1000 resultados para jump kinetics


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The purpose of this investigation was to identify differences in end range of motion (ROM) kinetic and kinematic strategies between highly resistance and vertical jump-trained athletes and controls. Weightlifters (WL: n 4), short track speed skaters (STSS: n 5), and nonresistance-trained controls (C: n 6) performed 6 standing vertical squat jumps (SJ) and countermovement jumps (CMJ) without external resistance. Jump testing was performed using 3-dimensional marker trajectories captured with a 15-camera motion analysis system synchronized with 2 in-ground force plates. During SJ, there were large effects for the difference in time before toe off of peak vertical velocity between WL to STSS and C (ES: -1.43; ES: -1.73, respectively) and for the decrease between peak and toe off vertical velocity (ES: -1.28; ES: -1.71, respectively). During CMJ, there were large effects for the difference in time before toe off of peak vertical velocity between WL to STSS and C (ES: -1.28; ES: -1.53, respectively) and for decrease between peak and toe off vertical velocity (ES: -1.03; ES: -1.59, respectively). Accompanying these differences for both jump types were large effects for time of joint deceleration before toe off for all lower body joints between WL compared with C with large effects between WL and STSS at the hip and between STSS and C at the ankle. These findings suggest that the end ROM kinetic and kinematic strategy used during jumping is group-specific in power-trained athletes, with WL exhibiting superior strategies as compared with resistance- and jump-trained STSS.


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To determine if post-activation potentiation (PAP) can augment sports performance, it is pertinent that researchers be confident that any enhancement in performance is attributable to the PAP phenomenon. However, obtaining mechanistic measures of PAP in the daily training environment of highly trained athletes is impractical. We sought to validate jump squats as a practical measure with ecological validity to sports performance against a mechanistic measure of PAP. We assessed the evoked muscle twitch properties of the knee extensors and jump squat kinetics of 8 physically trained males in response to a 5-repetition-maximum back squat conditioning stimulus (CS). Evoked muscle twitch, followed by 3 jump squats, was assessed before and at 4, 8, and 12 min post CS. Time intervals were assessed on separate occasions using a Latin square design. Linear regression was used to determine the relationship between post-pre changes in kinetic variables and muscle twitch peak force (Ft) and twitch rate of force development (RFDt). Large correlations were observed for both concentric relative and absolute mean power and Ft (r = 0.50 ± 0.30) and RFDt (r = 0.56 ± 0.27 and r = 0.58 ± 0.26). Concentric rate of force development (RFD) showed moderate correlations with Ft (r = 0.45 ± 0.33) and RFDt (r = 0.49 ± 0.32). Small-to-moderate correlations were observed for a number of kinetic variables (r = -0.42-0.43 ± 0.32-0.38). Jump squat concentric mean power and RFD are valid ecological measures of muscle potentiation, capable of detecting changes in athletic performance in response to the PAP phenomenon.


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Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) activate K+ conductances in cardiac atrial cells to slow heart rate and in neurons to decrease excitability. cDNAs encoding three isoforms of a G-protein-coupled, inwardly rectifying K+ channel (GIRK) have recently been cloned from cardiac (GIRK1/Kir 3.1) and brain cDNA libraries (GIRK2/Kir 3.2 and GIRK3/Kir 3.3). Here we report that GIRK2 but not GIRK3 can be activated by G protein subunits G beta 1 and G gamma 2 in Xenopus oocytes. Furthermore, when either GIRK3 or GIRK2 was coexpressed with GIRK1 and activated either by muscarinic receptors or by G beta gamma subunits, G-protein-mediated inward currents were increased by 5- to 40-fold. The single-channel conductance for GIRK1 plus GIRK2 coexpression was intermediate between those for GIRK1 alone and for GIRK2 alone, and voltage-jump kinetics for the coexpressed channels displayed new kinetic properties. On the other hand, coexpression of GIRK3 with GIRK2 suppressed the GIRK2 alone response. These studies suggest that formation of heteromultimers involving the several GIRKs is an important mechanism for generating diversity in expression level and function of neurotransmitter-coupled, inward rectifier K+ channels.


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Pressure-jump (p-jump)-induced relaxation kinetics was used to explore the energy landscape of protein folding/unfolding of Y115W, a fluorescent variant of ribonuclease A. Pressure-jumps of 40MPa amplitude (5ms dead-time) were conducted both to higher (unfolding) and to lower (folding) pressure, in the range from 100 to 500MPa, between 30 and 50°C. Significant deviations from the expected symmetrical protein relaxation kinetics were observed. Whereas downward p-jumps resulted always in single exponential kinetics, the kinetics induced by upward p-jumps were biphasic in the low pressure range and monophasic at higher pressures. The relative amplitude of the slow phase decreased as a function of both pressure and temperature. At 50°C, only the fast phase remained. These results can be interpreted within the framework of a two-dimensional energy surface containing a pressure- and temperature-dependent barrier between two unfolded states differing in the isomeric state of the Asn-113–Pro-114 bond. Analysis of the activation volume of the fast kinetic phase revealed a temperature-dependent shift of the unfolding transition state to a larger volume. The observed compensation of this effect by glycerol offers an explanation for its protein stabilizing effect


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In the past two decades, the geometric pathways involved in the transformations between inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in amphiphilic systems have been extensively theoretically modeled. However, little experimental data exists on the cubic-cubic transformation in pure lipid systems. We have used pressure-jump time-resolved X-ray diffraction to investigate the transition between the gyroid Q(II)(G) and double-diamond Q(II)(D) phases in mixtures of 1-monoolein in 30 wt% water. We find for this system that the cubic-cubic transition occurs without any detectable intermediate structures. In addition, we have determined the kinetics of the transition, in both the forward and reverse directions, as a function of pressure-jump amplitude, temperature, and water content. A recently developed model allows (at least in principle) the calculation of the activation energy for lipid phase transitions from such data. The analysis is applicable only if kinetic reproducibility is achieved, at least within one sample, and achievement of such kinetic reproducibility is shown here, by carrying out prolonged pressure-cycling. The rate of transformation shows clear and consistent trends with pressure-jump amplitude, temperature, and water content, all of which are shown to be in agreement with the effect of the shift in the position of the cubic-cubic phase boundary following a change in the thermodynamic parameters.


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This paper describes time-resolved x-ray diffraction data monitoring the transformation of one inverse bicontinuous cubic mesophase into another, in a hydrated lipid system. The first section of the paper describes a mechanism for the transformation that conserves the topology of the bilayer, based on the work of Charvolin and Sadoc, Fogden and Hyde, and Benedicto and O'Brien in this area. We show a pictorial representation of this mechanism, in terms of both the water channels and the lipid bilayer. The second section describes the experimental results obtained. The system under investigation was 2:1 lauric acid: dilauroylphosphatidylcholine at a hydration of 50% water by weight. A pressure-jump was used to induce a phase transition from the gyroid (Q(II)(G)) to the diamond (Q(II)(D)) bicontinuous cubic mesophase, which was monitored by time-resolved x-ray diffraction. The lattice parameter of both mesophases was found to decrease slightly throughout the transformation, but at the stage where the Q(II)(D) phase first appeared, the ratio of lattice parameters of the two phases was found to be approximately constant for all pressure-jump experiments. The value is consistent with a topology-preserving mechanism. However, the polydomain nature of our sample prevents us from confirming that the specific pathway is that described in the first section of the paper. Our data also reveal signals from two different intermediate structures, one of which we have identified as the inverse hexagonal (H-II) mesophase. We suggest that it plays a role in the transfer of water during the transformation. The rate of the phase transition was found to increase with both temperature and pressure-jump amplitude, and its time scale varied from the order of seconds to minutes, depending on the conditions employed.


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In the ordered state, symmetric diblock copolymers self-assemble into an anisotropic lamellar morphology. The equilibrium thickness of the lamellae is the result of a delicate balance between enthalpic and entropic energies, which can be tuned by controlling the temperature. Here we devise a simple yet powerful method of detecting tiny changes in the lamellar thickness using optical microscopy. From such measurements we characterize the enthalpic interaction as well as the kinetics of molecules as they hop from one layer to the next in order to adjust the lamellar thickness in response to a temperature jump. The resolution of the measurements facilitate a direct comparison to predictions from self-consistent field theory.


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Highly nonexponential folding kinetics in aqueous solution have been observed during temperature jump-induced refolding of two proteins, yeast phosphoglycerate kinase and a ubiquitin mutant. The observations are most easily interpreted in terms of downhill folding, which posits a heterogeneous ensemble of structures en route to the folded state. The data are also reconciled with exponential kinetics measured under different experimental conditions and with titration experiments indicating cooperative folding.


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Experiments were undertaken to study drying kinetics of moist cylindrical shaped food particulates during fluidised bed drying. Cylindrical particles were prepared from Green beans with three different length:diameter ratios, 3:1, 2:1 and 1:1. A batch fluidised bed dryer connected to a heat pump system was used for the experimentation. A Heat pump and fluid bed combination was used to increase overall energy efficiency and achieve higher drying rates. Drying kinetics, were evaluated with non-dimensional moisture at three different drying temperatures of 30, 40 and 50o C. Numerous mathematical models can be used to calculate drying kinetics ranging from analytical models with simplified assumptions to empirical models built by regression using experimental data. Empirical models are commonly used for various food materials due to their simpler approach. However problems in accuracy, limits the applications of empirical models. Some limitations of empirical models could be reduced by using semi-empirical models based on heat and mass transfer of the drying operation. One such method is the quasi-stationary approach. In this study, a modified quasi-stationary approach was used to model drying kinetics of the cylindrical food particles at three drying temperatures.


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Changes in fluidization behaviour behaviour was characterised for parallelepiped particles with three aspect ratios, 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 and spherical particles. All drying experiments were conducted at 500C and 15 % RH using a heat pump dehumidifier system. Fluidization experiments were undertaken for the bed heights of 100, 80, 60 and 40 mm and at 10 moisture content levels. Due to irregularities in shape minimum fluidisation velocity of parallelepiped particulates (potato) could not fitted to any empirical model. Also a generalized equation was used to predict minimum fluidization velocity. The modified quasi-stationary method (MQSM) has been proposed to describe drying kinetics of parallelepiped particulates at 30o C, 40o C and 50o C that dry mostly in the falling rate period in a batch type fluid bed dryer.


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Chlamydia trachomatis infections have been implicated in problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in females. Although there are some studies examining the kinetics of ascending infection, there is limited information on the kinetics of pathology development and cellular infiltrate into the reproductive tissues in relation to the effects of inoculating dose, and a better understanding of these is needed. The murine model of female genital tract Chlamydia muridarum infection is frequently used as a model of human C. trachomatis reproductive tract infection. To investigate the kinetics of ascending genital infection and associated pathology development, female BALB/c mice were intravaginally infected with C. muridarum at doses ranging from 5102 to 2.6106 inclusion forming units. We found that the inoculating dose affects the course of infection and the ascension of bacteria, with the highest dose ascending rapidly to the oviducts. By comparison, the lowest dose resulted in the greatest bacterial load in the lower reproductive tract. Interestingly, we found that the dose did not significantly affect inflammatory cell infiltrate in the various regions. Overall, this data show the effects of infectious dose on the kinetics of ascending chlamydial infection and associated inflammatory infiltration in BALB/c mice.