961 resultados para pressure controlled ignition


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The achieved degree of delayed cerebral vasospasm (DCVS) in the rabbits most frequently applied cistern magna blood injection model is often mild. The aim of this study was to characterize and evaluate the feasibility of an experimental SAH technique that mimics pathophysiological mechanisms and triggers higher degrees of DCVS.


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AIMS To investigate a pressure-controlled intermittent coronary sinus occlusion (PICSO) system in an ischaemia/reperfusion model. METHODS AND RESULTS We randomly assigned 18 pigs subjected to 60 minutes ischaemia by left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery balloon occlusion to PICSO (n=12, groups A and B) or to controls (n=6, group C). PICSO started 10 minutes before (group A), or 10 minutes after (group B) reperfusion and was maintained for 180 minutes. A continuous drop of distal LAD pressure was observed in group C. At 180 minutes of reperfusion, LAD diastolic pressure was significantly lower in group C compared to groups A and B (p=0.02). LAD mean pressure was significantly less than the systemic arterial mean pressure in group C (p=0.02), and the diastolic flow slope was flat, compared to groups A and B (p=0.03). IgG and IgM antibody deposition was significantly higher in ischaemic compared to non-ischaemic tissue in group C (p<0.05). Significantly more haemorrhagic lesions were seen in the ischaemic myocardium of group C, compared to groups A and B (p=0.002). The necrotic area differed non-significantly among groups. CONCLUSIONS PICSO was safe and effective in improving coronary perfusion pressure and reducing antibody deposition consistent with reduced microvascular obstruction and ischaemia/reperfusion injury.


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FGG Finngas GmbH sivuliike Suomessa operoi LPG-kaasuterminaalia Haminan kaasusatamassa. Yrityksen terminaalin alueella varastoidaan, puretaan ja lastataan erilaisia nestekaasuja. Yrityksellä on käytössään soihtujärjestelmä, jolla voidaan polttaa nestekaasujen käsittelystä aiheutunut ylijäämäkaasu, jota ei voida hyödyntää. Soihtujärjestelmä toimii myös turvalaitteena häiriötilanteiden varalta. Tässä kandidaatintyössä esitellään ja dokumentoidaan yrityksen soihtujärjestelmän tämänhetkinen rakenne. Soihdun kannalta olennaiset osajärjestelmät ja niiden toiminta sekä rakenne on esitelty omina kokonaisuuksinaan. Järjestelmän sähköisen toiminnan tutkimisessa on perehdytty sytytysjärjestelmään. Kandidaatintyön tulokset mahdollistavat soihtujärjestelmän toimintavarmuuden parantamisen. Lisäksi työ toimii koostettuna dokumenttina soihtujärjestelmän tämänhetkisestä tilasta sekä toimilaitteista.


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Background and objective: Dynamic indices represented by systolic pressure variation and pulse pressure variation have been demonstrated to be more accurate than filling pressures in predicting fluid responsiveness. However, the literature is scarce concerning the impact of different ventilatory modes on these indices. We hypothesized that systolic pressure variation or pulse pressure variation could be affected differently by volume-controlled ventilation and pressure-controlled ventilation in an experimental model, during normovolaemia and hypovolaemia. Method: Thirty-two anaesthetized rabbits were randomly allocated into four groups according to ventilatory modality and volaemic status where G1-ConPCV was the pressure-controlled ventilation control group, G2-HemPCV was associated with haemorrhage, G3-ConVCV was the volume-controlled ventilation control group and G4-HemVCV was associated with haemorrhage. In the haemorrhage groups, blood was removed in two stages: 15% of the estimated blood volume withdrawal at M1, and, 30 min later, an additional 15% at M2. Data were submitted to analysis of variance for repeated measures; a value of P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: At MO (baseline), no significant differences were observed among groups. At M1, dynamic parameters differed significantly among the control and hypovolaemic groups (P < 0.05) but not between ventilation modes. However, when 30% of the estimated blood volume was removed (M2), dynamic parameters became significantly higher in animals under volume-controlled ventilation when compared with those under pressure-controlled ventilation. Conclusions: Under normovolaemia and moderate haemorrhage, dynamic parameters were not influenced by either ventilatory modalities. However, in the second stage of haemorrhage (30%), animals in volume-controlled ventilation presented higher values of systolic pressure variation and pulse pressure variation when compared with those submitted to pressure-controlled ventilation.


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Background:Systemic hypertension is highly prevalent and an important risk factor for cardiovascular events. Blood pressure control in hypertensive patients enrolled in the Hiperdia Program, a program of the Single Health System for the follow-up and monitoring of hypertensive patients, is still far below the desired level.Objective:To describe the epidemiological profile and to assess blood pressure control of patients enrolled in Hiperdia, in the city of Novo Hamburgo (State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).Methods:Cross-sectional study with a stratified cluster random sample, including 383 adults enrolled in the Hiperdia Program of the 15 Basic Health Units of the city of Porto Alegre, conducted between 2010 and 2011. Controlled blood pressure was defined as ≤140 mmHg × 90 mmHg. The hypertensive patients were interviewed and their blood pressure was measured using a calibrated aneroid device. Prevalence ratios (PR) with 95% confidence interval, Wald's χ2 test, and simple and multiple Poisson regression were used in the statistical analysis.Results:The mean age was 63 ± 10 years, and most of the patients were females belonging to social class C, with a low level of education, a sedentary lifestyle, and family history positive for systemic hypertension. Diabetes mellitus (DM) was observed in 31%; adherence to the antihypertensive treatment in 54.3%; and 33.7% had their blood pressure controlled. DM was strongly associated with inadequate BP control, with only 15.7% of the diabetics showing BP considered as controlled.Conclusion:Even for hypertensive patients enrolled in the Hiperdia Program, BP control is not satisfactorily reached or sustained. Diabetic hypertensive patients show the most inappropriate BP control.


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OBJECTIVE: Before a patient can be connected to a mechanical ventilator, the controls of the apparatus need to be set up appropriately. Today, this is done by the intensive care professional. With the advent of closed loop controlled mechanical ventilation, methods will be needed to select appropriate start up settings automatically. The objective of our study was to test such a computerized method which could eventually be used as a start-up procedure (first 5-10 minutes of ventilation) for closed-loop controlled ventilation. DESIGN: Prospective Study. SETTINGS: ICU's in two adult and one children's hospital. PATIENTS: 25 critically ill adult patients (age > or = 15 y) and 17 critically ill children selected at random were studied. INTERVENTIONS: To stimulate 'initial connection', the patients were disconnected from their ventilator and transiently connected to a modified Hamilton AMADEUS ventilator for maximally one minute. During that time they were ventilated with a fixed and standardized breath pattern (Test Breaths) based on pressure controlled synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (PCSIMV). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Measurements of airway flow, airway pressure and instantaneous CO2 concentration using a mainstream CO2 analyzer were made at the mouth during application of the Test-Breaths. Test-Breaths were analyzed in terms of tidal volume, expiratory time constant and series dead space. Using this data an initial ventilation pattern consisting of respiratory frequency and tidal volume was calculated. This ventilation pattern was compared to the one measured prior to the onset of the study using a two-tailed paired t-test. Additionally, it was compared to a conventional method for setting up ventilators. The computer-proposed ventilation pattern did not differ significantly from the actual pattern (p > 0.05), while the conventional method did. However the scatter was large and in 6 cases deviations in the minute ventilation of more than 50% were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of standardized Test Breaths allows automatic determination of an initial ventilation pattern for intubated ICU patients. While this pattern does not seem to be superior to the one chosen by the conventional method, it is derived fully automatically and without need for manual patient data entry such as weight or height. This makes the method potentially useful as a start up procedure for closed-loop controlled ventilation.


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Angiotensin II (Ang II) non-peptide antagonists were injected i.c.v. (6.25-200 nmol, n = 5-8 rats/group): In sodium replete rats, losartan (AT1 receptor antagonist) induced an increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and in heart rate (HR) by 3rd ventricular (3rdV) injection, and a weaker pressor response and bradycardia by 4th ventricular (4thV) injection. PD123319 (AT2 receptor antagonist) induced an increase in MAP and in HR by 3rdV injection, and an increase in MAP and no alteration in HR by 4thV injection. In sodium deplete (furosemide plus removal of ambient sodium for 24 h) rats, losartan induced an increase in MAP and no alteration in HR by 3rdV injection, and no alteration in MAP and bradycardia by 4thV injection. PD123319 induced an increase in MAP and in HR by 3rdV injection, and an increase in MAP and bradycardia by 4thV injection. Thus, there was no fall in MAP by central injections of Ang II antagonists. Intravenous injection of losartan, but not of PD123319, induced a fall in MAP in both sodium replete and sodium deplete animals. Therefore, losartan and PD123319 can have similar effects on MAP and HR when injected intracerebroventricularly, although some differences are also present. The bradycardia is consistent with an withdrawal of Ang II inhibitory action on baroreflex.


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Abstract Introduction Biphasic positive airway pressure (BIVENT) is a partial support mode that employs pressure-controlled, time-cycled ventilation set at two levels of continuous positive airway pressure with unrestricted spontaneous breathing. BIVENT can modulate inspiratory effort by modifying the frequency of controlled breaths. Nevertheless, the optimal amount of inspiratory effort to improve respiratory function while minimizing ventilator-associated lung injury during partial ventilatory assistance has not been determined. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the effects of partial ventilatory support depend on acute lung injury (ALI) etiology. This study aimed to investigate the impact of spontaneous and time-cycled control breaths during BIVENT on the lung and diaphragm in experimental pulmonary (p) and extrapulmonary (exp) ALI. Methods This was a prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study of 60 adult male Wistar rats. Mild ALI was induced by Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide either intratracheally (ALIp) or intraperitoneally (ALIexp). After 24 hours, animals were anesthetized and further randomized as follows: (1) pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) with tidal volume (Vt) = 6 ml/kg, respiratory rate = 100 breaths/min, PEEP = 5 cmH2O, and inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio (I:E) = 1:2; or (2) BIVENT with three spontaneous and time-cycled control breath modes (100, 75, and 50 breaths/min). BIVENT was set with two levels of CPAP (Phigh = 10 cmH2O and Plow = 5 cmH2O). Inspiratory time was kept constant (Thigh = 0.3 s). Results BIVENT was associated with reduced markers of inflammation, apoptosis, fibrogenesis, and epithelial and endothelial cell damage in lung tissue in both ALI models when compared to PCV. The inspiratory effort during spontaneous breaths increased during BIVENT-50 in both ALI models. In ALIp, alveolar collapse was higher in BIVENT-100 than PCV, but decreased during BIVENT-50, and diaphragmatic injury was lower during BIVENT-50 compared to PCV and BIVENT-100. In ALIexp, alveolar collapse during BIVENT-100 and BIVENT-75 was comparable to PCV, while decreasing with BIVENT-50, and diaphragmatic injury increased during BIVENT-50. Conclusions In mild ALI, BIVENT had a lower biological impact on lung tissue compared to PCV. In contrast, the response of atelectasis and diaphragmatic injury to BIVENT differed according to the rate of spontaneous/controlled breaths and ALI etiology.


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The goal of the study was to compare the effects of different assisted ventilation modes with pressure controlled ventilation (PCV) on lung histology, arterial blood gases, inflammatory and fibrogenic mediators in experimental acute lung injury (ALI). Paraquat-induced ALI rats were studied. At 24 h, animals were anaesthetised and further randomized as follows (n = 6/group): (1) pressure controlled ventilation mode (PCV) with tidal volume (V (T)) = 6 ml/kg and inspiratory to expiratory ratio (I:E) = 1:2; (2) three assisted ventilation modes: (a) assist-pressure controlled ventilation (APCV1:2) with I:E = 1:2, (b) APCV1:1 with I:E = 1:1; and (c) biphasic positive airway pressure and pressure support ventilation (BiVent + PSV), and (3) spontaneous breathing without PEEP in air. PCV, APCV1:1, and APCV1:2 were set with P (insp) = 10 cmH(2)O and PEEP = 5 cmH(2)O. BiVent + PSV was set with two levels of CPAP [inspiratory pressure (P (High) = 10 cmH(2)O) and positive end-expiratory pressure (P (Low) = 5 cmH(2)O)] and inspiratory/expiratory times: T (High) = 0.3 s and T (Low) = 0.3 s. PSV was set as follows: 2 cmH(2)O above P (High) and 7 cmH(2)O above P (Low). All rats were mechanically ventilated in air and PEEP = 5 cmH(2)O for 1 h. Assisted ventilation modes led to better functional improvement and less lung injury compared to PCV. APCV1:1 and BiVent + PSV presented similar oxygenation levels, which were higher than in APCV1:2. Bivent + PSV led to less alveolar epithelium injury and lower expression of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6, and type III procollagen. In this experimental ALI model, assisted ventilation modes presented greater beneficial effects on respiratory function and a reduction in lung injury compared to PCV. Among assisted ventilation modes, Bi-Vent + PSV demonstrated better functional results with less lung damage and expression of inflammatory mediators.


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To investigate whether respiratory acidosis modulates ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), we perfused (constant flow) 21 isolated sets of normal rabbit lungs, ventilated them for 20 min (pressure controlled ventilation [PCV] = 15 cm H(2)O) (Baseline) with an inspired CO(2) fraction adjusted for the partial pressure of CO(2) in the perfusate (PCO(2) approximately equal to 40 mm Hg), and then randomized them into three groups. Group A (control: n = 7) was ventilated with PCV = 15 cm H(2)O for three consecutive 20-min periods (T1, T2, T3). In Group B (high PCV/normocapnia; n = 7), PCV was given at 20 (T1), 25 (T2), and 30 (T3) cm H(2)O. The targeted PCO(2) was 40 mm Hg in Groups A and B. Group C (high PCV/hypercapnia; n = 7) was ventilated in the same way as Group B, but the targeted PCO(2) was approximately equal to 70 to 100 mm Hg. The changes (from Baseline to T3) in weight gain (Delta WG: g) and in the ultrafiltration coefficient (Delta K(f) = gr/min/ cm H(2)O/100g) and the protein and hemoglobin concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were used to assess injury. Group B experienced a significantly greater Delta WG (14.85 +/- 5.49 [mean +/- SEM] g) and Delta K(f) (1.40 +/- 0.49 g/min/cm H(2)O/100 g) than did either Group A (Delta WG = 0.70 +/- 0.43; Delta K(f) = 0.01 +/- 0.03) or Group C (Delta WG = 5.27 +/- 2.03 g; Delta K(f) = 0.25 +/- 0.12 g/min/cm H(2)O/ 100 g). BALF protein and hemoglobin concentrations (g/L) were higher in Group B (11.98 +/- 3.78 g/L and 1.82 +/- 0.40 g/L, respectively) than in Group A (2.92 +/- 0.75 g/L and 0.38 +/- 0.15 g/L) or Group C (5.71 +/- 1.88 g/L and 1.19 +/- 0.32 g/L). We conclude that respiratory acidosis decreases the severity of VILI in this model.


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Essential hypertension is a very heterogeneous disease. The availability of antihypertensive drugs lowering blood pressure by various mechanisms allows most often to tailor the treatment, i.e. to find for each patient a drug regimen that is both efficient and well tolerated. Frequently medications given as monotherapy are not effective enough so that the use of drug combinations is required. When combined, low doses of antihypertensive agents are generally sufficient, so that tolerability is optimally preserved. Unfortunately many patients do not have their blood pressure controlled during antihypertensive therapy. These patients therefore do not benefit maximally from the cardiovascular protection afforded by blood pressure lowering. It is also imperative to correct all cardiovascular risk factors in each hypertensive patient. Such a multifactorial approach is known to improve effectively the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.