999 resultados para sirius red


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In order to observe collagen and elastic fibers simultaneously, sections of human aorta, skin, lung, liver, and bladder were stained by Sirius red and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. In all cases, the fibers of collagen presented the characteristic fluorescent red-orange color that results from the interaction of this extracellular protein with the dye, whereas elastic fibers showed strong green fluorescence (intrinsic fluorescence). This method efficiently detects collagen and elastic fibers when these two structures are present and could have valuable applications in processes that involves both fibers.


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Lesões na inervação do trato urinário inferior ocasionado por traumatismo raquimedular afetam geralmente o músculo detrusor e o esfíncteres uretrais. Estas alterações acarretam problemas basicamente de incontinência urinária e aumento da pressão intravesical, decorrente deste traumatismo, trazendo consequências para o funcionamento do sistema urinário superior. Quantificar os elementos fibrosos da matriz extracelular e fibras musculares das bexigas neurogênicas hiper-reflexas comparando-as com bexigas normais. Foram utilizadas 6 amostras de bexigas neurogênicas de indivíduos que foram submetidos a cirurgia de reparação por cistoenteroplastia realizados pelo serviço de urologia do Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, estas amostras foram fixadas imediatamente em solução tamponada de formalina a 10%. O controle com amostras iguais as do estudo extraída de cadáveres cuja causa morte não relacionava-se ao sistema urogenital macroscópicamente. O material foi submetido as seguintes técnicas histoquímicas: H&E, van Gieson e Resorcina Fucsina resorcina de Weigert com prévia oxidação pela oxona. Imunohistoquímica: anti-elastina. A observação dos cortes corados pelo van Gieson demonstrou uma diminuição significativa do músculo liso de 13% e aumento do colágeno em 72% e as fibras do sistema elástico um aumento de 101%. Conclusão. Nas bexigas neurogênicas hiper-reflexas o músculo detrusor e os elementos fibrosos da matriz foram profundamente modificados. As fibras do sistema elástico foram as mais afetadas.


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Receptores adrenérgicos são amplamente expressos em diferentes tecidos, incluindo na pele. Recentemente foi descoberto que bloqueadores dos receptores β-adrenérgicos são capazes de modular o processo de reparo tecidual. O propranolol é um β-bloqueador não seletivo largamente utilizado na prática clínica para o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares, parecendo apresentar propriedades antioxidantes. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a resposta de diferentes doses de propranolol durante a lesão isquêmica cutânea em roedores. Ratos Wistar foram tratados com propranolol nas concentrações de 3 e 6 mg/kg. O grupo controle recebeu apenas o veículo e o grupo controle positivo recebeu vitamina E (50 mg/kg/dia). A administração do propranolol iniciou-se no dia da lesão, sendo realizada diariamente até o sacrifício. Incisões bilaterais foram feitas no dorso de cada animal. O flap foi suturado e foram realizadas lesões excisionais totais entre as lesões incisionais. A contração das lesões foi avaliada e os cortes histológicos foram corados com hematoxilina e eosina e vermelho de picrosirius. Foram utilizadas também as seguintes técnicas: Dopplerfluxometria, análises bioquímicas, análise estereológica e expressão de PECAM-1. O grupo tratado com 3 mg de propranolol apresentou uma maior redução na área total da lesão quando comparado ao grupo controle. Da mesma forma, este grupo apresentou um aumento na densidade de vasos sanguíneos, uma maior expressão de PECAM-1 e aumento na perfusão sanguínea na pele isquêmica e no sítio da lesão quando comparado ao grupo controle. Não observamos efeito antioxidante do propranolol neste modelo. Em resumo, nós sugerimos que o propranolol quando administrado na dose de 3 mg/kg/dia foi capaz de modular a angiogênese e melhorar o fechamento da lesão em modelo de roedores


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Anencefalia é o defeito do tubo neural mais severo. A morfologia do ureter de fetos anencéfalos é desconhecida. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a estrutura do ureter de fetos humanos normais e anencéfalos (FHA). Nós estudamos 16 ureteres de 8 fetos sem anomalias congênitas (4 masculinos e 4 femininos) com idades entre 16 e 27 semanas pós concepção (SPC) e 14 ureteres de 7 FHA (4 masculinos e 3 femininos) com idades entre 19 e 33 SPC. Os ureteres foram dissecados e emblocados em parafina. Foram feitos cortes com 5 m e depois corados com Tricrômico de Masson, para quantificação das células de músculo liso (CML) e determinação da área da a luz do ureter, espessura e diâmetro. As amostras também foram coradas com Resorcina Fucsina de Weigert ( para observação das fibras elásticas) e Vermelho de Picro Sirius com polarização e análise imunohistoquímica das fibras do colágeno tipo III. Os dados da quantificação do músculo foram expressos em densidade volumétrica (Vv-%). As imagens foram capturadas com microscópio Olympus BX51 e câmera Olympus DP70. A análise morfológica da área do lúmen, espessura e diâmetro foram feitas usando o software Image J. As médias foram comparadas usando o teste t não pareado (p<0.05). O epitélio do ureter estava bem preservado em ambos os grupos, e não houve diferença entre os grupos. Não observamos fibras do sistema elástico em qualquer ureter analisados. Concentração de músculo liso (Vv) não diferiram significativamente (p = 0,4413) em FHA (12% 1,628) e grupo controle (13,51% 0,9231). A área de luz ureteral foi significativamente menor (p = 0,0341) em FHA (6365μm 1,282), quando comparado ao grupo controle (20,170 5,480 mM). O diâmetro ureteral foi significativamente menor (p = 0,0294) em FHA (166.7μm 10,99) quando comparado ao grupo controle (240 26,6 mM). A espessura ureteral foi significativamente menor (p = 0,0448) em FHA (30.57μm 2,034), quando comparado ao grupo controle (7,453 47.49μm). Colágeno tipo III foi observado em maior quantidade nos ureteres da FHA. Alterações estruturais ureterais nos fetos anencéfalos foram significativas em nosso estudo. O ureter de fetos com anencefalia mostraram mais concentração de colágeno tipo III, menor diâmetro, área e espessura. Nervos ureterais em FHA podem ser modificados devido a lesão cerebral com consequente dano no controle dos nervos ureterais. Isto pode levar a alterações estruturais no ureter de fetos anencéfalos.


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A cicatrização de feridas cutâneas visa restaurar a integridade da pele, objetivando um fechamento rápido da lesão e a formação de uma cicatriz funcional e esteticamente satisfatória. Diversos modelos in vivo têm sido estudados a fim de caracterizar diversos componentes e mecanismos envolvidos no reparo tecidual e avaliar os efeitos de potenciais compostos terapêuticos que aceleram o processo de cicatrização. O óleo extraído da gordura subcutânea de capivara possui certas propriedades, entre elas está o seu uso em ferimentos externos com o intuito de acelerar o processo cicatricial, embora tal evento não seja confirmado em pesquisas experimentais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar os possíveis efeitos da aplicação tópica de óleo de capivara em feridas cutâneas induzidas em camundongos Swiss, avaliando sua interferência macro e microscópica no processo de cicatrização das lesões. A lesão foi realizada no dorso dos animais, que receberam aplicação tópica do óleo de capivara (0,1 ml) durante 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias de pós-operatório (PO), conforme protocolo estabelecido. Ao final dos dias, foi realizada eutanásia dos animais e fragmentos de lesão e pele adjacente foram coletados e processados para a microscopia de luz. Cortes histológicos da amostra foram corados com hematoxilina e eosina, azul de toluidina, picro sirius red, resorcina fucsina de Weigert, e imunomarcadas para detecção de antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular. Foram analisados macroscopicamente o aspecto geral da lesão, contração da lesão e reepitelização, e microscopicamente a espessura da neoepiderme, quantidade de leucócitos polimorfonucleares (PMN) e mastócitos, proliferação celular na epiderme e derme, e avaliação das fibras de colágeno e do sistema elástico-microfibrilar na matriz extracelular da derme cicatricial. Os animais tratados topicamente com o óleo de capivara mostraram, comparados ao grupo controle que não recebeu tratamento, melhor desenvolvimento da crosta de fibrina nas fases iniciais da cicatrização e desaparecimento da mesma antes do 14 dia PO; maior contração e reepitelização da área da lesão, bem como neoepiderme mais espessa em 7 dias PO; aumento do número de leucócitos PMN em 3 dias PO e sua gradativa redução nos dias subsequentes e diminuição do número de mastócitos em 21 dias PO. Além disso, no grupo tratado com óleo de capivara foi observada uma benéfica modulação das fibras colágenas e elásticas presentes na matriz extracelular da derme, apresentando aceleração da deposição de fibras de colágeno do tipo I e melhor organização dessas fibras no tecido, bem como aceleração da elastogênese com o aparecimento das fibras do sistema elástico-microfibrilar a partir do 7 dia PO. O presente trabalho demonstrou que o emprego tópico do óleo de capivara em feridas cutâneas de camundongos interfere favoravelmente no processo de cicatrização, acelerando o fechamento da ferida e a reparação da epiderme e derme


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A fibrose pulmonar é uma doença pulmonar crônica caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de matriz extracelular (MEC) e um remodelamento na arquitetura pulmonar. Embora já se saiba da participação do estresse oxidativo e da inflamação na fibrose de forma isolada, é importante observar como se comporta o estresse oxidativo na fibrose quando esta ocorre associada a uma doença de base. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o perfil inflamatório e oxidativo na fibrose pulmonar associado ao enfisema pulmonar prévio. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram divididos em três grupos: grupo controle (n=5) que receberam salina intranasal (50 l) e foram sacrificados no 21 dia; grupo bleomicina (BLEO) (n=15) que receberam bleomicina intratraqueal (0.1 U/animal) no dia 0 e foram sacrificados nos 7 (n=5), 14 (n=5) e 21 (n=5) dias e grupo PPE (elastase) + BLEO (n=21) que receberam elastase (3U/animal) e após 14 dias receberam bleomicina e foram sacrificados nos 14(n=7), 21 (n=7), 28 (n=7) e 35 (n=7) dias. Foram realizadas análises histológicas através de H&E e picro-sirius; análises bioquímicas para superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa peroxidase (GPx) e glutationa-S-transferase (GST) e ELISA para Interleucina (IL)-1β e IL-6. A fibrose pulmonar ocorreu a partir do 14 dia (p<0.001) e o enfisema concomitante a fibrose pulmonar a partir do 28 dia (p<0.001) e um aumento de fibras colágenas no grupo BLEO 21(p<0.001) e PPE + BLEO 21(p<0.001). As enzimas antioxidantes CAT (p<0.01), SOD (p<0.01) e GPx (p<0.01) reduziram e a GST aumentou no grupo BLEO 21 dias (p<0.05). No grupo PPE + BLEO 21 dias houve redução das enzimas antioxidantes CAT, SOD, GPx (p<0.05) e GST. Os níveis de óxido foram altos nos grupos BLEO 21 dias (p<0.01) e PPE + BLEO 21 dias (p<0.01). A IL-1β mostrou-se elevada no grupo BLEO 7 dias quando comparado ao controle (p<0.001) e ao grupo PPE + BLEO 7 dias (p<0.01). Concluímos que a resposta inflamatória inibiu a ação do sistema antioxidante contribuindo para o agravamento da lesão. Isso sugere que terapias anti-inflamatórias podem contribuir tanto para redução da resposta inflamatória quanto de forma indireta no sistema antioxidante.


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Introduction: L’activation des cellules stellaires hépatiques (CSHs) est un point clé du processus de fibrose hépatique. Les lymphocytes T CD4+ intra-hépatiques sont une source majeure de cytokines anti-inflammatoires comme l’IL-10 et pro-inflammatoire (IL-17A), hépatoprotectrice (IL-22) produites par les Th17. Les Th17 sont impliqués dans de nombreuses pathologies inflammatoires mais l’effet de ces cellules sur les CSHs n’est pas encore élucidé. Objectif: Comprendre le rôle des cytokines de type Th17 dans le processus d’activation des CSHs. Méthodes: La lignée de CSHs humaine LX2 a été stimulée par l’IL-17A ou l’IL-22 puis comparée à des cellules traitées par le TGF-b et le tampon phosphate salin (PBS). L’activation des CSHs a été évaluée en examinant les molécules profibrotique alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), collagène de type I (COL1A1) et inhibiteur produits par les tissus des métalloprotéases matricielles I (TIMP-I) par q-PCR. L’expression protéique a été validée par immunobuvardage ou coloration au rouge de picro Sirius. L’expression membranaire de l’IL-10Rb, du TGF-b-RII et de l’IL-17RA a été mesurée par cytométrie en flux. Résultats: L’IL-17A et l’IL-22 n’activent pas les cellules LX2, car aucune induction d’a-SMA, de COL1A1 et de TIMP-I n’a été observée. Cependant, l’IL-17A et l’IL-22 sensibilisent les CSHs à l’action du TGF-b, tel que démontré par une forte expression et production d’a-SMA, collagène type I et TIMP-I. L’IL-17A, mais pas l’IL-22, induit la surexpression à la surface cellulaire du TGF-b-RII et inhibe partiellement la baisse d’expression du TGF--RII après stimulation au TGF-b. Conclusion: Nos résultats démontrent une fonction pro-fibrotique de l’IL-17A et de l’IL-22, car les deux cytokines sensibilisent les CSHs à l’action du TGF-b. L’IL-17A agit via la surexpression et la stabilisation du TGF-b-RII tandis que l’IL-22 agit probablement par des mécanismes intracellulaires.


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C16-YEALRVANEVTLN, a peptide amphiphile (PA) incorporating a biologically active amino acid sequence found in lumican, has been examined for its influence upon collagen synthesis by human corneal fibroblasts in vitro, and the roles of supra-molecular assembly and activin receptor-like kinase ALK receptor signaling in this effect were assessed. Cell viability was monitored using the Alamar blue assay, and collagen synthesis was assessed using Sirius red. The role of ALK signaling was studied by receptor inhibition. Cultured human corneal fibroblasts synthesized significantly greater amounts of collagen in the presence of the PA over both 7-day and 21-day periods. The aggregation of the PA to form nanotapes resulted in a notable enhancement in this activity, with an approximately two-fold increase in collagen production per cell. This increase was reduced by the addition of an ALK inhibitor. The data presented reveal a stimulatory effect upon collagen synthesis by the primary cells of the corneal stroma, and demonstrate a direct influence of supra-molecular assembly of the PA upon the cellular response observed. The effects of PA upon fibroblasts were dependent upon ALK receptor function. These findings elucidate the role of self-assembled nanostructures in the biological activity of peptide amphiphiles, and support the potential use of a self-assembling lumican derived PA as a novel biomaterial, intended to promote collagen deposition for wound repair and tissue engineering purposes


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The adductor canal is a conical or pyramid-shaped pathway that contains the femoral vessels, saphenous nerve and a varying amount of fibrous tissue. It is involved in adductor canal syndrome, a claudication syndrome involving young individuals. Our objective was to study modifications induced by aging on the connective tissue and to correlate them to the proposed pathophysiological mechanism. The bilateral adductor canals and femoral vessels of four adult and five fetal specimens were removed en bloc and analyzed. Sections 12 mu m thick were obtained and the connective tissue studied with Sirius Red, Verhoeff, Weigert and Azo stains. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photomicrographs of the surfaces of each adductor canal were also analyzed. Findings were homogeneous inside each group. The connective tissue of the canal was continuous with the outer layer of the vessels in both groups. The pattern of concentric, thick collagen type I bundles in fetal specimens was replaced by a diffuse network of compact collagen bundles with several transversal fibers and an impressive content of collagen III fibers. Elastic fibers in adults were not concentrated in the thick bundles but dispersed in line with the transversal fiber system. A dynamic compression mechanism with or without an evident constricting fibrous band has been proposed previously for adductor canal syndrome, possibly involving the connective tissue inside the canal. The vessels may not slide freely during movement. These age-related modifications in normal individuals may represent necessary conditions for this syndrome to develop.


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Introduction. The objective of this study was to show the morphologic characteristics of allograft renal biopsies in renal transplant patients with stable renal function, which can potentially be early markers of allograft dysfunction, after 5 years of follow-up. Methods. Forty-nine renal transplant patients with stable renal function were submitted to renal biopsies and simultaneous measurement of serum creatinine (Cr). Histology was evaluated using Banff scores, determination of interstitial fibrosis by Sirius red staining and immunohistochemical study of proximal tubule and interstitial compartment (using cytokeratin, vimentin, and myofibroblasts as markers). Biopsies were evaluated according to the presence or absence of the epitheliomesenchymal transition (EMT). The interstitial presence of myofibroblasts and tubular presence of vimentin was also analyzed simultaneously. Renal function was measured over the follow-up period to estimate the reduction of graft function. Results. Median posttransplant time at enrollment was 105 days. Patients were followed for 64.3 +/- 8.5 months. The mean Cr at biopsy time was 1.44 +/- 0.33 mg/dL, and after the follow-up it was 1.29 +/- 0.27 mg/dL. Nine patients (19%) had a reduction of their graft function. Eleven biopsies (22%) had tubulointerstitial alterations according to Banff score. Seventeen biopsies (34%) presented EMT. Fifteen biopsies (32%) had high interstitial expression of myofibroblasts and tubular vimentin. Using Cox multivariate analysis, HLA and high expression of interstitial myofibroblasts and tubular vimentin were associated with reduction of graft function, yielding a risk of 3.3 (P = .033) and 9.8 (P = .015), respectively. Conclusion. Fibrogenesis mechanisms occur very early after transplantation and are risk factors for long-term renal function deterioration.


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P>Renal transplant patients with stable graft function and proximal tubular dysfunction (PTD) have an increased risk for chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). In this study, we investigated the histologic pattern associated with PTD and its correlation with graft outcome. Forty-nine transplant patients with stable graft function were submitted to a biopsy. Simultaneously, urinary retinol-binding protein (uRBP) was measured and creatinine clearance was also determined. Banff`s score and semi-quantitative histologic analyses were performed to assess tubulointerstitial alterations. Patients were followed for 24.0 +/- 7.8 months. At biopsy time, mean serum creatinine was 1.43 +/- 0.33 mg/dl. Twelve patients (24.5%) had uRBP >= 1 mg/l, indicating PTD and 67% of biopsies had some degree of tubulointerstitial injury. At the end of the study period, 18 (36.7%) patients had lost renal function. uRBP levels were not associated with morphologic findings of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA), interstitial fibrosis measured by Sirius red or tubulointerstitial damage. However, in multivariate analysis, the only variable associated with the loss of renal function was uRBP level >= 1 mg/l, determining a risk of 5.290 of loss of renal function (P = 0.003). Renal transplant patients who present PTD have functional alteration, which is not associated with morphologic alteration. This functional alteration is associated to progressive decrease in renal function.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have regenerative properties in acute kidney injury, but their role in chronic kidney diseases is still unknown. More specifically, it is not known whether MSCs halt fibrosis. The purpose of this work was to investigate the role of MSCs in fibrogenesis using a model of chronic renal failure. MSCs were obtained from the tibias and femurs of male Wistar-EPM rats. Female Wistar rats were subjected to the remnant model, and 2 vertical bar x vertical bar 10(5) MSCs were intravenously administrated to each rat every other week for 8 weeks or only once and followed for 12 weeks. SRY gene expression was observed in female rats treated with male MSCs, and immune localization of CD73(+)CD90(+) cells at 8 weeks was also assessed. Serum and urine analyses showed an amelioration of functional parameters in MSC-treated animals at 8 weeks, but not at 12 weeks. Masson`s trichrome and Sirius red staining demonstrated reduced levels of fibrosis in MSC-treated animals. These results were corroborated by reduced vimentin, type I collagen, transforming growth factor beta, fibroblast specific protein 1 (FSP-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, and Smad3 mRNA expression and alpha smooth muscle actin and FSP-1 protein expression. Renal interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA expression levels were significantly decreased after MSC treatment, whereas IL-4 and IL-10 expression levels were increased. All serum cytokine expression levels were decreased in MSC-treated animals. Taken together, these results suggested that MSC therapy can indeed modulate the inflammatory response that follows the initial phase of a chronic renal injury. The immunosuppressive and remodeling properties of MSCs may be involved in the decreased fibrosis in the kidney. STEM CELLS 2009;27:3063-3073


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Background: Several methods have been utilized to prevent pericardial and retrosternal adhesions, but none of them evaluated the mesothelial regenerative hypothesis. There are evidences that the mesothelial trauma reduces pericardial fibrinolytic capability and induces an adhesion process. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) has proven to improve mesothelial cells proliferation. This study investigated the influence of keratinocyte growth factor in reducing post-surgical adhesions. Methods: Twelve pigs were operated and an adhesion protocol was employed. Following a stratified randomization, the animals received a topical application of KGF or saline. At 8 weeks, intrapericardial adhesions were evaluated and a severity score was established. The time spent to dissect the adhesions and the amount of sharp dissection used, were recorded. Histological sections were stained with sirius red and morphometric analyses were assessed with a computer-assisted image analysis system. Results: The severity score was lower in the KGF group than in the control group (11.5 vs 17, p = 0.005). The dissection time was lower in the KGF group (9.2 +/- 1.4 min vs 33.9 +/- 9.2 min, p = 0.004) and presented a significant correlation with the severity score (r = 0.83, p = 0.001). A significantly less sharp dissection was also required in the KGF group. Also, adhesion area and adhesion collagen were significantly tower in the KGF group than in the control group. Conclusion: The simulation of pericardial cells with KGF reduced the intensity of postoperative adhesions and facilitated the re-operation. This study suggests that the mesothelial regeneration is the new horizon in anti-adhesion therapies. (C) 2008 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background. Mesothelial injury is the pivot in the development of adhesions. An increase in the proliferation of mesothelial cells was verified by in vitro studies with the use of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF). This study investigated the influence of KGF associated with thermo-sterilized carboxymethyl chitosan (NOCCts) in the reduction of pericardial adhesions. Methods. An induction model of pericardial adhesion was carried out in 24 pigs. Animals were randomly allocated to receive topical application of KGF, KGF + NOCCts, NOCCts, or saline (control). At 8 weeks, intra-pericardial adhesions were evaluated and a severity score was established. The time spent to dissect the adhesions and the amount of sharp dissection used, were recorded. Histologic sections were stained with sirius red for a morphometric evaluation using a computer-assisted image analysis system. Cytokeratin AE1/AE3 immunostaining were employed to identify mesothelial cells. Results. The severity score expressed in median (minimum to maximum), in relation to the control group (17 [15 to 18]), was lower in the KGF + NOCCts group (7 [6 to 9], p < 0.01) followed by the KGF group (11.5 [9 to 12], 0.01 < p < 0.05) and the NOCCts group (12 [9 to 14], p > 0.05). The dissection time was significantly lower in the KGF + NOCCts group (7.1 +/- 0.6 vs 33.9 +/- 9.2 minutes, p < 0.001). A significantly less sharp dissection was also required in the KGF + NOCCts group. In the adhesion segment, a decreased collagen proportion was found in the KGF + NOCCts group (p < 0.05). Mesothelial cells were present more extensively in groups in which KGF was delivered (p = 0.01). Conclusions. The use of KGF associated with NOCCts resulted in a synergic action that decreases postoperative pericardial adhesions in a highly significant way. (Ann Thorac Surg 2010; 90: 566-72) (C) 2010 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons


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PURPOSE: The infection is one of the main factors that affect the physiological evolution of the surgical wounds. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGFâ) and anti-FGFâ in the healing, synthesis and maturation of collagen when topically used on infected skin wounds of rats. METHODS: An experimental study was perfomed in 60 male Wistar rats. All animals were divided in two groups (A and B). Each group was divided in three subgroups A1, B1; A2, B2 and A3, B3. After anesthesia with pentobarbital, two open squared wounds (1cm2), 4cm distant to each other, were done in the dorsal skin of all the rats. In group A (n=30) the wounds were contaminated with multibacterial standard solution, and in group B(n=30) the wounds were maintained sterile. These wounds were named F1 (for inflammation analysis) and F2 (for collagen study). The open wounds of A1 and B1 rats were topically treated with saline solution, A2 and B2 were treated with FGFâ and subgroups A3 and B3 were treated with FGFâ and anti-FGFâ. The rats were observed until complete epitelization of F2 wounds for determination of healing time and the expression of types I and III collagen, using Picro Sirius Red staining. Inflammatory reaction in F1 wounds was studied using hematoxilineosin staining. The three variable was measured by the Image Pro-Plus Média Cybernetics software. The statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test, considering p<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: It was observed that infection retarded significantly (p<0.05) the time of wound scarring and the topical application of FCFb reverted the inhibition of healing caused by bacteria. The inflammatory reaction was greater in the subgroup B2 than in B1 and A3, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). It was observed greater expression of type I collagen in all the subgroups treated with FCFb, when compared with the untreated subgroups. Type III collagen was significantly decreased in wounds of B3 rats, comparing to the other subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The FCFb accelerated the healing of open infected wounds and contributed with maturation of collagen, enhancing the type I collagen density. The anti-FCFb antibody was able to attenuate the production of both type I and III collagen