999 resultados para perceptual test


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This study examined the effects of game situation information, manipulated in terms of time and score, on decisions made in a video-based perceptual test in basketball. The participants were undergraduate university students (n=159) who viewed 21 offensive basketball plays, under two test conditions (low decision criticality; high decision criticality). To manipulate the conditions, prior to each clip, the
participants were presented with a description of the remaining time and score differential. High decision criticality situations were characterised by a remaining time of 60 seconds or less and score differentials of 2 points or less. Low decision criticality situations were characterised by remaining time of 5 minutes or more and score differentials of 5 points or more. The participants indicated their decision (pass, shoot, dribble) after the visual display had been occluded for each clip. The results indicated that decision profiles differed under the low and high decision criticality conditions. More pass decisions were made under high decision criticality situations and more shoot decisions under low decision criticality situations. These variations differed according to the type of main sport played but not for the basketball competition level. It was concluded that game situation information does influence decision making and should be considered in video-based testing and training.


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Ambisonics and higher order ambisonics (HOA) technologies aim at reproducing sound field either synthesised or previously recorded with dedicated microphones. Based on a spherical harmonic decomposition, the sound field is more precisely described when higher-order components are used. The presented study evaluated the perceptual and objective localisation accuracy of the sound field encoded with four microphones of order one to four and decoded over a ring of loudspeakers. A perceptual test showed an improvement of the localisation with higher order ambisonic microphones. Reproduced localisation indices were estimated for the four microphones and the respective synthetic systems of order one to four. The perceptual and objective analysis revealed the same conclusions. The localisation accuracy depends on the ambisonic order as well as the source incidence. Furthermore, impairments linked to the microphones were highlighted.


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To investigate the performance of ambisonics systems reproduced over headphones, a pairwise comparison test was carried out. Binaurally reproduced sound scenes for 2D ambisonic orders 1 to 4 decoded on 2M + 2 virtual loudspeakers using two decoder options, basic and mixed basic and maxrE were used. Similarity ratings are obtained from pairwise comparisons between all of the combinations of systemsa and a binaural reference.


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Motivados pelo propósito central de contribuir para a construção, a longo prazo, de um sistema completo de conversão de texto para fala, baseado em síntese articulatória, desenvolvemos um modelo linguístico para o português europeu (PE), com base no sistema TADA (TAsk Dynamic Application), que visou a obtenção automática da trajectória dos articuladores a partir do texto de entrada. A concretização deste objectivo ditou o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de tarefas, nomeadamente 1) a implementação e avaliação de dois sistemas de silabificação automática e de transcrição fonética, tendo em vista a transformação do texto de entrada num formato adequado ao TADA; 2) a criação de um dicionário gestual para os sons do PE, de modo a que cada fone obtido à saída do conversor grafema-fone pudesse ter correspondência com um conjunto de gestos articulatórios adaptados para o PE; 3) a análise do fenómeno da nasalidade à luz dos princípios dinâmicos da Fonologia Articulatória (FA), com base num estudo articulatório e perceptivo. Os dois algoritmos de silabificação automática implementados e testados fizeram apelo a conhecimentos de natureza fonológica sobre a estrutura da sílaba, sendo o primeiro baseado em transdutores de estados finitos e o segundo uma implementação fiel das propostas de Mateus & d'Andrade (2000). O desempenho destes algoritmos – sobretudo do segundo – mostrou-se similar ao de outros sistemas com as mesmas potencialidades. Quanto à conversão grafema-fone, seguimos uma metodologia baseada em regras de reescrita combinada com uma técnica de aprendizagem automática. Os resultados da avaliação deste sistema motivaram a exploração posterior de outros métodos automáticos, procurando também avaliar o impacto da integração de informação silábica nos sistemas. A descrição dinâmica dos sons do PE, ancorada nos princípios teóricos e metodológicos da FA, baseou-se essencialmente na análise de dados de ressonância magnética, a partir dos quais foram realizadas todas as medições, com vista à obtenção de parâmetros articulatórios quantitativos. Foi tentada uma primeira validação das várias configurações gestuais propostas, através de um pequeno teste perceptual, que permitiu identificar os principais problemas subjacentes à proposta gestual. Este trabalho propiciou, pela primeira vez para o PE, o desenvolvimento de um primeiro sistema de conversão de texto para fala, de base articulatória. A descrição dinâmica das vogais nasais contou, quer com os dados de ressonância magnética, para caracterização dos gestos orais, quer com os dados obtidos através de articulografia electromagnética (EMA), para estudo da dinâmica do velo e da sua relação com os restantes articuladores. Para além disso, foi efectuado um teste perceptivo, usando o TADA e o SAPWindows, para avaliar a sensibilidade dos ouvintes portugueses às variações na altura do velo e alterações na coordenação intergestual. Este estudo serviu de base a uma interpretação abstracta (em termos gestuais) das vogais nasais do PE e permitiu também esclarecer aspectos cruciais relacionados com a sua produção e percepção.


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When designing human-machine interfaces it is important to consider not only the bare bones functionality but also the ease of use and accessibility it provides. When talking about voice-based inter- faces, it has been proven that imbuing expressiveness into the synthetic voices increases signi?cantly its perceived naturalness, which in the end is very helpful when building user friendly interfaces. This paper proposes an adaptation based expressiveness transplantation system capable of copying the emotions of a source speaker into any desired target speaker with just a few minutes of read speech and without requiring the record- ing of additional expressive data. This system was evaluated through a perceptual test for 3 speakers showing up to an average of 52% emotion recognition rates relative to the natural voice recognition rates, while at the same time keeping good scores in similarity and naturality.


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Two novel studies examining the capacity and characteristics of working memory for object weights, experienced through lifting, were completed. Both studies employed visually identical objects of varying weight and focused on memories linking object locations and weights. Whereas numerous studies have examined the capacity of visual working memory, the capacity of sensorimotor memory involved in motor control and object manipulation has not yet been explored. In addition to assessing working memory for object weights using an explicit perceptual test, we also assessed memory for weight using an implicit measure based on motor performance. The vertical lifting or LF and the horizontal GF applied during lifts, measured from force sensors embedded in the object handles, were used to assess participants’ ability to predict object weights. In Experiment 1, participants were presented with sets of 3, 4, 5, 7 or 9 objects. They lifted each object in the set and then repeated this procedure 10 times with the objects lifted either in a fixed or random order. Sensorimotor memory was examined by assessing, as a function of object set size, how lifting forces changed across successive lifts of a given object. The results indicated that force scaling for weight improved across the repetitions of lifts, and was better for smaller set sizes when compared to the larger set sizes, with the latter effect being clearest when objects were lifting in a random order. However, in general the observed force scaling was poorly scaled. In Experiment 2, working memory was examined in two ways: by determining participants’ ability to detect a change in the weight of one of 3 to 6 objects lifted twice, and by simultaneously measuring the fingertip forces applied when lifting the objects. The results showed that, even when presented with 6 objects, participants were extremely accurate in explicitly detecting which object changed weight. In addition, force scaling for object weight, which was generally quite weak, was similar across set sizes. Thus, a capacity limit less than 6 was not found for either the explicit or implicit measures collected.


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Este estudo pretendeu examinar a importância dos estímulos auditivo (interpre-tação vocal do cantor) e visual (expressão facial do cantor) na perceção de emo-ções pelo público de uma performance de canto. Para tal, foram gravados, atra-vés de vídeo e áudio, dois cantores a interpretar pequenas frases melódicas com a intenção de expressar, isoladamente, as seis emoções básicas: alegria, tristeza, raiva, medo, surpresa e nojo. Para validar a expressividade dos canto-res, foi medida, através de eletromiografia, a atividade dos músculos faciais du-rante a performance da emoção e foram apresentadas as gravações áudio a um painel de especialistas que as caracterizaram em termos acústicos. Com base nas gravações audiovisuais dos cantores, foi criado um teste percetual no qual se pretendia que o ouvinte reconhecesse a emoção comunicada a partir apenas do áudio, apenas do vídeo, ou ambos. Comparando as respostas dadas, os re-sultados evidenciaram que o estímulo visual é mais eficaz do que o auditivo, e que a junção dos dois estímulos é a modalidade mais eficiente na perceção de emoções pelo público de uma performance de canto.


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Background: Laparoscopic surgery requires surgeons to infer the shape of 3-D structures, such as the internal organs of patients, from 2-D displays on a video monitor. Recent evidence indicates that the issue is not resolved by the use of contemporary 3-D camera systems. It is therefore crucial to find ways of measuring differences in aptitude for recovering 3-D structure from 2-D images, and assessing its impact on performance. Our aim was to test empirically for a relationship between laparoscopic ability and the perceptual skill of recovering information about 3-D structures from 2-D monitor displays.


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This paper studies the validity of the Test of Visual Perceptual Abilities (TVPA) as an indicator of learning problems in hearing-impaired children and how it correlates with other measures of learning disabilities.


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PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of overnight sleep deprivation on recovery following competitive rugby league matches. METHODS: Eleven male, amateur rugby league players performed two competitive matches, followed by either a normal night's sleep (~8h; CONT) or a sleep deprived night (~0h; SDEP) in a randomised fashion. Testing was conducted the morning of the match, and immediately post-match, 2h post and the next morning (16h post-match). Measures included counter-movement jump (CMJ) distance, knee extensor maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), voluntary activation (VA), venous blood creatine kinase (CK) and C-reactive protein (CRP), perceived muscle soreness and a word-colour recognition cognitive function test. Percent change between post- and 16h post-match was reported to determine the effect of the intervention the next morning. RESULTS: Large effects indicated a greater post- to 16h post-match percentage decline in CMJ distance following SDEP compared to CONT (P=0.10-0.16; d=0.95-1.05). Similarly, the percentage decline in incongruent word-colour reaction times were increased in SDEP trials (P=0.007; d=1.75). Measures of MVC did not differ between conditions (P=0.40-0.75; d=0.13-0.33), though trends for larger percentage decline in VA were detected in SDEP (P=0.19; d=0.84). Further, large effects indicated higher CK and CRP responses 16h post-match during SDEP compared to CONT (P=0.11-0.87; d=0.80-0.88). CONCLUSIONS: Sleep deprivation negatively affected recovery following a rugby league match, specifically impairing CMJ distance and cognitive function. Practitioners should promote adequate post-match sleep patterns or adjust training demands the next day to accommodate the altered physical and cognitive state following sleep deprivation.


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Ambisonics is a scalable spatial audio technique that attempts to present a sound scene to listeners over as large an area as possi- ble. A localisation experiment was carried out to investigate the performance of a first and third order system at three listening positions - one in the centre and two off-centre. The test used a reverse target-pointer adjustment method to determine the error, both signed and absolute, for each combination of listening posi- tion and system. The signed error was used to indicate the direc- tion and magnitude of the shifts in panning angle introduced for the off-centre listening positions. The absolute error was used as a measure of the performance of the listening position and systems combinations for a comparison of their overall performance. A comparison was made between the degree of image shifting be- tween the two systems and the robustness of their off-centre per- formance.