942 resultados para patient information


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Searching for health advice on the web is becoming increasingly common. Because of the great importance of this activity for patients and clinicians and the effect that incorrect information may have on health outcomes, it is critical to present relevant and valuable information to a searcher. Previous evaluation campaigns on health information retrieval (IR) have provided benchmarks that have been widely used to improve health IR and record these improvements. However, in general these benchmarks have targeted the specialised information needs of physicians and other healthcare workers. In this paper, we describe the development of a new collection for evaluation of effectiveness in IR seeking to satisfy the health information needs of patients. Our methodology features a novel way to create statements of patients’ information needs using realistic short queries associated with patient discharge summaries, which provide details of patient disorders. We adopt a scenario where the patient then creates a query to seek information relating to these disorders. Thus, discharge summaries provide us with a means to create contextually driven search statements, since they may include details on the stage of the disease, family history etc. The collection will be used for the first time as part of the ShARe/-CLEF 2013 eHealth Evaluation Lab, which focuses on natural language processing and IR for clinical care.


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Only some of the information contained in a medical record will be useful to the prediction of patient outcome. We describe a novel method for selecting those outcome predictors which allow us to reliably discriminate between adverse and benign end results. Using the area under the receiver operating characteristic as a nonparametric measure of discrimination, we show how to calculate the maximum discrimination attainable with a given set of discrete valued features. This upper limit forms the basis of our feature selection algorithm. We use the algorithm to select features (from maternity records) relevant to the prediction of failure to progress in labour. The results of this analysis motivate investigation of those predictors of failure to progress relevant to parous and nulliparous sub-populations.


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Purpose: To investigate, for the first time, the influence of pharmacist intervention and the use of a patient information leaflet on self-application of hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays by human volunteers without the aid of an applicator device.
Methods: A patient information leaflet was drafted and pharmacist counselling strategy devised. Twenty human volunteers applied 11 × 11 arrays of 400 μm hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays to their own skin following the instructions provided. Skin barrier function disruption was assessed using transepidermal water loss measurements and optical coherence tomography and results compared to those obtained when more experienced researchers applied the microneedles to the volunteers or themselves.
Results: Volunteer self-application of the 400 μm microneedle design resulted in an approximately 30% increase in skin transepidermal water loss, which was not significantly different from that seen with self-application by the more experienced researchers or application to the volunteers. Use of optical coherence tomography showed that self-application of microneedles of the same density (400 μm, 600 μm and 900 μm) led to percentage penetration depths of approximately 75%, 70% and 60%, respectively, though the diameter of the micropores created remained quite constant at approximately 200 μm. Transepidermal water loss progressively increased with increasing height of the applied microneedles and this data, like that for penetration depth, was consistent, regardless of applicant.
Conclusion: We have shown that hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays can be successfully and reproducibly applied by human volunteers given appropriate instruction. If these outcomes were able to be extrapolated to the general patient population, then use of bespoke MN applicator devices may not be necessary, thus possibly enhancing patient compliance.


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The UK Oncology Nursing Society’s (UKONS) annual conference focused on three major themes. These were ‘Living With and Beyond Cancer’, ‘Patient Information and Support’, and ‘Innovations in Treatment and Care’. It featured a wide range of presentations, industry satellites, exhibitions, poster discussions. and workshops. Presenters ranged from those eminent in their particular field to those gracing the speaker’s podium for the first time. The rich variety of presentations covered policy, cancer trends, clinical developments, care initiatives, personal development, and advances in practice. There was a strong emphasis on skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes, with the most junior and novice nurses mixing with experienced and highly esteemed practitioners.


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Objective: To examine the effects of providing two different types of written information about medicine benefits in a patient information leaflet (PIL). Setting: Participants were 358 adult volunteers from the general population recruited from a London railway station and central Reading. Method: The study used a controlled empirical methodology in which people were given a hypothetical, but realistic, scenario about visiting their doctor and being prescribed medication. They then read an information leaflet about the medicine that contained neither, one, or both benefit statements, and finally completed a number of Likert rating scales. Outcome measures included perceived satisfaction and helpfulness of the information, effectiveness and appropriateness of the medicine, benefit and risk to health, and intention to comply. Key findings: Both types of benefit information led to significantly higher ratings on all of the measures taken. Conclusions: Provision of a relatively short ‘benefit’ statement can significantly improve people’s judgements and intention to take a medicine. The findings are important and timely as the European Union is currently considering reviewing their regulations to allow for the inclusion of limited non-promotional benefit information in PILs.


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Handover, or the communication of patient information between clinicians, is a fundamental component of health care. Psychiatric settings are dynamic environments relying on timely and accurate communication to plan care and manage risk. Crisis assessment and treatment teams are the primary interface between community and mental health services in many Australian and international health services, facilitating access to assessment, treatment, and admission to hospital. No previous research has investigated the handover between crisis assessment and treatment teams and inpatient psychiatric units, despite the importance of handover to care planning. The aim of the present study was to identify the nature and types of information transferred during these handovers, and to explore how these guides initial care planning. An observational, exploratory study design was used. A 20-item handover observation tool was used to observe 19 occasions of handover. A prospective audit was undertaken on clinical documentation arising from the admission. Clinical information, including psychiatric history and mental state, were handed over consistently; however, information about consumer preferences was reported less consistently. The present study identified a lack of attention to consumer preferences at handover, despite the current focus on recovery-oriented models for mental health care, and the centrality of respecting consumer preferences within the recovery paradigm.


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There are about 650,000 people with hearing problems in Switzerland, 10,000 of whom use sign language. About 100,000 people are hard of hearing. Deaf patients require special treatment in the dental office as they have specific communication needs. This community, like many other minority groups, has a sign language and a culture of its own. To prevent misunderstandings it is therefore very important to provide solutions for an enhanced communication. However, guidelines for the communication with deaf dental patients are still missing. Successful communication between deaf patients and dentist is essential for effective care. This paper is concerned with providing background information and introducing recommendations for unrestricted dentist-patient communication. The aim of this article is to improve dentists' knowledge of the appropriate communication with this patient group.


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BACKGROUND The purpose of patient information leaflets (PILs) is to inform patients about the administration, precautions and potential side effects of their prescribed medication. Despite European Commission guidelines aiming at increasing readability and comprehension of PILs little is known about the potential risk information has on patients. This article explores patients' reactions and subsequent behavior towards risk information conveyed in PILs of commonly prescribed drugs by general practitioners (GPs) for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension or hypercholesterolemia; the most frequent cause for consultations in family practices in Germany. METHODS We conducted six focus groups comprising 35 patients which were recruited in GP practices. Transcripts were read and coded for themes; categories were created by abstracting data and further refined into a coding framework. RESULTS Three interrelated categories are presented: (i) The vast amount of side effects and drug interactions commonly described in PILs provoke various emotional reactions in patients which (ii) lead to specific patient behavior of which (iii) consulting the GP for assistance is among the most common. Findings show that current description of potential risk information caused feelings of fear and anxiety in the reader resulting in undesirable behavioral reactions. CONCLUSIONS Future PILs need to convey potential risk information in a language that is less frightening while retaining the information content required to make informed decisions about the prescribed medication. Thus, during the production process greater emphasis needs to be placed on testing the degree of emotional arousal provoked in patients when reading risk information to allow them to undertake a benefit-risk-assessment of their medication that is based on rational rather than emotional (fearful) reactions.


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Objective The Medicines Use Review (MUR) community pharmacy service was introduced in 2005 to enhance patient empowerment but the service has not been taken up as widely as expected. We investigated the depiction of the patient–pharmacist power relationship within MUR patient information leaflets. Methods We identified 11 MUR leaflets including the official Department of Health MUR booklet and through discourse analysis examined the way language and imagery had been used to symbolise and give meaning to the MUR service, especially the portrayal of the patient–pharmacist interactions and the implied power relations. Results A variety of terminology was used to describe the MUR, a service that aimed ultimately to produce more informed patients through the information imparted by knowledgeable, skilled pharmacists. Conclusion The educational role of the MUR overshadowed the intended patient empowerment that would take place with a true concordance-centred approach. Although patient empowerment was implied, this was within the boundaries of the biomedical model with the pharmacist as the expert provider of medicines information. Practice implications If patient empowerment is to be conveyed this needs to be communicated to patients through consistent use of language and imagery that portrays the inclusivity intended.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur information når fram till patienter med hjärt-kärlsjukdomar. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie. 15 artiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa, granskades till resultatsdelen efter sökningar genom databaserna Academic Search Elite, CINAHL och PubMed, samt sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Artiklarna som använts är från 2002 och framåt. De hade en kvalitet som var antingen medel eller hög efter en granskning med hjälp av granskningsmallar för kvalitetsbedömning.Huvudresultat: Det fanns behov för patienter och deras anhöriga att få information om patientens tillstånd och kommande besvär. Riskuppfattning, riskbearbetning, känslor, personliga värderingar, social press, miljö och ekonomiska förutsättningar bidrog som barriärer för att få informationen att nå fram till patienterna. Patienterna uppgav att det behövdes förbättringar angående information och undervisning. Det fanns många områden där förbättringar kunde göras angående information och undervisning vid hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Ibland ges inte den informationen som patienterna tycker att de behöver.


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Objective : To obtain patient feedback about the structure and quality of medication information leaflets and validate the usefulness of the Evaluative Linguistic Framework (ELF) for improving written communication with patients.
Methods : Triangulated feedback about a set of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) medication leaflets, some developed with knowledge of the ELF, was obtained from 27 people with RA from interviews, focus group discussion and self-administered questionnaires. The principal elements of the framework were investigated: overall generic structure and functions of each stage, interpersonal relationship between writer and reader, technicality of language and density of information.
Results : Participant assessments of the leaflets aligned with the framework in terms of what constituted a good leaflet. While the main purpose of the leaflets was identified as being information provision, participants also wanted clear instructions, benefits to be highlighted and side effects to be comprehensively listed. For comprehensiveness and user-friendliness, leaflets developed with guidance of the ELF were consistently preferred.
Conclusion :
According to people with RA, leaflets generated from a linguistic framework are clearer and more effective in communicating information about medications.
Practice Implications :
The ELF is a user-friendly, structured analytic system that can assist with the development of effective high quality patient information materials.


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to assess the capacity of a written intervention, in this case a patient information brochure, to improve patient satisfaction during an Emergency Department (ED) visit. For the purpose of measuring the effect of the intervention the ED journey was conceptualised as a series of distinct areas of service comprising waiting time, service by the triage nurse, care from doctors and nurses and information giving Background of study: Research into patient satisfaction has become a widespread activity endorsed by both governments and hospital administrations. The literature on ED patient satisfaction has consistently indicated three primary areas of patient dissatisfaction: waiting time, nursing care and communication. Recent developments in the literature on patient satisfaction studies however have highlighted the relationship between patients. expectations of a service encounter and their consequent assessment of the experience as dissatisfying or satisfying. Disconfirmation theory posits that the degree to which expectations are confirmed will affect subsequent levels of satisfaction. The conceptual framework utilised in this study is Coye.s (2004) model of disconfirmation. Coye while reiterating satisfaction is a consequence of the degree expectations are either confirmed or disconfirmed also posits that expectations can be modified by interventions. Coye.s work conceptualises these interventions as intra encounter experiences (cues) which function to adjust expectations. Coye suggests some cues are unintended and may have a negative impact which also reinforces the value of planned cues intended to meet or exceed consumer expectations. Consequently the brochure can be characterized as a potentially positive cue, encouraging the patient to understand processes and to orient them in what can be a confronting environment. Only a limited number of studies have examined the effect of written interventions within an ED. No studies could be located which have tested the effect of ED interventions using a conceptual framework which relates the effect of the degree to which expectations are confirmed or disconfirmed in terms of satisfaction with services. Method: Two studies were conducted. Study One used qualitative methods to explore patients. expectations of the ED from the perspective of both patients and health care professionals. Study One was used in part to direct the development of the intervention (brochure) in Study Two. The brochure was an intervention designed to modify patients. expectations thus increasing their satisfaction with the provision of ED service. As there was no existing tools to measure ED patients. expectations and satisfaction a new tool was also developed based on the findings and the literature of Study One. Study Two used a non-randomised, quasi-experimental approach using a non-equivalent post-test only comparison group design used to investigate the effect of the patient education brochure (Stommel and Wills, 2004). The brochure was disseminated to one of two study groups (the intervention group). The effect of the brochure was assessed by comparing the data obtained from both the intervention and control group. These two groups consisted of 150 participants each. It was expected that any differences in the relevant domains selected for examination would indicate the effect of the brochure both on expectation and potentially satisfaction. Results: Study One revealed several areas of common ground between patients and nurses in terms of relevant content for the written intervention, including the need for information on the triage system and waiting times. Areas of difference were also found with patients emphasizing communication issues, whereas focus group members expressed concern that patients were often unable to assimilate verbal information. The findings suggested the potential utility of written material to reinforce verbal communication particularly in terms of the triage process and other ED protocols. This material was synthesized within the final version of the written intervention. Overall the results of Study Two indicated no significant differences between the two groups. The intervention group did indicate a significant number of participants who viewed the brochure of having changed their expectations. The effect of the brochure may have been obscured by a lack of parity between the two groups as the control group presented with statistically significantly higher levels of acuity and experienced significantly shorter waiting times. In terms of disconfirmation theory this would suggest expectations that had been met or exceeded. The results confirmed the correlation of expectations with satisfaction. Several domains also indicated age as a significant predictor with older patients tending to score higher satisfaction results. Other significant predictors of satisfaction established were waiting time and care from nurses, reinforcing the combination of efficient service and positive interpersonal experiences as being valued by patients. Conclusions: Information presented in written form appears to benefit a significant number of ED users in terms of orientation and explaining systems and procedures. The degree to which these effects may interact with other dimensions of satisfaction however is likely to be limited. Waiting time and interpersonal behaviours from staff also provide influential cues in determining satisfaction. Written material is likely to be one element in a series of coordinated strategies to improve patient satisfaction during periods of peak demand.


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Aim. This paper is a report of a review conducted to identify (a) best practice in information transfer from the emergency department for multi-trauma patients; (b) conduits and barriers to information transfer in trauma care and related settings; and (c) interventions that have an impact on information communication at handover and beyond. Background. Information transfer is integral to effective trauma care, and communication breakdown results in important challenges to this. However, evidence of adequacy of structures and processes to ensure transfer of patient information through the acute phase of trauma care is limited. Data sources. Papers were sourced from a search of 12 online databases and scanning references from relevant papers for 1990–2009. Review methods. The review was conducted according to the University of York’s Centre for Reviews and Dissemination guidelines. Studies were included if they concerned issues that influenced information transfer for patients in healthcare settings. Results. Forty-five research papers, four literature reviews and one policy statement were found to be relevant to parts of the topic, but not all of it. The main issues emerging concerned the impact of communication breakdown in some form, and included communication issues within trauma team processes, lack of structure and clarity during handovers including missing, irrelevant and inaccurate information, distractions and poorly documented care. Conclusion. Many factors influence information transfer but are poorly identified in relation to trauma care. The measurement of information transfer, which is integral to patient handover, has not been the focus of research to date. Nonetheless, documented patient information is considered evidence of care and a resource that affects continuing care.