78 resultados para password
Aquest projecte consisteix en fer l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'un sistema d'autenticació a través de contrasenyes d’un sol ús (One Time Password ‐OTP‐) per a dispositius mòbils. Per evitar l’ús de contrasenyes estàtiques farem una aplicació per a telèfons mòbils capaç de generar contrasenyes aleatòries gràcies a uns paràmetres previs, així com de poder tenir un registre dels serveis on poden ser utilitzades. Partirem d’un protocol repte/resposta on l’usuari interactuarà amb el seu telèfon mòbil i un ordinador personal amb una connexió a Internet. Podrà registrar‐se i, introduint certes dades al mòbil que li proporciona el servidor, podrà fer el procés d’autenticar‐se per poder accedir a zones restringides del servei.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: How to Hinder Hackers? Protect Your Password! Tips to better secure your computer and online accounts
Käyttäjien tunnistaminen tietojärjestelmissä on ollut yksi tietoturvan kulmakivistä vuosikymmenten ajan. Ajatus käyttäjätunnuksesta ja salasanasta on kaikkein kustannustehokkain ja käytetyin tapa säilyttää luottamus tietojärjestelmän ja käyttäjien välillä. Tietojärjestelmien käyttöönoton alkuaikoina, jolloin yrityksissä oli vain muutamia tietojärjestelmiä ja niitä käyttivät vain pieni ryhmä käyttäjiä, tämä toimintamalli osoittautui toimivaksi. Vuosien mittaan järjestelmien määrä kasvoi ja sen mukana kasvoi salasanojen määrä ja monimuotoisuus. Kukaan ei osannut ennustaa, kuinka paljon salasanoihin liittyviä ongelmia käyttäjät kohtaisivat ja kuinka paljon ne tulisivat ruuhkauttamaan yritysten käyttäjätukea ja minkälaisia tietoturvariskejä salasanat tulisivat aiheuttamaan suurissa yrityksissä. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastelemme salasanojen aiheuttamia ongelmia suuressa, globaalissa yrityksessä. Ongelmia tarkastellaan neljästä eri näkökulmasta; ihmiset, teknologia, tietoturva ja liiketoiminta. Ongelmat osoitetaan esittelemällä tulokset yrityksen työntekijöille tehdystä kyselystä, joka toteutettiin osana tätä diplomityötä. Ratkaisu näihin ongelmiin esitellään keskitetyn salasanojenhallintajärjestelmän muodossa. Järjestelmän eri ominaisuuksia arvioidaan ja kokeilu -tyyppinen toteutus rakennetaan osoittamaan tällaisen järjestelmän toiminnallisuus.
Quick video for iSolutions to sanity check workaround as all staff will be asked to change network passwords which could have a major affecting on staff authenticating to network printers from a Mac. If good can be used by Serviceline. Do not Contact Adam Procter about this
Abstract Passwords are the most common form of authentication, and most of us will have to log in to several accounts every day which require passwords. Unfortunately, passwords often do not do a good job of proving who we are, and come with a host of usability problems. Probably the only reason that passwords still exist is that there often isn't a better alternative, so we are likely to be stuck with them for the foreseeable future. Password cracking has been a problem for years, and becomes more problematic as computer become more powerful and attackers get a better idea of the sort of passwords people use. This presentation will look at two free password cracking tools: Hashcat and John the Ripper, and how even a non-expert on a laptop (i.e. me) can use them effectively. An introduction to some of the research surrounding the economics and usability of passwords will also be discussed. Note that the speaker is not an expert in this area, so it will be a fairly informal since I'm sure you're all tired after a long term.
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is widely used in the Wireless Fidelity Point-to-Point Protocol to authenticate an identity and password for a peer. This paper uses a new knowledge-based framework to verify the PAP protocol and a fixed version. Flaws are found in both the original and the fixed versions. A new enhanced protocol is provided and the security of it is proved The whole process is implemented in a mechanical reasoning platform, Isabelle. It only takes a few seconds to find flaws in the original and the fixed protocol and to verify that the enhanced version of the PAP protocol is secure.
A Universal Serial Bus (USB) Mass Storage Device (MSD), often termed a USB flash drive, is ubiquitously used to store important information in unencrypted binary format. This low cost consumer device is incredibly popular due to its size, large storage capacity and relatively high transfer speed. However, if the device is lost or stolen an unauthorized person can easily retrieve all the information. Therefore, it is advantageous in many applications to provide security protection so that only authorized users can access the stored information. In order to provide security protection for a USB MSD, this paper proposes a session key agreement protocol after secure user authentication. The main aim of this protocol is to establish session key negotiation through which all the information retrieved, stored and transferred to the USB MSD is encrypted. This paper not only contributes an efficient protocol, but also does not suffer from the forgery attack and the password guessing attack as compared to other protocols in the literature. This paper analyses the security of the proposed protocol through a formal analysis which proves that the information is stored confidentially and is protected offering strong resilience to relevant security attacks. The computational cost and communication cost of the proposed scheme is analyzed and compared to related work to show that the proposed scheme has an improved tradeoff for computational cost, communication cost and security.
Three-party password-authenticated key exchange (3PAKE) protocols allow entities to negotiate a secret session key with the aid of a trusted server with whom they share a human-memorable password. Recently, Lou and Huang proposed a simple 3PAKE protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography, which is claimed to be secure and to provide superior efficiency when compared with similar-purpose solutions. In this paper, however, we show that the solution is vulnerable to key-compromise impersonation and offline password guessing attacks from system insiders or outsiders, which indicates that the empirical approach used to evaluate the scheme's security is flawed. These results highlight the need of employing provable security approaches when designing and analyzing PAKE schemes. Copyright (c) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nell’era dell’informazione in cui viviamo, ogni persona viene sdoppiata in due entità: oltre alla parte reale e materiale vi è un alterego fatto di dati ed informazioni che vive nei database e nei server che compongono il web. Il collegamento tra le due parti è dato dagli account e dalle chiavi di autenticazione, che si presumono essere segrete. Al giorno d’oggi ogni persona possiede almeno un account, sia esso una web mail, un profilo su un social network o l’account di online banking. Quasi la totalità di questi sistemi effettua l’autenticazione dell’utente tramite l’immissione di una password, e la sicurezza di quest’ultima è essenziale per la protezione delle informazioni personali, dei dati bancari e della propria identità. Col passare del tempo le informazioni personali che diamo in custodia al web crescono sempre più velocemente e diventano sempre più personali e delicate, ma purtroppo l’importanza che viene data alla sicurezza informatica non cresce di pari passo sia da parte degli utenti, sia da parte dei fornitori dei servizi web. Questa tesi ha come scopo quello di portare il lettore ad avere più coscienza rispetto alle tematiche della sicurezza informatica e di esporre in modo chiaro e semplice alcune delle problematiche che riguardano la sicurezza dei sistemi di autenticazione.
The utility of knowledge has always been assumed to be one of the essential and structural questions in any educational and curriculum narrative. In fact, the utility of knowledge frames different designs for educational systems. Knowledge, as presented in public education systems, originates in the mainstream culture as an “accumulated capital for a future time or cultural ornament” (Beane, 2002, p.19). It is shaped and sequentially arranged in a compartmentalized way that often is far removed from everyday context of students. Moreover, knowledge is frequently framed as being needed for a certain or eventual future requirement. Historically there has always been a hierarchical relation within the formal structure of learning, involving contents (what), time (when), and utility (what for). The traditional difference in social status of the different kinds of knowledge and their utilities is connected with the way education emerges institutionally, as well as the demands of the economy. The concept of competence was born at the center of this tension and has been developing there, and there is must be rebuilt.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, utilizando diferentes indicadores antropométricos, o estado nutricional dos idosos de Fortaleza. Este estudo é de base populacional, do tipo transversal, com coleta de dados primários. As variáveis antropométricas analisadas foram: índice de massa corporal (IMC), dobra cutânea tricipital (DCT) e circunferência muscular do braço (CMB). O estado nutricional foi definido a partir dos diagnósticos obtidos com a análise das variáveis antropométricas: eutrófico (idoso, no qual as três variáveis antropométricas (IMC, DCT e CMB), simultaneamente, indicassem o estado de eutrofia, segundo os padrões adotados) e não eutrófico (demais idosos). Foram selecionados 385 domicílios para comporem a amostra deste estudo, nos quais foram entrevistados 483 idosos (68% mulheres). Quanto ao IMC, 47,3% do total de idosos foram considerados eutróficos. As mulheres apresentaram maior proporção de valores de IMC excessivo (21,9%), quando comparadas aos homens (13,5%). Foi verificada associação estatisticamente significativa entre adequação de IMC e sexo. Os valores de DCT mostraram que 54,4% do total de idosos eram eutróficos. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a adequação da DCT e sexo. Quanto à CMB, os homens apresentaram maior prevalência de desnutrição (66,5%), quando comparados às mulheres (40,6%). Foi verificada associação estatisticamente significativa entre adequação da CMB e sexo. Ao verificar o estado nutricional por meio das variáveis antropométricas, observou-se que 83,9% dos homens foram considerados não eutróficos, assim como maior parte das mulheres (74,2%). Foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa entre estado nutricional e sexo. Os idosos de Fortaleza apresentam estado nutricional vulnerável, visto as prevalências de não eutróficos
It is difficult to get the decision about an opinion after many users get the meeting in same place. It used to spend too much time in order to find solve some problem because of the various opinions of each other. TAmI (Group Decision Making Toolkit) is the System to Group Decision in Ambient Intelligence [1]. This program was composed with IGATA [2], WebMeeting and the related Database system. But, because it is sent without any encryption in IP / Password, it can be opened to attacker. They can use the IP / Password to the bad purpose. As the result, although they make the wrong result, the joined member can’t know them. Therefore, in this paper, we studied the applying method of user’s authentication into TAmI.
Atualmente a popularidade das comunicações Wi-Fi tem crescido, os utilizadores acedem a partir de vários dispositivos como telemóveis, tablets, computadores portáteis sendo estes utilizados por qualquer pessoa nos mais variados locais. Com esta utilização massiva por parte dos utilizadores surgiram os hotspots Wi-Fi públicos (em aeroportos, estações de comboios, etc) que permitem a ligação de clientes recorrendo a ligações wireless não seguras (ou abertas). Tais hotspots utilizam, após a ligação de um cliente, um captive portal que captura o tráfego IP com origem no cliente e o redireciona para uma página Web de entrada. A página Web permite ao cliente comprar tempo de acesso à Internet ou, caso já seja um cliente da empresa, autenticar-se para ter acesso à Internet. A necessidade da ligação aberta assenta na possibilidade do operador do hotspot vender acesso à Internet a utilizadores não conhecidos (caso contrário teria de fornecerlhes uma senha previamente). No entanto, fornecer um acesso à Internet wireless sem qualquer tipo de segurança ao nível físico permite que qualquer outro utilizador consiga obter informação sobre a navegação Web dos utilizadores ligados (ex.: escuta de pedidos DNS). Nesta tese pretende-se apresentar uma solução que estenda um dos atuais mecanismos de autenticação Wi-Fi (WPA, WPA2) para que permita, após autenticação em captive portal, a migração de uma ligação aberta para uma ligação segura.
Immune systems have been used in the last years to inspire approaches for several computational problems. This paper focus on behavioural biometric authentication algorithms’ accuracy enhancement by using them more than once and with different thresholds in order to first simulate the protection provided by the skin and then look for known outside entities, like lymphocytes do. The paper describes the principles that support the application of this approach to Keystroke Dynamics, an authentication biometric technology that decides on the legitimacy of a user based on his typing pattern captured on he enters the username and/or the password and, as a proof of concept, the accuracy levels of one keystroke dynamics algorithm when applied to five legitimate users of a system both in the traditional and in the immune inspired approaches are calculated and the obtained results are compared.