999 resultados para permanent preservation area
ABSTRACT The ecological restoration of degraded areas using seeds collected in forest remnants has shown significant results. This study was developed to verify the potential of seed rain to regenerate forest fragments of a Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) in the Apa River Basin which is located in the southwestern portion of the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. To develop the study, we installed 25 collectors measuring 1 m2 each, which were systematically distributed on an area of 1.5ha. Seed gathering was conducted in a monthly basis throughout the year of 2013. A total of 26.411 propagules were identified and distributed among 50 species, 45 genera and 32 families. In terms of the propagules distribution, 70.51% were identified as trees, 22.8% as lianas, 6.5% as shrubs, 0.1 as herbaceous, 0.05% as palm and 0.05% could not be classified. The value for the Shannon Diversity Index was (H') = 1.67 and the Pielou Evenness index was (J) = 0.42. These results indicate that the seeds rain has low species diversity with the abundance of a few species. The overall results suggest that seed rain can be a potential technique for restoration of the PPAs and other forested areas. However, it is necessary to enhance the diversity of tree species.
ABSTRACT Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along watercourses have been the focus of numerous studies, not only because of the fragility and ecological relevance of riverine vegetation, but also because of the inefficiency demonstrated in conforming to the legislation protecting it. One of the major difficulties encountered in terms of guaranteeing the effective conservation of these riverside areas is the absence of methodologies that can be used to define them rapidly and accurately without manually determining the widths of the rivers or assigning only uniform linear values for the entire watercourse. The present work sought to develop a spatial analysis methodology capable of automatically defining permanent preservation areas along watercourses using geographic information system (GIS) software. The present study was undertaken in the Sergipe River basin, "considering the river itself and its principal affluents. We used the database of the Digital Atlas of Hydrological Resources (SEMARH/SE), and the delimitations of the PPAs were performed using ArcGIS 10.1 and the XToolPro 9.0 extension. A total of 5,003.82 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas were delimited along the margins of the rivers analyzed, with a margin of error of <1% in delimiting the widths of the rivers within the entire area considered. The methodology described here can be used to define PPAs efficiently, relatively rapidly, and with very small margins of error, thus representing a technological advance in terms of using GIS for land management.
The use conflicts are determined by the inadequate occupations of the soil, as it is the case of soil occupation inside of permanent preservation areas. This study aimed to determine the classes of the soil use and if there are conflicts inside of permanent preservation areas along the drainage network of the Água Fria Stream watershed, located in Bofete city - São Paulo, Brazil. It locates geographically between the coordinates: 48°09'30" to 48°18'30" longitude WGr., 22°58'30" to 23°04'30" latitude S, with an area of 15242.84 ha. The map of soil use was elaborated through the interpretation directly in the computer screen of satellite digital image. In the orbital data, the study area is inserted in the quadrant A, of image TM/Landsat - 5, orbit 220, point 76, passage 9/8th/2007. The Geographical Information System used was CartaLinx. The conflict areas of the watershed were obtained from the crossing between the maps of soil use and of PPAs. The results allowed the conclusion that more than half of the area (51.09%) is occupied by pastures, reflex of sandy soils and low fertility. It was also verified that although almost half of the watershed is covered with some type of vegetation (48.78% of natural forest /reforestation), it has approximately a third of permanent preservation areas used inappropriately by pastures (88.15%), reforestation (10.42%) and exposed soil (1.43%), totaling 343.07ha of conflicting areas, in a total of 993.26 ha of PPAs.
Os conflitos de uso são determinados pelas ocupações inadequadas do solo, como é o caso de ocupação do solo dentro de áreas de preservação permanente. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar as classes de uso do solo e se há conflitos dentro de áreas de preservação permanente ao longo da rede de drenagem da microbacia do Ribeirão Água Fria, município de Bofete (SP). Situa-se geograficamente entre as coordenadas: 48°09'30 a 48°18'30 de longitude WGr., 22°58'30 a 23°04'30 de latitude sul com uma área de 15.242,84 ha. O mapa de uso do solo foi elaborado por meio da interpretação diretamente na tela do computador de imagem digital de satélite. Nos dados orbitais, a área de estudo está inserida no quadrante A, da imagem TM/Landsat-5, órbita 220, ponto 76, passagem de 8/09/2007. O Sistema de Informação Geográfica empregado foi o Cartalinx. As áreas de conflito da microbacia foram obtidas a partir do cruzamento entre os mapas de uso do solo e de APPs. Os resultados permitiram concluir que mais da metade da área (51,09%) está ocupada por pastagens, reflexo de solos arenosos e de baixa fertilidade. Constatou-se, ainda, que apesar de quase metade da microbacia estar coberta com algum tipo de vegetação (48,78% de mata natural/reflorestamento), possui aproximadamente um terço das áreas de preservação permanente utilizadas inadequadamente por pastagens (88,15%), reflorestamento (10,42%) e solo exposto (1,43%), totalizando 343,07 ha de áreas conflitantes em um total de 993,26 ha de APPs.
Water degradation is strongly related to agricultural activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of land use and some environmental components on surface water quality in the Campestre catchment, located in Colombo, state of Parana, Brazil. Physical and chemical attributes were analyzed (total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate, total phosphorus, electrical conductivity, pH, temperature, turbidity, total solids, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen). Monthly samples of the river water were taken over one year at eight monitoring sites, distributed over three sub-basins. Overall, water quality was worse in the sub-basin with a higher percentage of agriculture, and was also affected by a lower percentage of native forest and permanent preservation area, and a larger drainage area. Water quality was also negatively affected by the presence of agriculture in the riparian zone. In the summer season, probably due to higher rainfall and intensive soil use, a higher concentration of total nitrogen and particulate nitrogen was observed, as well as higher electrical conductivity, pH and turbidity. All attributes, except for total phosphorus, were in compliance with Brazilian Conama Resolution Nº 357/2005 for freshwater class 1. However, it should be noted that these results referred to the base flow and did not represent a discharge condition since most of the water samples were not collected at or near the rainfall event.
With the intense debate, in Brazil, between landowners and public agencies about the amount of area with forest cover needed in different regions, there is an increase of the need for provision of technical data used as a basis for decision making. One of the criteria to evaluate the effect of forest cover in protecting water resources is the soil loss, which leads to several consequences on the environment, including the silting of the rivers. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the reduction in the soil loss in micro watersheds with different reliefs, size and location of forest cover, in the Corumbataí River watershed, in the state of São Paulo, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in a GIS environment. For this study, 18 watersheds in three degrees of slope were selected, and 20 scenarios for land-use were established, by analyzing the influence of the PPA size, and the size and the location of the Legal Reserve. The results showed that: a) the effect of forest cover in reducing annual soil loss varies depending on the average slope of the watershed; b) the PPA width must be determined taking into account the slope of the watershed; c) the Legal Reserve must be located along the PPA. These provide better results in reducing annual soil loss.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
O presente trabalho tem como tema “a influência do Estado no crescimento da economia do setor mineral: o caso da CVRD de 1942 a 2010”. Para orientar a pesquisa e a construção da tese foi estabelecido o problema: que mudanças ocorreram no plano legal e institucional, no Brasil e no Pará, a partir de 1990, que podem ser interpretadas como componentes de um novo modo de regulação e que transformações se processaram na economia, no Brasil e no Pará, que podem ser interpretadas como parte do processo de constituição de um novo regime de acumulação e de que forma essas alterações estão relacionadas com o processo de privatização e crescimento da mineração, sob a gestão da CVRD ou Vale? Como marco teórico operou-se com as categorias de análise regime de acumulação e modo de regulação, considerando as contribuições de Lipetz (1988) e Harvey (1998) da denominada escola da regulação. O objetivo era compreender as mudanças na economia e na legislação, no Brasil e no Pará, como uma transição do regime de acumulação e modo de regulação fordista-keyneiano para um novo regime denominado de acumulação flexível. Selecionou-se um conjunto de eventos para serem analisados como integrantes da transição no modo de regulação: Plano de estabilização econômica; reforma constitucional de 1995; Lei Complementar n° 87/96 - a Lei Kandir; Medida Provisória nº 2166/67 que criou o conceito de obras de utilidade pública; Resolução do Conama nº 369 sobre mineração em Área de Preservação permanente; Lei de responsabilidade Fiscal; Lei de Modernização dos Portos. Outros eventos foram selecionados e analisados como componentes de um novo regime de acumulação: Investimento público em obras de infra-estrutura de transporte e energia; privatização no Brasil, incluindo a da CVRD e sua expansão posterior, juntamente com o crescimento da economia do setor mineral. Concluiu-se que, com a influência do Estado há a estabilização de um novo regime de acumulação, que no Pará aprofunda o perfil primário-exportador da economia. Em 2010, o setor mineral contribuiu com 86% da pauta de exportação e desse total a indústria extrativa mineral participou com 77% e a indústria da transformação com 23%. No período de 2002 a 2007, a indústria extrativa mineral participava com 60% e a da transformação com 40% da exportação. A CVRD ou Vale, no Pará, a partir de 2010, priorizou a exportação de produtos primários, sobretudo minério de ferro, reduzindo sua participação na indústria de transformação, por meio do repasse à Norsk Hidro, de suas ações, na Albrás, Alunorte e Companhia de Alumina do Pará.
A utilização dos recursos naturais de forma irracional tem causado uma preocupação crescente em todas as regiões do planeta. Sugerir estratégias que compatibilize o desenvolvimento com preservação desses recursos torna se o principal desafio da gestão ambiental. Os recursos hídricos por serem amplamente utilizados e essenciais à vida necessitam de gerenciamento para garantir sua manutenção. No município de Irituia, localizado no nordeste paraense, a ação antrópica na paisagem natural, inclusive na mata ciliar (Área de Preservação Permanente), para produção agrícola, pastagem ou extração madeireira, tem ocasionado sérios problemas ambientais e socioeconômicos, como o assoreamento de rios, isolamento nas comunidades, prejuízo causados com as constantes enchentes dos rios, entre outros. A população local, juntamente com o poder publico municipal, reconhecem o dano ambiental e social causado nas diversas comunidades do município com anos de desmatamento, desta forma esta pesquisa fornece subsídios para elaboração do plano de gerenciamento da bacia hidrográfica no rio Irituia fornecendo instrumentos e ações sócio educacionais para reverter o quadro de degradação e propor a recuperação deste importante ecossistema.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA