999 resultados para método de extração


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Ilex paraguariensis A. St. -Hil. is a native species of southern South America. The caffeine content in Ilex paraguariensis leaves has been considered an important quality parameter for maté-derived products. In this work different extraction methods for the determination of these methylxantines are compared. The influence of the extraction conditions on the methylxanthine yields was evaluated. Extraction by decoction with acidic aqueous solution (H2SO4 4N) presented the higher efficiency in the theobromine extraction. The extraction in a Soxhlet with acidic aqueous solution and decoction with acidic aqueous solution showed the highest caffeine yield. For the concomitant theobromine and caffeine quantification, the decoction with acidic aqueous solution is suggested.


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The optimization of a traditional technique of cellular disruption by abrasion was carried out and a process using ultrasonic waves associated with glass pearls to extract beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces marxianus proposed. In the first case, the effects of the diameter and weight of the pearls in relation to the volume of cellular suspension and amount of time for cellular disruption were evaluated. The efficiency of the new process of cellular disruption was evaluated by varying the length of time of sonification and comparing with the method of abrasion under the same conditions. The proposed method can be efficiently applied to obtain beta-galactosidase at laboratory scale.


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The quantity of salts in the crude oils depends on the origin and of the wells production and these salts cause several problems during the transport and the process of refine as corrosions, incrustations and deactivation of the employed catalysts in the refineries. In this study were implemented changes for improvements in the execution of ASTM D 6470 method and has also developed a new methodology of extraction system of salts using process of mechanical agitation without heating. The results of the optimization produce larger efficiency and safety to the process compared to the traditional ASTM method.


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A multiresidue method using HPLC/DAD for the determination of fourteen pesticides in water based on SPE, using SDVB (styrene divynilbenzene copolymer) as adsorbent was validated. Recoveries from 61 to 120%, relative standard deviation between 2 and 15% and detection limits from 0.07 to 0.75 µg L-1 were obtained. It was applied to 66 surface water samples collected in a degraded area at the headwaters of São Lourenço river, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Eight pesticides were detected in concentrations ranging from 0.15 to 35.25 µg L-1. Considering ecotoxicological data, carbendazim and carbofuran may represent a risk to aquatic organisms. These results draw attention to the contamination of this vulnerable degraded area.


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Chlorella sp. was used to assess algal lipid production with concentrated desalination. In order to investigate the action of the flocculating agent calcium chloride and pH, a Box-Behnken Design and a Central Composite Design (CCD) were carried out. Also, Soxhlet and Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE), with and without sonication lipid extraction methods, were examined. The optimal flocculation conditions were pH 10.0 and 2.0 g/L of calcium chloride concentration. The highest lipid content of Chlorella sp. was obtained using the Soxhlet extraction method. The most abundant fatty acid extracted by Soxhlet and SFE, with and without sonication, was palmitic acid, whose proportions were 57.4%, 35.3% and 25.5%, respectively.


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The objective of this study was to optimize and validate a solid-liquid extraction method with low-temperature partitioning (SLE/LTP) for the analysis of pesticides. This method was coupled with gas chromatography (GC/ECD) and used to evaluate the degradation of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize grains on exposure to ozone. The optimized SLE/LTP-GC/ECD method is simple, effective and consumes low quantities of the solvent. It can be routinely used for the determination of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize samples. The use of this method of analysis determined that the levels of the insecticides in maize grains were reduced on exposure of the grains to the ozone gas. The observed reduction in the levels of insecticide was directly proportional to the increase in the concentration of the ozone gas.


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O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento e validação de um método analítico por CLAE/DAD para a detecção da 7-hidróxi-4',6-dimetóxisoflavona em culturas de células em suspensão e calos de Dipteryx odorata cultivados in vitro. Os parâmetros de validação: curva analítica, linearidade, precisão, recuperação, limite de detecção e limite de quantificação foram avaliados e os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o procedimento analítico proposto para a detecção e dosagem desta isoflavona está dentro dos parâmetros recomendados pela RE899/03-ANVISA, podendo ser utilizado para o controle de qualidade de culturas de células cultivadas in vitro desta espécie vegetal.


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Venous wounds cause physical, psychological and financial problems that impact the quality of life of patients. Treatment alternatives are investigated in order to reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of life of people affected by this problem. Physical resources, such as therapeutic ultrasound (US), are being considered in the treatment of ulcers as a potential healing agent. This study aimed to investigate the application of US as a treatment for venous ulcers. Subjects were divided into two groups: US group, where treatment consisted of 5 sessions of pulsed US (3 MHz, 1W/cm²) associated with compression and kinesiotherapy; and sham group, where individuals went through the same procedures, but with sham US therapy. Subjects were evaluated for wound size by planimetry and digital photography, visual analogue scale for pain, quality of life by the questionnaires SF- 36 and VEINES-QoL/Sym and enzymatic activity of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 by zymography. It was observed mean reduction in wound area of 41.58±53.8% for the US group and 63.47±37.2% for the placebo group, maintenance of quality of life scores in the US group and significant improvement (p<0.05) in the placebo group by VEINES questionnaire. It was observed decreased perception of pain in the placebo group. Sample feasibility for analysis of the protein activity of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 by zymography collected by swab method was also confirmed. Our data did not give us evidence to support the theory that the US accelerates healing of venous ulcers in a short-term analysis. However, we observed that standard care associated with compression therapy and kinesiotherapy were able to significantly shorten the progression of chronic venous ulcers


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are chemical substances extraordinarily toxic and persistent in the environment. Due to these properties, POPs are targets of the Stockholm Convention which aims to provide means to eliminate production and use by encouraging the reduction and, where possible, eliminating the release of these contaminants to the environment. One of the articles of this _Convention aims to assess the basal levels of such substances in the environment to monitor both the reduction of release to the environment, and to assess human exposure, using analyzes of milk and air for example. Although efforts to control POPs production and release to the environment have been made, data about their levels in Brazil are still scarce, mainly in the atmosphere or indoor environment. Considering the permanence of people inside its house, this study presents a method for POP extraction from XAD-2 sorbent employed in indoor air sampling, with identification and quantification by GC-ECD. GC-ECD linear range of the studied analytes, congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180), DDTs and their metabolites (DDDs, DDEs) and endosullan (isomers c - and 13 - and metabolite endosulfan sulfate) ranged between 0.5 and 16.0 ng mL-I with r2 > 0.967. The method developing consist of selecting the extraction solvent system by agitation (90 rpm, 1 hour) with n-hexan,e (2 mL) or n-hexane:acetone (1:1, v/v) (2 mL), concentration the extract with a gentle N2 stream, and evaluation of breakthrough with passage or air through the fortified XAD-2 cartridge before extraction, employing a low volume air suction pump (Pump Model 224 universal-PCXR8; 5-5000 mL min-1, SKC Inc., Eighty Four, PA, USA), Calibrator Dry-Cal DC-Lite (BIOS, Butler, NJ, USA)). Two fortification levels were employed, 15 and 30 ng. After selecting n-hexane as extraction solvent, with accuracy and precision ranging...


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O arroz é o alimento básico para milhões de pessoas no Mundo inteiro. Como tal, o seu valor nutricional é algo de extrema importância. Contudo, ao seu processamento está associado um desperdício dos resíduos que advêm do seu descasque e branqueamento, o farelo e a casca. O principal objetivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo do valor nutricional do grão de arroz e da valorização dos resíduos (farelo e casca) através da avaliação da atividade antioxidante. O estudo foi aplicado a três frações do bago de arroz: grão, farelo e casca, de três subvariedades diferentes: opale, ariete e ellebi. Foi avaliado o perfil de macronutrientes nas amostras de arroz, entre eles o teor de humidade, cinza, proteína e gordura. O grão foi a fração que apresentou maior teor de humidade, o farelo a que apresentou maior teor de gordura e proteína e a casca maior teor de cinza. Os compostos bioativos foram extraídos pelo método de extração sólido-liquido, usando como solvente uma mistura aquosa de metanol. A caracterização dos compostos antioxidantes dos extratos foi analisada através do teste da eliminação dos radicais livres de DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo) e pelo método de Folin-Ciocalteau. Para a identificação dos compostos bioativos foi utilizada a técnica de UPLC-PDA (Cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência - Detetor de matriz de Fotodíodos). A casca foi o extrato que continha uma maior capacidade antioxidante e um maior conteúdo de fenólicos totais (TPC), e o extrato do grão o que apresentou menor valor. Identicamente, foi na casca onde se conseguiu identificar um maior número de compostos, entre os quais se destacam os ácidos gentísico, isoferúlico, vanílico, elágico, p-cumárico e levulínico. A extração de compostos antioxidantes de farelo e casca de arroz demonstrou ser uma via bastante promissora para a valorização destes resíduos.


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Amostras dos horizontes A e B de um latossolo vermelho-amarelo húmico textura muito argilosa foram incubadas em solução de sais de Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn, com os objetivos de adaptar método de extração fracionada de metais e avaliar os seus comportamentos nas formas solúvel, trocável, ligados à matéria orgânica, aos óxidos de Al e Fe e residual do solo. O ensaio foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, no período de 27 de março a 26 de setembro de 1994. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, com três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de dois horizontes e duas doses de metais. Após 17 horas de incubação, as amostras foram secas ao ar, homogeneizadas, passadas em peneira de 2 mm de abertura de malha e guardadas em sacos plásticos para posterior extração dos metais. Em seguida, foram submetidas ao método de extração fracionada, com avaliação do tratamento com NaOH, para caracterizar a forma óxidos de Al. A extração fracionada mostrou-se adequada para estudos do comportamento de metais no solo. O Cd foi encontrado, principalmente, nas formas solúvel e trocável, e o Cr, nas formas químicas mais estáveis, ligado aos óxidos de Fe e residual. O Cu foi o metal que apresentou maior afinidade pelos óxidos de Fe, e o Pb, pela matéria orgânica. O Ni foi encontrado, principalmente, na forma residual e apresentou menor afinidade pela matéria orgânica. O estudo do Zn foi inviabilizado pela contaminação dos extratos guardados em frascos com tampas de borracha. É necessário desenvolver ou adaptar métodos para caracterização de metais associados aos óxidos de Fe e de Al.


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Um método de extração de multiresíduos baseado na técnica de dispersão da matriz em fase sólida ("MSPD"), foi otimizado e validado para a extração e análise cromatográfica de 27 agrotóxicos (isômeros a, b, g, d do hexaclorociclohexano (HCH), dieldrin, endrin, heptacloro e seu epóxido (HE), a e b-endosulfan, o,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT, dicofol, metoxicloro, mirex, hexaclorobenzeno (HCB), clorotalonil, parationa metílica, fenitrotiona, malationa, folpete, diazinona, cis e trans-permetrina em laranjas. A amostra macerada é inicialmente homogeneizada com C18, o homogeneizado é transferido para uma coluna de vidro contendo sílica gel onde se adiciona 10mL de acetato de etila como solvente de eluição. O eluente é concentrado, diluído em isooctano e 1mL deste é injetado no cromatógrafo a gás. Para a separação e quantificação dos 27 agrotóxicos, foi utilizado um CG/DCE. A confirmação dos mesmos foi feita por espectrometria de massas. Para a quantificação dos 27 agrotóxicos utilizou-se a padronização externa. As recuperações dos mesmos variaram de 70 a 120%, considerando-se os níveis de adição agrotóxicos/amostra de 0,02 e 2,0mg/kg. Os limites de quantificação variaram de 0,01 a 0,5mg/kg.