1000 resultados para métodos independentes de cultivo
A cultura da cana-de-açúcar é de extrema importância no cenário agrícola nacional. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a estruturação das comunidades microbianas associadas aos solos e às rizosferas de tais plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estrutura e diversidade das comunidades de bactérias associadas ao solo e à rizosfera de seis variedades de cana-de-açúcar cultivadas no Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). As análises foram realizadas com base em métodos independentes de cultivo, em que a técnica de PCR-DGGE revelou alterações na rizosfera para os grupos de bactérias totais e também para os grupos de Alphaproteobacteria e Betaproteobacteria. Após essa análise, quatro amostras (três de rizosfera e uma de solo) foram usadas para o sequenciamento da região V6 do gene 16S DNAr na plataforma Ion Torrent TM. Essa análise gerou um total de 95.812 sequências, dentro das quais houve a predominância das afiliadas aos filos Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria e Acidobateria . Os resultados revelaram que as comunidades bacterianas na rizosfera são distintas daquelas encontradas no solo. Foi possível ainda observar efeito diferencial de plantas das variedades. Alguns grupos bacterianos apresentaram menor frequência na rizosfera (Acidobacteria ), enquanto outros se mostraram fortemente estimulados pela presença das raízes, comumente para todas as variedades (Betaproteobacteria , Nitrospora e Chloroflexi ), ou em respostas variedade-específicas (Bacilli e Sphingobacteria ).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 2001; 20 (5):533-545
Knowledge of the native prokaryotes in hazardous locations favors the application of biotechnology for bioremediation. Independent strategies for cultivation and metagenomics contribute to further microbiological knowledge, enabling studies with non-cultivable about the "native microbiological status and its potential role in bioremediation, for example, of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA's). Considering the biome mangrove interface fragile and critical bordering the ocean, this study characterizes the native microbiota mangrove potential biodegradability of HPA's using a biomarker for molecular detection and assessment of bacterial diversity by PCR in areas under the influence of oil companies in the Basin Petroleum Geology Potiguar (BPP). We chose PcaF, a metabolic enzyme, to be the molecular biomarker in a PCR-DGGE detection of prokaryotes that degrade HPA s. The PCR-DGGE fingerprints obtained from Paracuru-CE, Fortim-CE and Areia Branca-RN samples revealed the occurrence of fluctuations of microbial communities according to the sampling periods and in response to the impact of oil. In the analysis of microbial communities interference of the oil industry, in Areia Branca-RN and Paracuru-CE was observed that oil is a determinant of microbial diversity. Fortim-CE probably has no direct influence with the oil activity. In order to obtain data for better understanding the transport and biodegradation of HPA's, there were conducted in silico studies with modeling and simulation from obtaining 3-D models of proteins involved in the degradation of phenanthrene in the transport of HPA's and also getting the 3-D model of the enzyme PcaF used as molecular marker in this study. Were realized docking studies with substrates and products to a better understanding about the transport mechanism and catalysis of HPA s
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Many species have specialized to live in the most varied existing environments showing the remarkable adaptability of the microbial world the most diverse physicochemical conditions. Environments exposed to natural radiation and metals are scarce around the world, presenting a microbiota still unknown. With a total number estimated between 4 and 6 x 1030 microrganisms on earth, they constitute an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Metagenomic approach independent of cultivation, provides a new form to access to the potential genomic environmental samples becoming a powerful tool for the elucidation of ecological functions, metabolic profiles, as well as to identify new biomolecules. In this context, the genetic material of environmental soil and water samples from Açude Boqueirao Parelhas-RN, under the influence of natural radiation and the presence of metals, was extracted, pirosequencing and the generated sequences were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MG-RAST and STAMP). Taxonomic comparative profiles of both samples showed high abundance of Domain Bacteria, followed by a small portion attributable to Eucaryota Domains, Archaea and Viruses. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacterioidetes phyla showed the greater dominance in both samples. Important genera and species associated with resistance to various stressors found in region were observed. Sequences related to oxidative and heat stress, DNA replication and repair, and resistance to toxic compounds were observed, suggesting a significant relationship between the microbiota and their metabolic profile, influenced by regional environmental variables. The results of this study add valuable and unpublished data on the composition of microbial communities in these regions
The microorganisms have a vast genetic diversity and they are present throughout the biosphere, however, only about 1% of the species can be cultivated by traditional cultivation techniques. Within this diversity there is a huge pool genetic and biological being explored. The metagenomics has enabled direct access to microbial genome derived from environmental samples using independent methods of cultivation. The methodology enables to obtain functional information about the proteins, as well as identify potential products with biotechnological interest and new industrially exploitable biological resources, such as new solutions to environmental impacts. Oil-contaminated areas are characterized by a large accumulation of hydrocarbons and surfactants may be used for bioremediation. Thus, the metagenomic approach was used in this study in order to select genes involved in the degradation and hydrocarbon emulsification. In a previous work, the environmental DNA (eDNA) was extracted from soil samples collected from two different areas (Caatinga and Saline River) of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), the metagenomic libraries were constructed and functionally analyzed. The clone able to degrade the oil was evaluated for the ability to synthesize biosurfactants. The sequence analysis revealed an ORF with 897 bp, 298 amino acids and a protein with around 34 kDa. The search for homology in GenBank revealed sequence similarity with a hypothetical protein of representatives Halobacteriaceae family, who were recently shown as strains producing biosurfactants. The presence of the inserted coding sequence and the acquired phenotype was confirmed. Primers were designed and the ORF amplified by PCR. The ORF was subcloned into pETDuet-1 expression vector for subsequent purification of the protein of interest containing a histidine tail. The tests performed to confirm the biosurfactant activity and the ability of hydrocarbon degradation showed positive results. The immunodetection test (western blot) using the monoclonal AntiHis® confirmed the presence of the environmental protein. This study was the first to report a possible protein with biosurfactant activity obtained from a metagenomic approach
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.
A biomassa microbiana do solo é um componente essencial da matéria orgânica que, entre outras funções, regula a ciclagem de nutrientes no solo. Dentre os métodos mais utilizados para determinação do carbono da biomassa microbiana, destacam-se: os de clorofórmio-fumigação-incubação (CFI) e clorofórmio-fumigação-extração (CFE). Trabalhos na literatura têm comparado a eficiência desses métodos em diversos locais. No entanto, para a região do Cerrado, não existem informações a esse respeito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência dos métodos CFE e CFI na determinação do carbono da biomassa microbiana do solo (CBMS) em áreas de Cerrado sob cultura anual (rotação soja-milho) e pastagem consorciada (Andropogon gayanus e Stylosanthes guianensis) e sob três fitofisionomias - mata de galeria, campo sujo e cerradão. Amostras de solo coletadas em duas profundidades, 0-5 cm e 5-20 cm, foram analisadas em quatro épocas: agosto de 1998, janeiro e agosto de 1999 e janeiro de 2000. Nas áreas cultivadas, os resultados obtidos com os métodos CFE e CFI foram semelhantes, independentemente dos tratamentos e das épocas amostradas, tendo as pastagens consorciadas apresentado maiores teores de CBMS do que as áreas sob culturas anuais. A interação profundidades x métodos foi significativa. Não houve diferenças entre as profundidades 0-5 e 5-20 cm, quando se utilizou o método CFI, mas as diferenças obtidas com o método CFE foram significativas. Os métodos CFI e CFE apresentaram as mesmas tendências nas áreas nativas, independentemente dos tratamentos, profundidades ou épocas analisados, tendo a mata de galeria apresentado níveis de CBMS superiores aos do cerradão e campo sujo. As interações profundidades x métodos e épocas x métodos foram significativas pelo fato de as diferenças nos teores do carbono da biomassa microbiana, nas profundidades e épocas amostradas, terem sido mais acentuadas com o método CFE. Os resultados indicaram que os métodos CFI e CFE foram apropriados para determinação da CBMS em solos de Cerrado sob cultivo e sob vegetação nativa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)