671 resultados para possession
This is a highly original study of possession by demons and their exorcism, which was rife in early modern times, focussing on the place where they were most prevalent, France. Catholics at the time believed that the devil was present everywhere, in the rise of the heretics, in the activities of witches, and even in the bodies of the pious young women. The rite of exorcism was intended to heal the possessed and show the power of the church - but it generated as many problems as it resolved. Possessed nuns endured frequently violent exorcisms, exorcists were suspected of conjuring devils, and possession itself came to be seen as a form of holiness, elevating several women to the status of living saints. Sarah Ferber offers a challenging study of one of the most intriguing phenomena of early modern Europe; looking also at the present day, it argues that early modern conflicts over the devil still carry an unexpected force and significance for western Christianity (from publisher).
Donateur : Allport, Charles (18..-19..)
Les concepts de processus primaire chez Freud et du Réel chez Lacan sont des notions difficiles à appréhender. La difficulté devient même insurmontable lorsqu'on cherche à les relier aux phénomènes cliniques qu'ils sont censés représenter. Rebondissant sur des articles d'un numéro récent de Psychothérapies, il sera question d'apporter un éclairage différent sur ces notions, en les rapprochant des analyses de M. de Certeau sur un phénomène de possession au XVIIe siècle. Cette échappée historique permettrait également de réinterroger une clinique difficile, celle du traumatisme.