862 resultados para subjective and objective video quality assessment


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Research in stereoscopic 3D coding, transmission and subjective assessment methodology depends largely on the availability of source content that can be used in cross-lab evaluations. While several studies have already been presented using proprietary content, comparisons between the studies are difficult since discrepant contents are used. Therefore in this paper, a freely available dataset of high quality Full-HD stereoscopic sequences shot with a semiprofessional 3D camera is introduced in detail. The content was designed to be suited for usage in a wide variety of applications, including high quality studies. A set of depth maps was calculated from the stereoscopic pair. As an application example, a subjective assessment has been performed using coding and spatial degradations. The Absolute Category Rating with Hidden Reference method was used. The observers were instructed to vote on video quality only. Results of this experiment are also freely available and will be presented in this paper as a first step towards objective video quality measurement for 3DTV.


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Métrica de calidad de video de alta definición construida a partir de ratios de referencia completa. La medida de calidad de video, en inglés Visual Quality Assessment (VQA), es uno de los mayores retos por solucionar en el entorno multimedia. La calidad de vídeo tiene un impacto altísimo en la percepción del usuario final (consumidor) de los servicios sustentados en la provisión de contenidos multimedia y, por tanto, factor clave en la valoración del nuevo paradigma denominado Calidad de la Experiencia, en inglés Quality of Experience (QoE). Los modelos de medida de calidad de vídeo se pueden agrupar en varias ramas según la base técnica que sustenta el sistema de medida, destacando en importancia los que emplean modelos psicovisuales orientados a reproducir las características del sistema visual humano, en inglés Human Visual System, del que toman sus siglas HVS, y los que, por el contrario, optan por una aproximación ingenieril en la que el cálculo de calidad está basado en la extracción de parámetros intrínsecos de la imagen y su comparación. A pesar de los avances recogidos en este campo en los últimos años, la investigación en métricas de calidad de vídeo, tanto en presencia de referencia (los modelos denominados de referencia completa), como en presencia de parte de ella (modelos de referencia reducida) e incluso los que trabajan en ausencia de la misma (denominados sin referencia), tiene un amplio camino de mejora y objetivos por alcanzar. Dentro de ellos, la medida de señales de alta definición, especialmente las utilizadas en las primeras etapas de la cadena de valor que son de muy alta calidad, son de especial interés por su influencia en la calidad final del servicio y no existen modelos fiables de medida en la actualidad. Esta tesis doctoral presenta un modelo de medida de calidad de referencia completa que hemos llamado PARMENIA (PArallel Ratios MEtric from iNtrInsic features Analysis), basado en la ponderación de cuatro ratios de calidad calculados a partir de características intrínsecas de la imagen. Son: El Ratio de Fidelidad, calculado mediante el gradiente morfológico o gradiente de Beucher. El Ratio de Similitud Visual, calculado mediante los puntos visualmente significativos de la imagen a través de filtrados locales de contraste. El Ratio de Nitidez, que procede de la extracción del estadístico de textura de Haralick contraste. El Ratio de Complejidad, obtenido de la definición de homogeneidad del conjunto de estadísticos de textura de Haralick PARMENIA presenta como novedad la utilización de la morfología matemática y estadísticos de Haralick como base de una métrica de medida de calidad, pues esas técnicas han estado tradicionalmente más ligadas a la teledetección y la segmentación de objetos. Además, la aproximación de la métrica como un conjunto ponderado de ratios es igualmente novedosa debido a que se alimenta de modelos de similitud estructural y otros más clásicos, basados en la perceptibilidad del error generado por la degradación de la señal asociada a la compresión. PARMENIA presenta resultados con una altísima correlación con las valoraciones MOS procedentes de las pruebas subjetivas a usuarios que se han realizado para la validación de la misma. El corpus de trabajo seleccionado procede de conjuntos de secuencias validados internacionalmente, de modo que los resultados aportados sean de la máxima calidad y el máximo rigor posible. La metodología de trabajo seguida ha consistido en la generación de un conjunto de secuencias de prueba de distintas calidades a través de la codificación con distintos escalones de cuantificación, la obtención de las valoraciones subjetivas de las mismas a través de pruebas subjetivas de calidad (basadas en la recomendación de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones BT.500), y la validación mediante el cálculo de la correlación de PARMENIA con estos valores subjetivos, cuantificada a través del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Una vez realizada la validación de los ratios y optimizada su influencia en la medida final y su alta correlación con la percepción, se ha realizado una segunda revisión sobre secuencias del hdtv test dataset 1 del Grupo de Expertos de Calidad de Vídeo (VQEG, Video Quality Expert Group) mostrando los resultados obtenidos sus claras ventajas. Abstract Visual Quality Assessment has been so far one of the most intriguing challenges on the media environment. Progressive evolution towards higher resolutions while increasing the quality needed (e.g. high definition and better image quality) aims to redefine models for quality measuring. Given the growing interest in multimedia services delivery, perceptual quality measurement has become a very active area of research. First, in this work, a classification of objective video quality metrics based on their underlying methodologies and approaches for measuring video quality has been introduced to sum up the state of the art. Then, this doctoral thesis describes an enhanced solution for full reference objective quality measurement based on mathematical morphology, texture features and visual similarity information that provides a normalized metric that we have called PARMENIA (PArallel Ratios MEtric from iNtrInsic features Analysis), with a high correlated MOS score. The PARMENIA metric is based on the pooling of different quality ratios that are obtained from three different approaches: Beucher’s gradient, local contrast filtering, and contrast and homogeneity Haralick’s texture features. The metric performance is excellent, and improves the current state of the art by providing a wide dynamic range that make easier to discriminate between very close quality coded sequences, especially for very high bit rates whose quality, currently, is transparent for quality metrics. PARMENIA introduces a degree of novelty against other working metrics: on the one hand, exploits the structural information variation to build the metric’s kernel, but complements the measure with texture information and a ratio of visual meaningful points that is closer to typical error sensitivity based approaches. We would like to point out that PARMENIA approach is the only metric built upon full reference ratios, and using mathematical morphology and texture features (typically used in segmentation) for quality assessment. On the other hand, it gets results with a wide dynamic range that allows measuring the quality of high definition sequences from bit rates of hundreds of Megabits (Mbps) down to typical distribution rates (5-6 Mbps), even streaming rates (1- 2 Mbps). Thus, a direct correlation between PARMENIA and MOS scores are easily constructed. PARMENIA may further enhance the number of available choices in objective quality measurement, especially for very high quality HD materials. All this results come from validation that has been achieved through internationally validated datasets on which subjective tests based on ITU-T BT.500 methodology have been carried out. Pearson correlation coefficient has been calculated to verify the accuracy of PARMENIA and its reliability.


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Video Quality Assessment needs to correspond to human perception. Pixel-based metrics (PSNR or MSE) fail in many circumstances for not taking into account the spatio-temporal property of human's visual perception. In this paper we propose a new pixel-weighted method to improve video quality metrics for artifacts evaluation. The method applies a psychovisual model based on motion, level of detail, pixel location and the appearance of human faces, which approximate the quality to the human eye's response. Subjective tests were developed to adjust the psychovisual model for demonstrating the noticeable improvement of an algorithm when weighting the pixels according to the factors analyzed instead of treating them equally. The analysis developed demonstrates the necessity of models adapted to the specific visualization of contents and the model presents an advance in quality to be applied over sequences when a determined artifact is analyzed.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the published evidence on the comparison of self-perception and diagnosis of orthodontic treatment need. A search of Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Scopus databases, and archives of two orthodontic journals was carried out from January 1966 to August 2011 by the two authors using Medical Subject Heading terms. Studies that investigated solely either self-perception of orthodontic need by laypersons or assessment of orthodontic need by professionals were excluded from the data analysis. The methodological soundness of each study and the aggregate level of evidence were evaluated according to predetermined criteria. Moderate level of evidence, the relatively highest grade, was assigned to 9.1 per cent of the 22 studies, finally included in the data analysis. The overall evidence level provided by the evaluated publications was rated as limited. However, the existing body of evidence indicated a highly variable association between self-perception of orthodontic treatment need and orthodontist's assessment. Future controlled studies with well-defined samples and common assessment methodology will clarify further the relationship between perception of treatment need by laypersons and orthodontists and enhance international comparison and development of health care strategies.


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Cancer and its treatment can affect many different aspects of quality of life. As a construct measured subjectively, quality of life shows an inconsistent relationship with objective outcome measures. That is, sometimes subjective and objective outcomes correspond with each other and sometimes they show little or no relationship. In this article, we propose a model for the relationship between subjective and objective outcomes using the example of cognitive function in people with cancer. The model and the research findings on which it is based help demonstrate that, in some circumstances, subjective measures of cognitive function correlate more strongly with psychosocial variables such as appraisal, coping, and emotions than with objective cognitive function. The model may provide a useful framework for research and clinical practice in quality of life for people with cancer.


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Purpose: To assess the inter and intra observer variability of subjective grading of the retinal arterio-venous ratio (AVR) using a visual grading and to compare the subjectively derived grades to an objective method using a semi-automated computer program. Methods: Following intraocular pressure and blood pressure measurements all subjects underwent dilated fundus photography. 86 monochromatic retinal images with the optic nerve head centred (52 healthy volunteers) were obtained using a Zeiss FF450+ fundus camera. Arterio-venous ratios (AVR), central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE) and central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE) were calculated on three separate occasions by one single observer semi-automatically using the software VesselMap (ImedosSystems, Jena, Germany). Following the automated grading, three examiners graded the AVR visually on three separate occasions in order to assess their agreement. Results: Reproducibility of the semi-automatic parameters was excellent (ICCs: 0.97 (CRAE); 0.985 (CRVE) and 0.952 (AVR)). However, visual grading of AVR showed inter grader differences as well as discrepancies between subjectively derived and objectively calculated AVR (all p < 0.000001). Conclusion: Grader education and experience leads to inter-grader differences but more importantly, subjective grading is not capable to pick up subtle differences across healthy individuals and does not represent true AVR when compared with an objective assessment method. Technology advancements mean we no longer rely on opthalmoscopic evaluation but can capture and store fundus images with retinal cameras, enabling us to measure vessel calibre more accurately compared to visual estimation; hence it should be integrated in optometric practise for improved accuracy and reliability of clinical assessments of retinal vessel calibres. © 2014 Spanish General Council of Optometry.


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Inconsistencies exist between traditional objective measures such as speech recognition and localization, and subjective reports of bimodal benefit. The purpose of this study was to expand the set of objective measures of bimodal benefit to include non-traditional listening tests, and to examine possible correlations between objective measures of auditory perception and subjective satisfaction reports.


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Older adults often experience memory impairments, but can sometimes use selective processing and schematic support to remember important information. The current experiments investigate to what degree younger and healthy older adults remember medication side effects that were subjectively or objectively important to remember. Participants studied a list of common side effects, and rated how negative these effects were if they were to experience them, and were then given a free recall test. In Experiment 1, the severity of the side effects ranged from mild (e.g., itching) to severe (e.g., stroke), and in Experiment 2, certain side effects were indicated as critical to remember (i.e., “contact your doctor if you experience this”). There were no age differences in terms of free recall of the side effects, and older adults remembered more severe side effects relative to mild effects. However, older adults were less likely to recognize critical side effects on a later recognition test, relative to younger adults. The findings suggest that older adults can selectively remember medication side effects, but have difficulty identifying familiar but potentially critical side effects, and this has implications for monitoring medication use in older age.


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Today, health problems are likely to have a complex and multifactorial etiology, whereby psychosocial factors interact with behaviour and bodily responses. Women generally report more health problems than men. The present thesis concerns the development of women’s health from a subjective and objective perspective, as related to psychosocial living conditions and physiological stress responses. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies were carried out on a representative sample of women. Data analysis was based on a holistic person-oriented approach as well as a variable approach. In Study I, the women’s self-reported symptoms and diseases as well as self-rated general health status were compared to physician-rated health problems and ratings of the general health of the women, based on medical examinations. The findings showed that physicians rated twice as many women as having poor health compared to the ratings of the women themselves. Moreover, the symptom ”a sense of powerlessness” had the highest predictive power for self-rated general health. Study II investigated individual and structural stability in symptom profiles between adolescence and middle-age as related to pubertal timing. There was individual stability in symptom reporting for nearly thirty years, although the effect of pubertal timing on symptom reporting did not extend into middle-age. Study III explored the longitudinal and current influence of socioeconomic and psychosocial factors on women’s self-reported health. Contemporary factors such as job strain, low income, financial worries, and double exposure in terms of high job strain and heavy domestic responsibilities increased the risk for poor self-reported health in middle-aged women. In Study IV, the association between self-reported symptoms and physiological stress responses was investigated. Results revealed that higher levels of medically unexplained symptoms were related to higher levels of cortisol, cholesterol, and heart rate. The empirical findings are discussed in relation to existing models of stress and health, such as the demand-control model, the allostatic load model, the biopsychosocial model, and the multiple role hypothesis. It was concluded that women’s health problems could be reduced if their overall life circumstances were improved. The practical implications of this might include a redesign of the labour market giving women more influence and control over their lives, both at and away from work.


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The main purpose of this paper is to explore health control beliefs (internality, powerful others, chance) in different age cohorts of elderly people and to examine the relationship between health control beliefs and objective and subjective health, and health behaviour. This contribution shows data from an interdisciplinary longitudinal ageing study: (a) a descriptive analysis of age- and time-correlated changes in health control beliefs of different cohorts of elderly people by taking into account gender as a differential aspect; (b) group comparisons between objectively and subjectively healthy or sick people and their health control beliefs and health relevant behaviour. Participants are 442 community elderly, 309 men, 133 women, aged 65± 94 years (mean age: 74.95 years). Our data demonstrate the dominance of chance control beliefs over internality and powerful others in all age cohorts. It can be concluded that internal control remains stable well into old age, whereas a signi® cant age-correlated increase of externality can be observed. Our results show the signi® cant relationship of subjective health self-evaluations with health control beliefs and health behaviour which is not the case for objective health parameters. Strong gender effects are found for internality and social externality: women have signi® cantly lower internality and powerful others scores than men.


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The protean and boundaryless career attitudes have gained special attention during the past years. Aprotean career attitude implies that aperson strives towards adevelopmental progression and self-fulfillment; aboundaryless career attitude is characterized by ahigh physical and/or psychological mobility. The aim of the present paper is twofold: First, we want to empirically investigate the relationship between protean and boundaryless career attitudes and subjective (i.e., career satisfaction and success in comparison with colleagues) and objective (i.e., promotions and salary) career success. Second, we want to integrate research on protean and boundaryless career attitudes with research on predictors of career success. We analyze the career attitudes-career success relationship with asample of 116 professionals. Our findings suggest that components of the protean career attitude are rather more related with subjective career success and that components of the boundaryless career attitude are more related with objective career success. Conclusions regarding the relevance of career attitudes for career success are drawn.


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In industrialised countries age-related macular disease (ARMD) is the leading cause of visual loss in older people. Because oxidative stress is purported to be associated with an increased risk of disease development the role of antioxidant supplementation is of interest. Lutein is a carotenoid antioxidant that accumulates within the retina and is thought to filter blue light. Increased levels of lutein have been associated with reduced risk of developing ARMD and improvements in visual and retinal function in eyes with ARMD. The aim of this randomised controlled trial (RCT) was to investigate the effect of a lutein-based nutritional supplement on subjective and objective measures of visual function in healthy eyes and in eyes with age-related maculopathy (ARM) – an early form of ARMD. Supplement withdrawal effects were also investigated. A sample size of 66 healthy older (HO), healthy younger (HY), and ARM eyes were randomly allocated to receive a lutein-based supplement or no treatment for 40 weeks. The supplemented group then stopped supplementation to look at the effects of withdrawal over a further 20 weeks. The primary outcome measure was multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) N1P1 amplitude. Secondary outcome measures were mfERG N1, P1 and N2 latency, contrast sensitivity (CS), Visual acuity (VA) and macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Sample sizes were sufficient for the RCT to have an 80% power to detect a significant clinical effect at the 5% significance level for all outcome measures when the healthy eye groups were combined, and CS, VA and mfERG in the ARM group. This RCT demonstrates significant improvements in MPOD in HY and HO supplemented eyes. When HY and HO supplemented groups were combined, MPOD improvements were maintained, and mfERG ring 2 P1 latency became shorter. On withdrawal of the supplement mfERG ring 1 N1P1 amplitude reduced in HO eyes. When HO and HY groups were combined, mfERG ring 1 and ring 2 N1P1 amplitudes were reduced. In ARM eyes, ring 3 N2 latency and ring 4 P1 latency became longer. These statistically significant changes may not be clinically significant. The finding that a lutein-based supplement increases MPOD in healthy eyes, but does not increase mfERG amplitudes contrasts with the CARMIS study and contributes to the debate on the use of nutritional supplementation in ARM.


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Aim: To determine whether eyes implanted with the Lenstec KH-3500 "accommodative" intraocular lenses (IOLs) have improved subjective and objective focusing performance compared to a standard monofocal IOLs. Methods: 28 participants were implanted monocularly with a KH-3500 " accommodative" IOL and 20 controls with a Softec1 IOL. Outcome measures of refraction, visual acuity, subjective amplitude of accommodation, objective accommodative stimulus response curve, aberrometry, and Scheimpflug imaging were taken at ∼3 weeks and repeated after 6 months. Results: Best corrected acuity with the KH-3500 was 0.06 (SD 0.13) logMAR at distance and 0.58 (0.20) logMAR at near. Accommodation was 0.39 (0.53) D measured objectively and 3.1 (1.6) D subjectively. Higher order aberrations were 0.87 (0.85) μm and lower order were 0.24 (0.39) μm. Posterior subcapsular light scatter was 0.95% (1.37%) greater than IOL clarity. In comparison, all control group measures were similar except objective (0.17 (0.13) D; p = 0.032) and subjective (2.0 (0.9) D; p = 0.009) amplitude of accommodation. Six months following surgery, posterior subcapsular scatter had increased (p<0.01) in the KH-3500 implanted subjects and near word acuity had decreased (p<0.05). Conclusions: The objective accommodating effects of the KH-3500 IOL appear to be limited, although the subjective and objective accommodative range is significantly increased compared to control subjects implanted with conventional IOLs. However, this "accommodative" ability of the lens appears to have decreased by 6 months post-surgery.


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Video streaming via Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) networks has become a popular and highly demanded service, but its quality assessment in both objective and subjective terms has not been properly addressed. In this paper, based on statistical analysis a full analytic model of a no-reference objective metric, namely pause intensity (PI), for video quality assessment is presented. The model characterizes the video playout buffer behavior in connection with the network performance (throughput) and the video playout rate. This allows for instant quality measurement and control without requiring a reference video. PI specifically addresses the need for assessing the quality issue in terms of the continuity in the playout of TCP streaming videos, which cannot be properly measured by other objective metrics such as peak signal-to-noise-ratio, structural similarity, and buffer underrun or pause frequency. The performance of the analytical model is rigidly verified by simulation results and subjective tests using a range of video clips. It is demonstrated that PI is closely correlated with viewers' opinion scores regardless of the vastly different composition of individual elements, such as pause duration and pause frequency which jointly constitute this new quality metric. It is also shown that the correlation performance of PI is consistent and content independent. © 2013 IEEE.