787 resultados para smart technologies
Electric power grids throughout the world suffer from serious inefficiencies associated with under-utilization due to demand patterns, engineering design and load following approaches in use today. These grids consume much of the world’s energy and represent a large carbon footprint. From material utilization perspectives significant hardware is manufactured and installed for this infrastructure often to be used at less than 20-40% of its operational capacity for most of its lifetime. These inefficiencies lead engineers to require additional grid support and conventional generation capacity additions when renewable technologies (such as solar and wind) and electric vehicles are to be added to the utility demand/supply mix. Using actual data from the PJM [PJM 2009] the work shows that consumer load management, real time price signals, sensors and intelligent demand/supply control offer a compelling path forward to increase the efficient utilization and carbon footprint reduction of the world’s grids. Underutilization factors from many distribution companies indicate that distribution feeders are often operated at only 70-80% of their peak capacity for a few hours per year, and on average are loaded to less than 30-40% of their capability. By creating strong societal connections between consumers and energy providers technology can radically change this situation. Intelligent deployment of smart sensors, smart electric vehicles, consumer-based load management technology very high saturations of intermittent renewable energy supplies can be effectively controlled and dispatched to increase the levels of utilization of existing utility distribution, substation, transmission, and generation equipment. The strengthening of these technology, society and consumer relationships requires rapid dissemination of knowledge (real time prices, costs & benefit sharing, demand response requirements) in order to incentivize behaviors that can increase the effective use of technological equipment that represents one of the largest capital assets modern society has created.
This paper analyzes the implementation of new technologies in network industries through the development of a suitable regulatory scheme. The analysis focuses on Smart Grid (SG) technologies which, among others benefits, could save operational costs and reduce the need for further conventional investments in the grid. In spite of the benefits that may result from their implementation, the adoption of SGs by network operators can be hampered by the uncertainties surrounding actual performances. A decision model has been developed to assess the firms' incentives to invest in "smart" technologies under different regulatory schemes. The model also enables testing the impact of uncertainties on the reduction of operational costs, and of conventional investments. Under certain circumstances, it may be justified to support the development and early deployment of emerging innovations that have a high potential to ameliorate the efficiency of the electricity system, but whose adoption faces many uncertainties.
Intelligent electrical grids can be considered as the next generation of electrical energy transportation. The enormous potential leads to worldwide focus of research on the technology of smart grids. This paper aims to present a review of the Brazilian electricity sector in context with the integration of communication technologies for smart grids. The work gives an overview of the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy in the Brazil and a brief summary of the current electricity market. Smart grid technologies are introduced and the requirements for the Brazilian power system are pointed out. Various technologies for communication within an intelligent network are presented and their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are compared to the Brazilian conditions. In addition, a summary is given of current pilot projects for Smart Grid technologies within Brazil, as well as a presentation of individual selected projects.
n the last few years, the vision of our connected and intelligent information society has evolved to embrace novel technological and research trends. The diffusion of ubiquitous mobile connectivity and advanced handheld portable devices, amplified the importance of the Internet as the communication backbone for the fruition of services and data. The diffusion of mobile and pervasive computing devices, featuring advanced sensing technologies and processing capabilities, triggered the adoption of innovative interaction paradigms: touch responsive surfaces, tangible interfaces and gesture or voice recognition are finally entering our homes and workplaces. We are experiencing the proliferation of smart objects and sensor networks, embedded in our daily living and interconnected through the Internet. This ubiquitous network of always available interconnected devices is enabling new applications and services, ranging from enhancements to home and office environments, to remote healthcare assistance and the birth of a smart environment. This work will present some evolutions in the hardware and software development of embedded systems and sensor networks. Different hardware solutions will be introduced, ranging from smart objects for interaction to advanced inertial sensor nodes for motion tracking, focusing on system-level design. They will be accompanied by the study of innovative data processing algorithms developed and optimized to run on-board of the embedded devices. Gesture recognition, orientation estimation and data reconstruction techniques for sensor networks will be introduced and implemented, with the goal to maximize the tradeoff between performance and energy efficiency. Experimental results will provide an evaluation of the accuracy of the presented methods and validate the efficiency of the proposed embedded systems.
Effective legislation and standards for the coordination procedures between consumers, producers and the system operator supports the advances in the technologies that lead to smart distribution systems. In short-term (ST) maintenance scheduling procedure, the energy producers in a distribution system access to the long-term (LT) outage plan that is released by the distribution system operator (DSO). The impact of this additional information on the decision-making procedure of producers in ST maintenance scheduling is studied in this paper. The final ST maintenance plan requires the approval of the DSO that has the responsibility to secure the network reliability and quality, and other players have to follow the finalized schedule. Maintenance scheduling in the producers’ layer and the coordination procedure between them and the DSO is modelled in this paper. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution system.
Our society relies on energy for most of its activities. One application domain inciding heavily on the energy budget regards the energy consumption in residential and non-residential buildings. The ever increasing needs for energy, resulting from the industrialization of developing countries and from the limited scalability of the traditional technologies for energy production, raises both problems and opportunities. The problems are related to the devastating effects of the greenhouse gases produced by the burning of oil and gas for energy production, and from the dependence of whole countries on companies providing gas and oil. The opportunities are mostly technological, since novel markets are opening for both energy production via renewable sources, and for innovations that can rationalize energy usage. An enticing research effort can be the mixing of these two aspects, by leveraging on ICT technologies to rationalize energy production, acquisition, and consumption. The ENCOURAGE project aims to develop embedded intelligence and integration technologies that will directly optimize energy use in buildings and enable active participation in the future smart grid environment.The primary application domains targeted by the ENCOURAGE project are non-residential buildings (e.g.: campuses) and residential buildings (e.g.: neighborhoods). The goal of the project is to achieve 20% of energy savings through the improved interoperability between various types of energy generation, consumption and storage devices; interbuilding energy exchange; and systematic performance monitoring.
With the emergence of low-power wireless hardware new ways of communication were needed. In order to standardize the communication between these low powered devices the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) released the 6LoWPAN stand- ard that acts as an additional layer for making the IPv6 link layer suitable for the lower-power and lossy networks. In the same way, IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low- Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) has been proposed by the IETF Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (ROLL) Working Group as a standard routing protocol for IPv6 routing in low-power wireless sensor networks. The research performed in this thesis uses these technologies to implement a mobility process. Mobility management is a fundamental yet challenging area in low-power wireless networks. There are applications that require mobile nodes to exchange data with a xed infrastructure with quality-of-service guarantees. A prime example of these applications is the monitoring of patients in real-time. In these scenarios, broadcast- ing data to all access points (APs) within range may not be a valid option due to the energy consumption, data storage and complexity requirements. An alternative and e cient option is to allow mobile nodes to perform hand-o s. Hand-o mechanisms have been well studied in cellular and ad-hoc networks. However, low-power wireless networks pose a new set of challenges. On one hand, simpler radios and constrained resources ask for simpler hand-o schemes. On the other hand, the shorter coverage and higher variability of low-power links require a careful tuning of the hand-o parameters. In this work, we tackle the problem of integrating smart-HOP within a standard protocol, speci cally RPL. The simulation results in Cooja indicate that the pro- posed scheme minimizes the hand-o delay and the total network overhead. The standard RPL protocol is simply unable to provide a reliable mobility support sim- ilar to other COTS technologies. Instead, they support joining and leaving of nodes, with very low responsiveness in the existence of physical mobility.
This paper develops an energy management system with integration of smart meters for electricity consumers in a smart grid context. The integration of two types of smart meters (SM) are developed: (i) consumer owned SM and (ii) distributor owned SM. The consumer owned SM runs over a wireless platform - ZigBee protocol and the distributor owned SM uses the wired environment - ModBus protocol. The SM are connected to a SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) that supervises a network of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The SCADA system/PLC network integrates different types of information coming from several technologies present in modern buildings. The developed control strategy implements a hierarchical cascade controller where inner loops are performed by local PLCs, and the outer loop is managed by a centralized SCADA system, which interacts with the entire local PLC network. In order to implement advanced controllers, a communication channel was developed to allow the communication between the SCADA system and the MATLAB software. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Adhesive bonding is a viable technique for joining a wide range of materials. However, increasing the lifetime, reducing the costs, and improving the safety of structures are highly demanded nowadays. Hence, the development of new technologies and processes for easy recycle, heal, or self-heal of bonded structures are becoming of great interest for the industry. This paper provides an overview of the current developments in the use of “smart” adhesive technology and introduces the reader to early findings on the use of self-healing materials, thermally expandable particles, and nanoparticles, among others, in adhesives and their potential to increase the reliability of adhesive joints.
Thesis to obtain the Master Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
Gradually smart grids and smart meters are closer to the home consumers. Several countries has developed studies focused in the impacts arising from the introduction of these technologies and one of the main advantages are related to energy efficiency, observed through the awareness of the population on behalf of a more efficient consumption. These benefits are felt directly by consumers through the savings on electricity bills and also by the concessionaires through the minimization of losses in transmission and distribution, system stability, smaller loading during peak hours, among others. In this article two projects that demonstrate the potential energy savings through smart meters and smart grids are presented. The first performed in Korea, focusing on the installation of smart meters and the impact of use of user interfaces. The second performed in Portugal, focusing on the control of loads in a residence with distributed generation.
A Smart TV é um equipamento novo e em evolução que incorpora um computador e acesso à Internet em ecrãs de grande qualidade. Permite a implementação de serviços interactivos, acesso à Internet e televisão. À medida que a tecnologia melhora, muitos equipamentos estão a tornar-se tão capazes quanto os computadores normais quando se trata de navegação na web e até mesmo vídeo na Internet (Video-on-Demand e streaming de vídeo). O projecto de estágio “NONIUS.TV na Smart TV LG Pro:Centric” foi desenvolvido na empresa Nonius Software que está inserida no ramo das telecomunicações. Uma das suas áreas de actividade está relacionada com o desenvolvimento de plataformas de entretenimento para o mercado hoteleiro, combinando diversos serviços e funcionalidades a pensar no hóspede. Este projecto teve como finalidade implementar alguns dos serviços e funcionalidades já existentes em plataformas que usam uma Set-Top Box da Nonius Software, numa Smart TV, aproveitando também para inovar e criar novos serviços. Nesse conjunto está incluída a implementação de uma Caixa de Mensagens, Serviço de Quartos, Serviço de Desporto e Lazer, Serviços Informativos, um cliente RTSP, um despertador, um sistema de mudança de idioma e outras pequenas funcionalidades desenvolvidas ao longo de toda a aplicação. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre as tecnologias Smart TV existentes no mercado, assim como as vantagens e desvantagens da sua utilização para este projecto. Após uma análise de requisitos de forma a estruturar e desenhar os serviços e funcionalidades a serem criados para a aplicação, implementou-se um conjunto de serviços, usando a linguagem de programação ActionScript 2.0, que permitiram à empresa disponibilizar um novo produto baseado na televisão Pro:Centric da LG.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.