991 resultados para pain education
Objective Patient autonomy has great importance for a valid informed consent in clinical practice. Our objectives were to quantify thedomains of patient autonomy and to evaluate the variables that can affect patient autonomy in women with chronic pelvic pain. Methods This study is a cross sectional survey performed in a tertiary care University Hospital. Fifty-two consecutive women scheduled for laparoscopic management of chronic pelvic were included. Three major components of autonomy (competence, information or freedom) were evaluated using a Likert scale with 24 validated affirmatives. Results Competence scores (0.85 vs 0.92; p = 0.006) and information scores (0.90 vs 0.93; p = 0.02) were low for women with less than eight years of school attendance. Information scores were low in the presence of anxiety (0.91 vs 0.93; p = 0.05) or depression (0.90 vs 0.93; p = 0.01). Conclusions Our data show that systematic evaluation of patient autonomy can provide clinical relevant information in gynecology. Low educational level, anxiety and depression might reduce the patient autonomy in women with chronic pelvic pain.
Commentaire / Commentary
Background The paucity of studies regarding cognitive function in patients with chronic pain, and growing evidence regarding the cognitive effects of pain and opioids on cognitive function prompted us to assess cognition via neuropsychological measurement in patients with chronic non-cancer pain treated with opioids. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 49 patients were assessed by Continuous Reaction Time, Finger Tapping, Digit Span, Trail Making Test-B and Mini-mental State Examination tests. Linear regressions were applied. Results Patients scored poorly in the Trail Making Test-B (mean?=?107.6?s, SD?=?61.0, cut-off?=?91?s); and adequately on all other tests. Several associations among independent variables and cognitive tests were observed. In the multiple regression analyses, the variables associated with statistically significant poor cognitive performance were female sex, higher age, lower annual income, lower schooling, anxiety, depression, tiredness, lower opioid dose, and more than 5?h of sleep the night before assessment (P?<?0.05). Conclusions Patients with chronic pain may have cognitive dysfunction related to some reversible factors, which can be optimized by therapeutic interventions.
The persistence of negative attitudes towards cancer pain and its treatment suggests there is scope for identifying more effective pain education strategies. This randomized controlled trial involving 189 ambulatory cancer patients evaluated an educational intervention that aimed to optimize patients' ability to manage pain. One week post-intervention, patients receiving the pain management intervention (PMI) had a significantly greater increase in self-reported pain knowledge, perceived control over pain, and number of pain treatments recommended. Intervention group patients also demonstrated a greater reduction in willingness to tolerate pain, concerns about addiction and side effects, being a "good" patient, and tolerance to pain relieving medication. The results suggest that targeted educational interventions that utilize individualized instructional techniques may alter cancer patient attitudes, which can potentially act as barriers to effective pain management. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
RESUMO: Introdução e Objetivos: O exercício é uma das modalidades mais utilizadas no tratamento da Dor Lombar Crónica (DLC) mas também a mais recomendada pela literatura atual. Apesar de efetivo, o exercício não parece responder às características cognitivas e comportamentais identificadas nesta população. Assim, existem recomendações para que seja coadjuvado por educação de forma a minimizar a influência nos resultados de variáveis como o medo do movimento. Porém não é conhecido o real impacto nos resultados de um programa educacional quando acrescentado a um programa de exercício. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de um programa de exercício aquático coadjuvado por educação baseada na neurofisiologia da dor (grupo experimental) comparado a um programa de exercício aquático isolado (grupo controlo), ao nível da intensidade da dor, incapacidade funcional e medo do movimento, em indivíduos com DLC. Metodologia: Sessenta e dois indivíduos com DLC foram aleatoriamente distribuídos pelo grupo experimental (n= 30) e pelo grupo controlo (n= 32). Os participantes de ambos os grupos realizaram um programa de 6 semanas constituído por 12 sessões de exercício aquático. No caso do grupo experimental foram realizadas duas sessões de educação baseada na neurofisiologia da dor (EBN) antes do programa de exercício aquático. As medidas de avaliação primárias foram a intensidade da dor (Escala Visual Análoga) e a incapacidade funcional (Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale). Secundariamente avaliou-se o medo do movimento através da Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia. Os participantes foram avaliados antes da intervenção, 3 semanas após o início do programa de exercício aquático, no final da intervenção e 3 meses após o final da intervenção. Resultados: Foram encontradas melhorias significativas no final da intervenção ao nível da intensidade da dor e incapacidade funcional em ambos os grupos. Após 3 meses, apenas o grupo experimental apresentou melhorias significativas nas variáveis primárias. Na comparação entre grupos, os resultados foram favoráveis ao grupo experimental para a intensidade da dor nas avaliações após a intervenção (p= 0,032) e após 3 meses (p= 0,007). Quanto à incapacidade funcional e medo do movimento não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre grupos em nenhum momento. Também as medidas de relevância clínica utilizadas (tamanho do efeito; risco relativo; number needed to treat) favoreceram o grupo experimental. Conclusões: Os resultados mostram que um programa de exercício aquático e EBN foi mais efetivo na melhoria da intensidade da dor a curto e médio prazo do que um programa de exercício aquático isolado. Apesar de serem necessárias mais investigações sobre este tema, este estudo demonstra que a EBN pode otimizar os resultados quando associada a outras intervenções ativas como o exercício aquático.----------------ABSTRACT: Introduction and Objectives: Exercise is one of the most used modalities in the treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) but also the most recommended in current literature. Although it’s effective, exercise does not seem to respond to the cognitive and behavioural characteristics identified in this population. Thus, it is recommended to be assisted by education in order to minimize the influence of variables on the results such as the fear of movement. However, the real impact on the results of an educational program when added to an exercise program is not known. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a program of aquatic exercise and neurophysiology pain education (experimental group) compared to aquatic exercise program alone (control group), on the outcomes of pain intensity, functional disability and fear of movement in individuals with CLBP. Methodology: Sixty two individuals with CLBP were randomly distributed in the experimental group (n = 30) and in the control group (n = 32). Participants in both groups performed a 6-week program consisting of 12 sessions of aquatic exercise. In the case of the experimental group two sessions of neurophysiology pain education (NPE) were performed before the aquatic exercise program. The primary outcomes were pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale) and functional disability (Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale). Secondarily, the fear of movement through the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia was assessed. Participants were assessed before the intervention, three weeks after the start of the aquatic exercise program, at the end of the intervention and 3 months after the end of the intervention. Results: Significant improvements were found at the end of the intervention in both groups in what intensity of pain and functional disability were concerned. After 3 months, only the experimental group showed significant improvements in the primary outcomes. Comparing both groups, the results favoured to the experimental group for intensity of pain scores after the intervention (p = 0.032) and after 3 months (p = 0.007). The functional disability and fear of movement had no significant differences between groups at any time. In addition, the measures of clinical relevance used (size effect; relative risk; number needed to treat) favoured the experimental group. Conclusions: The results show that a program of aquatic exercise and NPE were more effective in improving pain intensity at a short and medium term than an aquatic exercise program alone. Although more research on this topic is needed, this study demonstrates that the NPE can optimize results when combined with other active interventions such as aquatic exercise.
Manual therapy, exercise and education target distinct aspects of chronic low back pain and probably have distinct effects, This study aimed to determine the efficacy of a combined physiotherapy treatment that comprised all of these strategies. By concealed randomisation, 57 chronic low back pain patients were allocated to either the four-week physiotherapy program or management as directed by their general practitioners, The dependent variables of interest were pain and disability. Assessors were blind to treatment group. Outcome data from 49 subjects (86%) showed a significant treatment effect. The physiotherapy program reduced pain and disability by a mean of 1.5/10 points on a numerical rating scale (95% CI 0.7 to 2.3) and 3.9 points on the 18-point Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (95% CI 2 to 5.8), respectively. The number needed to treat in order to gain a clinically meaningful change was 3 (95% CI 3 to 8) for pain, and 2 (95% CI 2 to 5) for disability. A treatment effect was maintained at one-year follow-up. The findings support the efficacy of combined physiotherapy treatment in producing symptomatic and functional change in moderately disabled chronic low back pain patients.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Acute pain is the most frequent complaint in emergency department (ED) admissions, but its management is often neglected, placing patients at risk of oligoanalgesia. We evaluate the effect of the implementation of guidelines for pain management in ED patients with pain at admission or anytime during their stay in our ED. METHODS: This prospective pre-post intervention cohort study included data collection both before and after guideline implementation. Consecutive adult patients admitted with acute pain from any cause or with pain at any time after admission were enrolled. The quality of pain management was evaluated according to information in the ED medical records by using a standardized collection form, and its impact on patients was recorded with a questionnaire at discharge. RESULTS: Two hundred forty-nine and 192 patients were included during pre- and postintervention periods. Pain was documented in 61% and 76% of nurse and physician notes, respectively, versus 78% and 85% after the intervention (difference 17%/9%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 8% to 26%/2% to 17%, respectively). Administration of analgesia increased from 40% to 63% (difference 23%; 95% CI 13% to 32%) and of morphine from 10% to 27% (difference 17%; 95% CI 10% to 24%). Mean doses of intravenous morphine increased from 2.4 mg (95% CI 1.9 to 2.9 mg) to 4.6 mg (95% CI 3.9 to 5.3 mg); administration of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and acetaminophen increased as well. There was a greater reduction of visual analogue scale score after intervention: 2.1 cm (95% CI 1.7 to 2.4 cm) versus 2.9 cm (95% CI 2.5 to 3.3 cm), which was associated with improved patient satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Education program and guidelines implementation for pain management lead to improved pain management, analgesia, and patient satisfaction in the ED.
Aims: To compare the effectiveness of adding cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, or placebo to patient education and a self-care management program for patients with myofascial pain and specifically presenting with jaw pain upon awakening. Methods: Forty-five patients with a diagnosis of myofascial pain based on the guidelines of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain participated in this 3-week study. The subjects were randomly assigned into one of three groups: placebo group, TZA group (tizanidine 4 mg), or CYC group (cyclobenzaprine 10 mg). Patients were evaluated for changes in pain intensity, frequency, and duration by using the modified Severity Symptoms Index and changes in sleep quality with the use of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and post-hoc or nonparametric statistical tests as appropriate. Results: All three groups had a reduction in pain symptoms and improvement of sleep quality based on a comparison of pretreatment and treatment scores. However, no significant differences among the groups were observed at the posttreatment evaluation. Conclusion: The use of tizanidine or cyclobenzaprine in addition to self-care management and patient education was not more effective than placebo for the management of patients with myofascial jaw pain upon awakening.
Chronic unremittent low back pain (LBP) is characterised by cognitive barriers to treatment. Combining a motor control training approach with individualised education about pain physiology is effective in this group of patients. This randomized comparative trial (i) evaluates an approach to motor control acquisition and training that considers the complexities of the relationship between pain and motor output, and (ii) compares the efficacy and cost of individualized and group pain physiology education. After an "ongoing usual treatment" period, patients participated in a 4-week motor control and pain physiology education program. Patients received four one-hour individualized education sessions (IE) or one 4-hour group lecture (GE). Both groups reduced pain (numerical rating scale) and disability (Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire). IE showed bigger decreases, which were maintained at 12 months (P < 0.05 for all). The combined motor control and education approach is effective. Although group education imparts a lesser effect, it may be more cost-efficient. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Objectives: Cognitive-behavioral pain management programs typically achieve improvements in pain cognitions, disability, and physical performance. However, it is not known whether the neurophysiology education component of such programs contributes to these outcomes. In chronic low back pain patients, we investigated the effect of neurophysiology education on cognitions, disability, and physical performance. Methods: This study was a blinded randomized controlled trial. Individual education sessions on neurophysiology of pain (experimental group) and back anatomy and physiology (control group) were conducted by trained physical therapist educators. Cognitions were evaluated using the Survey of Pain Attitudes (revised) (SOPA(R)), and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS). Behavioral measures included the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ), and 3 physical performance tasks; (1) straight leg raise (SLR), (2) forward bending range, and (3) an abdominal drawing-in task, which provides a measure of voluntary activation of the deep abdominal muscles. Methodological checks evaluated non-specific effects of intervention. Results: There was a significant treatment effect on the SOPA(R), PCS, SLR, and forward bending. There was a statistically significant effect on RMDQ; however, the size of this effect was small and probably not clinically meaningful. Discussion: Education about pain neurophysiology changes pain cognitions and physical performance but is insufficient by itself to obtain a change in perceived disability. The results suggest that pain neurophysiology education, but not back school type education, should be included in a wider pain management approach.
The way people with chronic low back pain think about pain can affect the way they move. This case report concerns a patient with chronic disabling low back pain who underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging scans during performance of a voluntary trunk muscle task under three conditions: directly after training in the task and, after one week of practice, before and after a 2.5 hour pain physiology education session. Before education there was widespread brain activity during performance of the task, including activity in cortical regions known to be involved in pain, although the task was not painful. After education widespread activity was absent so that there was no brain activation outside of the primary somatosensory cortex. The results suggest that pain physiology education markedly altered brain activity during performance of the task. The data offer a possible mechanism for difficulty in acquisition of trunk muscle training in people with pain and suggest that the change in activity associated with education may reflect reduced threat value of the task.