976 resultados para special relativity


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A special relativity based on the de Sitter group is introduced, which is a theory that might hold up in the presence of a non-vanishing cosmological constant. Like ordinary special relativity, it retains the quotient character of spacetime, and a notion of homogeneity. As a consequence, the underlying spacetime will be a de Sitter spacetime, whose associated kinematics will differ from that of ordinary special relativity. The corresponding modified notions of energy and momentum are obtained, and the exact relationship between them, which is invariant under a re-scaling of the involved quantities, explicitly exhibited. Since the de Sitter group can be considered a particular deformation of the Poincare group, this theory turns out to be a specific kind of deformed (or doubly) special relativity. Some experimental consequences, as well as the causal structure of spacetime-modified by the presence of the de Sitter horizon-are briefly discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Selleri's arguments that a consideration of noninertial reference frames in the framework of special relativity identify absolute simultaneity as being Nature's choice of synchronization are considered. In the case of rectilinearly accelerating rockets, it is argued by considering two rockets which maintain a fixed proper separation rather than a fixed separation relative to the inertial frame in which they start from rest, that what seems the most natural choice for a simultaneity convention is problem-dependent and that Einstein's definition is the most natural (though still conventional) choice in this case. In addition, the supposed problems special relativity has with treating a rotating disk, namely how a pulse of light traveling around the circumference of the disk can have a local speed of light equal to c everywhere but a global speed not equal to c, and how coordinate transformations to the disk can give the Lorentz transformations in the limit of large disk radius but small angular velocity, are addressed. It is shown that the theory of Fermi frames solves both of these problems. It is also argued that the question of defining simultaneity relative to a uniformly rotating disk does riot need to be resolved in order to resolve Ehrenfest's paradox.


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Questa tesi di laurea si colloca all'interno del progetto Erasmus + IDENTITIES, il cui obiettivo è sviluppare materiali didattici interdisciplinari per la formazione iniziale degli insegnanti. Nello specifico, si dà seguito ad una ricerca condotta da Lorenzo Miani, finalizzata a mettere in evidenza come la Teoria della Relatività Speciale (STR) sia storicamente nata da una speciale interazione tra matematica e fisica. Tale co-evoluzione è stata cercata, e messa in evidenza, attraverso l’analisi dei quattro articoli fondativi della STR scritti da Lorentz (1904), Poincaré (1906), Einstein (1905) e Minkowski (1908). Per l’analisi di questi articoli abbiamo utilizzato la metafora del “confine”, esposta nella metateoria di Akkerman e Bakker (2011), riferendosi al confine tra Matematica e Fisica. È stato sviluppato uno strumento operativo di analisi di articoli originali per estrarne il rapporto tra le due discipline. Un’analisi di questo tipo può portare un contributo considerevole al Justification Problem, intercettando la possibilità di indagare sull’identità della Matematica, intesa come disciplina. Questo tipo di analisi ha permesso di comprendere gli “stili al confine” di ogni autore, e la natura delle Trasformazioni di Lorentz in quanto oggetto di confine. È inoltre illustrata la progettazione di un’attività per la formazione iniziale degli insegnanti. Questa si configura come un tutorial per lavori di gruppo, ed è stata sperimentata nel corso di Didattica della Fisica dell’Università di Bologna, tenuto dalla Professoressa Olivia Levrini. Grazie all’attività, è stato possibile riflettere sulle identità disciplinari e sull’importanza di fare “esperienze di confine” per superare stereotipi. Lo strumento elaborato nella tesi si apre a sviluppi futuri, dal momento che si presta ad essere utilizzato per l’analisi di una grande varietà di testi e per la costruzione di “boundary zone”, sempre più auspicate e incentivate nei report europei.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Poincar, group generalizes the Galilei group for high-velocity kinematics. The de Sitter group is assumed to go one step further, generalizing Poincar, as the group governing high-energy kinematics. In other words, ordinary special relativity is here replaced by de Sitter relativity. In this theory, the cosmological constant I > is no longer a free parameter, and can be determined in terms of other quantities. When applied to the whole universe, it is able to predict the value of I > and to explain the cosmic coincidence. When applied to the propagation of ultra-high energy photons, it gives a good estimate of the time delay observed in extragalactic gamma-ray flares. It can, for this reason, be considered a new paradigm to approach the quantum gravity problem.


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In the presence of a cosmological constant, interpreted as a purely geometric entity, absence of matter is represented by a de Sitter spacetime. As a consequence, ordinary Poincaré special relativity is no longer valid and must be replaced by a de Sitter special relativity. By considering the kinematics of a spinless particle in a de Sitter spacetime, we study the geodesics of this spacetime, the ensuing definitions of canonical momenta, and explore possible implications for quantum mechanics. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work deals with the theory of Relativity and its diffusion in Italy in the first decades of the XX century. Not many scientists belonging to Italian universities were active in understanding Relativity, but two of them, Max Abraham and Tullio Levi-Civita left a deep mark. Max Abraham engaged a substantial debate against Einstein between 1912 and 1914 about electromagnetic and gravitation aspects of the theories. Levi-Civita played a fundamental role in giving Einstein the correct mathematical instruments for the General Relativity formulation since 1915. This work, which doesn't have the aim of a mere historical chronicle of the events, wants to highlight two particular perspectives: on one hand, the importance of Abraham-Einstein debate in order to clarify the basis of Special Relativity, to observe the rigorous logical structure resulting from a fragmentary reasoning sequence and to understand Einstein's thinking; on the other hand, the originality of Levi-Civita's approach, quite different from the Einstein's one, characterized by the introduction of a method typical of General Relativity even to Special Relativity and the attempt to hide the two Einstein Special Relativity postulates.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Matemática para Professores, 25 de Outubro 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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In this paper we examine in detail the implementation, with its associated difficulties, of the Killing conditions and gauge fixing into the variational principle formulation of Bianchi-type cosmologies. We address problems raised in the literature concerning the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formulations: We prove their equivalence, make clear the role of the homogeneity preserving diffeomorphisms in the phase space approach, and show that the number of physical degrees of freedom is the same in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations. Residual gauge transformations play an important role in our approach, and we suggest that Poincaré transformations for special relativistic systems can be understood as residual gauge transformations. In the Appendixes, we give the general computation of the equations of motion and the Lagrangian for any Bianchi-type vacuum metric and for spatially homogeneous Maxwell fields in a nondynamical background (with zero currents). We also illustrate our counting of degrees of freedom in an appendix.


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We discuss reality conditions and the relation between spacetime diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations in Ashtekars complex formulation of general relativity. We produce a general theoretical framework for the stabilization algorithm for the reality conditions, which is different from Diracs method of stabilization of constraints. We solve the problem of the projectability of the diffeomorphism transformations from configuration-velocity space to phase space, linking them to the reality conditions. We construct the complete set of canonical generators of the gauge group in the phase space which includes all the gauge variables. This result proves that the canonical formalism has all the gauge structure of the Lagrangian theory, including the time diffeomorphisms.