glabratus and Orthopappus angustifolius), and Plucheeae (Pterocaulon angustifolium). The specimens were collected in areas of cerrado, from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. All species of the tribe Vernonieae studied exhibited endodermic cells, other than the epithelial cells of the canal, with secretory activity in the roots. In C. sphaerocephala roots, two types of endodermic cell were found, but only one had secretory activity. Secretory canals were found in the tuberous and nontuberous roots of all studied species. These data agree with the results from the literature for Asteraceae species. Here, we describe for the first time in Asteraceae the presence of secretory idioblasts in C. sphaerocephala. Secretory trichomes are present in the Orthopappus angustifolius rhizophore. Histochemical tests have shown that all types of secretory structure possess substances containing lipids. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
Underground systems of Asteraceac species from the Brazilian Cerrado. The aim or this study was to describe the underground systems structure, the origin of the shoot buds, and to identify the storage reserve of seven Asteraceae species in order to understand the adaptive strategies of these species in burned Cerrado areas and their higher frequency in the floristic Surveys for herbaceous and undershrub layers of this biome. The subterranean systems types-diffuse underground system, rhizophore, tuberous roots, and xylopodium-varied among the studied species, but all of them have high shoot bud-forming potential. Fructans of the inulin type were detected as storage substances. The presence of these characteristics on the underground systems Could explain the frequency of these species in the floristic surveys from the Brazilian Cerrado, in which Fire and seasonal drought are frequent. It is possible that the belowground bud banks in the Cerrado biome are as important as demonstrated in North American prairies where fire is also frequent. However, in the Cerrado, as demonstrated here, there are types of underground systems other than rhizomes that are usually described in the prairie. Understanding the anatomical features of these plants is one of the steps to appropriate conservation management of these species in the Cerrado.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Low-intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) and Light Emitting Diode Therapy (LEDT) of low intensity on the treatment of lesioned Achilles tendon of rats. The experimental model consisted of a partial mechanical lesion on the right Achilles tendon deep portion of 90 rats. One hour after the lesion, the injured animals received applications of laser/LED (685, 830/630, 880 nm), and the same procedure was repeated at 24-h intervals, for 10 days. The healing process and deposition of collagen were evaluated based on a polarization microscopy analysis of the alignment and organization of collagen bundles, through the birefringence (optical retardation-OR). The results showed a real efficiency of treatments based on LEDT and confirmed that LILT seems to be effective on healing process. Although absence of coherence of LED light, tendon healing treatment with this feature was satisfactory and can certainly replace treatments based on laser light applications. Applications of infrared laser at 830 nm and LED 880 nm were more efficient when the aim is a good organization, aggregation, and alignment of the collagen bundles on tendon healing. However, more research is needed for a safety and more efficient determination of a protocol with LED.
Using light and electron microscopic histological and immunocytochemical techniques, we investigated the effects of the glucocorticoid dexamethasone on T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Lewis rats with acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced with myelin basic protein (MBP). A single subcutaneous injection of dexamethasone markedly augmented T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the CNS and PNS and microglial apoptosis in the CNS within 6 hours (h). Pre-embedding immunolabeling revealed that dexamethasone increased the number of apoptotic CD5+ cells (T cells or activated B cells), αβ T cells, and CD11b+ cells (macrophages/microglia) in the meninges, perivascular spaces, and CNS parenchyma. The induction of increased apoptosis was dose-dependent. Daily dexamethasone treatment suppressed the neurological signs of EAE. However, the daily injection of a dose of dexamethasone (0.25 mg/kg). which, after a single dose, did not induce increased apoptosis in the CNS or PNS, was as effective in inhibiting the neurological signs of EAE as the high dose (4 mg/kg), which induced a marked increase in apoptosis. This indicates that the beneficial clinical effect of glucocorticoid therapy in EAE does not depend on the induction of increased apoptosis. The daily administration of dexamethasone for 5 days induced a relapse that commenced 5 days after cessation of treatment, with the severity of the relapse tending to increase with dexamethasone dosage.
In this paper we extend the guiding function approach to show that there are periodic or bounded solutions for first order systems of ordinary differential equations of the form x1 =f(t,x), a.e. epsilon[a,b], where f satisfies the Caratheodory conditions. Our results generalize recent ones of Mawhin and Ward.
Recently the problem of the existence of a 5-cycle system of K-v with a hole of size u was completely solved. In this paper we prove necessary and sufficient conditions on v and u for the existence of a 5-cycle system of K-v - F, with a hole of size u.
For all m greater than or equal to 3 the edges of complete graph on 2m + 1 vertices can he partitioned into m 2m-cycles and an m-cycle.
Objective: The aim was to compare there ulcer classification systems as predictors of the outcome of diabetic foot ulcers; the Wagner, the University of Texas (UT) and the size (area, depth), sepsis, arteriopathy, denervation system (S(AD)SAD) systems in specialist clinic in Brazil. Methods: Ulcer area, depth, appearance, infection and associated ischaemia and neuropathy were recorded in a consecutive series of 94 subjects. A novel score, the S(AD)SAD score, was derived from the sum of individual items of the S(AD)SAD system, and was evaluated. Follow-up was for at least 6 months. The primary outcome measure was the incidence of healing. Results: Mean age was 57.6 years; 57 (60.6%) were made. Forty-eight ulcers (51.1%) healed without surgery; 11 (12.2%) subjects underwent minor amputation. Significant differences in terms of healing were observed for depth (P = 0.002), infection (P = 0.006) and denervation (P = 0.002) using the S(AD)SAD system, for UT grade (P = 0.002) and stage (P = 0.032) and for Wagner grades (P = 0.002). Ulcers with an S(AD)SAD score of <= 9 (total possible 15) were 7.6 times more likely to heal than scores >= 10 (P < 0.001). Conclusions: All three systems predicted ulcer outcome. The S(AD)SAD score of ulcer severity could represent a useful addition to routine clinical practice. The association between outcome and ulcer depth confirms earlier reports. The association with infection was stronger than that reported from the centres in Europe or North America. The very strong association with neuropathy has only previously been observed in Tanzania. Studies designed to compare the outcome in different countries should adopt systems of classification, which are valid for the populations studied.
We study difference equations which arise as discrete approximations to two-point boundary value problems for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. We formulate conditions which guarantee a priori bounds on first differences of solutions to the discretized problem. We establish existence results for solutions to the discretized boundary value problems subject to nonlinear boundary conditions. We apply our results to show that solutions to the discrete problem converge to solutions of the continuous problem in an aggregate sense. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe a direct method of partitioning the 840 Steiner triple systems of order 9 into 120 large sets. The method produces partitions in which all of the large sets are isomorphic and we apply the method to each of the two non-isomorphic large sets of STS(9).