960 resultados para lagos tropicais
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O reservatório do Lobo, localizado no estado de São Paulo, é um sistema dinâmico no qual se desenvolve um ciclo diurno de estratificação e mistura, de modo similar ao que tem sido observado em outros lagos tropicais. Utilizou-se simulação 3D computacional com os softwares ELCOM (Estuary and Lake Computer Model) acoplado ao CAEDYM (Computacional Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics Model), ambos desenvolvidos pelo CWR (Center for Water Research) da Universidade da Austrália. Foram realizadas cinco simulações: Piloto Primavera baseada em dados reais da estação no ano primavera no reservatório para o ano de 2007; Primavera-P em que as concentrações de fósforo total, fosfato inorgânico e fosfato total dissolvido foram aumentadas em 100% no reservatório (coluna de água e sedimento) e nos rios tributários; Primavera-V na qual a intensidade dos ventos foi aumentada em 50%; Primavera-T onde a temperatura da água (reservatório e tributários) e do ar foram aumentadas em 10C e, Primavera-X, onde a temperatura da água (reservatório e tributários) e do ar sofreu aumento em 10C, as concentrações de fósforo total, fosfato inorgânico e fosfato total dissolvido foram aumentadas em 100% e a velocidade do vento aumentada em 50%. A concentração de clorofila a foi representada pelos grupos cianobactérias e clorofíceas. O espaço de tempo das simulações representou 90 dias. As clorofíceas apresentaram maior desenvolvimento populacional do que as cianobactérias em todas as simulações. No reservatório, a mistura vertical é ocasionada diariamente pelo vento ou por processos convectivos causados pela perda de calor no corpo de água. A oxigenação do reservatório é maior com a ocorrência de ventos e de grupos fotossintéticos. As concentrações totais de fósforo e nitrogênio apresentaram aumento em todas as simulações.
Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Omnivory is a predominant feeding strategy among tropical fishes, but knowledge about its causes and consequences of this pattern is scarce. In this study we hypothesized that tropical fish feed lower in food web as a way to compensate a higher energetic demand, which increases with increasing water temperature and body size. Information about 8172 freshwater and marine fish species from whole world, from tropical and temperate ecosystems, showed that the trophic position of non-carnivore fish decreases with increasing body size in tropical but not in temperate ecosystems. This result indicates that the higher energetic demand of large-bodied tropical fish should exert a selective force in favor of omnivory. As a consequence, trophic dynamics in tropical freshwater ecosystems should have different patterns comparing to temperate ones, with major implications for water management and restoration of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. Another hypothesis of this work was that effects of tropical omnivorous planktivorous fish on planktonic communities depend of primary producers stoichiometric composition, which depends of light availability relative to nutrients ratios. A mesocosm experiment, manipulating light availability and planktivorous fish presence, confirmed our hypothesis indicating that resource stoichiometric composition (consequently nutritional quality), determine trophic structure of pelagic food webs in tropical lakes. Finally another mesocosm experiment indicated that the removal of omnivorous benthivorous fish should be more efficient than removal of omnivorous planktivorus fish, as a way to improve water quality in tropical lakes and reservoirs. This last experiment showed that omnivorous planktivorous fish increase phytoplankton biomass due to trophic cascade interactions, without increasing nutrient concentrations in the water column. On the other hand, omnivorous benthivorous fish, feeding on detritus and other benthonic food sources and excreting nutrients in the water column, are responsible for translocate nutrient from sediments to the water column, increasing phosphorus pool and phytoplankton biomass. Thereby, internal phosphorus supply should be reduced and water quality of eutrophicated lakes could be improved by removing omnivorous benthivorous fish.
Omnivory is a predominant feeding strategy among tropical fishes, but knowledge about its causes and consequences of this pattern is scarce. In this study we hypothesized that tropical fish feed lower in food web as a way to compensate a higher energetic demand, which increases with increasing water temperature and body size. Information about 8172 freshwater and marine fish species from whole world, from tropical and temperate ecosystems, showed that the trophic position of non-carnivore fish decreases with increasing body size in tropical but not in temperate ecosystems. This result indicates that the higher energetic demand of large-bodied tropical fish should exert a selective force in favor of omnivory. As a consequence, trophic dynamics in tropical freshwater ecosystems should have different patterns comparing to temperate ones, with major implications for water management and restoration of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. Another hypothesis of this work was that effects of tropical omnivorous planktivorous fish on planktonic communities depend of primary producers stoichiometric composition, which depends of light availability relative to nutrients ratios. A mesocosm experiment, manipulating light availability and planktivorous fish presence, confirmed our hypothesis indicating that resource stoichiometric composition (consequently nutritional quality), determine trophic structure of pelagic food webs in tropical lakes. Finally another mesocosm experiment indicated that the removal of omnivorous benthivorous fish should be more efficient than removal of omnivorous planktivorus fish, as a way to improve water quality in tropical lakes and reservoirs. This last experiment showed that omnivorous planktivorous fish increase phytoplankton biomass due to trophic cascade interactions, without increasing nutrient concentrations in the water column. On the other hand, omnivorous benthivorous fish, feeding on detritus and other benthonic food sources and excreting nutrients in the water column, are responsible for translocate nutrient from sediments to the water column, increasing phosphorus pool and phytoplankton biomass. Thereby, internal phosphorus supply should be reduced and water quality of eutrophicated lakes could be improved by removing omnivorous benthivorous fish.
Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent
Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent
The production of forage grasses is directly related to the morphogenesis. The knowledge of the morphogenetic and structural variables of forage plants is important for determining appropriate conditions of grazing livestock to ensure efficient and sustainable. Thus the objective of this study was to evaluate morphogenetic and structural responses of three genera of grasses, Brachiaria, Panicum and Cenchrus in a cutting regime. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications and six treatments. After each section were evaluated for forage production, appearance and elongation rates of leaves and stem, phyllochron, final leaf length, number of living leaves, leaf lifespan, leaf senescence rate, tiller density and tiller dynamics. On forage yield the highest values were obtained in cultivars Xaraes, Piata and Massai. The tiller density was higher for cv Massai. It is concluded that the cultivars of Panicum and Brachiaria had a higher tillering dynamics in increasing the turnover rate of tissues that are indicators of forage production, assuming that the cultivars of these genera are predisposed to use forage in the Northeast
Os estudos ambientais necessitam de informações sobre a cobertura e o uso da terra. Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação de dados de sensores remotos orbitais (óticos e de radares) na validação de padrões de uso e cobertura do solo na planície costeira amapaense para fins de mapeamento e reconhecimento da dinâmica natural e antrópica. Esta costa é submetida a uma dinâmica intensa devido à magnitude dos processos costeiros (marés-pororoca), sua localização geográfica, influenciada pelo rio Amazonas e pela Zona de Convergência Intertropical, e processos antrópicos associados à bubalinocultura. A análise foi realizada aplicando-se dados de satélite (JERS-1, RADARSAT-1, Landsat 7 e DEM do SRTM) digitalmente processados em abordagem multisensor, multiescala e multitemporal, correlacionada com dados pretéritos e informações de campo. A análise dos produtos gerados e dados colaterais permitiu distinguir oito padrões de uso e cobertura do solo: florestas de mangue, florestas de várzeas, campos arbustivos, áreas de vegetação campestre, campo antrópico, zona de intermaré, canal estuarino e lagos, além de feições morfológicas lineares associadas a estes padrões. Estas informações são importantes para o mapeamento dos ambientes costeiros e fundamentais para o reconhecimento da dinâmica na região.
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados do reconhecimento e mapeamento dos ambientes costeiros da região do Golfão Maranhense, Brasil, utilizando uma abordagem metodológica que incluiu: (a) análise integrada com base no processamento digital de imagens, ópticas Landsat-4 TM e SPOT-2 HRV, de imagens SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) do RADARSAT-1, e dados de elevação da SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission); (b) sistema de informações geográficas; e (c) levantamentos de campo relativos à geomorfologia, topografia e sedimentologia. Os ambientes costeiros, assim mapeados foram agrupados em quatro setores: Setor 1, com pântanos salinos, pântanos de água doce, lagos intermitentes e canal estuarino; Setor 2, abrangendo tabuleiro costeiro, planície de maré lamosa, planície fluvial, planície de maré arenosa, praias de macromaré, área construída e lagos artificiais; Setor 3, com manguezal, paleodunas e planície de maré mista; e Setor 4, constituído por dunas móveis. Além disso, foram também reconhecidos lagos perenes, deltas de maré vazante e planícies de supramaré arenosas. O processamento digital e a análise visual das imagens de sensores remotos orbitais, associados ao uso de sistemas de informações geográficas, mostraram-se eficazes no mapeamento de zonas costeiras tropicais, possibilitando a geração de produtos com boa acurácia e precisão cartográfica.
O papel exercido pelas bactérias é reconhecido como fundamental no metabolismo de qualquer sistema aquático, não só pela mineralização da matéria orgânica, como também pela transferência de matéria e energia para níveis tróficos superiores (“microbial loop”). Para a realização deste estudo foram escolhidos quatro lagos com diferentes estados tróficos no Campus Carreiros da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG - RS. O Lago Biguás e o da Base possuem características de ambientes eutrófico - hipereutrófico, enquanto que, o Lago Polegar é caracterizado como um ambiente oligo-mesotrófico e o Lago Negro é considerado um ambiente distrófico. Em um estudo anterior em nove lagos rasos nesta mesma região, incluindo os quatro analisados no presente trabalho, Souza (2007) sugeriu que as bactérias livres atuariam como mineralizadoras e o seu crescimento seria limitado pela disponibilidade de fosfato (controle “bottom-up”), enquanto que as bactérias aderidas participariam da decomposição dos agregados orgânicos. Também foi sugerido que as bactérias aderidas seriam controladas principalmente pela predação por flagelados e ciliados (controle “top-down”), provavelmente devido ao seu maior biovolume. Porém, estas informações foram obtidas a partir de relações estatísticas de dados coletados em uma única amostragem. Assim, neste estudo a comunidade bacteriana (abundância e biomassa) e outros parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos dos quatro lagos rasos sub-tropicais foram estudados em amostragens quinzenais no decorrer de um ano entre junho de 2008 e maio de 2009. Nossos resultados indicam que a disponibilidade de carbono orgânico dissolvido produzido pelo fitoplâncton parece ser um dos principais fatores controladores da dinâmica de bactérias nestes lagos. Entretanto, a predação no Lago Negro parece ter sido de maior magnitude no controle das bactérias neste ambiente, uma vez que não houve um incremento na abundância bacteriana deste lago proporcional ao incremento da clorofila a. A presença de um maior número de nano - e microflagelados neste lago dá suporte a esta hipótese. Para testar esta hipótese, foi realizado um experimento utilizando-se a Técnica da Diluição em conjunto com a técnica a de FISH (Hibridização in situ Fluorescente) para identificar as taxas de produção e consumo não só dos diferentes morfotipos, mas também dos diferentes grupos filogenéticos (Archaea, Eubacteria, Alfa- Beta- e Gama-Proteobacteria e Cytophaga-Flavobacter) de uma amostra de água do Lago Negro. Os resultados deste experimento indicaram que as bactérias estão, de fato, sendo consumidas por vi protozoários na mesma proporção que estão sendo produzidas. Além disso, no Lago Negro a predação parece estar vinculada ao tamanho/biovolume celular, sendo os morfotipos de tamanho reduzido mais resistentes a predação e, por isso, mais abundantes.
A limnological and fish survey program was developed on 112 lakes and reservoirs of Argentina during the summers of 1984 to 1987. Bathymetric surveys with a SIMRAD Skipper 411 model echosounder and line and lead were conducted on more than 40 lakes. This report presents bathymetric maps for seventeen lakes and reservoirs situated in Patagonian Andes Region and Patagonian Plateau betweem 38°53'S and 45°30'S. The bathymetric maps for two reservoirs were made from topographic maps before impoundment. Hypsographic and depth-area curves, and some morphometric parameters are presented for twenty one Patagonian lakes. Mean depth ranged from 2.0 to 111 m. The deepest lakes are situated in Patagonian Andes Region. Colhue Huapi Lake on Patagonian Plateau, is very shallow, having a mean depth of 2.0 m and being 810 km. in surface area.