996 resultados para multi-fuel


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In this paper a solution to an highly constrained and non-convex economical dispatch (ED) problem with a meta-heuristic technique named Sensing Cloud Optimization (SCO) is presented. The proposed meta-heuristic is based on a cloud of particles whose central point represents the objective function value and the remaining particles act as sensors "to fill" the search space and "guide" the central particle so it moves into the best direction. To demonstrate its performance, a case study with multi-fuel units and valve- point effects is presented.


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Suurten polttolaitosten päästöjen tarkkailu- ja raportointivaatimukset ovat uudistuneet viime vuosina paljon. Suurimpia muutosten aiheuttajia ovat Valtioneuvoston asetus 1017/2002 ja standardi EN-14181. Tässä työssä kuvataan uudet vaatimukset täyttävän päästöjen tarkkailu- ja raportointijärjestelmän rakentaminen monipolttoainekattilalle. Aluksi esitellään mitä uusia vaatimuksia päästöjen tarkkailulle ja raportoinnille on tullut viime aikoina. Lisäksi selvitetään vaatimusten mahdolliset ristiriidat ja ristiriitatilanteiden ratkaisutavat. Seuraavaksi esitellään vaatimukset täyttävän järjestelmän määritelmät. Erityisestiselvitetään kattilan erityispiirteiden vaatimia ratkaisuja. Lopuksi esitellään päästöjen tarkkailu- ja raportointijärjestelmän käyttökokemuksia ja parantamismahdollisuuksia. Kaikki tarkastelut tehdään ensisijaisesti toiminnanharjoittajan näkökulmasta. Järjestelmä toteutettiin Stora Enso Oyj:n Heinolan Flutingtehtaan voimalaitoksen pääkattilalle, jossa käytetään laajaa polttoainevalikoimaa. Toteutuspaikan valinta tehtiin sillä perusteella, että uudet päästöjen tarkkailu- ja raportointivaatimukset ovat erityisen haasteellisia monipolttoainekattiloiden tapauksessa. Työssä selvitetään järjestelmän soveltamismahdollisuuksia myös kahdella muulla Stora Enson tehtaalla. Käyttöönottovaiheen johtopäätöksenä todettiin päästöjen tarkkailu- ja raportointijärjestelmän täyttävän sille asetetut vaatimukset. Lisäksi havaittiin, että toiminnanharjoittajan kannattaa panostaa erityisesti järjestelmän joustavuuteen, luotettavuuteen, helppokäyttöisyyteen ja vikasietoisuuteen. Toiminnanharjoittaja pystyy määrittelyvaiheessa vaikuttamaan järjestelmän ominaisuuksiin helpommin ja edullisemmin kuin käyttöönoton jälkeen. Toiminnanharjoittajalta vaadittu työtuntimäärä arvioitiin Heinolan Flutingtehtaan tapauksen perusteella. Lopuksi selvitettiin mahdollisia tulevaisuuden kehityskohteita vastaavissa järjestelmissä.


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Kandidaatintyössä esitellään biomassapolttoaineiden polttotekniikat. Lisäksi käydään läpi Suomessa käytettävät biomassapolttoaineet ja niiden käsittelyyn, polttoon ja päästöihin vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Työssä keskitytään erityisesti uusien voimalaitosteknologioiden monipolttoainekonseptiin ja monipolttoainebiomassalaitoksiin. Niihin liittyy olennaisesti eri polttoaineiden seospoltto, johon myös työssä tutustutaan. Työn tavoitteena on antaa selkeä kuva biomassalaitosten polttotekniikoista ja polttoaineista. Tavoitteena on lisäksi pohtia monipolttoainekonseptin soveltuvuutta yhdeksi ratkaisuksi tulevaisuuden energiantuotannon haasteisiin.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB


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Waste biomass is generated during the conservation management of semi-natural habitats, and represents an unused resource and potential bioenergy feedstock that does not compete with food production. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to characterise a representative range of biomass generated during conservation management in Wales. Of the biomass types assessed, those dominated by rush (Juncus effuses) and bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) exhibited the highest and lowest volatile compositions respectively and were selected for bench scale conversion via fast pyrolysis. Each biomass type was ensiled and a sub-sample of silage was washed and pressed. Demineralization of conservation biomass through washing and pressing was associated with higher oil yields following fast pyrolysis. The oil yields were within the published range established for the dedicated energy crops miscanthus and willow. In order to examine the potential a multiple output energy system was developed with gross power production estimates following valorisation of the press fluid, char and oil. If used in multi fuel industrial burners the char and oil alone would displace 3.9 × 105 tonnes per year of No. 2 light oil using Welsh biomass from conservation management. Bioenergy and product development using these feedstocks could simultaneously support biodiversity management and displace fossil fuels, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Gross power generation predictions show good potential.


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Internal combustion engines are, and will continue to be, a primary mode of power generation for ground transportation. Challenges exist in meeting fuel consumption regulations and emission standards while upholding performance, as fuel prices rise, and resource depletion and environmental impacts are of increasing concern. Diesel engines are advantageous due to their inherent efficiency advantage over spark ignition engines; however, their NOx and soot emissions can be difficult to control and reduce due to an inherent tradeoff. Diesel combustion is spray and mixing controlled providing an intrinsic link between spray and emissions, motivating detailed, fundamental studies on spray, vaporization, mixing, and combustion characteristics under engine relevant conditions. An optical combustion vessel facility has been developed at Michigan Technological University for these studies, with detailed tests and analysis being conducted. In this combustion vessel facility a preburn procedure for thermodynamic state generation is used, and validated using chemical kinetics modeling both for the MTU vessel, and institutions comprising the Engine Combustion Network international collaborative research initiative. It is shown that minor species produced are representative of modern diesel engines running exhaust gas recirculation and do not impact the autoignition of n-heptane. Diesel spray testing of a high-pressure (2000 bar) multi-hole injector is undertaken including non-vaporizing, vaporizing, and combusting tests, with sprays characterized using Mie back scatter imaging diagnostics. Liquid phase spray parameter trends agree with literature. Fluctuations in liquid length about a quasi-steady value are quantified, along with plume to plume variations. Hypotheses are developed for their causes including fuel pressure fluctuations, nozzle cavitation, internal injector flow and geometry, chamber temperature gradients, and turbulence. These are explored using a mixing limited vaporization model with an equation of state approach for thermopyhysical properties. This model is also applied to single and multi-component surrogates. Results include the development of the combustion research facility and validated thermodynamic state generation procedure. The developed equation of state approach provides application for improving surrogate fuels, both single and multi-component, in terms of diesel spray liquid length, with knowledge of only critical fuel properties. Experimental studies are coupled with modeling incorporating improved thermodynamic non-ideal gas and fuel


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Digestate from the anaerobic digestion conversion process is widely used as a farm land fertiliser. This study proposes an alternative use as a source of energy. Dried digestate was pyrolysed and the resulting oil was blended with waste cooking oil and butanol (10, 20 and 30 vol.%). The physical and chemical properties of the pyrolysis oil blends were measured and compared with pure fossil diesel and waste cooking oil. The blends were tested in a multi-cylinder indirect injection compression ignition engine.Engine combustion, exhaust gas emissions and performance parameters were measured and compared with pure fossil diesel operation. The ASTM copper corrosion values for 20% and 30% pyrolysis blends were 2c, compared to 1b for fossil diesel. The kinematic viscosities of the blends at 40 C were 5–7 times higher than that of fossil diesel. Digested pyrolysis oil blends produced lower in-cylinder peak pressures than fossil diesel and waste cooking oil operation. The maximum heat release rates of the blends were approximately 8% higher than with fossil diesel. The ignition delay periods of the blends were higher; pyrolysis oil blends started to combust late and once combustion started burnt quicker than fossil diesel. The total burning duration of the 20% and 30% blends were decreased by 12% and 3% compared to fossil diesel. At full engine load, the brake thermal efficiencies of the blends were decreased by about 3–7% when compared to fossil diesel. The pyrolysis blends gave lower smoke levels; at full engine load, smoke level of the 20% blend was 44% lower than fossil diesel. In comparison to fossil diesel and at full load, the brake specific fuel consumption (wt.) of the 30% and 20% blends were approximately 32% and 15% higher. At full engine load, the CO emission of the 20% and 30% blends were decreased by 39% and 66% with respect to the fossil diesel. Blends CO2 emissions were similar to that of fossil diesel; at full engine load, 30% blend produced approximately 5% higher CO2 emission than fossil diesel. The study concludes that on the basis of short term engine experiment up to 30% blend of pyrolysis oil from digestate of arable crops can be used in a compression ignition engine.


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Environmental concerns and the shortage in the fossil fuel reserves have been potentiating the growth and globalization of distributed generation. Another resource that has been increasing its importance is the demand response, which is used to change consumers’ consumption profile, helping to reduce peak demand. Aiming to support small players’ participation in demand response events, the Curtailment Service Provider emerged. This player works as an aggregator for demand response events. The control of small and medium players which act in smart grid and micro grid environments is enhanced with a multi-agent system with artificial intelligence techniques – the MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform). Using strategic behaviours in each player, this system simulates the profile of real players by using software agents. This paper shows the importance of modeling these behaviours for studying this type of scenarios. A case study with three examples shows the differences between each player and the best behaviour in order to achieve the higher profit in each situation.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e de Computadores