994 resultados para perceptual experience


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The aims of the dissertation are to find the right description of the structure of perceptual experience and to explore the ways in which the structure of the body might serve to explain it. In the first two parts, I articulate and defend the claim that perceptual experience seems direct and the claim that its objects seem real. I defend these claims as integral parts of a coherent metaphysically neutral conception of perceptual experience. Sense-datum theorists, certain influential perceptual psychologists, and early modern philosophers (most notably Berkeley) all disputed the claim that perceptual experience seems direct. In Part I, I argue that the grounds on which they did so were poor. The aim is then, in Part II, to give a proper appreciation of the distinctive intentionality of perceptual experience whilst remaining metaphysically neutral. I do so by drawing on the early work of Edmund Husserl, providing a characterisation of the perceptual experience of objects as real, qua mind-independent particulars. In Part III, I explore two possible explanations of the structure characterising the intentionality of perceptual experience, both of which accord a distinctive explanatory role to the body. On one account, perceptual experience is structured by an implicit pre-reflective consciousness of oneself as a body engaged in perceptual activity. An alternative account makes no appeal to the metaphysically laden concept of a bodily self. It seeks to explain the structure of perceptual experience by appeal to anticipation of the structural constraints of the body. I develop this alternative by highlighting the conceptual and empirical basis for the idea that a first-order structural affordance relation holds between a bodily agent and certain properties of its body. I then close with a discussion of the shared background assumptions that ought to inform disputes over whether the body itself (in addition to its representation) ought to serve as an explanans in such an account.


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Working primarily within the natural landscape, this practice-led research project explored connections between the artist's visual and perceptual experience of a journey or place while simultaneously emphasizing the capacity for digital media to create a perceptual dissonance. By exploring concepts of time, viewpoint, duration of sequences and the manipulation of traditional constructs of stop-frame animation, the practical work created a cognitive awareness of the elements of the journey through optical sensations. The work allowed an opportunity to reflect on the nature of visual experience and its mediation through images. The project recontextualized the selected mediums of still photography, animation and projection within contemporary display modes of multiple screen installations by analysing relationships between the experienced and the perceived. The resulting works added to current discourse on the interstices between still and moving imagery in a digital world.


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This research takes a practice-based approach to exploring perceptual matters that often go unnoticed in the context of everyday lived experience. My approach focuses on the experiential possibilities of knowledge emerging through artistic enquiry, and uses a variety of modes (like textiles, sound, physical computing, programming, video and text) to be conducted and communicated. It examines scholarship in line with the ecological theory of perception, and is particularly informed by neurobiological research on sensory integration as well as by cultural theories that examine the role of sensory appreciation in perception. Different processes contributing to our perceptual experience are examined through the development of a touch-sensitive, sound-generating rug and its application in an experimental context. Participants’ interaction with the rug and its sonic output allows an insight into how they make sense of multisensory information via observation of how they physically respond to it. In creating possibilities for observing the two ends of the perceptual process (sensory input and behavioural output), the rug provides a platform for the study of what is intangible to the observer (perceptual activity) through what can actually be observed (physical activity). My analysis focuses on video recordings of the experimental process and data reports obtained from the software used for the sound generating performance of the rug. Its findings suggest that attentional focus, active exploration, and past experience actively affect the ability to integrate multisensory information and are crucial parameters for the formation of a meaningful percept upon which to act. Although relational to the set experimental conditions and the specificities of the experimental group, these findings are in resonance with current cross-disciplinary discourse on perception, and indicate that art research can be incorporated into the wider arena of neurophysiological and behavioural research to expand its span of resources and methods.


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Within the field of philosophy, animals have traditionally been studied from two perspectives: that of self-knowledge and that of ethics. The analysis of the differences between humans and animals has served our desire to understand our own specificity, whereas ethical discussions have ultimately aimed at finding the right way to treat animals. This dissertation proposes a different way of looking at non-human animals: it investigates the question of how non-human animals appear to us humans in our perceptual experience. The analysis focuses on the empathetic, embodied understanding of animals diverse movements and other expressions. The theoretical point of departure for the research is phenomenological philosophy, in particular Maurice Merleau-Ponty s phenomenology of the body. Edmund Husserl s and Edith Stein s analyses of empathy and embodiment are also crucial to the work. In this tradition, empathy means understanding the other s experience through her bodily expressions and seeing the other body as living, as well as motivated and directed towards the surrounding world. The dissertation both explicates and criticizes the earlier phenomenological notions of empathy and human specificity. In order to elucidate the fundamental structures of our experience of non-human animals, it also applies the phenomenological method, which consists of a phenomenological reduction and a free variation of the different aspects of experience. It is shown that our experiences of non-human animals involve a recognition of both similarities and differences. This recognition, however, is not primarily based on intellectual comparisons but is lived as an embodied relationship to another body, and its manifestations vary from one instant to the next. The analysis also reveals that the object of empathy is not the other s experience as such, not even as it is manifested by the other s movements, but rather the other s embodied situation, enriched by elements that remain outside the scope of the other s experience. The dissertation shows that human existence is intertwined with the existence of non-human animals on four levels: those of empathetic sensations, reciprocal communication, experience of the surrounding world and self-definitions. The animals different modes of perception prove to expand our understanding of what is perceivable and how things can be perceived. The presence of non-human animals in our perceptual world is revealed as something that both shows us the limits of our own embodiment and enables us to overcome these limits in empathetic acts. Finally, it is demonstrated that the life of non-human animals is intertwined with ours in a far more complex way than has been presupposed in traditional descriptions of human-animal differences.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique that stimulates the brain using a magnetic coil placed on the scalp. Since it is applicable to humans non-invasively, directly interfering with neural electrical activity, it is potentially a good tool to study the direct relationship between perceptual experience and neural activity. However, it has been difficult to produce a clear perceptible phenomenon with TMS of sensory areas, especially using a single magnetic pulse. Also, the biophysical mechanisms of magnetic stimulation of single neurons have been poorly understood.

In the psychophysical part of this thesis, perceptual phenomena induced by TMS of the human visual cortex are demonstrated as results of the interactions with visual inputs. We first introduce a method to create a hole, or a scotoma, in a flashed, large-field visual pattern using single-pulse TMS. Spatial aspects of the interactions are explored using the distortion effect of the scotoma depending on the visual pattern, which can be luminance-defined or illusory. Its similarity to the distortion of afterimages is also discussed. Temporal interactions are demonstrated in the filling-in of the scotoma with temporally adjacent visual features, as well as in the effective suppression of transient visual features. Also, paired-pulse TMS is shown to lead to different brightness modulations in transient and sustained visual stimuli.

In the biophysical part, we first develop a biophysical theory to simulate the effect of magnetic stimulation on arbitrary neuronal structure. Computer simulations are performed on cortical neuron models with realistic structure and channels, combined with the current injection that simulates magnetic stimulation. The simulation results account for general and basic characteristics of the macroscopic effects of TMS including our psychophysical findings, such as a long inhibitory effect, dependence on the background activity, and dependence on the direction of the induced electric field.

The perceptual effects and the cortical neuron model presented here provide foundations for the study of the relationship between perception and neural activity. Further insights would be obtained from extension of our model to neuronal networks and psychophysical studies based on predictions of the biophysical model.


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This thesis explores the debate and issues regarding the status of visual ;,iferellces in the optical writings of Rene Descartes, George Berkeley and James 1. Gibson. It gathers arguments from across their works and synthesizes an account of visual depthperception that accurately reflects the larger, metaphysical implications of their philosophical theories. Chapters 1 and 2 address the Cartesian and Berkelean theories of depth-perception, respectively. For Descartes and Berkeley the debate can be put in the following way: How is it possible that we experience objects as appearing outside of us, at various distances, if objects appear inside of us, in the representations of the individual's mind? Thus, the Descartes-Berkeley component of the debate takes place exclusively within a representationalist setting. Representational theories of depthperception are rooted in the scientific discovery that objects project a merely twodimensional patchwork of forms on the retina. I call this the "flat image" problem. This poses the problem of depth in terms of a difference between two- and three-dimensional orders (i.e., a gap to be bridged by one inferential procedure or another). Chapter 3 addresses Gibson's ecological response to the debate. Gibson argues that the perceiver cannot be flattened out into a passive, two-dimensional sensory surface. Perception is possible precisely because the body and the environment already have depth. Accordingly, the problem cannot be reduced to a gap between two- and threedimensional givens, a gap crossed with a projective geometry. The crucial difference is not one of a dimensional degree. Chapter 3 explores this theme and attempts to excavate the empirical and philosophical suppositions that lead Descartes and Berkeley to their respective theories of indirect perception. Gibson argues that the notion of visual inference, which is necessary to substantiate representational theories of indirect perception, is highly problematic. To elucidate this point, the thesis steps into the representationalist tradition, in order to show that problems that arise within it demand a tum toward Gibson's information-based doctrine of ecological specificity (which is to say, the theory of direct perception). Chapter 3 concludes with a careful examination of Gibsonian affordallces as the sole objects of direct perceptual experience. The final section provides an account of affordances that locates the moving, perceiving body at the heart of the experience of depth; an experience which emerges in the dynamical structures that cross the body and the world.


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La douleur est une expérience perceptive comportant de nombreuses dimensions. Ces dimensions de douleur sont inter-reliées et recrutent des réseaux neuronaux qui traitent les informations correspondantes. L’élucidation de l'architecture fonctionnelle qui supporte les différents aspects perceptifs de l'expérience est donc une étape fondamentale pour notre compréhension du rôle fonctionnel des différentes régions de la matrice cérébrale de la douleur dans les circuits corticaux qui sous tendent l'expérience subjective de la douleur. Parmi les diverses régions du cerveau impliquées dans le traitement de l'information nociceptive, le cortex somatosensoriel primaire et secondaire (S1 et S2) sont les principales régions généralement associées au traitement de l'aspect sensori-discriminatif de la douleur. Toutefois, l'organisation fonctionnelle dans ces régions somato-sensorielles n’est pas complètement claire et relativement peu d'études ont examiné directement l'intégration de l'information entre les régions somatiques sensorielles. Ainsi, plusieurs questions demeurent concernant la relation hiérarchique entre S1 et S2, ainsi que le rôle fonctionnel des connexions inter-hémisphériques des régions somatiques sensorielles homologues. De même, le traitement en série ou en parallèle au sein du système somatosensoriel constitue un autre élément de questionnement qui nécessite un examen plus approfondi. Le but de la présente étude était de tester un certain nombre d'hypothèses sur la causalité dans les interactions fonctionnelle entre S1 et S2, alors que les sujets recevaient des chocs électriques douloureux. Nous avons mis en place une méthode de modélisation de la connectivité, qui utilise une description de causalité de la dynamique du système, afin d'étudier les interactions entre les sites d'activation définie par un ensemble de données provenant d'une étude d'imagerie fonctionnelle. Notre paradigme est constitué de 3 session expérimentales en utilisant des chocs électriques à trois différents niveaux d’intensité, soit modérément douloureux (niveau 3), soit légèrement douloureux (niveau 2), soit complètement non douloureux (niveau 1). Par conséquent, notre paradigme nous a permis d'étudier comment l'intensité du stimulus est codé dans notre réseau d'intérêt, et comment la connectivité des différentes régions est modulée dans les conditions de stimulation différentes. Nos résultats sont en faveur du mode sériel de traitement de l’information somatosensorielle nociceptive avec un apport prédominant de la voie thalamocorticale vers S1 controlatérale au site de stimulation. Nos résultats impliquent que l'information se propage de S1 controlatéral à travers notre réseau d'intérêt composé des cortex S1 bilatéraux et S2. Notre analyse indique que la connexion S1→S2 est renforcée par la douleur, ce qui suggère que S2 est plus élevé dans la hiérarchie du traitement de la douleur que S1, conformément aux conclusions précédentes neurophysiologiques et de magnétoencéphalographie. Enfin, notre analyse fournit des preuves de l'entrée de l'information somatosensorielle dans l'hémisphère controlatéral au côté de stimulation, avec des connexions inter-hémisphériques responsable du transfert de l'information à l'hémisphère ipsilatéral.


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Cognitive phenomenology starts from something that has been obscured in much recent analytic philosophy: the fact that lived conscious experience isn’t just a matter of sensation or feeling, but is also cognitive in character, through and through. This is obviously true of ordinary human perceptual experience, and cognitive phenomenology is also concerned with something more exclusively cognitive, which we may call propositional meaning-experience, e.g. occurrent experience of linguistic representations as meaning something, as this occurs in thinking or reading or hearing others speak.


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Synesthesia entails a special kind of sensory perception, where stimulation in one sensory modality leads to an internally generated perceptual experience of another, not stimulated sensory modality. This phenomenon can be viewed as an abnormal multisensory integration process as here the synesthetic percept is aberrantly fused with the stimulated modality. Indeed, recent synesthesia research has focused on multimodal processing even outside of the specific synesthesia-inducing context and has revealed changed multimodal integration, thus suggesting perceptual alterations at a global level. Here, we focused on audio-visual processing in synesthesia using a semantic classification task in combination with visually or auditory-visually presented animated and in animated objects in an audio-visual congruent and incongruent manner. Fourteen subjects with auditory-visual and/or grapheme-color synesthesia and 14 control subjects participated in the experiment. During presentation of the stimuli, event-related potentials were recorded from 32 electrodes. The analysis of reaction times and error rates revealed no group differences with best performance for audio-visually congruent stimulation indicating the well-known multimodal facilitation effect. We found enhanced amplitude of the N1 component over occipital electrode sites for synesthetes compared to controls. The differences occurred irrespective of the experimental condition and therefore suggest a global influence on early sensory processing in synesthetes.


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 A Sibling Romance: The Sound of Romance Reimagined explores the interplay between lived perceptual and sensual experience and the visual representation of it in the romantic novel and asks what happens to and within a creative artifact if the hierarchy of the senses is reimagined.


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Synesthesia is a condition where presentation of one perceptual class consistently evokes additional experiences in different perceptual categories. Synesthesia is widely considered a congenital condition, although an alternative view is that it is underpinned by repeated exposure to combined perceptual features at key developmental stages. Here we explore the potential for repeated associative learning to shape and engender synesthetic experiences. Non-synesthetic adult participants engaged in an extensive training regime that involved adaptive memory and reading tasks, designed to reinforce 13 specific letter-color associations. Following training, subjects exhibited a range of standard behavioral and physiological markers for grapheme-color synesthesia; crucially, most also described perceiving color experiences for achromatic letters, inside and outside the lab, where such experiences are usually considered the hallmark of genuine synesthetes. Collectively our results are consistent with developmental accounts of synesthesia and illuminate a previously unsuspected potential for new learning to shape perceptual experience, even in adulthood.


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La presente investigación aborda el análisis de las cualidades del entorno urbano que inciden en la experiencia perceptiva de su recorrido. Los intereses que la motivan tienen que ver con la recuperación de la ciudad para el viandante y se sitúa dentro de un marco de intereses más amplio como es el de la ciudad sostenible. En primer lugar, se contextualiza el tema de la experiencia del recorrido a través de disciplinas diferentes como son el cine, la literatura, la arquitectura, el urbanismo, la arquitectura del paisaje, la psicología y la estética ambiental. De este modo, se refuerza el argumento en torno al papel que desempeñan la forma y otros estímulos sensoriales en la experiencia del espacio, ya sea éste urbano, arquitectónico o natural. La experiencia que las personas viven al desplazarse por un entorno viene definida por infinitos factores que van desde la configuración física del entorno recorrido, hasta el aprendizaje cultural de la persona que camina; desde los estímulos sensoriales que se reciben, hasta las condiciones físicas que posibilitan la funcionalidad del recorrido; desde las sutilezas de índole secuencial que se desvelan a medida que avanzamos, hasta las condiciones higrotérmicas en el momento en que se lleva a cabo el desplazamiento. Sin embargo, factores como las motivaciones y atenciones personales del que anda, así como sus recuerdos de experiencias anteriores, deseos, imaginación y estado de ánimo, también definen nuestra experiencia al caminar que, indudablemente, se encuentra ligada a nuestra personalidad y, por lo tanto, no puede ser exacta a la de otra persona. Conscientes de que todos estos factores se funden en un fenómeno global, y que no se dan en la vida por separado, nos hemos esforzado por independizar las cualidades sensoriales y formales, únicamente a efectos de investigación. La importancia del tema a investigar reside en las conexiones que existen entre las cualidades del medio construido y la experiencia cotidiana de su recorrido, en la medida en que dicha vinculación establece relaciones con la calidad de vida, la salud de los ciudadanos y sus sentimientos de identidad. En este sentido, el problema clave encontrado es que si la definición de la experiencia del recorrido urbano es demasiado amplia, se vuelve nebulosa e inoperativa, pero si se precisa demasiado, se pueden excluir variables importantes. Hemos concentrado nuestros esfuerzos en buscar un medio que permita hacer operativo el estudio de aspectos que, por su propia naturaleza, son difíciles de controlar y aplicar en la práctica. En este sentido, el campo de estudio que aúna interés en el tema, producción científica y vocación práctica, es el de la caminabilidad de las ciudades. Por esta razón, hemos situado nuestro trabajo dentro del marco de criterios que este campo establece para valorar un entorno caminable. Sin embargo, hemos detectado que los trabajos sobre caminabilidad tienden a desarrollarse dentro de la disciplina del planeamiento de transporte y, con frecuencia, siguiendo las mismas pautas que la investigación sobre el transporte motorizado. Además, la tendencia a proporcionar datos numéricos producto de la medición controlada de variables, para respaldar iniciativas dentro de los ámbitos de toma de decisiones, lleva consigo un progresivo alejamiento de los aspectos más sutiles y próximos de la experiencia de las personas y la especificidad de los lugares. Por estas razones, hemos estimado necesario profundizar en la experiencia peatonal explorando otras líneas de trabajo como son la habitabilidad de las ciudades, políticas llevadas a cabo para mejorar la calidad del espacio público o las certificaciones de sostenibilidad en el ámbito del urbanismo. También se han estudiado las aproximaciones gráficas a la representación y simulación de recorridos urbanos por su importancia en la comunicación y promoción de caminar. Para detectar las problemáticas implicadas en la definición de una herramienta que permita valorar, de manera operativa, la calidad de la experiencia del recorrido urbano, la metodología de valoración propuesta se ha basado en la combinación de distintos métodos y en la conjugación de tres aproximaciones: valoración por parte del investigador en calidad de experto, valoración realizada por el investigador en el papel de usuario y valoración por el ciudadano. El desarrollo de esta investigación se ha visto condicionado por la intención de aplicar lo estudiado en un caso práctico. El marco de criterios que los trabajos sobre caminabilidad de las ciudades establecen para que se dé un entorno caminable, se puede resumir en que concurran los siguientes factores: mezcla de usos, densidad de población y edificación relativamente altas, destinos públicos accesibles a pie, un alto grado de seguridad con respecto al tráfico y actos delictivos, alta funcionalidad (dimensiones, pendientes, etc.) y atractivo. Una vez definido el modelo de ciudad en que es pertinente realizar una investigación sobre las cualidades del entorno urbano responsables de que éste se perciba como atractivo, se escogió la ciudad de Taipei, entre otras razones, por cumplir con los requisitos restantes. Con respecto al caso práctico, el objetivo es detectar fortalezas y debilidades del área central de la ciudad de Taipei en cuanto a la experiencia perceptiva que proporciona a los viandantes. ABSTRACT This research addresses the analysis of the qualities of the urban environment that affect the perceptual experience of walking. The interests lying behind it are related to the recovery of the city for pedestrians, and is framed within the sustainable city framework of interests. Firstly, the issue of the experience of walking is contextualized through different disciplines such as film, literature, architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental psychology and aesthetics. This way, the argument about the role that form and other sensory stimuli play in the experience of space, whether it is urban, architectural or natural, is strengthened. The walking experience of people is defined by factors ranging from the physical configuration of the environment to the cultural background of the person who walks, from the sensory stimuli that are perceived to the physical conditions that enable the functionality of the walk, from the subtleties of sequential nature that are revealed as we move around to hygrothermal conditions at the specific time of walking. Nevertheless, factors such as personal motivations and attentions of the walker, as well as memories of past experiences, desires, imagination and mood, also define our walking experience that is undoubtedly linked to our personality and, therefore, it cannot be exactly the same as other people's experience. Being aware that all these factors come together in a total phenomenon and that, in real life, they do not exist separately, we focused on separating sensory and formal qualities only for research purposes. The importance of the research topic lies in the connections between the qualities of the built environment and the quotidian experience of walking through it, to the extent that such link establishes relationships with the quality of life, health and feelings of identity of citizens. In this sense, the key problem encountered is that, if the definition of urban walking experience is too broad, it becomes nebulous and non‐operational, but if it is too precise, important variables can be excluded. We concentrated our efforts on finding a way to operationalize the study of questions that, by their very nature, are difficult to control and apply in practice. In this regard, the field of study that combines interest in the topic, scientific production and practical purpose, is the walkability of cities. For this reason, we placed our work within the framework of the set of criteria that this field establishes for assessing an environment as walkable. However, we found that works on walkability tend to be developed within the discipline of transportation planning and often following the same guidelines that research on motorized transport. Furthermore, the tendency to provide numerical data as a result of the controlled measurement of variables in order to support initiatives in decision making areas, involves a progressive distancing from the proximity and the most subtle aspects of the experience of people, and from the specificity of places. For these reasons, we considered it was necessary to deepen into the study of pedestrians experience, by exploring other lines of work such as the livability of cities, implemented policies to improve the quality of the public space or sustainability certifications in urbanism. Graphic representation and simulation of urban walks are also studied due to their important role in communication and promotion of walking. In order to find the issues involved in defining a tool to assess, in an operational way, the quality of urban walking experience, the proposed assessment methodology is based on the combination of different methods and the synthesis of three approaches: assessment by the researcher as expert, assessment by the researcher playing the role of user and assessment by the citizens. The development of this research has been conditioned by our intention of applying it in a case study. The framework of criteria that works on walkability of cities set to define a walkable environment, can be summarized in the following factors: mix of uses, population and building density rather high, public destinations accessible on foot, high levels of safety in terms of traffic and crime, high functionality (dimensions, slopes, etc.) and attractiveness. After defining the model of city in which it is relevant to conduct an investigation on the qualities that are responsible of the attractiveness of the environment; Taipei City was selected because it meets the remaining requirements, among other reasons. Regarding the case study, the goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the central area of Taipei City in terms of the perceptual experience of pedestrians.


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The role of matter has remained central to the making and the thinking of architecture, yet many attempts to capture its essence have been trapped in a dialectic tension between form and materiality, between material consistency and immaterial modes of perception, between static states and dynamic processes, between the real and the virtual, thus advancing an increasing awareness of the perplexing complexity of the material world. Within that complexity, the notion of agency – emerging from and within ecological, politico-economic and socio-cultural processes – calls for a reconceptualization of matter, and consequently processes of materialisation, offering a new understanding of context and space, approached as a field of dynamic relationships. In this context, cutting across boundaries between architectural discourse and practice as well as across the vast trans-disciplinary territory, this dissertation aims to illustrate a variety of design methodologies that have derived from the relational approach. More specifically, the intention is to offer new insights into spatial epistemologies embedded within the notion of atmosphere – commonly associated with the so-called New Phenomenology – and to reflect upon its implications for architectural production. In what follows, the intended argumentation has a twofold dimension. First, through a scrutiny of the notion of atmosphere, the aim is to explore ways of thinking and shaping reality through relations, thus acknowledging the aforementioned complexity of the material universe disclosed through human and non-human as well as material and immaterial forces. Secondly, despite the fact that concerns for atmospherics have flourished over the last few decades, the objective is to reveal that the conceptual foundations and procedures for the production of atmosphere might be found beneath the surface of contemporary debates. Hence, in order to unfold and illustrate previously advocated assumptions, an archaeological approach is adopted, tracing a particular projective genealogy, one that builds upon an atmospheric awareness. Accordingly, in tracing such an atmospheric awareness the study explores the notoriously ambiguous nature and the twofold dimension of atmosphere – meteorological and aesthetic – and the heterogeneity of meanings embedded in them. In this context, the notion of atmosphere is presented as parallactic. It transgresses the formal and material boundaries of bodies. It calls for a reevaluation of perceptual experience, opening a new gap that exposes the orthodox space-bodyenvironment relationships to questioning. It offers to architecture an expanded domain in which to manifest itself, defining architectural space as a contingent construction and field of engagement, and presenting matter as a locus of production/performance/action. Consequently, it is such an expanded or relational dimension that constitutes the foundation of what in the context of this study is to be referred to as affective tectonics. Namely, a tectonics that represents processual and experiential multiplicity of convergent time and space, body and environment, the material and the immaterial; a tectonics in which matter neither appears as an inert and passive substance, nor is limited to the traditionally regarded tectonic significance or expressive values, but is presented as an active element charged with inherent potential and vitality. By defining such a relational materialism, the intention is to expand the spectrum of material attributes revealing the intrinsic relationships between the physical properties of materials and their performative, transformative and affective capacities, including effects of interference and haptic dynamics – i.e. protocols of transmission and interaction. The expression that encapsulates its essence is: ACTIVE MATERIALITY RESUMEN El significado de la materia ha estado desde siempre ligado al pensamiento y el quehacer arquitectónico. Sin embargo, muchos intentos de capturar su esencia se han visto sumergidos en una tensión dialéctica entre la forma y la materialidad, entre la consistencia material y los modos inmateriales de la percepción, entre los estados estáticos y los procesos dinámicos, entre lo real y lo virtual, revelando una creciente conciencia de la desconcertante complejidad del mundo material. En esta complejidad, la noción de la operatividad o capacidad agencial– que emerge desde y dentro de los procesos ecológicos, políticos y socio-culturales– requiere de una reconceptualización de la materia y los procesos inherentes a la materialización, ofreciendo una nueva visión del contexto y el espacio, entendidos como un campo relacional dinámico. Oscilando entre el discurso arquitectónico y la práctica arquitectónica, y atravesando un extenso territorio trans-disciplinar, el objetivo de la presente tesis es ilustrar la variedad de metodologías proyectuales que emergieron desde este enfoque relacional. Concretamente, la intención es indagar en las epistemologías espaciales vinculadas a la noción de la atmósfera– generalmente asociada a la llamada Nueva Fenomenología–, reflexionando sobre su impacto en la producción arquitectónica. A continuación, el estudio ofrece una doble línea argumental. Primero, a través del análisis crítico de la noción de atmósfera, el objetivo es explorar maneras de pensar y dar forma a la realidad a través de las relaciones, reconociendo la mencionada complejidad del universo material revelado a través de fuerzas humanas y no-humanas, materiales e inmateriales. Segundo, a pesar de que el interés por las atmósferas ha florecido en las últimas décadas, la intención es demostrar que las bases conceptuales y los protocolos proyectuales de la creación de atmósferas se pueden encontrar bajo la superficie de los debates contemporáneos. Para corroborar e ilustrar estas hipótesis se propone una metodología de carácter arqueológico, trazando una particular genealogía de proyectos– la que se basa en una conciencia atmosférica. Asimismo, al definir esta conciencia atmosférica, el estudio explora tanto la naturaleza notoriamente ambigua y la dimensión dual de la atmósfera– meteorológica y estética–, como la heterogeneidad de significados derivados de ellas. En este contexto, la atmósfera se entiende como un concepto detonante, ya que sobrepasa los limites formales y materiales de los cuerpos, llevando a la re-evaluación de la experiencia perceptiva y abriendo a preguntas la ortodoxa relación espacio- cuerpo-ambiente. En consecuencia, la noción de la atmósfera ofrece a la arquitectura una dimensión expandida donde manifestarse, definiendo el espacio como una construcción contingente, performativa y afectiva, y presentando la materia como locus de producción/ actuación/ acción. Es precisamente esta dimensión expandida relacional la que constituye una base para lo que en el contexto del presente estudio se define como una tectónica afectiva. Es decir, una tectónica que representa una multiplicidad procesual y experiencial derivada de la convergencia entre el tiempo y el espacio, el cuerpo y el entorno, lo material y lo inmaterial; una tectónica en la que la materia no aparece como una substancia pasiva e inerte, ni es limitada al significado considerado tradicionalmente constructivo o a sus valores expresivos, sino que se presenta como elemento activo cargado de un potencial y vitalidad inherentes. A través de la definición de este tipo de materialismo afectivo, la intención es expandir el espectro de los atributos materiales, revelando las relaciones intrínsecas entre las propiedades físicas de los materiales y sus capacidades performativas, transformativas y afectivas, incluyendo efectos de interferencias y dinámicas hápticas– o dicho de otro modo, protocolos de transmisión e interacción. Una expresión que encapsula su esencia vendría a ser: MATERIALIDAD ACTIVA


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The primate visual motion system performs numerous functions essential for survival in a dynamic visual world. Prominent among these functions is the ability to recover and represent the trajectories of objects in a form that facilitates behavioral responses to those movements. The first step toward this goal, which consists of detecting the displacement of retinal image features, has been studied for many years in both psychophysical and neurobiological experiments. Evidence indicates that achievement of this step is computationally straightforward and occurs at the earliest cortical stage. The second step involves the selective integration of retinal motion signals according to the object of origin. Realization of this step is computationally demanding, as the solution is formally underconstrained. It must rely--by definition--upon utilization of retinal cues that are indicative of the spatial relationships within and between objects in the visual scene. Psychophysical experiments have documented this dependence and suggested mechanisms by which it may be achieved. Neurophysiological experiments have provided evidence for a neural substrate that may underlie this selective motion signal integration. Together they paint a coherent portrait of the means by which retinal image motion gives rise to our perceptual experience of moving objects.


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Moving through a stable, three-dimensional world is a hallmark of our motor and perceptual experience. This stability is constantly being challenged by movements of the eyes and head, inducing retinal blur and retino-spatial misalignments for which the brain must compensate. To do so, the brain must account for eye and head kinematics to transform two-dimensional retinal input into the reference frame necessary for movement or perception. The four studies in this thesis used both computational and psychophysical approaches to investigate several aspects of this reference frame transformation. In the first study, we examined the neural mechanism underlying the visuomotor transformation for smooth pursuit using a feedforward neural network model. After training, the model performed the general, three-dimensional transformation using gain modulation. This gave mechanistic significance to gain modulation observed in cortical pursuit areas while also providing several testable hypotheses for future electrophysiological work. In the second study, we asked how anticipatory pursuit, which is driven by memorized signals, accounts for eye and head geometry using a novel head-roll updating paradigm. We showed that the velocity memory driving anticipatory smooth pursuit relies on retinal signals, but is updated for the current head orientation. In the third study, we asked how forcing retinal motion to undergo a reference frame transformation influences perceptual decision making. We found that simply rolling one's head impairs perceptual decision making in a way captured by stochastic reference frame transformations. In the final study, we asked how torsional shifts of the retinal projection occurring with almost every eye movement influence orientation perception across saccades. We found a pre-saccadic, predictive remapping consistent with maintaining a purely retinal (but spatially inaccurate) orientation perception throughout the movement. Together these studies suggest that, despite their spatial inaccuracy, retinal signals play a surprisingly large role in our seamless visual experience. This work therefore represents a significant advance in our understanding of how the brain performs one of its most fundamental functions.