916 resultados para school systems


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cont. VI. The application of standard measurements to school administration. [By] D.C. Bliss. VII. A half-year's progress in the achievement of one school system. A. The progress as measured by the Thorndike visual vocabulary test. B. The progress as measured by the Courtis tests, series B. [By] H.G. Childs. VIII. Courtis tests in arithmetic: value to superintendents and teacher. [By] S.A. Courtis. IX. Use of standard tests at Salt Lake City, Utah. [By] E. P. Cubberley. X. Reading. [By] C.H. Judd. XI. Studies by the Bureau of research and efficiency of Kansas City, Mo. [By] George Melcher. XII. The effects of efficiency tests in reading on a city school system. [By] E.E. Oberholtzer. XIII. Investigation of spelling in the schools of Oakland, Cal. [By] J.B. Sears. XIV. Standard tests as aids in the classification and promotion of pupils. [By] Daniel Starch. XV. The use of mental tests in the school. [By] G.M. Whipple.


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International research with regard to the intended as well as to the unintended outcomes and effects of high-stakes testing shows that the impact of high-stakes tests has important consequences for the participants involved in the respective educational systems. The purpose of this special issue is to examine the implementation of high-stakes testing in different national school systems and to refer to the effects in view of the concept of Educational Governance. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In advance of the 2012 legislative session, I am pleased to provide for your review this legislative brief on Gov. Terry E. Branstad’s and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds’ education reform package. The purpose is to provide a broad overview of the components of the package, give some examples of where similar approaches are in place, and provide cost estimates. In collaboration with the Governor’s Office, the staff at the Iowa Department of Education and I have worked intensively to prepare a set of legislative proposals worthy of careful consideration. I believe this package puts us on the path to our unshakable vision of having one of the best school systems in the world. Iowa’s children deserve nothing less.


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Inclusionary practlces prescrlbe that children, regardless of exceptlonal1ty shall benefit from recelving educatlonal servlce 1n the context of the regular class setting. The resulting el1mlnatlon of separate speclal classes could be v1ewed as aneconom1c advantage. In po1nt of fact, many school boards and d1strlcts 1n both Canada and the Unlted States are movlng towards 1mplementatlon of lncluslonary practice, posslbly for the above stated reason. Regardless, 1ncluslon as It relates to the emot1onal1y/behav1ourally disordered youth in our school systems may not be successful. Regular education teachers may not be prepared professlonal1y or personally to deal wlth this very spec1al student populat1on. Th1s study focused on teacher attitude 1n thls regard. As welll poss1ble factors that may lead to successful 1nclusion of these students are examined. Of these, teacher exper1ence, educat10n spec1f1c to the d1sab111ty of emot1onal/behavloural dlsordered comb1ned w1th teacher self-percept1on of success appear to hold the greatest promise. In v1ew of these flndlngs, recommendations are made for professlonal pract1ce and future research d1rect1ons.


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Inclusionary practices prescribe that chl1dren, regardless of exceptional1ty shall benef1t from receiv1ng educational serv1ce 1n the context of the regular class sett1ng. The result1ng el1minat1on of separate spec1al classes could be v1ewed as an econom1c advantage. In point of fact, many school boards and d1str1cts 1n both Canada and the United States are mov1ng towards 1mplementat1on of inclusionary practice, possibly for the above stated reason. Regardless, 1nclusion as 1t relates to the emot1onally/behav1ourally disordered youth in our school systems may not be successful. Regular educat ion teachers may not be prepared profess1onally or personally to deal w1th this very special student population. Th1s study focused on teacher attitude 1n this regard. As well, poss1ble factors that may lead to successful 1nclusion of these students are examined. Of these, teacher exper1ence, educat10n spec1f1c to the d1sab1l1ty of emot1onal/behavioural d1sordered comb1ned w1th teacher self-perception of success appear to hold the greatest promise. In view of these findings, recommendat1ons are made for professional pract1ce and future research d1rect1ons.