972 resultados para molecular diagnostic techniques


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Nucleic acid amplification techniques are commonly used currently to diagnose viral diseases and manage patients with this kind of illnesses. These techniques have had a rapid but unconventional route of development during the last 30 years, with the discovery and introduction of several assays in clinical diagnosis. The increase in the number of commercially available methods has facilitated the use of this technology in the majority of laboratories worldwide. This technology has reduced the use of some other techniques such as viral culture based methods and serological assays in the clinical virology laboratory. Moreover, nucleic acid amplification techniques are now the methods of reference and also the most useful assays for the diagnosis in several diseases. The introduction of these techniques and their automation provides new opportunities for the clinical laboratory to affect patient care. The main objectives in performing nucleic acid tests in this field are to provide timely results useful for high-quality patient care at a reasonable cost, because rapid results are associated with improvements in patients care. The use of amplification techniques such as polymerase chain reaction, real-time polymerase chain reaction or nucleic acid sequence-based amplification for virus detection, genotyping and quantification have some advantages like high sensitivity and reproducibility, as well as a broad dynamic range. This review is an up-to-date of the main nucleic acid techniques and their clinical applications, and special challenges and opportunities that these techniques currently provide for the clinical virology laboratory.


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A population-based cross-sectional study was set up in Sabará country, Southeastern Brazil, to identify asymptomatic human visceral leishmaniasis in an urban area of low disease prevalence. Blood was collected on filter paper (n=1,604 inhabitants) and examined by indirect immunofluorescent test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunochromatographic strip test. The prevalence rates of infection ranged from 2.4 to 5.6% depending on the test used. One year later, venous blood was collected in a subset of 226 participants (102 seropositive and 124 seronegative). The tests performed were IFAT, ELISA, rk39-ELISA, polymerase chain reaction and hybridization with Leishmania donovani complex probe. No clinical signs or symptoms of leishmaniasis were observed. Using hybridization as a reference test, the sensitivity and specificity of serology were respectively: 24.8 and 71% (ELISA); 26.3 and 76.3% (rk-39); 30.1 and 63.4% (IFAT). Due to disagreements, different criteria were tested to define the infection and hybridization should be considered in epidemiological studies.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and compare the results obtained in the Modified Agglutination Test (MAT), Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and bioassay in mice. In order to accomplish this, 40 free-range chickens from eight farms in neighboring areas to the Pantanal in Nhecolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul, were euthanized and blood samples, brain and heart were collected. The occurrence of anti-T. gondii antibodies found in chickens was 67.5% (27 samples), considering as a cutoff point the dilution 1:5. Among the samples analyzed, 7 (25.9%) were positive in the dilution 1:5, 3 (11.1%) in 1:10, 2 (7.4%) in 1:20, 3 (11.1%) in 1:320, 1 ( 3.7%) in 1:640, 3 (11.1%) in 1:1280, 2 (7.4%) in 1:2560, 4 (14.8%) in 1:5120 and 2 (7.4%) in 1:10.240. From the mixture of tissue samples (brain and heart) from the chickens analyzed, 16 (40%) presented electrophoretic bands compatible with T. gondii by PCR (gene B1). In the comparison of techniques, 59.26% positivity in PCR was revealed among animals that were seropositive in MAT (cutoff 1:5). From 141 inoculated mice, six (4.44%) died of acute toxoplasmosis between 15 and 23 days after inoculation. Surviving mice were sacrificed at 74 days after inoculation, and a total of 28 cysts were found in the brains of 10 distinct groups. From the seropositive hens, 27 bioassays were performed and 11 (40.7%) isolates were obtained. A greater number of isolations happened in mice that were inoculated with tissues from chickens that had high titers for anti-T. gondii antibodies. Chronic infection in mice was observed in nine groups (33.3%) from five different properties. Among the surviving mice, 25.6% were positive for T. gondii in MAT (1:25). From mice positive in PCR, 87.5% were also positive in MAT. Among the PCR-negative mice, 5.2% were positive for T. gondii in MAT. It can be concluded through this study that the occurrence of infecton by T. gondii in the rural properties studied was high, that PCR directed to gene B1 does not confirm the viability of the parasite, but it can be used as a screening method for the selection of chickens infected by T. gondii, that the animals with titer greater than 10 must be prioritized for the selection of animals for bioassay, since for them, the chances of isolating the parasite are greater and that seroconversion in experimentally infected mice is not a good indicator for isolating the agent.


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La presencia de microorganismos patógenos en alimentos es uno de los problemas esenciales en salud pública, y las enfermedades producidas por los mismos es una de las causas más importantes de enfermedad. Por tanto, la aplicación de controles microbiológicos dentro de los programas de aseguramiento de la calidad es una premisa para minimizar el riesgo de infección de los consumidores. Los métodos microbiológicos clásicos requieren, en general, el uso de pre-enriquecimientos no-selectivos, enriquecimientos selectivos, aislamiento en medios selectivos y la confirmación posterior usando pruebas basadas en la morfología, bioquímica y serología propias de cada uno de los microorganismos objeto de estudio. Por lo tanto, estos métodos son laboriosos, requieren un largo proceso para obtener resultados definitivos y, además, no siempre pueden realizarse. Para solucionar estos inconvenientes se han desarrollado diversas metodologías alternativas para la detección identificación y cuantificación de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario, entre las que destacan los métodos inmunológicos y moleculares. En esta última categoría, la técnica basada en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) se ha convertido en la técnica diagnóstica más popular en microbiología, y recientemente, la introducción de una mejora de ésta, la PCR a tiempo real, ha producido una segunda revolución en la metodología diagnóstica molecular, como pude observarse por el número creciente de publicaciones científicas y la aparición continua de nuevos kits comerciales. La PCR a tiempo real es una técnica altamente sensible -detección de hasta una molécula- que permite la cuantificación exacta de secuencias de ADN específicas de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario. Además, otras ventajas que favorecen su implantación potencial en laboratorios de análisis de alimentos son su rapidez, sencillez y el formato en tubo cerrado que puede evitar contaminaciones post-PCR y favorece la automatización y un alto rendimiento. En este trabajo se han desarrollado técnicas moleculares (PCR y NASBA) sensibles y fiables para la detección, identificación y cuantificación de bacterias patogénicas de origen alimentario (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis y Salmonella spp.). En concreto, se han diseñado y optimizado métodos basados en la técnica de PCR a tiempo real para cada uno de estos agentes: L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, Listeria spp. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis, y también se ha optimizado y evaluado en diferentes centros un método previamente desarrollado para Salmonella spp. Además, se ha diseñado y optimizado un método basado en la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. También se evaluó la aplicación potencial de la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de formas viables de este microorganismo. Todos los métodos presentaron una especificidad del 100 % con una sensibilidad adecuada para su aplicación potencial a muestras reales de alimentos. Además, se han desarrollado y evaluado procedimientos de preparación de las muestras en productos cárnicos, productos pesqueros, leche y agua. De esta manera se han desarrollado métodos basados en la PCR a tiempo real totalmente específicos y altamente sensibles para la determinación cuantitativa de L. monocytogenes en productos cárnicos y en salmón y productos derivados como el salmón ahumado y de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis en muestras de agua y leche. Además este último método ha sido también aplicado para evaluar la presencia de este microorganismo en el intestino de pacientes con la enfermedad de Crohn's, a partir de biopsias obtenidas de colonoscopia de voluntarios afectados. En conclusión, este estudio presenta ensayos moleculares selectivos y sensibles para la detección de patógenos en alimentos (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) y para una rápida e inambigua identificación de Salmonella spp. La exactitud relativa de los ensayos ha sido excelente, si se comparan con los métodos microbiológicos de referencia y pueden serusados para la cuantificación de tanto ADN genómico como de suspensiones celulares. Por otro lado, la combinación con tratamientos de preamplificación ha resultado ser de gran eficiencia para el análisis de las bacterias objeto de estudio. Por tanto, pueden constituir una estrategia útil para la detección rápida y sensible de patógenos en alimentos y deberían ser una herramienta adicional al rango de herramientas diagnósticas disponibles para el estudio de patógenos de origen alimentario.


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Holsback L., Pena H.F.J., Ragozo A., Lopes E. G., Gennari S. M. & Soares R. M. 2012. Serologic and molecular diagnostic and bioassay in mice for detection of Toxoplasma gondii in free range chickens from Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(8): 721-726. Setor de Veterinaria e Producao Animal, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Parana, Campus Luiz Meneghel, Rodovia BR 369 Km 54, Bandeirantes, PR 86360-000, Brazil. E-mail: lhsfertonani@uenp.edu.br The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and compare the results obtained in the Modified Agglutination Test (MAT), Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and bioassay in mice. In order to accomplish this, 40 free-range chickens from eight farms in neighboring areas to the Pantanal in Nhecolandia, Mato Grosso do Sul, were euthanized and blood samples, brain and heart were collected. The occurrence of anti-T. gondii antibodies found in chickens was 67.5% (27 samples), considering as a cutoff point the dilution 1:5. Among the samples analyzed, 7 (25.9%) were positive in the dilution 1: 5, 3 (11.1%) in 1: 10, 2 (7.4%) in 1: 20, 3 (11.1%) in 1: 320, 1 (3.7%) in 1: 640, 3 (11.1%) in 1: 1280, 2 (7.4%) in 1: 2560, 4 (14.8%) in 1: 5120 and 2 (7.4%) in 1: 10.240. From the mixture of tissue samples (brain and heart) from the chickens analyzed, 16 (40%) presented electrophoretic bands compatible with T. gondii by PCR (gene B1). In the comparison of techniques, 59.26% positivity in PCR was revealed among animals that were seropositive in MAT (cutoff 1: 5). From 141 inoculated mice, six (4.44%) died of acute toxoplasmosis between 15 and 23 days after inoculation. Surviving mice were sacrificed at 74 days after inoculation, and a total of 28 cysts were found in the brains of 10 distinct groups. From the seropositive hens, 27 bioassays were performed and 11 (40.7%) isolates were obtained. A greater number of isolations happened in mice that were inoculated with tissues from chickens that had high titers for anti-T. gondii antibodies. Chronic infection in mice was observed in nine groups (33.3%) from five different properties. Among the surviving mice, 25.6% were positive for T. gondii in MAT (1: 25). From mice positive in PCR, 87.5% were also positive in MAT. Among the PCR-negative mice, 5.2% were positive for T. gondii in MAT. It can be concluded through this study that the occurrence of infecton by T. gondii in the rural properties studied was high, that PCR directed to gene B1 does not confirm the viability of the parasite, but it can be used as a screening method for the selection of chickens infected by T. gondii, that the animals with titer greater than 10 must be prioritized for the selection of animals for bioassay, since for them, the chances of isolating the parasite are greater and that seroconversion in experimentally infected mice is not a good indicator for isolating the agent.


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This paper analyses the provision of auxiliary clinical services that are typically carried out within the hospital. We estimate a exible cost function for the three most important (cost- wise) diagnostic techniques and therapeutic services in Portuguese hospitals: Clinical Pathology, Medical Imaging and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Our objective in carrying out this estimation is the evaluation of economies of scale and scope in the provision of these services. For all services, we nd evidence of ray economies of scale and some evidence of economies of scope. These results have important policy implications and can be related to the ongoing discussion of where and how should hospitals provide these services.


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After the report of a second case of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in São Bento da Lagoa, Itaipuaçu, in the municipality of Maricá, Rio de Janeiro State, an epidemiological survey was carried out, through active search, totaling 145 dogs. Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and rapid chromatographic immunoassay based on dual-path platform (DPP(r)) were used to perform the serological examinations. The parasitological diagnosis of cutaneous fragments was performed by parasitological culture, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. In the serological assessment, 21 dogs were seropositive by IFA, 17 by ELISA, and 11 by DPP(r), with sensitivity of 66.7%, 66.7% and 50%, and specificity of 87.2%, 90.2% and 94%, respectively for each technique. The immunohistochemistry of bone marrow using the cell-block technique presented the best results, with six positive dogs found, three of which tested negative by the other parasitological techniques. Leishmania sp. was isolated by parasitological culture in three dogs. The detection of autochthonous Leishmania infantum in Itaipuaçu, and the high prevalence of seropositive dogs confirm the circulation of this parasite in the study area and alert for the risk of expansion in the State of Rio de Janeiro.


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Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is the earliest and most severe form of all inherited retinal dystrophies, responsible for congenital blindness. Disease-associated mutations have been hitherto reported in seven genes. These genes are all expressed preferentially in the photoreceptor cells or the retinal pigment epithelium but they are involved in strikingly different physiologic pathways resulting in an unforeseeable physiopathologic variety. This wide genetic and physiologic heterogeneity that could largely increase in the coming years, hinders the molecular diagnosis in LCA patients. The genotyping is, however, required to establish genetically defined subgroups of patients ready for therapy. Here, we report a comprehensive mutational analysis of the all known genes in 179 unrelated LCA patients, including 52 familial and 127 sporadic (27/127 consanguineous) cases. Mutations were identified in 47.5% patients. GUCY2D appeared to account for most LCA cases of our series (21.2%), followed by CRB1 (10%), RPE65 (6.1%), RPGRIP1 (4.5%), AIPL1 (3.4%), TULP1 (1.7%), and CRX (0.6%). The clinical history of all patients with mutations was carefully revisited to search for phenotype variations. Sound genotype-phenotype correlations were found that allowed us to divide patients into two main groups. The first one includes patients whose symptoms fit the traditional definition of LCA, i.e., congenital or very early cone-rod dystrophy, while the second group gathers patients affected with severe yet progressive rod-cone dystrophy. Besides, objective ophthalmologic data allowed us to subdivide each group into two subtypes. Based on these findings, we have drawn decisional flowcharts directing the molecular analysis of LCA genes in a given case. These flowcharts will hopefully lighten the heavy task of genotyping new patients but only if one has access to the most precise clinical history since birth.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of molecular methodologies to access human papillomavirus genome in the genital tract. Samples from 136 women aged 17 to 52 years old obtained from the Dr. Sérgio Franco Laboratories between 2000 and 2001, were analyzed by the hybrid capture assay and amplified by PCR with generic primers MY09/MY11 and specific primers for types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 58. Viral genome was detected in 71.3% of the samples by hybrid capture and 75% by amplification. When cytopathology was used as a reference method for screening lesions, hybrid capture (p=0) and amplification (p=0.002) presented positive association. The 3 methods showed absolute agreement when cytopathology confirmed papillomavirus infection and high grade intraepithelial lesion. Disagreements occurred for 10 cases: seven inflammatory cases positive by PCR and negative for hybrid capture and 3 low squamous intraepithelial lesions positive for hybrid capture but negative for amplification. In conclusion, hybrid capture was shown to be sensitive and specific enough for use in clinical routines. Moreover, the evaluation of viral load values obtained by this method were shown to be related to the severity of the lesion and merit further studies to analyze the possible association with risk of progression to malignancy.


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Different molecular-genetic methods were used to identify a cohort of Leishmania strains from natural foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis located in Central Asia, on the former USSR territory. The results obtained using isoenzymes, PCR, restriction fragment length polymorphisms of kDNA and molecular hybridization techniques are discussed in terms of their applicability, discrimination power and feasibility for answering questions related to molecular epidemiological research and for detecting mixed Leishmania infections


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Influenza surveillance networks must detect early the viruses that will cause the forthcoming annual epidemics and isolate the strains for further characterization. We obtained the highest sensitivity (95.4%) with a diagnostic tool that combined a shell-vial assay and reverse transcription-PCR on cell culture supernatants at 48 h, and indeed, recovered the strain


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Studies on autochthonous malaria in low-transmission areas in Brazil have acquired epidemiological relevance because they suggest continued transmission in what remains of the Atlantic Forest. In the southeastern portion of the state of São Paulo, outbreaks in the municipality of Juquitiba have been the focus of studies on the prevalence of Plasmodium, including asymptomatic cases. Data on the occurrence of the disease or the presence of antiplasmodial antibodies in pregnant women from this region have not previously been described. Although Plasmodium falciparum in pregnant women has been widely addressed in the literature, the interaction of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae with this cohort has been poorly explored to date. We monitored the circulation of Plasmodium in pregnant women in health facilities located in Juquitiba using thick blood film and molecular protocols, as well as immunological assays, to evaluate humoural immune parameters. Through real-time and nested polymerase chain reaction, P. vivax and P. malariae were detected for the first time in pregnant women, with a positivity of 5.6%. Immunoassays revealed the presence of IgG antibodies: 44% for ELISA-Pv, 38.4% for SD-Bioline-Pv and 18.4% for indirect immunofluorescence assay-Pm. The high prevalence of antibodies showed significant exposure of this population to Plasmodium. In regions with similar profiles, testing for a malaria diagnosis might be indicated in prenatal care.


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We present the first evaluation of a novel molecular assay, the Speed-oligo Direct Mycobacterium tuberculosis (SO-DMT) assay, which is based on PCR combined with a dipstick for the detection of mycobacteria and the specific identification of M. tuberculosis complex (MTC) in respiratory specimens. A blind evaluation was carried out in two stages: first, under experimental conditions on convenience samples comprising 20 negative specimens, 44 smear- and culture-positive respiratory specimens, and 11 sputa inoculated with various mycobacterium-related organisms; and second, in the routine workflow of 566 fresh respiratory specimens (4.9% acid-fast bacillus [AFB] smear positives, 7.6% MTC positives, and 1.8% nontuberculous mycobacteria [NTM] culture positives) from two Mycobacterium laboratories. SO-DMT assay showed no reactivity in any of the mycobacterium-free specimens or in those with mycobacterium-related organisms. Compared to culture, the sensitivity in the selected smear-positive specimens was 0.91 (0.92 for MTC and 0.90 for NTM), and there was no molecular detection of NTM in a tuberculosis case or vice versa. With respect to culture and clinical data, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for the SO-DMT system in routine specimens were 0.76 (0.93 in smear positives [1.0 for MTC and 0.5 for NTM] and 0.56 in smear negatives [0.68 for MTC and 0.16 for NTM]), 0.99, 0.85 (1.00 in smear positives and 0.68 in smear negatives), and 0.97, respectively. Molecular misidentification of NTM cases occurred when testing 2 gastric aspirates from two children with clinically but not microbiologically confirmed lung tuberculosis. The SO-DMT assay appears to be a fast and easy alternative for detecting mycobacteria and differentiating MTC from NTM in smear-positive respiratory specimens.