999 resultados para kinship care


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Kinship care is the oldest form of alternative child care in the world. Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of children being placed in kinship care across Western countries. However, in contrast to rapid knowledge advances about formal kinship care, far less is known about the needs of children in informal kinship care, especially in Asian contexts. This thesis and the study upon which it is formed sought to redress this knowledge gap. Qualitative approach was adopted to explore social constructions of children in informal kinship care in rural China. Parents in China seeking work in cities have left behind around 58 million rural children, mostly with relatives and without the involvement of the state. The present study examined caregivers’ and school personnel’s understandings of these school-age children’s needs through semi-structured interviews with 23 kin caregivers and five school personnel in Shijiapu Town, Jilin Province, China. The central question that guided the whole study is: What are the needs of children in informal kinship care in rural Jilin Province, China? Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to categorise and interpret the qualitative data. Based on participants’ constructions, this study developed a need model with eight themes. They are: (1) emotional needs and mental health, (2) relationships, (3) empowerment and agency, (4) safety, (5) education, (6) basic care, (7) physical health, and (8) personal development. These needs are grounded in the Chinese context, and therefore a good understanding of Chinese culture is essential to address them. The first four needs particularly capture children’s separations from their parents, and the rest are more general, and can be applied to most Chinese children. To meet the most important need for children left behind, namely education, these caregivers determined that others needs sometimes have to be compromised. Children left behind are a vulnerable group in contemporary rural China, and their diverse needs are attended to by several groups. This study found that as children’s closest kin while their parents are away, caregivers play a vital role in salving the children’s emotional loss. Caregivers’ love and familial obligations strongly motivate them to care for these children, and sensitivity to social stigma makes them strive to show their love and care to compensate for perceived differences between these children and their peers. Caregivers’ efforts to make children happy, however, were sometimes criticised by some school personnel, who see this as spoiling. The conflicting viewpoint between caregivers and school personnel indicate their different roles and perceptions in children’s lives, and the latter influence these children in a more authoritative way. Informal kinship care has several advantages of addressing children’s needs, especially their needs for emotional bonds with family. Community-based kin networks provide children with both emotional and material support. However, these advantages sometimes are restricted by caregivers’ child rearing capacity. Having developed a model of the needs of children left behind in China, this study suggests that caregivers, school personnel and government social services work in harmony to be child-centred and meet these children’s diverse needs. The unmet needs of children left behind mainly result from unbalanced development between urban and rural China, therefore, it is imperative to enhance state policies and programs that improve wellbeing for this growing part of China’s people.


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This article examines the role of informal kinship care in addressing the emotional needs and mental health, along with relationships, of school-age children left behind in rural China. Rural–urban migration in China has caused many rural children to be left behind in their local communities. Based on semi-structured interview data, this article explores Confucianism’s impact on Chinese kin caregivers’ understandings of children’s needs and their childrearing practices to address these needs. Through the lens of attachment theory, this study identified a close affective bond between children left behind and their kin caregivers. This relationship is underpinned by kin caregivers’ high commitment and love for children, and the Confucian concept of ‘benevolence’. It not only provides children left behind with a sense of belonging, it also alleviates their trauma/grief due to separation from their parents


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Many children are cared for on a full-time basis by relatives or adult friends, rather than their biological parents, and often in response to family crises. These kinship care arrangements have received increasing attention from the social science academy and social care professions. However, more information is needed on informal kinship care that is undertaken without official ratification by welfare agencies and often unsupported by the state. This article presents a comprehensive, narrative review of international, research literature on informal, kinship care to address this gap. Using systematic search and review protocols, it synthesises findings regarding: (i) the way that informal kinship care is defined and conceptualised; (ii) the needs of the carers and children; and (iii) ways of supporting this type of care. A number of prominent themes are highlighted including the lack of definitional clarity; the various adversities experienced by the families; and the requirement to understand the interface between formal and informal supports. Key messages are finally identified to inform the development of family friendly policies, interventions, and future research.


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The phenomenon of grandparents and other relatives raising children is a tradition rooted in the African American culture. However, a substantial increase in the number of relatives raising children has drawn attention to the child welfare system. Many of the biological parents are incarcerated for drugs or suffering from other social ills. Kinship care is an important component of family preservation and prevents court intervention based on child protection concerns and avoids formal placement of children in the child welfare system (Wilkerson, 1999). The child welfare system, however, is not conducive to this phenomenon. Placing children with grandparents and relatives allows them to live with people they know and trust; reduces the initial trauma of living with unknown persons; supports the transmission of identity, culture, and ethnicity; facilitates connections with brothers and sisters, and strengthens a family’s ability to provide the support they need.


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Invited commentary on "Grandparents in Kinship Care: Help or Hindrance to Family Preservation."


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In the last twenty years, in most Western countries, kinship foster care has become an integral part of childcare systems, growing progressively with regard to the numbers of children involved and relative weight as a care resource within the system; indeed, in some countries it is even more common than other placement options, such as non-kinship foster care and residential care. Research on this phenomenon is still recent and scarce, and there are few programmes targeting this population. In this article we present the results of a descriptive study on kinship foster care in the city of Barcelona, including information and data from the different stakeholders involved. From a quality of life research perspective we analyze the perceptions, evaluation and expressed satisfaction of caregivers, children and practitioners from the specialist Child and Adolescent Teams (EAIAs) responsible for the study and follow-up of kinship foster care cases. The research presented results are in line with those of current research in this field, and lays the basis for the future development of kinship foster care programmes


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When deciding on a long-term placement for a young child in care, a key challenge is to identify one that will enable children to achieve their full potential and enhance their health and wellbeing in the longer term. However, there is a dearth of research evidence that compares how children fare in the longer term across placement options.

The Care Pathways and Outcomes study is one of a small number of studies internationally that takes this form of longitudinal comparative approach. Since 2000, it has been tracking the placement profile for a population of children who were under the age of five and in care in Northern Ireland on a particular census day, and gathering comparative data on how the children and their parents/carers have been coping across the different types of placements provided.

This book reports on the most recent phase of the study, which involved interviews with a sub-group of the children (aged 9 to 14) and their parents/carers in adoption, foster care, kinship care, on residence order, and living with birth parents. Similarities and differences were explored between placement types, in terms of children’s attachment, self-concept, education, health and behaviour, their carers’ stress, social support, family communication, and contact with birth families.

This contemporary study contributes to evidence-based practice and provides a research base for decision-making throughout the UK.


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La ruptura del acogimiento familiar se ha definido como aquella situación en la que alguna de las partes implicadas causa una terminación de la intervención antes de haber alcanzado los objetivos establecidos en el plan de caso. Este trabajo presenta un estudio llevado a cabo en una muestra española de 318 casos cerrados de niños que fueron acogidos en familia ajena y extensa. Los datos se obtuvieron a través de la revisión exhaustiva de los expedientes de protección y acogimiento, complementada con entrevistas a los técnicos encargados de cada caso. La tasa de ruptura del conjunto de la muestra fue de 26,1%, si bien fue significativamente diferente en familia extensa (19,7%) que en familia ajena (31,2%). Los resultados de este estudio indican que las variables relacionadas con la ruptura dependen de la modalidad del acogimiento, en familia ajena o extensa. En el primer caso destacamos las variables relacionadas con las características del niño, especialmente los problemas de conducta y escolares, con especial relevancia en el grupo de 9-12 años, y el haber estado en acogimiento residencial previamente. En cambio, en extensa resulta más importante la problemática en los padres (prisión, salud mental) y el tener una medida de tutela. También el hecho de que se realice el acogimiento tras pasar por hogares de acogida resulta trascendental. Finalmente, la disponibilidad de recursos económicos e incluso los estudios de los acogedores parecen ser variables relacionadas con la ruptura de la acogida


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The diverse needs of children have been drawing global attention from both academic and practitioner communities. Based on semi-structured interviews with 23 kin caregivers and five school personnel in the Shijiapu Town of Jilin Province, China, this paper presents a needs model for rural school-age children left behind by their migrant parents. This Chinese model is compared to the needs identification mechanism developed by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and youth. The paper outlines the common needs of children in different contexts, and also highlights the needs that are not explicit in the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth framework, such as empowerment and agency or perhaps given insufficient weight, such as education. In discussing relationships among different needs, aspects that are missing in the framework it is argued that culture should be more explicitly recognised when defining need.


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Based on qualitative research of the experiences of 23 kin caregivers and five school personnel, this article explores the role of informal kinship care in addressing the needs of school-age children left behind in rural China. The findings of this study suggest that kin caregivers' child-rearing capacity is limited in the rural context, and they are often overwhelmed by children's diverse and complex needs, particularly their emotional ones. In view of the huge population and their vulnerability, it is imperative for the state to take up its responsibilities and develop specific social work services and other support for children left behind and their families. 根据对23位亲属照顾者和5位学校人员的质性研究,文章探讨在处理中国留守学龄儿童的需要时,非正式亲属照料所担当的角色。研究发现,在农村的亲属照料者的抚养儿童能力有限,而且他们时常在面对儿童众多复杂的需求时应接不暇,问题又以情绪需要尤甚。有见于留守儿童的数目众多和易受伤害,政府急切需要承担相关的责任,为留守儿童及其家庭发展专门的社会工作服务和其他支援。


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El acogimiento familiar ha de ser la medida prioritaria para los casos de menores que deben ser separados de su família por motivos de protección. En España es una alternativa que cuenta tan sólo con veinte años de existencia y hasta la fecha no existen prácticamente datos acerca del grado de su implantación y sus características cuando se trata de acogimiento en familia ajena, mientras que son varios los trabajos que han estudiado el acogimiento en familia extensa. Este artículo presenta por primera vez en la literatura científica los datos más relevantes que permiten caracterizar la práctica del acogimiento en familia ajena en España, mediante el estudio de una muestra de seis comunidades autónomas bien representativas, con un total de 357 casos. El artículo presenta los perfiles de los niños, las familias biológicas y acogedoras, el proceso y algunos resultados sobre una submuestra de casos cerrados (n = 179). Se analizarán algunas características especialmente importantes como la larga estancia y la estabilidad de estos acogimientos, que los diferencia de los realizados en otros países


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La importància que els acolliments en família extensa han assolit en la darrera dècada dins dels sistemes de protecció infantil en la major part dels països occidentals, contrasta tant amb l'escassa i recent investigació científica com amb els pocs recursos destinats als infants i adolescents que hi són acollits. L'objectiu general de la tesi ha estat el d'aprofundir en el coneixement i comprensió d'aquest fenomen dins del sistema de protecció infantil a Catalunya. La present recerca s'ha realitzat recollint els punts de vista dels tres grans conjunts d'agents socials implicats: els acollidors, els infants i adolescents acollits i els professionals dels EAIAs (Equips d'Atenció a la Infància i Adolescència) que els atenen; explorant les seves percepcions, avaluacions, expectatives i satisfaccions referides a l'acolliment. Així mateix, l'estudi s'ha dut a terme amb una metodologia de disseny mixt, recollint dades quantitatives i qualitatives. Els resultats mostrats ens suggereixen un seguit d'implicacions per a la pràctica i ens obren nous reptes de recerca, per tal de promoure, en definitiva, la qualitat de vida dels nois i noies i dels seus acollidors.