263 resultados para sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim


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Ajoene has been described as an antithrombotic, anti-tumour, antifungal, antiparasitic and antibacterial agent. This study deals with the efficacy of ajoene to treat mice intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The results indicate that ajoene therapy is effective in association with antifungal drugs (sulfametoxazol/trimethoprim), showing a positive additive effect. Ajoene-treated mice developed Th1-type cytokine responses producing higher levels of IFN-gamma and IL-12 when compared to the infected but untreated members of the control group. Antifungal activity of ajoene involves a direct effect on fungi and a protective pro-inflammatory immune response. Reduction of fungal load is additive to chemotherapy and therefore the combined treatment is mostly effective against experimental paracoccidioidomycosis.


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Monitoring organic environmental contaminants is of crucial importance to ensure public health. This requires simple, portable and robust devices to carry out on-site analysis. For this purpose, a low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) microfluidic potentiometric device (LTCC/μPOT) was developed for the first time for an organic compound: sulfamethoxazole (SMX). Sensory materials relied on newly designed plastic antibodies. Sol–gel, self-assembling monolayer and molecular-imprinting techniques were merged for this purpose. Silica beads were amine-modified and linked to SMX via glutaraldehyde modification. Condensation polymerization was conducted around SMX to fill the vacant spaces. SMX was removed after, leaving behind imprinted sites of complementary shape. The obtained particles were used as ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes. The most suitable membrane composition was selected in steady-state assays. Its suitability to flow analysis was verified in flow-injection studies with regular tubular electrodes. The LTCC/μPOT device integrated a bidimensional mixer, an embedded reference electrode based on Ag/AgCl and an Ag-based contact screen-printed under a micromachined cavity of 600 μm depth. The sensing membranes were deposited over this contact and acted as indicating electrodes. Under optimum conditions, the SMX sensor displayed slopes of about −58.7 mV/decade in a range from 12.7 to 250 μg/mL, providing a detection limit of 3.85 μg/mL and a sampling throughput of 36 samples/h with a reagent consumption of 3.3 mL per sample. The system was adjusted later to multiple analyte detection by including a second potentiometric cell on the LTCC/μPOT device. No additional reference electrode was required. This concept was applied to Trimethoprim (TMP), always administered concomitantly with sulphonamide drugs, and tested in fish-farming waters. The biparametric microanalyzer displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes −54.7 (SMX) and +57.8 (TMP) mV/decade. To demonstrate the microanalyzer capabilities for real applications, it was successfully applied to single and simultaneous determination of SMX and TMP in aquaculture waters.


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A Escherichia coli de aderência difusa (DAEC), um patotipo diarreiogênico de E. coli, corresponde a um grupo heterogêneo sem marcador de virulência comum a todos os isolados e de papel controverso na diarreia infantil. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar genotipica e fenotipicamente amostras de DAEC, portadoras e não portadoras de adesinas Afa/Dr, isoladas de crianças com e sem diarreia. Em 70 amostras de DAEC, PCR foi realizado para pesquisa de genes descritos em DAEC, EAEC ou UPEC, que codificam: (i) oito adesinas fimbriais e afimbriais (fimH, papC, sfa, aggA, aafA, agg3A, aidA/aah, afaC); (ii) cinco toxinas (pet, astA, set1A, sat, hlyA); (iii) três proteínas captadoras/receptora de ferro (irp2, iucA, chuA/shuA); (iv) invasina (daaD) e; antígeno 43 (agn43). Ensaio de formação de biofilme foi realizado a partir da bactéria cultivada em caldo Luria-Bertani e inoculada em placas de poliestireno com DMEM suplementado com 0,4% glicose. A leitura da densidade ótica (DO490) foi realizada após coloração com safranina. Soroaglutinação para 23 antígenos O (Probac do Brasil) foi realizada em 50% das DAEC. Método de difusão de disco foi realizado para testar a suscetibilidade a 13 antimicrobianos. A presença de pelo menos um gene que codifica adesinas, toxinas, proteínas captadoras/receptora de ferro, invasina ou antígeno 43 foram encontrados em 58,6%, 51,4%, 80%, 48,6% e 57,1%, respectivamente, com os genes fimH, irp2, agn43, iucA, chuA/shuA, presentes em mais de 50% das amostras. Gene afaC+ (PCR) e/ou sonda afaBC+ (hibridização de colônias) classificou 50% das DAEC como Afa/Dr, sendo pet, sat, irp2, iucA, chuA/shuA e agn43 significantes nessas amostras (p<0,05). Do total das DAEC, 44,3% foram formadoras de biofilme, igualmente distribuídas entre as Afa/Dr e não Afa/Dr, e nenhum gene foi associado com esse fenótipo. Sorologia de 35 amostras evidenciou os seguintes sorogrupos: 1 O29, 2 O125, 2 O127 e 7 O86. Todas as O86 foram de DAEC Afa/Dr. Maiores frequências de resistência antimicrobiana foram encontradas para ampicilina (55,7%), sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim (35,7%) e tetraciclina (28,6%) e o perfil resistente/intermediário para amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico, ampicilina, sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim foi significante nas DAEC Afa/Dr, assim como a multi-droga resistência (p<0,05). Em conclusão, observou-se: (i) alta frequência de fimH e pet e presença de agn43, até então não descrito em DAEC, em frequências similares àquelas encontradas em EAEC, UPEC e EAEC/UPEC, respectivamente; (ii) que as amostras de DAEC Afa/Dr e não Afa/Dr constituíram grupos com perfis genéticos diferenciados entre si; (iii) poucos sorogrupos foram encontrados entre as DAEC; (iv) frequências de resistência menores quando comparado com as poucas descrições em DAEC, sugerindo uma menor pressão seletiva da população do presente estudo e; (v) amostras de DAEC Afa/Dr podem representar um importante reservatório de genes de resistência a antimicrobianos, além de diversos fatores de virulência.


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To study resistance to antimicrobials, serotypes and clinical features of S. pneumoniae in S. Paulo, Brazil, 50 patients with a positive culture were evaluated: 7 were considered carriers and 43 had pneumococcal infections. Pneumonia and meningitis were the most commom infections. Mortality was 34% and underlying diseases were present in 70%. Relative resistance to penicillin occurred in 24% and complete resistance was not detected. Resistance to tetracycline was 32% and to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim 32%; one strain had intermediate susceptibility to erythromycin; no resistance was present for chloramphenicol, rifampin or vancomycin. Resistance to at least one of the drugs tested occurred in 62%. Results by the E-test for penicillin were similar to those by the agar dilution method. There were 24 different serotypes and 74% of the strains belonged to the 23-valent vaccine including all the penicillin-resistant strains. In this study S. pneumoniae caused severe infections and presented a high resistance rate to commonly used antimicrobials. Routine surveillance of resistance and the use of vaccination, as well as the restriction of inappropriate use of antimicrobials, are recommended in São Paulo, Brazil.


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The authors report a case of paraplegia caused by a lumbar intraspinal paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) granuloma. Clinical neurological diagnosis of a compressive spinal cord lesion was confirmed by spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patient was submitted to surgery with total excision of the lesion. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of PCM. Patient is on sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim combined with fluconazole and is experiencing positive neurological recovery.


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Whipple's disease (WD) is a rare systemic disease of infectious etiology which involves the small intestine but can virtually affect any organ. We present here five cases (four males and one female) ranging in age from 20 to 59 years. All patients had intestinal involvement associated or not with clinical manifestations linked to this organ. Vegetation in the tricuspid valve was observed in one patient, suggesting endocarditis caused by Tropheryma whippelii, with disappearance of the echocardiographic alterations after treatment. In one of the male patients the initial clinical manifestation was serologically negative spondylitis, with no diarrhea occurring at any time during follow-up. Ocular involvement associated with intestinal malabsorption and significant weight loss were observed in one case. In the other two cases, diarrhea was the major clinical manifestation. All patients were diagnosed by histological examination of the jejunal mucosa and, when indicated, of extraintestinal tissues by light and electron microscopy. After antibiotic treatment, full remission of symptoms occurred in all cases. A control examination of the intestinal mucosa performed after twelve months of treatment with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim revealed the disappearance of T. whippelii in four patients. The remaining patient was lost to follow-up.


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Two cases of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) caused by Listeria monocytogenes in cirrhotic patients are reported. In one of the cases, the microorganism was isolated from pleural effusion and ascites. SBP is a serious and common complication of patients with ascites caused by hepatic cirrhosis and the culture of the ascitic fluid is an important tool for the diagnosis and for the more appropriate treatment. Although a third generation cephalosporin has usually been employed for empiric treatment of SBP, it does not provide adequate coverage against Listeria spp. In such cases the use of ampicillin (with or without sulbactam) or sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim is recommended. The last one is used for secondary prophylaxis, instead of norfloxacin. To summarize, Listeria monocytogenes infection is a rare cause of SBP, whose treatment should be specific for the bacteria.


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Esta dissertação descreve o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo de um ano e um mês desde a pesquisa teórica até à prática experimental no âmbito da unidade curricular de Dissertação/estágio do Mestrado em Engenharia Química, no ramo Tecnologias em Proteção Ambiental. O tema desta dissertação consiste na avaliação do funcionamento de duas estações de tratamento de águas residuais (ETAR) do interior do município de Vila Nova de Gaia no que diz respeito ao possível aumento da resistência a antibióticos na ETAR de Febros e na ETAR de Lever. Os testes de sensibilidade a antibióticos (TSA) foram executados para ambas as ETAR, sendo as amostras de água recolhidas na entrada e na saída dos reatores biológicos (tratamento secundário). Além disso, foram realizados testes de avaliação da eficiência de desinfeção por radiação ultravioleta (UV) relativamente à Escherichia coli (E. coli) na ETAR de Lever. Os antibióticos selecionados para a realização deste trabalho foram a Eritromicina, a Azitromicina, a Claritromicina, a Ofloxacina, a Ciprofloxacina, o Sulfametoxazol, o Trimetoprim e o Metronidazol. Esta seleção baseou-se no facto de estes serem alguns dos antibióticos mais consumidos e mais persistentes no meio ambiente. A bactéria E. coli (isolada a partir de amostras das águas residuais estudadas) foi escolhida para a realização deste estudo uma vez que está sempre presente nas águas residuais domésticas e está associada a fenómenos de multirresistência a antibióticos. Os testes de TSA foram realizados seguindo a metodologia de difusão por discos. No período do estudo (Março a Junho de 2015) identificaram-se situações quer de aumento de resistência quer de aumento de sensibilidade aos antibióticos testados. As situações mais graves de aumento de resistência, a que corresponderam a halos nulos, verificaram-se para os antibióticos Claritromicina, Trimetoprim e Metronidazol, ocorrendo com maior frequência para os dois últimos, que aliás são fármacos que são administrados em simultâneo. Os períodos mais problemáticos em termos de aumento das resistências foram ligeiramente diferentes nas duas ETAR. No caso da ETAR de Febros correspondeu ao mês Abril e na ETAR de Lever ocorreu entre o final de Abril e o início de Maio. Considera-se que estes períodos poderão coincidir com um aumento do consumo destes fármacos devido à sua utilização no combate a infeções respiratórias muito comuns nesta altura do ano. Não se observou qualquer sensibilidade da E. coli para o Metronidazol porque é um antibiótico com indicação para algumas bactérias anaeróbias, fungos e giardia, e que à partida não tem capacidade para eliminar a E. coli. A eficiência da desinfeção na ETAR de Lever relativamente à remoção de E. coli foi satisfatória. Sendo de salientar a importância da manutenção, no que se refere à identificação de possíveis avarias nas lâmpadas e correspondente limpeza. Os resultados deste trabalho provam a existência de estirpes da bactéria E. coli resistentes a alguns dos antibióticos estudados, o que reforça a importância da desinfeção no tratamento de águas residuais domésticas.


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Nocardia is a ubiquitous microorganism related to pyogranulomatous infection, which is difficult to treat in humans and animals. The occurrence of the disease is on the rise in many countries due to an increase in immunosuppressive diseases and treatments. This report of cases from Brazil presents the genotypic characterization and the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern using the disk-diffusion method and inhibitory minimal concentration with E-test® strips. In summary, this report focuses on infections in young adult men, of which three cases were cutaneous, two pulmonary, one neurological and one systemic. The pulmonary, neurological and systemic cases were attributed to immunosuppressive diseases or treatments. Sequencing analysis of the 16S rRNA segments (1491 bp) identified four isolates of Nocardia farcinica, two isolates of Nocardia nova and one isolate of Nocardia asiatica. N. farcinica was involved in two cutaneous, one systemic and other pulmonary cases; N. nova was involved in one neurological and one pulmonary case; and Nocardia asiatica in one cutaneous case. The disk-diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that the most effective antimicrobials were amikacin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanate (100%), cephalexin (100%) and ceftiofur (100%), while isolates had presented most resistance to gentamicin (43%), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (43%) and ampicillin (29%). However, on the inhibitory minimal concentration test (MIC test), only one of the four isolates of Nocardia farcinica was resistant to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim.


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Urinary tract infection is a common problem worldwide. Its clinical characteristics and susceptibility rates of bacteria are important in determining the treatment of choice and its duration. This study assessed the frequency and susceptibility to antimicrobials of uropathogens isolated from community-acquired urinary tract infections in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State capital, northeastern Brazil, from 2007 to 2010. A total of 1,082 positive samples were evaluated; E. coli was the most prevalent pathogen (60.4%). With respect to the uropathogens susceptibility rates, the resistance of enterobacteria to ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim was 24.4% and 50.6%, respectively. Susceptibility was over 90% for nitrofurantoin, aminoglycosides and third-generation cephalosporins. High resistance rates of uropathogens to quinolones and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim draws attention to the choice of these drugs on empirical treatments, especially in patients with pyelonephritis. Given the increased resistance of community bacteria to antimicrobials, local knowledge of susceptibility rates of uropathogens is essential for therapeutic decision making regarding patients with urinary tract infections.


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INTRODUCTION: Neuroparacoccidioidomycosis (NPCM) is a term used to describe the invasion of the central nervous system by the pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. NPCM has been described sporadically in some case reports and small case series, with little or no focus on treatment outcome and long-term follow-up. METHODS: All patients with NPCM from January 1991 to December 2006 were analyzed and were followed until December 2009. RESULTS: Fourteen (3.8%) cases of NPCM were identified out of 367 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). A combination of oral fluconazole and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (SMZ/TMP) was the regimen of choice, with no documented death due to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection. Residual neurological deficits were observed in 8 patients. Residual calcification was a common finding in neuroimaging follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: All the patients in this study responded positively to the association of oral fluconazole and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, a regimen that should be considered a treatment option in cases of NPCM. Neurological sequela was a relatively common finding. For proper management of these patients, anticonvulsant treatment and physical therapy support were also needed.


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INTRODUCTION: Amphotericin B, azole or sulfamide drugs are used for treatment of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. Among the azole drugs, voriconazole was active in vitro against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and showed efficacy in the treatment of patients infected with this fungus.In the present study the antifungal activity of voriconazole and of other drugs was compared in a rat model of paracoccidioidomycosis. METHODS: Wistar rats were inoculated intravenously with the BOAS strain of P. brasiliensis and antifungal drugs were administered to the animals by gavage at the following doses (mg/kg weight/day): voriconazole (5 to 20), ketoconazole (12 to 15), fluconazole (6), itraconazole (4), and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (120 to 150). The antifungal activity of the drugs was assessed by determining the P. brasiliensis colony forming units in the lungs and spleen of the animals at the end of treatment and by a survival study. RESULTS: Voriconazole reduced the total tissue fungal burden of P. brasiliensis, particularly at doses of ≥10mg/kg weight/day but its antifungal activity was less intense than that of fluconazole, itraconazole and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. The mean survival of animals treated with the last three drugs, 29.1±10.7, 26.1± 10.1 and 28.4±9.6 days, respectively, was higher than that achieved with voriconazole 10mg/kg weight/day (18.5±8.3 days) and that observed in untreated animals (15.7±3.6 days). CONCLUSIONS: At doses similar to those used for clinical treatment, voriconazole showed lower antifungal activity in experimental rat paracoccidioidomycosis than that obtained with itraconazole and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim.


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Introduction The high prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae infections is related to the ability of K. pneumoniae to acquire and disseminate exogenous genes associated with mobile elements, such as R plasmids, transposons and integrons. This study investigated the presence of class 1 integrons in clinical and microbiota isolates of K. pneumoniae belonging to different phylogenetic groups and correlated these results with the antimicrobial resistance profiles of the studied isolates. Methods Of the 51 isolates of K. pneumoniae selected for this study, 29 were from multidrug-resistant clinical isolates, and 22 were from children's microbiota. The susceptibility profile was determined using the disk diffusion method, and class 1 integrons were detected through polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results The results showed that none of the 22 microbiota isolates carried class 1 integrons. Among the 29 clinical isolates, 19 (65.5%) contained class 1 integrons, and resistance to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was identified in 18 of these isolates (94.7%). Among the K. pneumoniae isolates with class 1 integrons, 47% belonged to the KpI phylogenetic group, and one isolate (14.3%) carrying these genetic elements belonged to the KpIII group. Conclusions The wide variety of detected class 1 integrons supports the presence of high rates of antimicrobial resistance, genetic variability, and rapid dissemination of beta-lactamase genes among K. pneumoniae clinical isolates in recent years in hospitals in Recife-PE, Brazil. The findings of this study indicate that the surveillance of K. pneumoniae integrons in clinical isolates could be useful for monitoring the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in the hospital environment.