981 resultados para proton-air cross section


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In this work we propose a simple model for the total proton-air cross section, which is an improvement of the minijet model with the inclusion of a window in the p(T)-spectrum associated to the saturation physics. Our approach introduces a natural cutoff for the perturbative calculations which modifies the energy behavior of this component. The saturated component is calculated with a dipole model. The results are compared with experimental cross sections measured in cosmic ray experiments.


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We report a measurement of the proton-air cross section for particle production at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon of 57 TeV. This is derived from the distribution of the depths of shower maxima observed with the Pierre Auger Observatory: systematic uncertainties are studied in detail. Analyzing the tail of the distribution of the shower maxima, a proton-air cross section of [505 +/- 22(stat)(-36)(+28)(syst)] mb is found.


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La sezione d’urto totale adronica gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel programma di fisica di LHC. Un calcolo di questo parametro, fondamentale nell’ambito della teoria delle interazioni forti, non é possibile a causa dell’inapplicabilità dell’approccio perturbativo. Nonostante ciò, la sezione d’urto può essere stimata, o quanto meno le può essere dato un limite, grazie ad un certo numero di relazioni, come ad esempio il Teorema Ottico. In questo contesto, il detector ALFA (An Absolute Luminosity For ATLAS) sfrutta il Teorema Ottico per determinare la sezione d’urto totale misurando il rate di eventi elastici nella direzione forward. Un tale approccio richiede un metodo accurato di misura della luminosità in condizioni sperimentali difficoltose, caratterizzate da valori di luminosità istantanea inferiore fino a 7 ordini di grandezza rispetto alle normali condizioni di LHC. Lo scopo di questa tesi è la determinazione della luminosità integrata di due run ad alto β*, utilizzando diversi algoritmi di tipo Event-Counting dei detector BCM e LUCID. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata alla sottrazione del fondo e allo studio delle in- certezze sistematiche. I valori di luminosità integrata ottenuti sono L = 498.55 ± 0.31 (stat) ± 16.23 (sys) μb^(-1) and L = 21.93 ± 0.07 (stat) ± 0.79 (sys) μb^(-1), rispettivamente per i due run. Tali saranno forniti alla comunità di fisica che si occupa della misura delle sezioni d’urto protone-protone, elastica e totale. Nel Run II di LHC, la sezione d’urto totale protone-protone sarà stimata con un’energia nel centro di massa di 13 TeV per capire meglio la sua dipendenza dall’energia in un simile regime. Gli strumenti utilizzati e l’esperienza acquisita in questa tesi saranno fondamentali per questo scopo.


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From direct observations of the longitudinal development of ultra-high energy air showers performed with the Pierre Auger Observatory, upper limits of 3.8%, 2.4%, 3.5% and 11.7% (at 95% c.l.) are obtained on the fraction of cosmic-ray photons above 2, 3, 5 and 10 EeV (1 EeV equivalent to 10(18) eV), respectively. These are the first experimental limits on ultra-high energy photons at energies below 10 EeV. The results complement previous constraints on top-down models from array data and they reduce systematic uncertainties in the interpretation of shower data in terms of primary flux, nuclear composition and proton-air cross-section. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cross section for the removal of high-momentum protons from 16O is calculated for high missing energies. The admixture of high-momentum nucleons in the 16O ground state is obtained by calculating the single-hole spectral function directly in the finite nucleus with the inclusion of short-range and tensor correlations induced by a realistic meson-exchange interaction. The presence of high-momentum nucleons in the transition to final states in 15N at 60¿100 MeV missing energy is converted to the coincidence cross section for the (e,e¿p) reaction by including the coupling to the electromagnetic probe and the final state interactions of the outgoing proton in the same way as in the standard analysis of the experimental data. Detectable cross sections for the removal of a single proton at these high missing energies are obtained which are considerably larger at higher missing momentum than the corresponding cross sections for the p-wave quasihole transitions. Cross sections for these quasihole transitions are compared with the most recent experimental data available.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are fundamental quantities sensitive to the distribution of charge and magnetization inside the proton. Precise knowledge of the form factors, in particular of the charge and magnetization radii provide strong tests for theory in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. However, the existing data at Q^2 below 1 (GeV/c)^2 are not precise enough for a hard test of theoretical predictions.rnrnFor a more precise determination of the form factors, within this work more than 1400 cross sections of the reaction H(e,e′)p were measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI using the 3-spectrometer-facility of the A1-collaboration. The data were taken in three periods in the years 2006 and 2007 using beam energies of 180, 315, 450, 585, 720 and 855 MeV. They cover the Q^2 region from 0.004 to 1 (GeV/c)^2 with counting rate uncertainties below 0.2% for most of the data points. The relative luminosity of the measurements was determined using one of the spectrometers as a luminosity monitor. The overlapping acceptances of the measurements maximize the internal redundancy of the data and allow, together with several additions to the standard experimental setup, for tight control of systematic uncertainties.rnTo account for the radiative processes, an event generator was developed and implemented in the simulation package of the analysis software which works without peaking approximation by explicitly calculating the Bethe-Heitler and Born Feynman diagrams for each event.rnTo separate the form factors and to determine the radii, the data were analyzed by fitting a wide selection of form factor models directly to the measured cross sections. These fits also determined the absolute normalization of the different data subsets. The validity of this method was tested with extensive simulations. The results were compared to an extraction via the standard Rosenbluth technique.rnrnThe dip structure in G_E that was seen in the analysis of the previous world data shows up in a modified form. When compared to the standard-dipole form factor as a smooth curve, the extracted G_E exhibits a strong change of the slope around 0.1 (GeV/c)^2, and in the magnetic form factor a dip around 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 is found. This may be taken as indications for a pion cloud. For higher Q^2, the fits yield larger values for G_M than previous measurements, in agreement with form factor ratios from recent precise polarized measurements in the Q2 region up to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2.rnrnThe charge and magnetic rms radii are determined as rn⟨r_e⟩=0.879 ± 0.005(stat.) ± 0.004(syst.) ± 0.002(model) ± 0.004(group) fm,rn⟨r_m⟩=0.777 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.009(syst.) ± 0.005(model) ± 0.002(group) fm.rnThis charge radius is significantly larger than theoretical predictions and than the radius of the standard dipole. However, it is in agreement with earlier results measured at the Mainz linear accelerator and with determinations from Hydrogen Lamb shift measurements. The extracted magnetic radius is smaller than previous determinations and than the standard-dipole value.