996 resultados para maternal status


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A Hipóxia-isquemia (HI) perinatal é um problema de saúde pública, e ocorrem aproximadamente 1,5 casos de encefalopatias por HI por 1000 nascidos vivos. Dos que sobrevivem 25-60% sofrem de deficiências permanentes do desenvolvimento neurológico, incluindo paralisia cerebral, convulsões, retardo mental, e dificuldade de aprender. Neurônios e oligodendrócitos, especialmente os progenitores, são os mais afetados pela HI. Existem vários modelos de HI, no entanto, poucos levam em consideração as intercorrências maternas, a importância da atividade placentária, e as trocas entre mãe-filho, que são clinicamente observadas em humanos. Robinson estabeleceu um modelo de HI sistêmica pré-natal transitório, onde o fluxo das artérias uterinas da rata grávida era obstruído por 45 minutos no décimo oitavo dia (E18) de gestação. Neste modelo foram observadas alterações que são similares às observadas em cérebros humanos que passaram por hipóxia perinatal, dentre as quais foram relatados aumento no nível de apoptose. Caspase-3 é descrita como uma enzima que atua na apoptose, e é amplamente utilizada como marcador para células apoptóticas. Vários autores vêm mostrando, entretanto, que a enzima caspase-3 pode estar ativada para fins não apoptóticos. No modelo de HI sistêmica pré-natal, foram observados astrogliose na substância branca, morte de oligodendrócitos, lesão em axônios tanto na substância branca como no córtex cerebral, e danos motores. Pouco se sabe da influencia do insulto HI no desenvolvimento do cerebelo, considerando que o cerebelo junto com o córtex motor, contribui para o controle motor. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição da caspase-3 clivada durante o desenvolvimento do cerebelo em um modelo de HI pré-natal. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que as células caspase-3 clivadas apresentaram duas morfologias distintas em ambos os grupos. Uma onde a caspase-3 foi observada apenas no núcleo, oscilando entre células com imunorreatividade fraca a intensa, e de células com a presença da caspase-3 no corpo celular, nos prolongamentos condensados e presença de fragmentos ao redor do soma, morfologia típica de célula em apoptose. A HI pré-natal, assim como nos hemisférios cerebrais, levou ao aumento de células caspase-3 clivadas com morfologia de progenitores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo do grupo HI em P2, mas não em P9 e P23. Também foi demonstrado que a HI pré-natal não levou a uma ativação da apoptose em oligodendrócitos, neurônios e microglia (identificados por seus respectivos marcadores, CNPase, NeuN e ED1) apresentando marcação no núcleos de células GFAP+, na substância branca, camada granular e nas células da glia de Bergmann, em P9 e P23 no cerebelo. Podemos concluir que a HI pré-natal aumentou o número de células imunorreativas para a caspase-3 em um período crítico do desenvolvimento da oligodendroglia no cerebelo, e que a diminuição de progenitores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo decorrente do insulto pré-natal visto em trabalhos anteriores, pode estar relacionada a morte celular por apoptose, embora não se possa descartar a hipótese da participação dessas células que apresentam caspase-3 clivada em outros eventos não apoptóticos desencadeados pela hipóxia-isquemia.


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Background: Both folate and betaine are important predictors of total homocysteine (tHcy) during pregnancy. However, studies to date have only been undertaken in populations with Western dietary patterns.

Objective: We investigated the predictors of tHcy in pregnant women recruited in the Seychelles, a population where access to fortified foods is limited and where women habitually consume diets rich in fish, eggs, rice, and fruit.

Design: Pregnant women (n = 226) provided blood samples at enrollment, at week 28 of gestation, and at delivery. Cord blood was obtained from a subset of participants (n = 135).

As in other studies, maternal tHcy was lower during pregnancy than at delivery, whereas folate and vitamin B-12 status declined significantly to delivery. Despite low maternal folate status at delivery (median: 9.0 nmol/L), with 35% of women in the deficient range (serum folate: <6.8 nmol/L), cord blood folate status (median: 40.2 nmol/L) was similar to concentrations reported in Western populations. Folate was a significant predictor of tHcy at all time points (P < 0.001). In contrast with previous studies, betaine was only a significant predictor of maternal tHcy (P < 0.001) when the essential amino acid methionine was low.

Conclusions: The current study reports 2 important findings. First, fetal requirements for folate are paramount, such that cord blood folate status is maintained, even when maternal status is low. Second, betaine is a significant predictor of tHcy in pregnant women with low serum folate and low serum methionine concentrations.


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This dissertation aimed to identify the factors that conduct the women of today to decide for or against motherhood, as well as to identify her feelings about the subject. An exploratory field research was conducted using the life-history technique. Thirty one middle class working women, with no children, and in hers thirties, were Interviewed and offered statements about their decisions on procreate or note from the analysis of the statements we found that the degree of anxiety to make a choice seems to vary according to the extension of inner conflicts. These conflicts seems to derive from two sources: a) the degree of Interior disposability to become a mother; b) the degree of support from external sources. Emotional questions were clearly the more Influential actor to come to a resolution on the matter. The woman of today, although more acting socially. seems to fear that eventual renunciation to the maternal status may, In the future be sensed as a vacuum. This study made manifest that In the long run - with the Increment of the inner psychological pressure to make a decision -the women tend to be well-inclined toward motherhood.


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Background The preference amongst parents for heavier infants is in contrast to obesity prevention efforts worldwide. Parents are poor at identifying overweight in older children, but few studies have investigated maternal perception of weight status amongst toddlers and none in the Australian setting. Methods Mothers (n = 290) completed a self-administered questionnaire at child age 12–16 months, defining their child's weight status as underweight, normal weight, somewhat overweight or very overweight. Weight-for-length z-score was derived from measured weight and length, and children categorized as underweight, normal weight, at risk overweight or obese (WHO standards). Objective classification was compared with maternal perception of weight status. Mean weight-for-length z-score was compared across categories of maternal perception using one-way ANOVA. Multinomial logistic regression was used to determine child or maternal characteristics associated with inaccurate weight perception. Results Most children (83%) were perceived as normal weight. Twenty nine were described as underweight, although none were. Sixty-six children were at risk of overweight, but 57 of these perceived as normal weight. Of the 14 children who were overweight, only 4 were identified as somewhat overweight by their mother. Compared with mothers who could accurately classify their normal weight child, mothers who were older had higher odds of perceiving their normal weight child as underweight, while mothers with higher body mass index had slightly higher odds of describing their overweight/at risk child as normal weight. Conclusion The leaner but healthy weight toddler was perceived as underweight, while only the heaviest children were recognized as overweight. Mothers unable to accurately identify children at risk are unlikely to act to prevent further excess weight gain. Practitioners can lead a shift in attitudes towards weight in infants and young children, promoting routine growth monitoring and adequate but not rapid weight gain.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of maternal diabetes on fetal iron status using serum transferrin receptors (STfR) and their ratio to ferritin (TfR-F index) in cord blood. METHODS: Iron, ferritin, erythropoietin, STfR and haemoglobin concentration were measured and TfR-F index calculated in 97 maternal/cord blood pairs. Forty-nine women had type 1 diabetes (diagnosed before pregnancy) and these were compared with forty-eight non- diabetic controls. The women with type 1 diabetes were recruited consecutively from attendance at the joint antenatal endocrine clinic while the control group of women was recruited from consecutive attendance at the remaining antenatal clinics. RESULTS: The infants of the diabetic women had significantly lower levels of ferritin (47 vs 169 mug/l; p


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Objective: The first aim of this study was to assess 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) concentrations in women with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) during pregnancy, post-delivery and also foetal (cord blood) 25OHD concentrations and to examine relationships between these. The second aim of the study was to investigate potential interactions between maternal body mass index (BMI) and foetal vitamin D status. A further study aim was to examine potential relationships between maternal 25OHD and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) throughout pregnancy.

Research Design and Methods: This was an observational study of 52 pregnant controls without diabetes and 65 pregnant women with T1DM in a university teaching hospital. Maternal serum 25OHD was measured serially throughout the pregnancy and post-delivery. Cord blood 25OHD was measured at delivery. 25OHD was measured by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

Results: Vitamin D deficiency (25OHD <25 nmol/L) was apparent in both the T1DM subjects and controls at all 3 pregnancy trimesters. Vitamin D levels in all cord blood were <50 nmol/L. Maternal 25OHD correlated positively with cord 25OHD at all 3 trimesters in the T1DM group (p= 0.02; p<0.001; p<0.001). 25OHD levels within cord blood were significantly lower for women with diabetes classified as obese vs. normal weight at booking [normal weight BMI <25 kg/m2 vs. obese BMI >30 kg/m(nmol/L±SD); 19.93±11.15 vs. 13.73±4.74, p= 0.026]. In the T1DM group, HbA1c at booking was significantly negatively correlated with maternal 25OHD at all 3 trimesters (p= 0.004; p = 0.001; p= 0.05).

Conclusion: In T1DM pregnancy, low vitamin D levels persist throughout gestation and post-delivery. Cord blood vitamin D levels correlate with those of the mother, and are significantly lower in obese women than in their normal weight counterparts. Maternal vitamin D levels exhibit a significant negative relationship with HbA1c levels, supporting a potential role for this vitamin in maintaining glycaemic control. 


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Fish contain nutrients that promote optimal brain growth and development but also contain methylmercury (MeHg) that can have toxic effects. The present study tested the hypothesis that the intake of selected nutrients in fish or measures of maternal nutritional status may represent important confounders when estimating the effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure on child development. The study took place in the Republic of Seychelles, an Indian Ocean archipelago where fish consumption is high. A longitudinal cohort study design was used. A total of 300 mothers were enrolled early in pregnancy. Nutrients considered to be important for brain development were measured during pregnancy along with prenatal MeHg exposure. The children were evaluated periodically to age 30 months. There were 229 children with complete outcome and covariate data for analysis. The primary endpoint was the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II (BSID-II), administered at 9 and 30 months of age. Combinations of four secondary measures of infant cognition and memory were also given at 5, 9 and 25 months. Cohort mothers consumed an average of 537 g of fish (nine meals containing fish) per week. The average prenatal MeHg exposure was 5.9 ppm in maternal hair. The primary analysis examined the associations between MeHg, maternal nutritional measures and children's scores on the BSID-II and showed an adverse association between MeHg and the mean Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) score at 30 months. Secondary analyses of the association between the PDI and only MeHg alone or nutritional factors alone showed only a borderline significant association between MeHg and the PDI at 30 months and no associations with nutritional factors. One experimental measure at 5 months of age was positively associated with iodine status, but not prenatal MeHg exposure. These findings suggest a possible confounding role of maternal nutrition in studies examining associations between prenatal MeHg exposures and developmental outcomes in children.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of maternal pre-pregnancy weight status on the relationship between prenatal smoking and infant birth weight (IBW). Prenatal cigarette smoking and maternal weight exert opposing effects on IBW; smoking decreases birth weight while maternal pre-pregnancy weight is positively correlated with birth weight. As such, mutual effect modification may be sufficiently significant to alter the independent effects of these two birth weight correlates. Finding of such an effect has implications of prenatal smoking cessation education. Perception of risk is an important determinant of smoking cessation, and reduced or low birth weight (LBW) as a smoking-associated risk predominates prenatal smoking counseling and education. In a population such as the US, where obesity is becoming epidemic, particularly among minority and low-income groups, perception of risk may be lowered should increased maternal size attenuate the effect of smoking. Previous studies have not found a significant interaction effect of prenatal smoking and maternal pre-pregnancy weight on IBW; however, use of self-reported smoking status may have biased findings. Reliability of self-reported smoking status reported in the literature is variable, with deception rates ranging from a low of 5% to as high as 16%. This study, using data from a prenatal smoking cessation project, in which smoking status was validated by saliva cotinine, was an opportunity to assess effect modification of smoking and maternal weight using biochemically determined smoking status in lieu of self report. Stratified by saliva cotinine, 151 women from a prenatal smoking cessation cohort, who were 18 years and older and had full-term, singleton births, were included in this study. The effect of smoking in terms of mean birth weight across three levels of maternal pre-pregnancy weight was assessed by general linear modeling procedures, adjusting for other known correlates of IBW. Effect modification was marginally significant, p = .104, but only with control for differential effects among racial/ethnic groups. A smaller than planned sample of nonsmokers, or women who quit smoking during the pregnancy, prohibited rejection of the null hypothesis of no difference in the effect of smoking across levels of pre-pregnancy weight. ^