936 resultados para political education


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This study addresses the effectivity of the Anti-Bias approach and training methodology as a pedagogical political strategy to challenge oppression among student groups in the cities of Bombay and Berlin. The Anti-Bias trainings conducted within the framework of this study also become the medium through which the perpetuation of oppressive structures by students within and outside the school is investigated. Empirical data from predominantly qualitative investigations in four secondary schools, two each in Bombay and Berlin, is studied and analysed on the basis of theoretical understandings of prejudice, discrimination and identity. This study builds on insights offered by previous research on prejudices and evaluations of anti-bias and diversity interventions, where the lack of sufficient research and thorough evaluations testing impact has been identified (Levy Paluck, 2006). The theoretical framework suggests that prejudices and discriminatory practices are learnt and performed by individuals over the years by way of pre-existing discourses, and that behaviour and practices can be unlearnt through a multi-step process. It proposes that the discursive practices of students contribute to the constitution of their viable selves and in the constitution of ‘others’. Drawing on this framework, the study demonstrates how student-subjects in Bombay and Berlin perpetuate oppressive discourses by performing their identities and performing identities onto ‘others’. Such performative constitution opens up the agency of the individual, disclosing the shifting and dynamic nature of identities. The Anti-Bias approach is posited as an alternative to oppressive discourses and a vehicle that encourages and assists the agency of individuals. The theoretical framework, which brings together a psychological approach to prejudice, a structural approach to discrimination and a poststructural approach to identity, facilitates the analysis of the perpetuation of dominant discourses by the students, as well as how they negotiate their way through familiar norms and discourses. Group discussions and interviews a year after the respective trainings serve to evaluate the agency of the students and the extent to which the training impacted on their perceptions, attitudes and behavioural practices. The study reveals the recurrence of the themes race, religion, gender and sexuality in the representational practices of the students groups in Berlin and Bombay. It demonstrates how students in this study not only perform, but also negotiate and resist oppressive structures. Of particular importance is the role of the school: When schools offer no spaces for discussion, debate and action on contemporary social issues, learning can neither be put into practice nor take on a positive, transformative form. In such cases, agency and resistance is limited and interventionist actions yield little. This study reports the potential of the Anti-Bias approach and training as a tool of political education and action in education. It demonstrates that a single training can initiate change but sustaining change requires long-term strategies and on-going actions. Taking a poststructural perspective, it makes concrete suggestions to adapt and alter the Anti-Bias approach and the implementation of Anti-Bias trainings.


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The proposed paper investigates the effect of political education on first-time voting in Switzerland. Theoretically, the paper takes up assumptions of recent research that political education is positively related to political interest, and hence to political participation. Thereby, the paper adds to the literature in two aspects: First, in Switzerland, education is a cantonal matter presenting a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of political education on voting on individual as well as cantonal level. Second, political education is not only measured by political knowledge, but also by civic skills and attitudes acquired in school. Conceptually, the study adopts a multilevel approach permitting a simultaneous testing of the influence of individual and contextual determinants on electoral participation. This paper corresponds closely to the panel topic by examining the important question of how political education affects the voting behaviour of first-time voters not only on individual, but also on contextual level.


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While the need for humanising education is pressing in neoliberal societies, the conditions for its possibility in formal institutions have become particularly cramped. A constellation of factors – the strength of neoliberal ideologies, the corporatisation of universities, the conflation of human freedom with consumer satisfaction, and a wider crisis of hope in the possibility or desirability of social change – make it difficult to apply classical theories of subject-transformation to new work in critical pedagogy. In particular, the growth of interest in pedagogies of comfort (as illustrated in certain forms of ‘therapeutic’ education and concerns about student ‘satisfaction’) and resistance to critical pedagogies suggest that subjectivty has become a primary site of political struggle in education. However, it can no longer be assumed that educators can (or should) liberate students’ repressed desires for ‘humanisation’ by politicising curricula, pedagogy or institutions. Rather, we must work to understand the new meanings and affective conditions of critical subjectivity itself. Bringing critical theories of subject transformation together with new work on ‘pedagogies of discomfort’, I suggest we can create new ways of opening up possibilities for critical education that respond to neoliberal subjectivities without corresponding to or affirming them.


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This article inquires into a neglected but crucial feature of the works of Lorenzo Luzuriaga: his analysis and criticism of the processes of internationalisation in education which marked the post- Second World War period and which coincided with his long Argentine exile. In particular, the article analyses – through a discussion of his initial appreciation and following criticisms in regard to UNESCO’s normative guidelines and educative practices – the philosophical premises and the political implications of his last educative proposals. These will be shown to be conceived in tight connection and continuity with his preceding works. Moreover, this investigation will permit to recognize the remarkable contribution he offered to the enhancement of José Ortega y Gasset’s pedagogical theory within a changed political context characterised by a unique attempt of defining and institutionalising new values for a global education aimed to promote world peace.A paradigmatic historical event that still grounds the current debate on the nature and purposes of citizenship education and in which the active, social and political education proposed by Luzuriaga still constitutes an interesting critical reference


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Der Beitrag gibt einen kurzen Einblick in ein neues Masterprogramm zu Global Citizenship Education und die damit verbundene Konzeptentwicklung, die sich um eine enge Verknüpfung von Globalem Lernen, Politischer Bildung und Friedenspädagogik bemüht. Dabei werden auch Spannungsfelder und Perspektiven für Kompetenzorientierung und -entwicklung in einer global orientierten politischen Bildung beleuchtet. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A growing body of research has argued that university citizenship curricula are inefficient in promoting civic participation, while there is a tendency towards a broader citizenship understanding and new forms of civic engagements and citizenship learning in everyday life. The notion of cultural citizenship in this thesis concentrates on media practices’ relation to civic expression and civic engagement. This research thus argues that not enough attention has been paid to the effects of citizenship education policy on students and students’ active citizenship learning in China. This thesis examines the civic experience of university students in China in the parallel contexts of widespread adoption of mass media and of university citizenship education courses, which have been explicitly mandatory for promoting civic morality education in Chinese universities since 2007. This research project raises significant questions about the meditating influences of these two contexts on students’ perceptions of civic knowledge and civic participation, with particular interest to examine whether and how the notion of cultural citizenship could be applied in the Chinese context and whether it could provide certain implications for citizenship education in China. University students in one university in Beijing contributed to this research by providing both quantitative and qualitative data collected from mixed-methods research. 212 participants contributed to the questionnaire data collection and 12 students took part in interviews. Guided by the theoretical framework of cultural citizenship, a central focus of this study is to explore whether new forms of civic engagement and civic learning and a new direction of citizenship understanding can be identified among university students’ mass media use. The study examines the patterns of students’ mass media use and its relationship to civic participation, and also explores the ways in which mass media shape students and how they interact and perform through the media use. In addition, this study discusses questions about how national context, citizenship tradition and civic education curricula relate to students’ civic perceptions, civic participation and civic motivation in their enactment of cultural citizenship. It thus tries to provide insights and identify problems associated with citizenship courses in Chinese universities. The research finds that Chinese university students can also identify civic issues and engage in civic participation through the influence of mass media, thus indicating the application of cultural citizenship in the wider higher education arena in China. In particular, the findings demonstrate that students’ citizenship knowledge has been influenced by their entertainment experiences with TV programs, social networks and movies. However, the study argues that the full enactment of cultural citizenship in China is conditional with regards to characteristics related to two prerequisites: the quality of participation and the influence of the public sphere in the Chinese context. Most students in the study are found to be inactive civic participants in their everyday lives, especially in political participation. Students express their willingness to take part in civic activities, but they feel constrained by both the current citizenship education curriculum in universities and the strict national policy framework. They mainly choose to accept ideological and political education for the sake of personal development rather than to actively resist it, however, they employ creative ways online to express civic opinions and conduct civic discussion. This can be conceptualised as the cultural dimension of citizenship observed from students who are not passively prescribed by traditional citizenship but who have opportunities to build their own civic understanding in everyday life. These findings lead to the conclusion that the notion of cultural citizenship not only provides a new mode of civic learning for Chinese students but also offers a new direction for configuring citizenship in China. This study enriches the existing global literature on cultural citizenship by providing contemporary evidence from China which is a developing democratic country, as well as offering useful information for Chinese university practitioners, policy makers and citizenship researchers on possible directions for citizenship understanding and citizenship education. In particular, it indicates that it is important for efforts to be made to generate a culture of authentic civic participation for students in the university as well as to promote the development of the public sphere in the community and the country generally.


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Este artículo aporta los resultados de un estudio sobre legislación educativa y manuales de Educación para la Ciudadanía con el objeto de visibilizar la presencia de la educación en valores democráticos y su evolución en el contexto de los cambios sociales y políticos recientes. En la primera parte, nos adentramos en la reflexión sobre la moral y la vivencia de los valores en nuestras realidades, con el objeto de analizar la dimensión ética de la sociedad. Abordamos el debate de la crisis de valores y se realizan propuestas sobre la dimensión teleológica y axiológica de la educación en y para la democracia. En la segunda parte, se aporta la síntesis del estudio de la presencia de la educación en valores en algunas leyes educativas aprobadas a partir de la Constitución Española de 1978. Se describe cómo se ha incorporado la educación en valores a la normativa y qué formas ha ido adoptando. Se dedica especial atención al área de Educación para la Ciudadanía propuesta en la loe como espacio de formación ética y política. En el último apartado sobre educación en valores y manuales de ciudadanía se presentan, en primer lugar, diferentes significados y principios de ciudadanía para enmarcar teóricamente la investigación. A continuación, se visualizan los resultados del análisis de contenido de los valores presentes en una muestra de manuales de Educación para la Ciudadanía editados en el marco de desarrollo de la loe. Nuestro interés ha sido mostrar cómo los libros de texto traducen la legislación, qué valores de la democracia priorizan y cómo los conceptualizan. Se finaliza el artículo con las conclusiones que recogen un conjunto de apuntes en los que se considera la crisis como posibilidad y se propone seguir avanzando en proyectos de democracia, ciudadanía y educación en valores innovadores.


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Zusammenfassung zur Inaugural-Dissertation: Von „weiblichen Vollmenschen“ und Klassenkämpferinnen – Frauengeschichte und Frauenleitbilder in der proletarischen Frauenzeitschrift „Die Gleichheit“ (1891-1923). Die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung, die der SPD-Frauenzeitschrift „Die Gleichheit“ (1891-1923) als Quelle der Geschichte der Frauenbewegung zukommt, spiegelt sich weder in Darstellungen zur Geschichte der SPD noch in der Geschichtsschreibung der deutschen Frauenbewegung wider. Auch ist die „Gleichheit“, Presseorgan der organisierten proletarischen Frauenbewegung Deutschlands und der Sozialistischen Fraueninternationale, bisher kaum Gegenstand einer umfassenden publizistischen Analyse gewesen. Es galt daher, zumindest das Hauptblatt der „Gleichheit“, die an ihr beteiligten Personen, ihre Strukturen und ihr Selbstverständnis möglichst detailliert und anhand publizistischer Kriterien darzustellen. Wandlungen ihres Erscheinungsbildes, ihrer editorischen und personellen Strukturen oder ihres Seitenumfangs markieren entscheidende Wendepunkte der deutschen Politik während des deutschen Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik. Ihr Niveau lag deutlich über dem einer allgemeinen Frauenzeitschrift, eines Mitteilungs- oder Unterhaltungsblattes. Ihr Ziel war es, sowohl politisches Schulungsblatt für die engagierten Genossinnen als auch Agitationsmittel für die indifferenten Proletarierinnen zu sein. Inwieweit sie mit dieser Zielsetzung erfolgreich war, kann jedoch selbst die große Zahl ihrer Abonnements (der Höchststand lag 1914 bei 124.000 Exemplaren) nicht validieren. Tatsächlich ließ gerade der von ihrer langjährigen Redakteurin Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) angestrebte hohe intellektuelle Anspruch die „Gleichheit“ jedoch nicht zu einem Medium der Massen werden. Im Mai 1917 entschied sich der SPD-Parteivorstand, der dem Burgfrieden abträglichen, konsequent sozialistischen und internationalistischen Haltung Zetkins keine öffentliche Plattform mehr zu geben und entließ sie aus der Redaktion. Die Leitung der „Gleichheit“, die auch bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt durchaus keine „One-Woman-Show“ war, oblag schließlich bis zu ihrem letztmaligen Erscheinen im September 1923 noch einigen weiteren Redakteurinnen und Redakteuren (Marie Juchacz (1879-1956), Heinrich Schulz (1872-1932), Clara Bohm-Schuch (1879-1936), Elli Radtke-Warmuth (?-?) und Mathilde Wurm (1874-1935)). Deren Tätigkeit für die „Gleichheit“ wurde jedoch bisher kaum wissenschaftlich reflektiert. Dies gilt auch für die ausgesprochen internationale Zusammensetzung oder die männlichen Mitglieder des MitarbeiterInnenstabes. Indem sie sich selbst in der Tradition und als Teil eines Netzwerkes deutscher Frauen­öffentlichkeit („Die Frauen-Zeitung“ (1849-1852), „Die Staatsbürgerin“ (1886) und „Die Arbeiterin“ (1890-1891)) sah und indem sie besonders mittels frauen­geschichtlicher und frauenbiographischer Inhalte das Selbstbewusstsein ihrer Leserinnen zu fördern versuchte, betrieb die „Gleichheit“ gezielt Frauengeschichtsschreibung. Zahlreiche Artikel porträtieren Frauen aus Geschichte und Gegenwart und stellen in ihrem elaborierten Stil „Typen“ bzw. „Vorbilder“ dar. Um die Frage beantworten zu können, welche Frauen der Geschichte und welche ihrer Charaktereigenschaften von der „Gleichheit“ als vorbildlich für Sozialdemokratinnen erachtet wurden, wurden die biographischen Artikel zu 173 Frauen nach Analyse ihrer Inhalte und ihres Duktus vier Frauenleitbildern zugeordnet. Die Kategorisierung der einzelnen Frauenleitbilder „weiblicher Vollmensch“, „sozialistische Mutter“, „sozialistische Ehefrau“ und „Klassenkämpferin“ lehnt sich wiederum an den von Zetkin bereits 1898 veröffentlichten Artikel „Nicht Haussklavin, nicht Mannweib, weiblicher Vollmensch” (Die Gleichheit, Jg. 08/ Nr. 02/ 19.11.1898/ S. 1.) an. Sämtliche frauenbiographischen Artikel appellieren an die „Gleichheit“-Leserinnen, die oft selbst gesetzten Grenzen ihrer Handlungs – und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu sprengen. Die sich daraus ableitenden Identifikationsangebote waren somit nicht auf dem Reissbrett ent­worfen, sondern basierten auf geschichtlicher Erfahrung und antizipierendem Bewusstsein. Diese Leitbilder versuchten, Realität und Utopie miteinander zu verbinden und konnten daher kaum frei von Widersprüchen sein. Wie die „Gleichheit“ selbst, so blieben auch ihre Ansätze politischer Frauen­bildung teilweise zwischen revolu­tionärem Umsturz und traditioneller Kontinuität gefangen. Indem sich die „Gleichheit“ historischer Vorbilder bediente, machte sie jedoch konkrete Ansprüche geltend: Sie forderte den weiblichen Anteil an Geschichte, an politischer Macht und am öffentlichen Bewusstsein.


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This consideration about power in the organizations discuss alternatives to bring managers to have a more sociable co-existence with the political dimension of their work. It is not a goal to be achieved, but a continuous process of measuring the conflicts in order to reach better results for the company as well as the employees. Although it is not naturaly faced inside the organization, the power game always occurs when people is united around the same purpose. The departments are no exception. The power conflicts costs, mainly caused by lack of legitimacy, by excessive dependence, by low participation, by structures that stimulate segmentation, by an imperfect comunaction and by lack of political education, are extremely significant to the organizations. Therefore, facing the matter in a realistic way and developing attitudes and abilities to manage positively the divergent politics are basic tasks to the leader who desires to create a good working environment, as well as to rise his company world-wide.


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Esta dissertação procura refletir os pressupostos teóricos da relação trabalho-educação, a partir da vida real da classe operária, bem como a partir da prática político-pedagógica da escola técnica do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do Rio de Janeiro. Contextualizando o nexo entre a escola e a entidade de trabalhadores nos diferentes momentos do movimento sindical, procura resgatar a lógica da educação promovida pelos próprios operários-metalúrgicos. Ao tomar o trabalho como princípio educativo, analisa a experiência vivida por professores, operários-estudantes, dirigentes e ativistas sindicais na reconstrução do processo de produção pedagógica. Reflete então, a formação dos trabalhadores tendo como perspectiva o encontro entre o saber escolar e o saber prático do operariado adquirido no cotidiano da fábrica. Analisando a dicotomia trabalho manual/trabalho intelectual, o processo de automação da produção, a condição de classe do técnico industrial, entre outras questões, enfatiza a necessidade de se resgatar a unidade entre educação técnica e educação política da classe operária.


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o presente trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação da capacidade do behaviorismo radical skinneriano'para fundamentar aplicações práticas dotadas de efetiva relevância humana e social, assim definidas em' função do caráter politicamente progressista e democratizante que se lhes possa imprimir. Essa avaliação é desenvolvida através de dois distintos, mas interrelacionados, procedimentos acadêmicos: uma argumentação discursiva baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica pertinente, que se complementapor um estudo empírico de campo a nível exploratório. A apreciação discursiva do behaviorismo radical é inicialmente conduzida sob uma perspectiva histórico-acadêmica, cujo foco contínuo de referência é o próprio agente individual basicamente responsável pelo gradativo processo de constituição desse sistema científico - B. F. Skinner. Em uma da etapa, o behaviorismo radical vem a ser discutido deforma mais impessoalizada, contra os sucessivos panos de fundo da filosofia da ciência, das relações sociais humanas e da ética implicada nas intervenções práticas sobre tais relações. O estudo exploratório, que então-se segue, consiste no julgamento da utilidade potencial de um instrumento de educação política popular, elaborado previamente a partir dos princípios behavioristas radicais básicos e seus desdobramentos psicossociológicos, e destinado a uma clientela sócio-economicamente desprivi1egiada, constituída de indivíduos adultos, de ambos os sexos, com escolaridade 'em torno do 19 grau completo. A avaliação dessa Cartilha de Contracontole Social através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e um breve questionário objetivo, por quatorze lnformantes - qualificados em termos de sua 1iderança e/ou militância em associações de moradores de bairros e de favelas, sindicatos de trabalhadores, núcleos comunitários re1igiosos, entidades assistenciais autônomas e associações de servidores em organizações de trabalho - vem a apresentar, em linhas gerais, resultados muito positivos. A iniciativa é considerada extremamente séria e responsável; e o conteúdo da Carti1ha, bastante compatível com os objetivos desses movimentos populares, assim como muito útil para dotar as suas atividades de uma maior eficácia social. Evidencia-se, não obstante, uma restrição generalizada quanto à possibilidade de compreensão do texto por parte da população-alvo; o que deve, portanto, ensejar sua reformu1ação para o emprego em futuros projetos de prosseguimento dessa linha de pesquisa. Conclui-se, enfim, que a tese em seu todo parece apta a contribuir, se suficientemente divulgada, para a promoção de um maior interesse pelo behaviorismo de Skinner no âmbito acadêmico do Rio de Janeiro, bem como para a produção de um exercício mais eficaz de contracontro1e sobre as atuais práticas aversivas e/ou exploratórias de controle social.


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In this work we have analyzed the political commitment of the social assistance sponsored by the Bradesco Foundation in João Pessoa. This Foundation is a private institution of public interest that provides social assistance to low income populations all over Brazil. This kind of work is one of the oldest management initiatives in what is actually referred to as managers` social responsibility. This thesis assumes that managers who are in fact socially responsible should guide their actions by the principles of social democracy, so that everyone can enjoy citizens` social freedom, and guarantee their rights as well as the political awareness of social actors. Analysis of documents and a qualitative approach have been applied to the pedagogical Project of the Foundation, as well as phenomenology to study the social profile of their students. The analysis of the pedagogical project as well as the students` standpoint towards life reveals that the Bradesco Foundation is indeed committed to the social efficacy of its students. The educational proposal of the organization includes those elements that are required for teenagers` education envisaging participative citizenship. The teenagers` speech reveals that they have developed the project identity, being therefore able to take part in the process of political transformation of our time. The results indicate that the Bradesco Foundation not only guarantees some of the basic social rights for the healthy development of those who attend their courses, but also sponsors a high level education providing both a technical and a political formation