1000 resultados para interactions didactiques
Notre recherche vise à décrire les connaissances grammaticales élaborées par des élèves de première secondaire au cours de l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’accord du verbe. Cette description se fonde sur l’observation des interactions didactiques entre les élèves, et leur enseignant autour de l’objet de savoir « accord du verbe » : elle concerne plus particulièrement l’interaction entre les pôles « élève » et « savoir ». Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le courant de la grammaire pédagogique moderne. La théorie de la transposition didactique de Chevallard (1985/1991) constitue également la pierre angulaire de nos travaux : les concepts de transposition didactique externe (le passage du savoir savant au savoir à enseigner) et interne (le passage du savoir à enseigner au savoir effectivement enseigné) agissent à titre d’analyseurs des interactions didactiques. L’observation, la description et la théorisation des interactions didactiques imposent une démarche écologique pour la collecte des données. Pour notre recherche, les données ont été recueillies grâce à la captation vidéo de séquences didactiques portant sur l’accord du verbe : elles consistent en des interactions verbales entre élèves ou entre les élèves et leur enseignant. L’analyse des données s’est effectuée selon une perspective macro et micro : (1) L’analyse macro indique que les connaissances antérieures des élèves résistent à l’institutionnalisation des savoirs puisque le savoir enseigné n’est pas celui qui est exclusivement mobilisé. Les élèves recourent à un vaste éventail de connaissances de types procédural et déclaratif pour l’identification du verbe et du sujet, dont la réussite n’est par ailleurs pas assurée. De plus, les connaissances qu’ils ont élaborées autour de la règle d’accord et du transfert des traits morphologiques sont également nombreuses et variées et ne les conduisent pas à accorder le verbe avec constance. (2) L’analyse micro suggère que l’élaboration des connaissances relatives à l’accord du verbe dépend de la manière dont les outils de la grammaire (manipulations syntaxiques et phrase de base) sont utilisés par les élèves. Plus précisément, le savoir piétine ou recule lorsque les manipulations syntaxiques ne sont pas appliquées dans la phrase ou qu’elles ne sont pas adaptées dans certains contextes syntaxiques; le savoir fait des bonds en avant dans les classes où les élèves sont en mesure de recourir à la phrase de base pour soutenir leur analyse grammaticale. Les descriptions proposées dans le cadre de notre thèse conduisent à discuter de leurs implications pour la transposition didactique externe et, plus généralement, pour la didactique du français et de la grammaire.
Notre contribution s’inscrit dans un ensemble de travaux en didactique du français qui portent sur le développement d’outils pour décrire et comprendre les pratiques d’enseignement. Ces outils relèvent de finalités complémentaires. Les uns entrent dans une démarche de réduction d’une masse de données vidéoscopiques, recueillies au cours des observations en classe. Synopsis, macrostructure et autre script permettent de rendre compte de la manière dont les objets d’enseignement sont construits, transformés dans les interactions didactiques (pour une vue d’ensemble voir Perrin-Glorian & Reuter, 2006; Lahanier-Reuter & Roditi, 2007). Les autres relèvent d’une approche centrée sur les caractéristiques de l’activité des enseignants à travers, notamment, leurs gestes professionnels (pour une vue d’ensemble voir Bernié & Goigoux, 2006; Bucheton & Dezutter, 2008)
Acompanhando o crescente e recente interesse pela actividade do professor em sala de aula, esta investigação visa analisar, grosso modo, o papel assumido pelas ferramentas didácticas quer nas práticas docentes propriamente ditas quer no objecto efectivamente ensinado em sala de aula. Procuramos analisar, em síntese, de que forma a introdução de uma nova ferramenta de ensino – uma sequência didáctica – a mobilizar, in loco, pelo professor poderá gerar transformações não só nos próprios procedimentos de ensino do professor como também na própria forma como o objecto de ensino é (re)configurado no seio das interacções didácticas. Esta é, assim, a questãochave da nossa pesquisa, fundada em diferentes mas complementares correntes teóricas. De molde a procurar obter uma resposta a tal interrogação, desenhámos uma investigação em redor, concretamente, do ensino da escrita do texto de opinião, em turmas de sexto ano de escolaridade, que se desenrolou em duas grandes fases: i) numa primeira, cada professor ensina o objecto como lhe apraz; ii) numa segunda, cada professor procede, de novo, ao ensino desse objecto, mas, agora, com a nova ferramenta didáctica (a sequência didáctica) que a cada um é dada pela investigadora. A recolha dos dados efectuou-se mediante a gravação audiovisual das próprias aulas, realizando-se também entrevistas várias, com propósitos distintos, aos professores, antes e após cada uma das supracitadas fases. Os resultados demonstram a existência de uma série de transformações quer no plano das práticas dos professores quer no âmbito do objecto efectivamente ensinado. No entanto, foi também possível identificar aspectos vários em que a mudança não ocorreu ou, pelo menos, não foi significativa. Perante estes resultados, lançámo-nos ainda na formulação de determinadas perguntas, pistas para futuras investigações, cuja pertinência se nos afigura evidente, se se quiser reequacionar o papel das ferramentas didácticas no trabalho, em sala de aula, do professor.
Dans cet article, nous étudierons les interactions entre un MEF (maîtresses en formation) et des élèves à propos d’un objet d’enseignement/apprentissage lorsque ce dernier désire construire et mettre en scène des contenus d’enseignement innovants en JSC (jeux sportifs collectifs). Nous serons donc amenés à nous intéresser à son action en ce qui concerne le choix des contenus d’enseignement et des tâches qu’il propose aux élèves par rapport aux orientations innovantes de l’enseignement des JSC et l’étude des processus de régulation lors des interactions didactiques qu’il met en oeuvre dans la gestion des situations d’enseignement/apprentissage
Purpose: An extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model tests how customer loyalty intentions may relate to subjective and descriptive norms. The study further determines whether consumption characteristics – product enjoyment and importance – moderate norms-loyalty relationships.----- Methodology: Using a two-study approach focusing on youth, an Australian study (n = 244) first augmented TPB with descriptive norm. A Singapore study (n = 415) followed up with how consumption characteristics might moderate norms-loyalty relationships. With both studies, linear regressions tested the relationships among the variables.----- Findings: Extending TPB with descriptive norm improved TPB’s predictive ability across studies. Further, product enjoyment and importance moderated the norms-loyalty relationships differently. Subjective norm related to loyalty intentions significantly with high enjoyment, whereas descriptive norm was significant with low enjoyment. Only subjective norm was significant with low importance.----- Research limitations: Single-item variables, self-reported questionnaires on intended rather than actual behavior, and not controlling for cultural differences between the two samples limit generalizablity.----- Practical implications: The significance of both norms suggests that mobile firms should reach youth through their peers. With youth, social pressure may be influential particularly with hedonic products. However, the different moderations of product enjoyment and importance imply that a blanket marketing strategy targeting youth may not work.----- Originality/Value: This study extends academic knowledge on the relationships between norms and customer loyalty, particularly with consumption characteristics as moderators. The findings highlight the importance of considering different norms with consumer behavior. The study should help mobile firms understand how social influences impact customer loyalty.
Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) was applied for the investigation of interactions of the antibiotic, tetracycline (TC), with DNA in the presence of aluminium ions (Al3+). The study was facilitated by the use of the Methylene Blue (MB) dye probe, and the interpretation of the spectral data with the aid of the chemometrics method, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Three-way synchronous fluorescence analysis extracted the important optimum constant wavelength differences, Δλ, and showed that for the TC–Al3+–DNA, TC–Al3+ and MB dye systems, the associated Δλ values were different (Δλ = 80, 75 and 30 nm, respectively). Subsequent PARAFAC analysis demonstrated the extraction of the equilibrium concentration profiles for the TC–Al3+, TC–Al3+–DNA and MB probe systems. This information is unobtainable by conventional means of data interpretation. The results indicated that the MB dye interacted with the TC–Al3+–DNA surface complex, presumably via a reaction intermediate, TC–Al3+–DNA–MB, leading to the displacement of the TC–Al3+ by the incoming MB dye probe.
Interactions between small molecules with biopolymers e.g. the bovine serum albumin (BSA protein), are important, and significant information is recorded in the UV–vis and fluorescence spectra of their reaction mixtures. The extraction of this information is difficult conventionally and principally because there is significant overlapping of the spectra of the three analytes in the mixture. The interaction of berberine chloride (BC) and the BSA protein provides an interesting example of such complex systems. UV–vis and fluorescence spectra of BC and BSA mixtures were investigated in pH 7.4 Tris–HCl buffer at 37 °C. Two sample series were measured by each technique: (1) [BSA] was kept constant and the [BC] was varied and (2) [BC] was kept constant and the [BSA] was varied. This produced four spectral data matrices, which were combined into one expanded spectral matrix. This was processed by the multivariate curve resolution–alternating least squares method (MCR–ALS). The results produced: (1) the extracted pure BC, BSA and the BC–BSA complex spectra from the measured heavily overlapping composite responses, (2) the concentration profiles of BC, BSA and the BC–BSA complex, which are difficult to obtain by conventional means, and (3) estimates of the number of binding sites of BC.
The binding interaction of the pesticide Isoprocarb and its degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by spectrofluorimetry under simulated physiological conditions. Both Isoprocarb and sodium 2-isopropylphenate quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA. This quenching proceeded via a static mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH°, ΔS° and ΔG°) obtained from the fluorescence data measured at two different temperatures showed that the binding of Isoprocarb to BSA involved hydrogen bonds and that of sodium 2-isopropylphenate to BSA involved hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy of the interaction of BSA with either Isoprocarb or sodium 2-isopropylphenate showed that the molecular structure of the BSA was changed significantly, which is consistent with the known toxicity of the pesticide, i.e., the protein is denatured. The sodium 2-isopropylphenate, was estimated to be about 4–5 times more toxic than its parent, Isoprocarb. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and the resolution of the three-way excitation–emission fluorescence spectra by the PARAFAC method extracted the relative concentration profiles of BSA, Isoprocab and sodium 2-isopropylphenate as a function of the added sodium 2-isopropylphenate. These profiles showed that the degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, displaced the pesticide in a competitive reaction with the BSA protein.
The interactions of phenyldithioesters with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been studied by monitoring changes in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), depolarised light scattering, and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Changes in the SPR indicated that an AuNP-phenyldithioester charge transfer complex forms in equilibrium with free AuNPs and phenyldithioester. Analysis of the Langmuir binding isotherms indicated that the equilibrium adsorption constant, Kads, was 2.3 ± 0.1 × 106 M−1, which corresponded to a free energy of adsorption of 36 ± 1 kJ mol−1. These values are comparable to those reported for interactions of aryl thiols with gold and are of a similar order of magnitude to moderate hydrogen bonding interactions. This has significant implications in the application of phenyldithioesters for the functionalization of AuNPs. The SERS results indicated that the phenyldithioesters interact with AuNPs through the C═S bond, and the molecules do not disassociate upon adsorption to the AuNPs. The SERS spectra are dominated by the portions of the molecule that dominate the charge transfer complex with the AuNPs. The significance of this in relation to the use of phenyldithioesters for molecular barcoding of nanoparticle assemblies is discussed.
Network Jamming systems provide real-time collaborative performance experiences for novice or inexperienced users. In this paper we will outline the interaction design considerations that have emerged during through evolutionary development cycles of the jam2jam Network Jamming software that employs generative techniques that require particular attention to the human computer relationship. In particular we describe the co-evolution of features and uses, explore the role of agile development methods in supporting this evolution, and show how the provision of a clear core capability can be matched with options for enhanced features support multi-levelled user experience and skill develop.