94 resultados para syngas
Master Thesis to obtain the Master degree in Chemical Engineering - Branch Chemical Processes
The cleaning of syngas is one of the most important challenges in the development of technologies based on gasification of biomass. Tar is an undesired byproduct because, once condensed, it can cause fouling and plugging and damage the downstream equipment. Thermochemical methods for tar destruction, which include catalytic cracking and thermal cracking, are intrinsically attractive because they are energetically efficient and no movable parts are required nor byproducts are produced. The main difficulty with these methods is the tendency for tar to polymerize at high temperatures. An alternative to tar removal is the complete combustion of the syngas in a porous burner directly as it leaves the particle capture system. In this context, the main aim of this study is to evaluate the destruction of the tar present in the syngas from biomass gasification by combustion in porous media. A gas mixture was used to emulate the syngas, which included toluene as a tar surrogate. Initially, CHEMKIN was used to assess the potential of the proposed solution. The calculations revealed the complete destruction of the tar surrogate for a wide range of operating conditions and indicated that the most important reactions in the toluene conversion are C6H5CH3 + OH <-> C6H5CH2 + H2O, C6H5CH3 + OH <-> C6H4CH3 + H2O, and C6H5CH3 + O <-> OC6H4CH3 + H and that the formation of toluene can occur through C6H5CH2 + H <-> C6H5CH3. Subsequently, experimental tests were performed in a porous burner fired with pure methane and syngas for two equivalence ratios and three flow velocities. In these tests, the toluene concentration in the syngas varied from 50 to 200 g/Nm(3). In line with the CHEMKIN calculations, the results revealed that toluene was almost completely destroyed for all tested conditions and that the process did not affect the performance of the porous burner regarding the emissions of CO, hydrocarbons, and NOx.
Synthesis gas, a mixture of CO, H2, and CO2, is a promising renewable feedstock for bio-based production of organic chemicals. Production of medium-chain fatty acids can be performed via chain elongation, utilizing acetate and ethanol as main substrates. Acetate and ethanol are main products of syngas fermentation by acetogens. Therefore, syngas can be indirectly used as a substrate for the chain elongation process.
Ni-Co/Al2O3-MgO-ZrO2 nanocatalyst with utilization of two different zirconia precursors, namely, zirconyl nitrate hydrate (ZNH) and zirconyl nitrate solution (ZNS), was synthesized via the sol-gel method. The physiochemical properties of nanocatalysts were characterized by XRD, FESEM, EDX, BET and FTIR analyses and employed for syngas production from CO2-reforming of CH4. XRD patterns, exhibiting proper crystalline structure and homogeneous dispersion of active phase for the nanocatalyst ZNS precursor employed (NCAMZ-ZNS). FESEM and BET results of NCAMZ-ZNS presented more uniform morphology and smaller particle size and consequently higher surface areas. In addition, average particle size of NCAMZ-ZNS was 15.7 nm, which is close to the critical size for Ni-Co catalysts to avoid carbon formation. Moreover, FESEM analysis indicated both prepared samples were nanoscale. EDX analysis confirmed the existence of various elements used and also supported the statements made in the XRD and FESEM analyses regarding dispersion. Based on the excellent physiochemical properties, NCAMZ-ZNS exhibited the best reactant conversion across all of the evaluated temperatures, e.g. CH4 and CO2 conversions were 97.2 and 99% at 850 ºC, respectively. Furthermore, NCAMZ-ZNS demonstrated a stable yield with H2/CO close to unit value during the 1440 min stability test.
Au cours des dernières décennies, l’intérêt pour la gazéification de biomasses a considérablement augmenté, notamment en raison de la grande efficacité de recouvrement énergétique de ce procédé par rapport aux autres procédés de génération de bioénergies. Les composants majoritaires du gaz de synthèse, le monoxyde de carbone (CO) et l’hydrogène (H2) peuvent entre autres servir de substrats à divers microorganismes qui peuvent produire une variété de molécules chimiques d’intérêts, ou encore produire des biocarburants, particulièrement le méthane. Il est donc important d'étudier les consortiums méthanogènes naturels qui, en syntrophie, serait en mesure de convertir le gaz de synthèse en carburants utiles. Cette étude évalue principalement le potentiel de méthanisation du CO par un consortium microbien issu d’un réacteur de type UASB, ainsi que les voies métaboliques impliquées dans cette conversion en conditions mésophiles. Des tests d’activité ont donc été réalisés avec la boue anaérobie du réacteur sous différentes pressions partielles de CO variant de 0.1 à 1,65 atm (0.09 à 1.31 mmol CO/L), en présence ou absence de certains inhibiteurs métaboliques spécifiques. Dès le départ, la boue non acclimatée au CO présente une activité carboxidotrophique relativement intéressante et permet une croissance sur le CO. Les tests effectués avec de l’acide 2- bromoethanesulfonique (BES) ou avec de la vancomycine démontrent que le CO est majoritairement consommé par les bactéries acétogènes avant d’être converti en méthane par les méthanogènes acétotrophes. De plus, un plus grand potentiel de méthanisation a pu être atteint sous une atmosphère constituée uniquement de CO en acclimatant auparavant la boue. Cette adaptation est caractérisée par un changement dans la population microbienne désormais dominée par les méthanogènes hydrogénotrophes. Ceci suggère un potentiel de production à large échelle de biométhane à partir du gaz de synthèse avec l’aide de biofilms anaérobies.
Ecological impacts from syngas burning in internal combustion engine: Technical and economic aspects
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The research of new advanced processes for syngas production is a part of a European project for the production of a new Gas to Liquid Process (NextGTL). The crucial points in the production of GTL process are the energy required for the air separation used in autothermal reforming or the heat required for steam reforming and the efficiency in carbon utilization. Therefore a new multistep oxy-reforming process scheme was developed at lower temperature with intermediate H2 membrane separation to improve the crucial parameter. The process is characterized by a S/C of 0.7 and O2/C of 0.21 having a smoothed temperature profile in which kinetic regime is easily obtained. Active catalysts for low temperature oxy-reforming process have been studied working at low pressure to discriminate among the catalyst and at high pressure to prove it on industrial condition. It allows the selection of the Rh as active phase among single and bimetallic VIII group metal. The study of the matrix composition and thermal treatment has been carried out on Rh-Mg/Al hydrotalcite selected as reference catalyst. The research to optimize the catalyst lead to enhanced performances through the identification of a limitation of the Rh reduction from the oxides matrix as key point to increase the Rh performances. The Rh loading have been studied to allow the catalyst scale up for pilot process in Chieti in a shape of Rh-HT on honeycomb ceramic material. The developed catalyst has enhanced methane conversion in a inch diameter monolith reactor if compared with the semi-industrial catalyst chosen in the project as the best reference.
La preparazione di catalizzatori attivi nella reazione di ossidazione parziale catalitica del metano a base di Rh, è stata condotta utilizzando tecniche di sintesi elettrochimiche su schiume metalliche a base di FeCrAlY. Sono stati depositati precursori a base di Rh/Al (Al2O3) e successivamente comparati ai catalizzatori a base idrotalcitica Rh/Mg/Al, precedentemente studiati. La precipitazione dei composti di Al ed idrotalciti sono stati ottenute tramite la tecnica di elettrogenerazione di basi. Sono state svolte prove di Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) in soluzioni di KNO3 per determinare i potenziali ai quali si ottiene la riduzione dei nitrati, individuando il potenziale di sintesi a -1,2V. Tramite la tecnica potenziostatica (CronoAmperometria, CA) è stato possibile ottenere indicazioni sulle correnti in gioco durante la riduzione dei nitrati per tutto il tempo di reazione. Sono state eseguite successivamente cronoamperometrie in soluzione di Al(NO3)3 0,06M nelle condizioni -1,2V per tempi variabili, per poter determinare il grado di ricoprimento e l’adesione dei rivestimenti in ossoidrossido di alluminio su differenti supporti, partendo da geometrie semplici, come lamine metalliche in lega FeCrAlY, e passando mano a mano a geometrie più complesse, come fibre metalliche e schiume dello stesso materiale. La sintesi dei precursori catalitici è stata ottenuta su schiume di FeCrAlY in cronoamperometria utilizzando come specie in soluzione i nitrati dei metalli da depositare sottoforma di osso idrossidi. la sintesi viene effettuata successivamente su una cella in flusso più innovativa che da risultati migliori sia di ricoprimento che sulle percentuali di Rh depositato. Le schiume ottenute sono state successivamente caratterizzate, tramite analisi SEM-EDS, per poi essere calcinate a 900°C e provate, per determinarne l’attività nella reazione di ossidazione parziale catalitica del metano ad una temperatura di 750°C.
The EU intends to increase the fraction of fuels from biogenic energy sources from 2% in 2005 to 8% in 2020. This means a minimum of 30 million TOE/a of fuels from biomass. This makes technical-scale generation of syngas from high-grade biomass, e.g. straw, hay, bark, or paper/cardboard waste, and the production of synthetic fuels by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis highly attractive. The BTL concept (Biomass to Liquids) of the Karlsruhe Research Center, labeled bioliq, focuses on this challenge by locally concentrating the biomass energy content by fast pyrolysis in a coke/oil slurry followed by slurry conversion to syngas in a central entrained flow gasifier at 1200C and pressures above 4MPa. FT synthesis generates intermediate products for synthetic fuels. To prevent the sensitive catalysts from being poisoned the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. Trace concentrations of H2S, COS, CS2, HCl, NH3, and HCN must be on the order of a few ppb. Moreover, maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved by cleaning the gas above the synthesis conditions. (T>350C, P>4MPa). The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning process is presented. Based on HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants, an overall concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for FT synthesis in only two combined stages. Results of filtration experiments on a pilot scale are presented. The influence of temperature on the separation and conversion, respectively, of particulates and gaseous contaminants is discussed on the basis of experimental results obtained on a laboratory and pilot scale. Extensive studies of this concept are performed in a scientific network comprising the Karlsruhe Research Center and five universities; funding is provided by the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers in Germany.
Biofuels and chemicals from biomass mean the gasification of biogenic feedstocks and the synthesis via methanol, dimethylester (DME) or Fischer-Tropsch products. To prevent the sensitive synthesis catalysts from poisoning the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. The trace concentrations of S-, C1-, N-species, alkali and heavy metals must be of the order of a few ppb. Moreover maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved performing the gas cleaning above the synthesis conditions. The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning is presented. Based on the HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants a total concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for synthesis catalysts in only 2 combined stages. The experimental setup for the HT gas cleaning behind the 60 kWtherm entrained flow gasifier REGA of the institute is described. Results from HT filter experiments in pilot scale are presented. The performance of 2 natural minerals for HC1 and H2S sorption is discussed with respect to the parameters temperature, surface and residence time. Results from lab scale investigations on low temperature tar catalysts' performance (commercial and proprietary development) are discussed finally.
The preparation of structured catalysts active in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane to syngas, was performed by electrosynthesis of hydroxides on FeCrAlloy foams and fibers. Rh/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-type compounds were prepared by co-precipitation of metallic cations on the support and successive calcination. Electrochemical reactions have been studied during the electrodeposition by linear sweep voltammetry. The experiments were performed at supports immersed in KNO3, KCl, Mg2+ and Al3+ aqueous solutions, starting by different precursors (nitrate and chlorides salts) and modifying the Mg/A ratio. Rh/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-type compounds were deposited on metal foams by applying a -1.2V vs SCE potential for 2000s with a nitrate solution of 0.06M total metal concentration. Firstly it was studied the effect of Mg on the coating propierties, modifying the Rh/Mg/Al atomic ratio (5/70/25, 5/50/45, 5/25/70 e 5/0/95). Then the effect of the amount of Rh was later investigated in the sample with the largest Mg content (Rh/Mg/Al = 5/70/25 and 2/70/28).The results showed that magnesium allowed obtaining the most homogeneous and well adherent coatings, wherein rhodium was well dispersed. The sample with the Rh/Mg /Al ratio equal to5/70/25 showed the best catalytic performances. Decreasing the Rh content, the properties of the coating were not modified, but the catalytic activity was lower, due to a not enough number of active sites to convert the methane. The work on metal fibers focused on the effect of precursor concentration, keeping constant composition, potential and synthesis time at the values of Rh/Mg/Al =5/70/25, -1.2V vs SCE and 1000s. However fibers geometry did not allow to obtain a high quality coating, even if results were quite promising.
The study of the combined Steam/Dry Reforming (S/DR) process for the production of syngas (CO + H2) from clean biogas was carried out using Ni/Ir bimetallic catalysts on Mg and Al mixed-oxides, obtained by calcination of hydrotalcite-type precursors (Ht) prepared by co-precipitation. The presence of small amounts of Ir promoted the catalytic activity and limited the deactivation phenomena through the formation of a bimetallic alloy, which does the catalyst very active even at lowest temperature and in lack of steam. By integrating a High Temperature–WGS unit (HTS) after the S/DR reactor it was possible to increase the H2 yield of the process. The performance of the Zn/Al/Cu-based catalyst was improved using a templating agent during the synthesis of the catalyst, which increased the catalyst’s structural properties and activity especially at lowest temperatures and at highest contact times. Finally, starting from the laboratory data, it was possible to simulate the S/DR process on industrial scale, evaluating its scalability and environmental impact. The results showed that, using the S/DR technology instead of the current processes, it was possible to reduce the energy costs and the atmospheric emissions of the plant.
Una delle metodologie che negli ultimi tempi viene utilizzata più frequentemente per la valutazione ambientale di prodotti, processi e servizi è detta LCA, Life Cycle Assessment: essa valuta l’impatto ambientale associato ad un processo o ad un prodotto considerando tutto il suo ciclo di vita. Nel presente elaborato di tesi la metodologia è applicata ad un processo chimico industriale in fase di studio su scala di laboratorio presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale dell’Università di Bologna, che prevede la sintesi di syngas a partire da biogas tramite le reazioni di dry reformng (DR) e steam refroming (SR). Tale processo è stato studiato poiché a livello teorico presenta i seguenti vantaggi: l’utilizzo di biogas come materia prima (derivante dalla digestione anaerobica dei rifiuti), lo sfruttamento dell’anidride carbonica presente nel biogas e l’utilizzo di un solo reattore anziché due. Il processo viene analizzato attraverso due diversi confronti: in primo luogo è comparato con processi con tecnologie differenti che producono il medesimo prodotto (syngas); in secondo luogo è paragonato a processi che impiegano la stessa materia prima (biogas), ottenendo prodotti differenti. Nel primo confronto i processi confrontati sono uno scenario di Autothermal reforming (ATR) e uno scenario che prevede DR e SR in due reattori separati; nel secondo confronto i prodotti che si ottengono sono: energia termica ed elettrica attraverso un sistema CHP, biometano con un sistema di upgrading del biogas, energia e biometano (CHP + upgrading) ed infine metanolo prodotto da syngas (generato dal processo studiato). Per il primo confronto è risultato che lo scenario che porta ad un minore impatto ambientale è il processo studiato dall'università di Bologna, seguito dallo Scenario con DR e SR in reattori separati ed infine dal processo di ATR. Per quanto concerne il secondo confronto lo scenario migliore è quello che produce biometano, mentre quello che produce metanolo è al terzo posto.
Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato realizzato all’interno del programma Overseas, per cui è stata realizzata una collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari” (Chimind) dell’Università di Bologna e l’Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica (Incape) dell’Università del Litoral di Santa Fe. Nel lavoro viene riportato lo studio di catalizzatori strutturati a base di Rh-CeO2, Rh/ZnAl2O4 e Rh/Al2O3, supportati su schiume NiCrAl, dei quali verrà valutata l’attività catalitica rispetto alla reazione di dry reforming del metano. La preparazione dei catalizzatori strutturati è stata eseguita utilizzando due diverse tecniche, dip-coating e elettrodeposizione. L’obbiettivo del lavoro è stato valutare il metodo di sintesi più adatto al supporto utilizzato. Le prove catalitiche sono state eseguite a 750°C, P atmosferica, rapporto CH4:CO2 1:1 con tempo di reazione di 2h. Dai risultati ottenuti dalle prove effettuate i catalizzatori sono risultati attivi, in particolare il supporto di CeO2 risulta già attivo per la reazione, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la conversione del metano. Tuttavia, la presenza di Rh migliora la conversione dei reagenti ed il rapporto H2/CO. La presenza di Zn, sul catalizzatore Rh/ZnAl2O4 va a peggiorare le prestazioni catalitiche, abbassando in particolare la conversione della CO2. In generale i catalizzatori ricoperti mediante elettrodeposizione mostrano attività catalitica più elevata. Dallo studio sulla superficie del catalizzatore Rh-CeO2 ridotto tramite XPS è emersa la presenza di Rh(0). Tuttavia, indifferentemente dalla tecnica di sintesi utilizzata, dall’ossido del supporto e dalla quantità di fase attiva, tutti i catalizzatori hanno sviluppato massicce quantità di carbonio filamentoso di dimensioni nanometriche, che hanno portato alla disgregazione e alla perdita di parte del coating.