980 resultados para seawater neutralization


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Reaction of bauxite residue with seawater results in neutralization of alkalinity through precipitation of Mg-, Ca-, and Al-hydroxide and carbonate minerals. In batch studies, the initial pH neutralization reaction was rapid (


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Alumina extraction from bauxite ore with strong alkali produces waste bauxite refinery residue consisting of residue sand and red mud. The amount and composition of refinery residue depend on the purity of the bauxite ore and extraction conditions, and differs between refineries. The refinery residue is usually stored in engineered disposal areas that eventually have to be revegetated. This is challenging because of the alkaline and sodic nature of the residue. At Alcan Gove's bauxite refinery in Gove, Northern Territory, Australia, research into revegetation of bauxite residue has been conducted since the mid-1970s. In this review, we discuss approaches taken by Alcan Gove to achieve revegetation outcomes (soil capping of refinery residue) on wet-slurry disposal areas. Problems encountered in the past include poor drainage and water logging during the wet season, and salt scalding and capillary rise during the dry season. The amount of available water in the soil capping is the most important determinant of vegetation survival in the seasonally dry climate. Vegetation cover was found to prevent deterioration of the soil cover by minimising capillary rise of alkalinity from the refinery residue. The sodicity and alkalinity of the residue in old impoundments has diminished slightly over the 25 years since it was deposited. However, development of a blocky structure in red mud, presumably due to desiccation, allows root penetration, thereby supplying additional water to salt and alkali-tolerant plant species. This has led to the establishment of an ecosystem that approaches a native woodland.


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The aqueous extract prepared from Schizolobium parahyba (Sp) leaves, a native plant from Atlantic Forest (Brazil), was tested to analyse its ability to inhibit some biological and enzymatic activities induced by Bothrops alternatus (BaltCV) and Bothrops moojeni (BmooCV) snake venoms. Sp inhibited 100% of lethality, blood incoagulability, haemorrhagic and indirect haemolytic activities at a 1:10 ratio (venom/extract, w/w), as well as coagulant activity at a 1:5 ratio (venom/extract, w/w) induced by both venoms. BaltCV fibrinogenolytic activity was also neutralized by Sp at a 1:10 ratio, resulting in total protection of fibrinogen B beta chain and partial protection of A alpha chain. Interaction tests have demonstrated that, at certain extract/proteins ratios, Sp precipitates proteins non-specifically suggesting the presence of tannins, which are very likely responsible for the excellent inhibiting effects of the analysed ophidian activities. Sp aqueous extract chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 was carried out aiming at the separation of these compounds that mask the obtained results. Thus, the fractionation of Sp resulted in three fractions: F1 (methanolic fraction); F2 (methanol:water fraction, 1:1 v/v); and F3 (aqueous fraction). These fractions were analysed for their ability to inhibit the BaltCV fibrinogenolytic activity. F1 inhibited 100% the venom fibrinogenolytic activity without presenting protein precipitation effect; F2 showed only partial inhibition of this venom activity. Finally, F3 did not inhibit fibrinogen proteolysis, but presented strong protein precipitating action. We conclude that Sp aqueous extract, together with tannins, also contains other compounds that can display specific inhibitory activity against snake venom toxins.


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The solubilities and dissolution rates of three gypsum sources (analytical grade (AG), phosphogypsum (PG) and mined gypsum (MG)) with six MG size fractions ((mm) > 2.0, 1.0-2.0, 0.5-1.0, 0.25-0.5, 0.125-0.25, and < 0.125) were investigated in triple deionised water (TDI) and seawater to examine their suitability for bauxite residue amelioration. Gypsum solubility was greater in seawater (3.8 g L 1) than TDI (2.9 g L 1) due to the ionic strength effect, with dissolution in both TDI and seawater following first order kinetics. Dissolution rate constants varied with gypsum source (AR > PG > MG) due to reactivity and surface area differences, with 1:20 gypsum:solution suspensions reaching saturation within 15 s (AR) to 30 min (MG > 2.0). The ability of bauxite residue to adsorb Ca from solution was also examined. The quantity of the total solution Ca adsorbed was found to be small (5 %). These low rates of solution Ca adsorption combined with the comparatively rapid dissolution rates preclude the application of gypsum to the residue sand/seawater slurry as a method for residue amelioration. Instead, direct field application to the residue would ensure more efficient gypsum use. In addition, the formation of a sparingly soluble CaCO3 coating around the gypsum particles after mixing in a highly alkaline seawater/supernatant liquor (SNL) solution greatly reduced the rate of gypsum dissolution.


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To reconstruct oceanographic variations in the subtropical South Pacific, 271-year long subseasonal time series of Sr/Ca and delta(18)O were generated from a coral growing at Rarotonga (21.5degreesS, 159.5degreesW). In this case, coral Sr/Ca appears to be an excellent proxy for sea surface temperature (SST) and coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and seawater delta(18)O composition (delta(18)O(sw)). Here, we focus on extracting the delta(18)O(sw) signal from these proxy records. A method is presented assuming that coral Sr/Ca is solely a function of SST and that coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and delta(18)O(sw). This method separates the effects of delta(18)O(sw) from SST by breaking the instantaneous changes of coral delta(18)O into separate contributions by instantaneous SST and delta(18)O(sw) changes, respectively. The results show that on average delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga explains similar to39% of the variance in delta(18)O and that variations in SST explains the remaining similar to61% of delta(18)O variance. Reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) shows systematic increases in summer months (December-February) consistent with the regional pattern of variations in precipitation and evaporation. The delta(18)O(sw) also shows a positive linear correlation with satellite-derived estimated salinity for the period 1980 to 1997 (r = 0.72). This linear correlation between reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) and salinity makes it possible to use the reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) to estimate the past interannual and decadal salinity changes in this region. Comparisons of coral delta(18)O and delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga with the Pacific decadal oscillation index suggest that the decadal and interdecadal salinity and SST variability at Rarotonga appears to be related to basin-scale decadal variability in the Pacific. Copyright (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Australian funnel-web spiders are recognized as one of the most venomous spiders to humans world-wide. Funnel-web spider antivenom (FWS AV) reverses clinical effects of envenomation from the bite of Atrax robustus and a small number of related Hadronyche species. This study assessed the in vitro efficacy of FWS AV in neutralization of the effects of funnel-web spider venoms, collected from various locations along the eastern seaboard of Australia, in an isolated chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation. Venoms were separated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis to compare protein composition and transblotted for Western blotting and incubation with FWS AV. SDS-PAGE of venoms revealed similar low and high molecular weight protein bands. Western blotting with FWS AV showed similar antivenom binding with protein bands in all the venoms tested. Male funnel-web spider venoms (7/7) and female venoms (5110) produced muscle contracture and fasciculation when applied to the nerve-muscle preparation. Venom effects were reversed by subsequent application of FWS AV or prevented by pretreatment of the preparation with antivenom. FWS AV appears to reverse the in vitro toxicity of a number of funnel-web spider venoms from the eastern seaboard of Australia. FWS AV should be effective in the treatment of envenomation from most, if not all, species of Australian funnel-web spiders. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Following analysis of beach sites and an indication that seawater components might influence larval occurrence, we studied the impact of increasing salinity and seawater concentration on survival of fourth-instar larvae of the canal biting midge, Culicoides molestus . While NaCl had little effect on immature survival, increasing the concentration of seawater increased mortality prior to the adult stage. Seawater at three and four times the normal concentration killed all immatures. Artificial elevation of seawater concentration in the sandy substrate preferred by larvae, therefore, has the potential to reduce immature midge survival. Diet also affected survival, with higher mortality of immatures that were fed fish-food flakes compared with those that were fed live nematodes.


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Thermal degradation of as electrospun chitosan membranes and samples subsequently treated with ethanol and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA) have been studied by thermogravimetry (TG) coupled with an infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The influence of the electrospinning process and cross-linking in the electrospun chitosan thermal stability was evaluated. Up to three degradation steps were observed in the TG data, corresponding to water dehydration reaction at temperatures below 100 ºC, loss of side groups formed between the amine groups of chitosan and trifluoroacetic acid between 150 – 270 ºC and chitosan thermal degradation that starts around 250 ºC and goes up to 400 ºC. The Kissinger model was employed to evaluate the activation energies of the electrospun membranes during isothermal experiments and revealed that thermal degradation activation energy increases for the samples processed by electrospinning and subsequent neutralization and cross-linking treatments with respect to the neat chitosan powder.


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Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFA), Plaque Reduction Neutralization (PRN) and Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) tests for measles antibodies were carried out in 197 sera obtained from umbilical cord and vaccinated children. The IFA was also applied to blood samples collected with filter paper. IFA results demonstrated that the test is relatively simple to perform, with good reproducibility for different antigen lots. Good correlation was obtained between IFA, PRN and HI antibody titers. Better correlation was demonstrated with IFA and PRN than with HI and PRN tests. Sensitivity of IFA in detecting antibody was less effective than PRN, however more effective than HI using rhesus monkey red blood cells. PRN antibody titers over 100 were detected by IFA but not by HI (9.7% with negative results). IFA may be of considerable practical use and able to substitute HI in Seroepidemiological surveys and to evaluate vaccine efficacy. It also can be simplified by employing filter paper collected samples.


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An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measles antibodies was compared with Plaque Neutralization (PRN), Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) and Fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests in 181 sera from vaccinated children and umbilical cord. Of 179 positive samples by the sensitive PRN, only two, with titers of 8, were negative by ELISA (copositivity of 98.9%). IFA and HI presented, respectively, copo-sitivities of 93.3% and 82.7%. The ELISA presented a high sensitivity as well as a good reproducibility and represents an alternative for the time consuming PRN for detection of low measles antibodies.


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To determine the rabies antibody level of twenty-four hyperimmune equine sera, Standard Mouse Neutralization (SMN) and Couterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) tests were carried out, both at the Instituto Butantan (IB) and Instituto Panamericano de Protección de Alimentos y Zoonosis (INPPAZ). Statistical analysis has shown a correlation (r) of 0.9317 between the SMN and CIE performed at the IB, while at the INPPAZ it scored 0.974. Comparison of CIE data of both laboratories yielded a correlation of 0.845. The CIE technique has shown to be as sensitive and efficient as the SMN in titrating antirabies hyperimmune equine sera. Based on CIE results, a simple, rapid and inexpensive technique, tilers of sera antibody can be reliably estimated in SMN test.


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The most practicable assay for measurement of measles IgG (mIgG) in large numbers of sera is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA). To assess how EIA results would agree with those by the gold standard method of plaque reduction neutralization (PRN) we compared the results from the two methods in 43 pairs of maternal and umbilical cord sera, and sera from the corresponding infants when aged 11 - 14 months. In maternal-cord sera, the differences between mean antibody levels by EIA or PRN were not statistically significant, though in individual sera, differences could be large. However, agreement was less good for infants sera, in which levels of mIgG were very low. The conclusions of a study of transplacental transport of mIgG would not be affected by the use of either technique. When studying waning immunity in infants, PRN should be the method of choice, while results from studies using EIA should be interpreted with caution.


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Heparin, in some regions of Brazil has been used in the treatment of bothropic accidents, but the data found in the literature are inconclusive about its effectiveness. The venoms of Bothrops atrox and of B. erythromelas were characterized according to their biological activities. The capacity of heparin in neutralizing these activities was tested with doses of 3 and 6 IU in isolated form and associated to Antibothropic Serum (ABS). It was verified that heparin, in doses of 3 and 6 IU, was not effective in neutralizing the desfibrinating and edema-forming activities of B. atrox venom and the hemorrhagic and coagulant actions of both venoms. Heparin diminished the effectiveness of the ABS in the neutralization of the hemorrhagic and edema-forming activities of the B. atrox venom. However, heparin in the 6 IU dose was capable of neutralize the edema-forming of the B. erythromelas and increase the effectiveness of the ABS. Heparin also neutralized the phospholipasic A2 activity of B. atrox (14.3%) and B. erythromelas (28.0%) venoms. For B. erythromelas venom, the associated treatment, heparin and ABS, was more effective in the neutralization of its lethal activity.