1000 resultados para pwr type reactors
Fuel elements of PWR type nuclear reactors consist of rod bundles, arranged in a square array, and held by spacer grids. The coolant flows, mainly, axially along the rods. Although such elements are laterally open, experiments are performed in closed type test sections, originating the appearance of subchannels with different geometries. In the present work, utilizing a test section of two bundles of 4x4 pins each, experiments were performed to determine the friction and the grid drag coefficients for the different subchannels and to observe the effect of the grids in the crossflow, in cases of inlet flow maldistribution.
La línea de cálculo de INVAP consiste principalmente de los códigos CONDOR y CITVAP. Este último es la versión mejorada del código CITATION II que resuelve la ecuación de difusión neutrónica multigrupo por el método de diferencias finitas. CITVAP es ampliamente usado para estudiar reactores de investigación y reactores de potencia tales como PWR, BWR, VVER y últimamente se implemento nuevas funciones para estudiar una central PHWR tipo Atucha. Siguiendo con la línea de reactores PHWR, en este trabajo se estudian las capacidades y deficiencias del código de núcleo CITVAP para modelar una central nuclear tipo CANDU. Se plantean mejoras a realizar para un manejo mas eficiente desde el punto de vista del usuario, tanto de la gestión de combustibles, movimientos de barras de control y zonas líquidas como mejoras en el modelo termohidraulico. La metodología consiste en validar la línea de cálculo de INVAP, contrastando los resultados con el benchmark IAEA-tecdoc-887. El proceso de validación consiste en cálculos de celda en dos y tres dimensiones usando los códigos CONDOR y SERPENT respectivamente, obtención de secciones eficaces macroscópicas en función del quemado y cálculos de núcleo para distintas configuraciones de los dispositivos de control usando un núcleo fresco y una distribución de quemado en equilibrio. Se analizan las dificultades que se presentan al modelar el núcleo con las capacidades actuales del código y se plantean posibles soluciones a implementar. Para un estudio completo de un reactor CANDU, se estudian tres de la características distintivas de este tipo de reactor: la termohidraulica, la gestión de combustibles y los dispositivos de control de reactividad, distribución de potencia y apagado.
La línea de cálculo de INVAP consiste principalmente de los códigos CONDOR y CITVAP. Este último es la versión mejorada del código CITATION II que resuelve la ecuación de difusión neutrónica multigrupo por el método de diferencias finitas. CITVAP es ampliamente usado para estudiar reactores de investigación y reactores de potencia tales como PWR, BWR, VVER y últimamente se implemento nuevas funciones para estudiar una central PHWR tipo Atucha. Siguiendo con la línea de reactores PHWR, en este trabajo se estudian las capacidades y deficiencias del código de núcleo CITVAP para modelar una central nuclear tipo CANDU. Se plantean mejoras a realizar para un manejo mas eficiente desde el punto de vista del usuario, tanto de la gestión de combustibles, movimientos de barras de control y zonas líquidas como mejoras en el modelo termohidraulico. La metodología consiste en validar la línea de cálculo de INVAP, contrastando los resultados con el benchmark IAEA-tecdoc-887. El proceso de validación consiste en cálculos de celda en dos y tres dimensiones usando los códigos CONDOR y SERPENT respectivamente, obtención de secciones eficaces macroscópicas en función del quemado y cálculos de núcleo para distintas configuraciones de los dispositivos de control usando un núcleo fresco y una distribución de quemado en equilibrio. Se analizan las dificultades que se presentan al modelar el núcleo con las capacidades actuales del código y se plantean posibles soluciones a implementar. Para un estudio completo de un reactor CANDU, se estudian tres de la características distintivas de este tipo de reactor: la termohidraulica, la gestión de combustibles y los dispositivos de control de reactividad, distribución de potencia y apagado.
The safe use of nuclear power plants (NPPs) requires a deep understanding of the functioning of physical processes and systems involved. Studies on thermal hydraulics have been carried out in various separate effects and integral test facilities at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) either to ensure the functioning of safety systems of light water reactors (LWR) or to produce validation data for the computer codes used in safety analyses of NPPs. Several examples of safety studies on thermal hydraulics of the nuclear power plants are discussed. Studies are related to the physical phenomena existing in different processes in NPPs, such as rewetting of the fuel rods, emergency core cooling (ECC), natural circulation, small break loss-of-coolant accidents (SBLOCA), non-condensable gas release and transport, and passive safety systems. Studies on both VVER and advanced light water reactor (ALWR) systems are included. The set of cases include separate effects tests for understanding and modeling a single physical phenomenon, separate effects tests to study the behavior of a NPP component or a single system, and integral tests to study the behavior of the whole system. In the studies following steps can be found, not necessarily in the same study. Experimental studies as such have provided solutions to existing design problems. Experimental data have been created to validate a single model in a computer code. Validated models are used in various transient analyses of scaled facilities or NPPs. Integral test data are used to validate the computer codes as whole, to see how the implemented models work together in a code. In the final stage test results from the facilities are transferred to the NPP scale using computer codes. Some of the experiments have confirmed the expected behavior of the system or procedure to be studied; in some experiments there have been certain unexpected phenomena that have caused changes to the original design to avoid the recognized problems. This is the main motivation for experimental studies on thermal hydraulics of the NPP safety systems. Naturally the behavior of the new system designs have to be checked with experiments, but also the existing designs, if they are applied in the conditions that differ from what they were originally designed for. New procedures for existing reactors and new safety related systems have been developed for new nuclear power plant concepts. New experiments have been continuously needed.
Precipitation morphology and habit planes of the delta-phase Zr hydrides, which were precipitated within the a-phase matrix grains and along the grain boundaries of recrystallized Zircaloy-2 cladding tube, have been examined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Radially-oriented hydrides, induced by residual tensile stress, precipitated in the outside region of the cladding, and circumferentially-oriented hydrides in the stress-free middle region of the cladding. The most common crystallographic relationship for both types of the hydrides precipitated at the inter- and intra-granular sites was identical at (0001)(alpha) // {111}(delta), with {1017}(alpha) // {111}(delta) being the occasional exception only for the inter-granular radial hydrides. When tensile stress was loaded, the intra-granular hydrides tended to preferentially precipitate in the grains with circumferential basal pole textures. The inter-granular hydrides tended to preferentially precipitate on the grain faces opposite to tensile axis. The change of prioritization in the precipitation sites for the hydrides due to tensile stress could be explained in terms of the relaxation effect of constrained elastic energy on the terminal solid solubility of hydrogen at hydride precipitation.
A fixação biológica de dióxido de carbono por microalgas é considerada a melhor forma de fixar CO2. Dentre os microrganismos utilizados destaca-se Spirulina platensis devido às suas altas taxas de fixação de CO2 e variedade de aplicações da biomassa gerada. A aplicação de modelos e simulações pode auxiliar na previsão de custos e na escolha das condições ideais de cultivo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo etsabelecer um modelo cinético no qual a iluminância é o fator limitante para o crescimento da microalga Spirulina platensis. A fim de validar o modelo proposto foi utilizada a microalga S. platensis, cultivada em meio Zarrouk modificado (NaHCO3 1,0 g.L-1 ), em biorreator aberto tipo raceway de 200L, mantido a 30°C, sob iluminação natural. A concentração celular variou de 0,19 a 0,34 g.L-1 e a velocidade específica de crescimento celular obtida a partir da regressão exponencial das curvas de crescimento de cada período iluminado variou de 0,55 a 0,59 d-1 . O modelo proposto gerou dados estimados satisfatórios (r2 =0,97). De acordo com os dados obtidos 16,2% da biomassa é consumida durante o período não iluminado.
This paper analyzes the influence of carbon source and inoculum origin on the dynamics of biomass adhesion to an inert support in anaerobic reactors fed with acid mine drainage. Formic acid, lactic acid and ethanol were used as carbon sources. Two different inocula were evaluated: one taken from an UASB reactor and other from the sediment of a uranium mine. The values of average colonization rates and the maximum biomass concentration (C(max)) were inversely proportional to the number of carbon atoms in each substrate. The highest C(max) value (0.35 g TVS g(-1) foam) was observed with formic acid and anaerobic sludge as inoculum. Maximum colonization rates (v(max)) were strongly influenced by the type of inoculum when ethanol and lactic acid were used. For both carbon sources, the use of mine sediment as inoculum resulted in a v(max) of 0.013 g TVS g(-1) foam day(-1), whereas 0.024 g TVS g(-1) foam day(-1) was achieved with anaerobic sludge. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.