1000 resultados para smart catalysts


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Recentemente, vem sendo desenvolvido o uso de catalisadores de metais preciosos suportados por óxidos do tipo perovskita em automóveis. Tais sistemas catalíticos são conhecidos como catalisadores Inteligentes. A tecnologia dos catalisadores inteligentes aponta para um novo futuro na catálise automotiva e surge como um promissor substituinte para os catalisadores convencionais. O entendimento dos principais fatores que levam a auto regeneração destes catalisadores é um passo fundamental no processo de evolução desta tecnologia. O mecanismo de auto regeneração é responsável diretamente pelo aumento considerável do tempo de vida útil destes catalisadores perante aos convencionais. Consequentemente, o seu custo é bem mais baixo comparado ao convencional. Outro fator relevante é a durabilidade estrutural e o grande número de possibilidade de combinações possíveis das perovskita que fazem delas excelentes estruturas para estudo. O objetivo do trabalho é entender o processo auto regenerativo do catalisador automotivo a base de perovskita dopadas com um átomo de cobalto, manganês e níquel e quando expostas a um ambiente com uma molécula de NO e CO , através da análise da interação desses átomos dopantes em relação a estrutura da perovskita e como se comportará o átomo de paládio ao entrar em contato com a molécula de NO e CO


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The chapter will set out to explain the KBUD and urban policy making processes in Queensland, Australia. This chapter will draw on providing a clear understanding on policy frameworks and relevant ICT applications of the Queensland ‘Smart State’ experience. The chapter is consisted of six sections. The first section following the introduction provides background information. The second section focuses on the KBUD processes in Queensland. The third section offers a comprehensive analysis of the ‘Queensland Smart State’ initiative, and it also identifies actors and goals of the agenda of Smart State experience. The fourth section reviews knowledge based development and ICT applications and policies of the Queensland Smart State and Brisbane Smart City experiences, and their impacts on Brisbane’s successful KBUD. The fifth section discusses knowledge hubs and ICT developments within the Brisbane metropolitan area. Then the chapter concludes with future trends and conclusion sections.


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Since the industrial revolution, our world has experienced rapid and unplanned industrialization and urbanization. As a result, we have had to cope with serious environmental challenges. In this context, explanation of how smart urban ecosystems can emerge, gains a crucial importance. Capacity building and community involvement have always been the key issues in achieving sustainable development and enhancing urban ecosystems. By considering these, this paper looks at new approaches to increase public awareness of environmental decision making. This paper will discuss the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly Web-based Geographic Information Systems (Web-based GIS) as spatial decision support systems to aid public participatory environmental decision making. The paper also explores the potential and constraints of these web-based tools for collaborative decision making.


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Smart Skies is an international research project exploring the development and demonstration of future aviation technologies which facilitate the more efficient utilisation of airspace for both manned and unmanned aircraft. These technologies include autonomous vision-based collision avoidance systems, autonomous airspace separation management systems and a mobile ground-based radar system to support non-segregated UAS operations within the NAS. This presentation will provide an introduction to the key programs of research, detail results from recent flight trial activities and will outline future directions for the project.