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In this work we present an optimized fuzzy visual servoing system for obstacle avoidance using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The cross-entropy theory is used to optimise the gains of our controllers. The optimization process was made using the ROS-Gazebo 3D simulation with purposeful extensions developed for our experiments. Visual servoing is achieved through an image processing front-end that uses the Camshift algorithm to detect and track objects in the scene. Experimental flight trials using a small quadrotor were performed to validate the parameters estimated from simulation. The integration of cross- entropy methods is a straightforward way to estimate optimal gains achieving excellent results when tested in real flights.


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This paper proposes a unique and innovative approach to integrate transit signal priority control into a traffic adaptive signal control strategy. The proposed strategy was named OSTRAC (Optimized Strategy for integrated TRAffic and TRAnsit signal Control). The cornerstones of OSTRAC include an online microscopic traffic f low prediction model and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based traffic signal timing module. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the critical GA parameters. The developed traffic f low model demonstrated reliable prediction results through a test. OSTRAC was evaluated by comparing its performance to three other signal control strategies. The evaluation results revealed that OSTRAC efficiently and effectively reduced delay time of general traffic and also transit vehicles.


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This paper proposes a new method for online secondary path modeling in feedback active noise control (ANC) systems. In practical cases, the secondary path is usually time varying. For these cases, online modeling of secondary path is required to ensure convergence of the system. In literature the secondary path estimation is usually performed offline, prior to online modeling, where in the proposed system there is no need for using offline estimation. The proposed method consists of two steps: a noise controller which is based on an FxLMS algorithm, and a variable step size (VSS) LMS algorithm which is used to adapt the modeling filter with the secondary path. In order to increase performance of the algorithm in a faster convergence and accurate performance, we stop the VSS-LMS algorithm at the optimum point. The results of computer simulation shown in this paper indicate effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Taguchi method is for the first time applied to optimize the synthesis of graphene films by copper-catalyzed decomposition of ethanol. In order to find the most appropriate experimental conditions for the realization of thin high-grade films, six experiments suitably designed and performed. The influence of temperature (1000–1070 °C) and synthesis duration (1–30 min) and hydrogen flow (0–100 sccm) on the number of graphene layers and defect density in the graphitic lattice was ranked by monitoring the intensity of the 2D- and D-bands relative to the G-band in the Raman spectra. After critical examination and adjusting of the conditions predicted to give optimal results, a continuous film consisting of 2–4 nearly defect-free graphene layers was obtained.


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A switching control strategy is proposed for current-fed half-bridge converters. An active switch based voltage doubler circuit at the secondary side of the isolation transformer is used to obtain zero-current-switching at turn-off and zero-voltage-switching at turn-on in the primary side switches of the current-fed half-bridge converter. The operation of the current-fed half-bridge converter with the proposed switching control strategy is explained using the equivalent circuit during each sub-interval of operation. The operation of the current-fed halfbridge converter is simulated using MATLAB/Simpower and PSIM to verify the feasibility of the switching control strategy. Experimental results are provided to validate the converter's operation.


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The increasing integration of Renewable Energy Resources (RER) and the role of Electric Energy Storage (EES) in distribution systems has created interest in using energy management strategies. EES has become a suitable resource to manage energy consumption and generation in smart grid. Optimize scheduling of EES can also maximize retailer’s profit by introducing energy time-shift opportunities. This paper proposes a new strategy for scheduling EES in order to reduce the impact of electricity market price and load uncertainty on retailers’ profit. The proposed strategy optimizes the cost of purchasing energy with the objective of minimizing surplus energy cost in hedging contract. A case study is provided to demonstrate the impact of the proposed strategy on retailers’ financial benefit.


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Flexible multilayer electrodes that combine high transparency, high conductivity, and efficient charge extraction have been deposited, characterised and used as the anode in organic solar cells. The anode consists of an AZO/Ag/AZO stack plus a very thin oxide interlayer whose ionization potential is fine-tuned by manipulating its gap state density to optimise charge transfer with the bulk heterojunction active layer consisting of poly(n-3- hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:BC61BM). The deposition method for the stack was compatible with the low temperatures required for polymer substrates. Optimisation of the electrode stack was achieved by modelling the optical and electrical properties of the device and a power conversion efficiency of 2.9% under AM1.5 illumination compared to 3.0% with an ITO-only anode and 3.5% for an ITO:PEDOT electrode. Dark I-V reverse bias characteristics indicate very low densities of occupied buffer states close to the HOMO level of the hole conductor, despite observed ionization potential being high enough. Their elimination should raise efficiency to that with ITO:PEDOT.


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Replacement of deteriorated water pipes is a capital-intensive activity for utility companies. Replacement planning aims to minimize total costs while maintaining a satisfactory level of service and is usually conducted for individual pipes. Scheduling replacement in groups is seen to be a better method and has the potential to provide benefits such as the reduction of maintenance costs and service interruptions. However, developing group replacement schedules is a complex task and often beyond the ability of a human expert, especially when multiple or conflicting objectives need to be catered for, such as minimization of total costs and service interruptions. This paper describes the development of a novel replacement decision optimization model for group scheduling (RDOM-GS), which enables multiple group-scheduling criteria by integrating new cost functions, a service interruption model, and optimization algorithms into a unified procedure. An industry case study demonstrates that RDOM-GS can improve replacement planning significantly and reduce costs and service interruptions.


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In vitro transcription analysis is important to understand the mechanism of transcription. Various assays for the analysis of initiation, elongation and termination form the basis for better understanding of the process. Purified RNA polymerase (RNAP) with high specific activity is necessary to carry out variety of these specific reactions. The RNAP purified from Mycobacterium smegmatis from exponential phase showed low promoter specificity in promoter-polymerase interaction studies. This is due to the presence of a large number of sigma factors during exponential phase and under-representation of sigma(A) required for house-keeping transcription. We describe an in vivo reconstitution of RNAP holoenzyme with sigma(A) and its purification, which resulted in holoenzyme with stoichiometric sigma(A) content. The reconstituted holoenzyme showed enhanced promoter-specific binding and promoter-specific-transcription activity compared to the enzyme isolated using standard procedure. Such in vivo reconstitution of stoichiometric holoenzyme could facilitate promoter-specific transcription assays, especially in organisms which encode a large number of sigma factors.


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Bluetooth is an emerging standard in short range, low cost and low power wireless networks. MAC is a generic polling based protocol, where a central Bluetooth unit (master) determines channel access to all other nodes (slaves) in the network (piconet). An important problem in Bluetooth is the design of efficient scheduling protocols. This paper proposes a polling policy that aims to achieve increased system throughput and reduced packet delays while providing reasonably good fairness among all traffic flows in a Bluetooth Piconet. We present an extensive set of simulation results and performance comparisons with two important existing algorithms. Our results indicate that our proposed scheduling algorithm outperforms the Round Robin scheduling algorithm by more than 40% in all cases tried. Our study also confirms that our proposed policy achieves higher throughput and lower packet delays with reasonable fairness among all the connections.


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In this paper, we study the behaviour of the slotted Aloha multiple access scheme with a finite number of users under different traffic loads and optimize the retransmission probability q(r) for various settings, cost objectives and policies. First, we formulate the problem as a parameter optimization problem and use certain efficient smoothed functional algorithms for finding the optimal retransmission probability parameter. Next, we propose two classes of multi-level closed-loop feedback policies (for finding in each case the retransmission probability qr that now depends on the current system state) and apply the above algorithms for finding an optimal policy within each class of policies. While one of the policy classes depends on the number of backlogged nodes in the system, the other depends on the number of time slots since the last successful transmission. The latter policies are more realistic as it is difficult to keep track of the number of backlogged nodes at each instant. We investigate the effect of increasing the number of levels in the feedback policies. Wen also investigate the effects of using different cost functions (withn and without penalization) in our algorithms and the corresponding change in the throughput and delay using these. Both of our algorithms use two-timescale stochastic approximation. One of the algorithms uses one simulation while the other uses two simulations of the system. The two-simulation algorithm is seen to perform better than the other algorithm. Optimal multi-level closed-loop policies are seen to perform better than optimal open-loop policies. The performance further improves when more levels are used in the feedback policies.


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In this paper, we consider the design and bit-error performance analysis of linear parallel interference cancellers (LPIC) for multicarrier (MC) direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. We propose an LPIC scheme where we estimate and cancel the multiple access interference (MAT) based on the soft decision outputs on individual subcarriers, and the interference cancelled outputs on different subcarriers are combined to form the final decision statistic. We scale the MAI estimate on individual subcarriers by a weight before cancellation. In order to choose these weights optimally, we derive exact closed-form expressions for the bit-error rate (BER) at the output of different stages of the LPIC, which we minimize to obtain the optimum weights for the different stages. In addition, using an alternate approach involving the characteristic function of the decision variable, we derive BER expressions for the weighted LPIC scheme, matched filter (MF) detector, decorrelating detector, and minimum mean square error (MMSE) detector for the considered multicarrier DS-CDMA system. We show that the proposed BER-optimized weighted LPIC scheme performs better than the MF detector and the conventional LPIC scheme (where the weights are taken to be unity), and close to the decorrelating and MMSE detectors.


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The imaging performance of hololenses formed with four different geometries were studied through an analysis of their third-order aberration coefficients. It is found that the geometry proposed by Brandt (1969) gives the least residual aberration with minimum variation of this aberration with the reconstruction angle. When the ideal position of one of the construction beams is changed in order to generate a hololens array, the residual aberration is found to increase sharply, which in turn affects the image resolution among the multiplied images in the output. A hololens array was generated using Brandt's geometry with the help of a one-dimensional sinusoidal grating. The results of multiple imaging with the hololens array are presented. The image resolution is reasonably high and can be further improved by reducing the f-number of the hololenses.