998 resultados para skin secretion


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Peptidases are ubiquitous enzymes involved in diverse biological processes. Fragments from bioactive peptides have been found in skin secretions from frogs, and their presence suggests processing by peptidases. Thus, the aim of this work was to characterize the peptidase activity present in the skin secretion of Leptodactylus labyrinthicus. Zymography revealed the presence of three bands of gelatinase activity of approximately 60 kDa, 66 kDa, and 80 kDa, which the first two were calcium-dependent. These three bands were inhibited either by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and phenathroline; thus, they were characterized as metallopeptidases. Furthermore, the proteolytic enzymes identified were active only at pH 6.0–10.0, and their activity increased in the presence of CHAPS or NaCl. Experiments with fluorogenic substrates incubated with skin secretions identified aminopeptidase activity, with cleavage after leucine, proline, and alanine residues. This activity was directly proportional to the protein concentration, and it was inhibited in the presence of metallo and serine peptidase inhibitors. Besides, the optimal pH for substrate cleavage was determined to be 7.0–8.0. The results of the in gel activity assay showed that all substrates were hydrolyzed by a 45 kDa peptidase. Gly-Pro-AMC was also cleaved by a peptidase greater than 97 kDa. The data suggest the presence of dipeptidyl peptidases (DPPs) and metallopeptidases; however, further research is necessary. In conclusion, our work will help to elucidate the implication of these enzymatic activities in the processing of the bioactive peptides present in frog venom, expanding the knowledge of amphibian biology.


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Amphibian skin secretions are rich in antimicrobial peptides that act as important components of an innate immune system. Here, we describe a novel “shotgun” skin peptide precursor cloning technique that facilitates rapid access to these genetically encoded molecules and effects their subsequent identification and structural characterization from the secretory peptidome. Adopting this approach on a skin secretion-derived library from a hitherto unstudied Chinese species of frog, we identified a family of novel antimicrobial peptide homologs, named pelophylaxins, that belong to previously identified families (ranatuerins, brevinins and temporins) found predominantly in the skin secretions from frogs of the genus Rana. These data further substantiate the scientifically robust nature of applying parallel transcriptome and peptidome analyses on frog defensive skin secretions that can be obtained in a non-invasive, non-destructive manner. In addition, the present data illustrate that rapid structural characterization of frog skin secretion peptides can be achieved from an unstudied species without prior knowledge of primary structures of endogenous peptides.


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Phylloxin is a novel prototype antimicrobial peptide from the skin of Phyllomedusa bicolor. Here, we describe parallel identification and sequencing of phylloxin precursor transcript (mRNA) and partial gene structure (genomic DNA) from the same sample of lyophilized skin secretion using our recently-described cloning technique. The open-reading frame of the phylloxin precursor was identical in nucleotide sequence to that previously reported and alignment with the nucleotide sequence derived from genomic DNA indicated the presence of a 175 bp intron located in a near identical position to that found in the dermaseptins. The highly-conserved structural organization of skin secretion peptide genes in P. bicolor can thus be extended to include that encoding phylloxin (plx). These data further reinforce our assertion that application of the described methodology can provide robust genomic/transcriptomic/peptidomic data without the need for specimen sacrifice.


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Amphibian defensive skin secretions remain a largely untapped resource for the peptide biochemist with an interest in the identification, structural characterization, and precursor cDNA cloning of novel bioactive peptides. Here we report the isolation, structural characterization, functional profiling, and nucleotide sequence of precursor cDNA of a novel histamine-releasing heptadecapeptide, FIPVTLLALHKIKEKLN-amide, from the defensive skin secretion of the African running frog, Kassina senegalensis. This peptide was found to be a potent histamine secretagogue (EC[5][0]=6 µM; maximal release = 25 µM) in a rat peritoneal mast cell model system and was accordingly named kassinakinin S. The open-reading frame of the cDNA encoding prepro-kassinakinin S was found to consist of 71 amino acid residues containing a single copy of kassinakinin S and its glycyl residue amide donor at the C-terminus. Kassinakinin S can thus be added to the growing list of amphibian skin bioactive peptide prototypes.


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The Australasian anuran amphibian genus Litoria, contains many phenotypically-diverse species as a result of radial evolution of an ancestral species into different biotopes much in the manner of the indigenous marsupial mammals. In common with members of the Central/South American genus Phyllomedusa, their specialized skin granular glands are factories for the production of a plethora of biologically-active peptides. Here we report a more detailed study of those present in the defensive skin secretion of the Australasian giant white-lipped tree frog, Litoria infrafrenata, and, for the first time, we have identified three novel frenatins by deduction of primary structures from cDNAs that were cloned from a library constructed from lyophilized skin secretion using a recently-developed technique. All open-reading frames consisted of a putative signal peptide and an acidic pro-region followed by a single copy of a frenatin peptide. Processed peptides corresponding in molecular mass to the deduced molecular masses of frenatins (named 1.1, 3, 3.1 and 4.1) were identified in the same secretion sample using HPLC and mass spectroscopy. The application of this technique thus permits parallel peptidomic and transcriptomic analyzes on the same lyophilized skin secretion sample circumventing sacrifice of specimens from endangered herpetofauna.


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Amphibian skin is a morphologically, biochemically and physiologically complex organ that performs the wide range of functions necessary for amphibian survival. Here we describe the primary structures of representatives of two novel classes of amphibian skin antimicrobials, dermatoxin and phylloxin, from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa sauvagei, deduced from their respective precursor encoding cDNAs cloned from a lyophilized skin secretion library. A degenerate primer, designed to a highly conserved domain in the 5'-untranslated region of analogous peptide precursor cDNAs from Phyllomedusa bicolor, was employed in a 3'-RACE reaction. Peptides with molecular masses coincident with precursor-deduced mature toxin peptides were identified in LC/MS fractions of skin secretion and primary structures were confirmed by MS/MS fragmentation. This integrated experimental approach can thus rapidly expedite the primary structural characterization of amphibian skin peptides in a manner that circumvents specimen sacrifice whilst preserving robustness of scientific data.


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We have isolated a novel bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist peptide, kinestatin, from toad (Bombina maxima) defensive skin secretion. Mass spectroscopy established a molecular mass of 931.56 Da and a provisional structure: pGlu-Leu/Ile-Pro-Gly-Leu/Ile-Gly-Pro-Leu/Ile-Arg.amide. The unmodified sequence, -QIPGLGPLRG-, was located at the C-terminus of a 116-amino-acid residue open-reading frame following interrogation of a sequenced B. maxima skin cDNA library database. This confirmed the presence of appropriate primary structural attributes for the observed post-translational modifications present on the mature peptide and established residue 2 as Ile and residues 5/8 as Leu. Kinestatin represents a prototype novel peptide from amphibian skin.


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The defensive skin secretions of many amphibians contain a wide spectrum of biologically active compounds, particularly antimicrobial peptides that act as a first line of defence against bacterial infection. Here we describe for the first time the identification of three novel dermaseptin-related peptides (dermaseptins sVI–sVIII) whose primary structures were deduced from cDNAs cloned from a library constructed from lyophilised skin secretion of the South American hylid frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei. The molecular masses of each were subsequently confirmed by interrogation of archived LC/MS files of fractionated skin secretion followed by automated Edman degradation sequencing. The heterogeneity of primary structures encountered in amphibian skin antimicrobial peptides may in part be explained by individual variation—a factor essential for selective functional molecular evolution and perhaps, ultimately in speciation.