863 resultados para reading disability


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The present study evaluated the benefits of phonological processing skills training for children with persistent reading difficulties. Children aged between 9-14 years, identified as having a specific reading disability, participated in the study. In a series of three experiments, pedagogical issues related to length of training time, model of intervention and severity of readers' phonological processing skills deficit prior to intervention, were explored. The results indicated that improvement in poor readers' phonological processing skills led to a dramatic improvement in their reading accuracy and reading comprehension performance. Increasing the length of training time significantly improved transfer effects to the reading process. Children with particularly severe phonological processing skill deficits benefited from art extended training period, and both individual and group intervention models for phonological processing training proved successful. Implications for speech and language therapists are discussed.


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The goal of this study is to better understand the genetic basis of Reading Disability (RD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by examining molecular G x E interactions with parental education for each disorder. Research indicates that despite sharing genetic risk factors, RD and ADHD are influenced by different types of G x E interactions with parental education - a diathesis stress interaction in the case of ADHD and a bioecological interaction in RD. In order to resolve this apparent paradox, we conducted a preliminary study using behavioral genetic methods to test for G x E interactions in RD and the inattentive subtype of ADHD (ADHD-I) in the same sample of monozygotic and dizygotic Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center same-sex twin pairs (DeFries et al., 1997), and our findings were consistent with the literature. We posited a genetic hypothesis for this opposite pattern of interactions, which suggests that only genes specific to each disorder enter into these opposite interactions, not the shared genes underlying their comorbidity. This study sought to further investigate this paradox using molecular genetics methods. We examined multiple candidate genes identified for RD or related language phenotypes and those identified for ADHD for G x E interactions with parental education. The specific aims of this study were as follows: 1) partition known risk alleles for RD and/or related language phenotypes and ADHD-I into those which are pleiotropic and non-pleiotropic by testing each risk allele for association with both RD and ADHD-I, 2) explore the main effects of parental education on both RD and ADHD-I, 3) address G-E correlations, and 4) conduct exploratory G x E interaction analyses in order to test the genetic hypothesis. Analyses suggested a number of pleiotropic genes that influence both RD and ADHD; however, results did not remain after correcting for multiple comparisons. Although exploratory G x E interaction findings were not significant after multiple comparison correction, results suggested a G x E interaction in the bioecological direction with KIAA0319, parental education, and ADHD-I. Given the limited power in the current study, replication of these findings with larger samples is necessary.


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Bilateral Perisylvian Syndrome (BPS) often presents with epilepsy and significant behavioral impairments that can include mental retardation, dysarthria, delayed speech development, and delayed fine motor development (Graff-Radford et al., 1986 and Kuzniecky et al., 1993). While a small subset of BPS cases have been described as having relatively isolated language delays (Leventer et al., 2010), BPS is not expected in children with dyslexia. As part of a Medical University of South Carolina, IRB approved multi-site study involving retrospective and de-identified dyslexia data, we unexpectedly identified a 14.05 year old male with evidence of BPS whose father had been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia. This child had been recruited for a neuroimaging study on dyslexia from a school specializing in educating children with dyslexia. The T1-weighted MRI scan from this child demonstrated a highly unusual perisylvian sulcal/gyral patterning that is a defining feature of BPS (Fig. 1). BPS cases exhibit bilateral dysgenesis of the Sylvian fissure and surrounding gyri, which appears to occur because of a limited or absent arcuate fasciculus (Kilinc, Ekinci, Demirkol, & Agan, 2015). This BPS case also had a relatively enlarged atrium of the lateral ventricle that is consistent with the BPS anatomical presentation and reduction of parietal white matter (Graff-Radford et al., 1986, Kilinc et al., 2015 and Toldo et al., 2011).


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This study compared the relative effectiveness of two computerized remedial reading programs in improving the reading word recognition, rate, and comprehension of adolescent readers demonstrating significant and longstanding reading difficulties. One of the programs involved was Autoskill Component Reading Subskills Program, which provides instruction in isolated letters, syllables, and words, to a point of rapid automatic responding. This program also incorporates reading disability subtypes in its approach. The second program, Read It Again. Sam, delivers a repeated reading strategy. The study also examined the feasibility of using peer tutors in association with these two programs. Grade 9 students at a secondary vocational school who satisfied specific criteria with respect to cognitive and reading ability participated. Eighteen students were randomly assigned to three matched groups, based on prior screening on a battery of reading achievement tests. Two I I groups received training with one of the computer programs; the third group acted as a control and received the remedial reading program offered within the regular classroom. The groups met daily with a trained tutor for approximately 35 minutes, and were required to accumulate twenty hours of instruction. At the conclusion of the program, the pretest battery was repeated. No significant differences were found in the treatment effects of the two computer groups. Each of the two treatment groups was able to effect significantly improved reading word recognition and rate, relative to the control group. Comprehension gains were modest. The treatment groups demonstrated a significant gain, relative to the control group, on one of the three comprehension measures; only trends toward a gain were noted on the remaining two measures. The tutoring partnership appeared to be a viable alternative for the teacher seeking to provide individualized computerized remedial programs for adolescent unskilled readers. Both programs took advantage of computer technology in providing individualized drill and practice, instant feedback, and ongoing recordkeeping. With limited cautions, each of these programs was considered effective and practical for use with adolescent unskilled readers.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In this chapter we outline a sensory-linguistic approach to the, study of reading skill development. We call this a sensory-linguistic approach because the focus of interest is on the relationship between basic sensory processing skills and the ability to extract efficiently the orthographic and phonological information available in text during reading. Our review discusses how basic sensory processing deficits are associated with developmental dyslexia, and how these impairments may degrade word-decoding skills. We then review studies that demonstrate a more direct relationship between sensitivity to particular types of auditory and visual stimuli and the normal development of literacy skills. Specifically, we suggest that the phonological and orthographic skills engaged while reading are constrained by the ability to detect and discriminate dynamic stimuli in the auditory and visual systems respectively.


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Dyslexia (or reading disability) and specific language impairment (or SLI) are common childhood disorders that show considerable co-morbidity and diagnostic overlaps and have been suggested to share some genetic aetiology. Recently, genetic risk variants have been identified for SLI and dyslexia enabling the direct evaluation of possible shared genetic influences between these disorders. In this study we investigate the role of variants in these genes (namely MRPL19/C20RF3, ROBO1, DCDC2, KIAA0319, DYX1C1, CNTNAP2, ATP2C2 and CMIP) in the aetiology of SLI and dyslexia. We perform case–control and quantitative association analyses using measures of oral and written language skills in samples of SLI and dyslexic families and cases. We replicate association between KIAA0319 and DCDC2 and dyslexia and provide evidence to support a role for KIAA0319 in oral language ability. In addition, we find association between reading-related measures and variants in CNTNAP2 and CMIP in the SLI families.


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Our goal was to investigate auditory and speech perception abilities of children with and without reading disability (RD) and associations between auditory, speech perception, reading, and spelling skills. Participants were 9-year-old, Finnish-speaking children with RD (N = 30) and typically reading children (N = 30). Results showed significant group differences between the groups in phoneme duration discrimination but not in perception of amplitude modulation and rise time. Correlations among rise time discrimination, phoneme duration, and spelling accuracy were found for children with RD. Those children with poor rise time discrimination were also poor in phoneme duration discrimination and in spelling. Results suggest that auditory processing abilities could, at least in some children, affect speech perception skills, which in turn would lead to phonological processing deficits and dyslexia.


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Previous studies have shown that multiple ; birth children (MBC) are prone to early phonological ;difficulties and later literacy problems. However, to date, ;there has been no systematic long-term follow-up of MBC with phonological difficulties in the preschool years to determine whether these difficulties predict later literacy problems. In this study, 20 MBC whose early speech and language skills had been previously documented were compared to normative data and 20 singleton controls on tasks assessing phonological ; processing and literacy. The major findings indicated that MBC performed significantly more poorly on some tasks :df phonological processing than singleton controls did. Further, the early phonological skills of MBC (i.e., the number of inappropriate phonological processes used) correlated with poor performance on visual rhyme recognition, word repetition, and phoneme detection tasks 5 years later. There was no significant relationship between early biological factors (birth weight and gestation period) and performance on the phonological processing and literacy-related subtests. These results cl-support the hypothesis that MBC's early speech and language difficulties are not merely a transient phase;of; development, but a real disorder, with consequences for later academic achievement.


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Las dificultades de lectura y escritura se pueden detectar desde el momento en que los niños y niñas inician el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en la etapa de Educación Infantil. En algunos casos estos alumnos reciben un apoyo escolar que en muchas ocasiones no conlleva las mejoras esperadas, siendo las técnicas y metodologías de refuerzo aplicadas ineficaces. El problema, desde nuestro punto de vista, empieza con el diagnóstico que se realiza a estos jóvenes, que determina las directrices de la intervención idónea en cada caso. La Teoría PASS de la inteligencia nos permite conocer qué procesos están implicados cuando el niño lee o escribe, y parte de la premisa de que si conocemos el perfil cognitivo de un alumno que presenta dificultades podremos entender como estas se originan. Para conocer este perfil cognitivo (los cuatro procesos cognitivos que describe esta teoría: Planificación, Atención, Simultaneo y Secuencial) utilizamos la batería DN-CAS (Das & Naglieri: Cognitive Assessment System). El perfil obtenido al aplicar el DN-CAS nos permitirá conocer el origen de las dificultades de lectura y escritura, saber cuando está justificada una dislexia, descartar problemas emocionales o la presencia de los mismos y diseñar la intervención más adecuada en cada situación


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Intervenir eficaçment en les dificultats d'aprenentatge que presenten els nostres alumnes es converteix sovint en un repte per als educadors. En el decurs del segle passat hi havia un predomini clar de l'estudi de les dificultats de la lectoescriptura basat en el 'resultat o producte escrit', és a dir, s'observaven les errades comeses a l'hora de llegir i/o d'escriure i es procurava incidir en el canvi bo i focalitzant la majoria dels esforços en la millora d'aquest resultat o producte. Amb l'apropament de les investigacions provinents de la neurociència en el camp educatiu, se'ns mostra la possibilitat d'apropar-nos a l'origen, a l'engranatge gràcies al qual els humans podem escriure, llegir i aprendre. Estem parlant d'apropar-nos a l'explicació de com funciona el nostre cervell tant en l'àmbit dels processos cognitius com dels processos emocionals


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Les difficultés reliées à la lecture constituent 80% des motifs de référence en orthopédagogie. Parfois, ces difficultés sont les précurseurs du trouble d’apprentissage le plus commun soit le trouble spécifique d’apprentissage en lecture (TSAL). Cette recherche porte sur le travail des orthopédagogues en lien avec les trois grandes étapes reliées au TSAL : (1) son dépistage, (2) son évaluation orthopédagogique et sa référence en neuropsychologie et finalement (3) sa prise en charge ainsi que sa rééducation en lien avec les recommandations neuropsychologiques. La collecte de données a été réalisée grâce à des entrevues avec trois orthopédagogues travaillant au primaire et autour d’un cas d’élève atteint de TSAL. Chacune des trois orthopédagogues a présenté un cas d’élève et a décrit sa pratique. Lors des rencontres, chaque participante a également remis au chercheur le dossier de l’élève contenant le rapport neuropsychologique confirmant le diagnostic. Les résultats de cette recherche indiquent que les signes précurseurs observés par les trois orthopédagogues ainsi que leurs interventions rééducatives sont très semblables. Toutefois, les outils d’évaluation utilisés diffèrent de l’une à l’autre tant en ce qui a trait au choix qu’à la manière de les utiliser. Les trois orthopédagogues optent pour la référence en neuropsychologie dans le but ultime de dresser un portrait global de leur élève quant à leurs habiletés cognitives et déficitaires pouvant être attribuables à un TSAL. Le rapport du neuropsychologue sert alors à confirmer l’impression diagnostique des orthopédagogues. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que les orthopédagogues entament de façon précoce les interventions rééducatives et offrent simultanément les mesures adaptatives relatives aux difficultés observées chez l’élève. Avec l’arrivée du diagnostic de TSAL, et les recommandations proposées dans le rapport neuropsychologique, les orthopédagogues valident et peuvent à l’occasion bonifier leurs interventions ou mesures. De plus, elles les officialisent en les ajoutant, si ce n’est pas déjà fait, au plan d’intervention de l’élève. Les interventions rééducatives et les mesures adaptées mises en place par les trois orthopédagogues sont également comparées à celles proposées par les neuropsychologues et analysées à la lumière de celles reconnues comme étant efficaces et profitables selon la littérature. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la grande similitude qui existe entre les interventions appliquées par les orthopédagogues, celles proposées par les neuropsychologues ainsi que celles répertoriées dans la littérature.


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We describe here, briefly, a perceptual non-reading measure which reliably distinguishes between dyslexic persons and ordinary readers. More importantly, we describe a regimen of practice with which dyslexics learn a new perceptual strategy for reading. Two controlled experiment on dyslexics children demonstrate the regimen's efficiency.


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A dislexia do desenvolvimento, dificuldade específica de leitura, é caracterizada pela dificuldade em realizar a decodificação fono-grafêmica e percepção de fonemas acusticamente semelhantes. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de crianças com dislexia quanto às habilidades auditivas e de consciência fonológica, correlacionando-as. Participaram deste estudo crianças com dislexia e com bom desempenho escolar, submetidas a avaliações audiológica, do processamento auditivo e das habilidades fonológicas. Os resultados indicaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as habilidades auditivas de seqüência para sons verbais, mensagem competitiva ipsi e contra-lateral, dicótico de dígitos e dissílabos alternados e ainda nos subtestes de síntese, segmentação, manipulação e transposição. Os achados deste estudo evidenciaram correlação entre provas de memória auditiva e manipulação silábica e fonêmica e associação entre habilidades auditivas e fonológicas, sugerindo que os processos auditivos interferem diretamente na percepção de aspectos acústicos, temporais e seqüenciais dos sons para formação de uma representação fonológica estável.